For The One

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For The One Page 35

by Brenna Aubrey

  I was amazed at how easily I could picture a door made of dark wood with a polished brass handle. "Now you take your keys out of your bag and put the key in the lock. After you unlock the door, then you slowly turn the knob. You see the entryway. You see your pictures and art pieces hanging on the walls, your rug on the floor, your furniture in the living room. You walk inside, just like you've been doing for weeks, months, years. And your home is a place that you love."

  He was quiet for a long moment, so I went with it...picturing what he described and then some. I let myself walk around in that imaginary space, feeling relaxed, allowing the stress of the day to melt away from me.

  "You notice that something smells different," he continued. "The smell is coming from the kitchen. A delicious aroma of cooked vegetables and meat and spices."

  A self-cooking kitchen? Not bad. Or maybe a housekeeper? I bit my tongue and didn't ask because I wanted him to continue.

  Fortunately, he did. "When you enter the kitchen, you see that there's soup in the slow cooker."

  "Who put it there?" I couldn't help asking that time.

  "I did. I made the soup for you. I make very good soup."

  I opened one eye to look at him. "How come I didn't know that?"

  He smiled. "You didn't ask. Close your eyes," he murmured and I obeyed.

  I started hoping that somewhere in this imaginary house, my personal soup chef would show up wearing nothing but his apron. Because he stood close to me and his smell was making my nose tingle, I was starting to crave his arms around me.

  "Do you smell the soup?" William asked.

  "Yes. My stomach is growling."

  "Good. Because when I come into the kitchen, the first thing I'll do is kiss you and ask you how your day was. Then, I'll spoon you a bowl of soup and cut a slice of fresh bread I bought at the bakery."

  "Do you live here, too?"

  There was a long pause. "That's for you to decide. This is your exercise, not mine."

  I swallowed. "Hmm. Maybe...maybe if you hug me while I'm visualizing? That might help."

  Seconds later, William shifted closer and then his strong arms were around me. I gulped, overpowered by emotions as he held me.

  My domestic vision was suddenly replaced by powerful, protective arms holding me while the park fireworks terrorized me. A soft voice whispering in my ear, telling me I'd be all right. That he would never leave me. Keen eyes that noticed everything, even my chipped fingernail. Long, deft fingers sweeping away my tears, telling me my heart was as beautiful as my face and my body. Lips that caressed mine slowly but could also possess me fiercely. A man who stood up for me against a bully--more than once--while subjecting himself to ridicule and a potentially devastating loss.

  I pressed my face into William's suit jacket and inhaled him. And I felt that jolt, followed by a deep, warm sensation in my chest--of safety, of security, of unconditional love. Home.

  Because there are many things you'll do for the ones you care about--sacrifices you'll endure, risks you'll take, obstacles you'll overcome. But for the one who's become the air you breathe and the home you crave, you'll forgive any flaw, brave any challenge and even plan a new future.

  And I was ready--so ready--to plan a future with him.

  "Wil, I want to kiss you."

  He hesitated for a moment then tilted his head toward me. "On the cheek or on the mouth? With tongue?"

  I growled, grabbing the back of his head, and after his initial shock, he complied readily. And we were kissing...just like that. As if we had never stopped.

  His tongue slid into my mouth, scorching me. His hands curled around my shoulder blades and he hitched me to him. Heat streaked through me and powerful desire burned like a wildfire up and down my spine.

  Suddenly, it was feeling very warm in the little church and it wasn't even summer yet. I could hear footsteps near the altar--probably an altar boy or even the priest. William must have heard too, because he paused and slowly pulled his mouth away.

  Our damp foreheads pressed together. "Jenna."

  "William," I replied.

  "Say you won't go away again. Not unless you take me with you."

  "I won't go anywhere without you if it makes me feel as miserable as I have been these past few weeks."

  His arms tightened around me. "Let's not be stupid like that again," he said. "We belong together."

  "Come on...your crowd skills are going to be tested once again, at least for a little while. We need to go to the wedding party. And I need to show off my handsome American."

  He laughed. "I've been listening to recordings to learn how to say key phrases in Bosnian."

  "Well, I like the ones I've heard so far..."

  "Zelim te."

  I sucked in a breath, warm desire blooming in my center. "Mmm. I want you, too. Tonight. After the party."

  I took his hand, and we walked out of the church and into the square. I couldn't wait to show him around and explore new places with him beside me.

  But first, I wanted to introduce him to my family. I was certain that they'd love him. Maybe not as much as I did, but that was okay.

  Because now I understood what being home truly was. With William's help, I'd finally found it.

  And it felt incredible.

  Chapter 38


  Los Angeles International Airport

  Jenna: In Customs now. Will meet you at curb outside baggage claim?

  Me: Yes! Will be there ASAP. Can't wait to see you!

  I notified the driver to pull out of the cell phone waiting lot near LAX and head to the curb of the Tom Bradley International Terminal. We had plenty of time because William and Jenna would have to pass through Customs and then claim their luggage. So I decided to while away that time by wheedling Adam some more.

  It had been almost two months since the duel, and he still wouldn't tell me when this wedding was going to happen. And he was loving every minute of stringing me along. I'd laughed along with him at first, but as time passed, I was ready to stage a revolt.

  We sat in a rented limo--part of the service we sometimes used. Though Adam still preferred driving himself most of the time, no one--not even him--liked circling an airport. Thus, I had the benefit of him being a captive audience with no distractions. I was prepared to use that benefit to get my way.

  "Let's about Star Wars Day?" I asked.

  "What?" He frowned.

  "May 4th?" At his blank expression, I elaborated. "May. The. Fourth. As in 'May the fourth be with you.'"

  One dark brow rose. "Stupidest pun ever. Besides, we're already past that date."

  I shrugged. "That date comes around again next year..."

  His smile grew shrewd. "Oh no you don't. I told you already, we are getting married this year."

  "But you're not going to tell me what date."

  He shrugged. "Surprise parties are always fun. Why not a surprise wedding?"

  I scowled at him. "Surprise parties are always fun? You threw a surprise party for me once that was definitely not fun. And you've warned me never to throw one for you. Not that I'd attempt it. Your prescient genius brain powers would sniff out the secret long before it ever happened."

  A slow, smug grin crept across his handsome face. "That's right. I'm the one who does the surprises."

  My mouth twisted with faux frustration. "You missed your calling, Adam Drake. You should have worked for the CIA."

  He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me up against him. "Maybe I already do."

  I shook my head. "If you make this a surprise wedding, I promise you it's not going to go down any better than that surprise party did."

  It was good that we were finally in the place where we could joke about one of the dark points in our life--the night that Adam had asked me to marry him for the first time--and for all the wrong reasons. The night I'd refused him and then walked into the most awkward surprise party ever. Yes, we were light years away from that night. And when you got
to the point where you could laugh or smile about painful memories, then you knew you'd arrived at your happy place--at least for the time being.

  The smile slid off his handsome face and he looked away, rubbing his jaw dramatically with his free hand as if he were a cartoon villain.

  "C'mon, Adam, I need a date," I whined.

  He leaned over and kissed my temple. "I promised you a date. I'll give it to you. I just didn't say when I would give it to you."

  I got up and moved to the opposite bench seat to avoid his groping hands. "You don't want to at least tell William we have a date? He helped you win that bet. "

  "Oh, I could tell him. He'll keep my secret."

  My mouth pursed. "Just make sure that secret isn't too well kept or the bride might not even know when to show up."

  His smile widened and he patted the seat next to him. I shook my head at him, refusing to risk getting within reach of his all-too-convincing hands. I stuck my tongue out at him before saying, "You're enjoying this way too much. I might have to get violent. Or get you drunk."

  "Or..." He held his hand up his mouth to mime a blowjob.

  I folded my arms across my chest, and then a brilliant idea popped into my head. Adam studied me with a wary look on his face. As he should. "What?"

  I gave an exaggerated shrug. "Sadly, I'm not even sure I'll be able to get freaky with you." For effect, I sighed dramatically. "At least not until my mind is alleviated of the burden of worrying about when I'm getting married."

  His eyes narrowed. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

  My devious grin widened. "Probably."

  "I feel the need to warn you that I do have legendary willpower."

  I laughed. And laughed. And snorted. And then laughed some more. That may have been the case once, but it hadn't been the case for quite a while now. Nowadays, he had the willpower of a frat boy on viagra.

  He frowned. "It wasn't that funny."

  The car pulled into the loading zone outside the terminal. I spotted William and Jenna standing on the curb beside their baggage, holding hands and waiting. They both looked utterly exhausted. After a fifteen-hour trip, I couldn't blame them.

  I turned back to Adam. "I can't wait to test that legendary willpower." And with that, I reached under my skirt and yanked off my panties. Then I tucked them into a ball and leaned forward to stuff them in the front pocket of his khakis. "Here, hold these for me, will you?"

  I saw his eyes widen just I hopped out of the limo. Immediately, I gave William a hug--after warning him first--noticing Adam was slow to get of the car. "Here are our world travelers!"

  "How are you?" Adam slapped his cousin on the arm while I moved to hug Jenna.

  "Hungry and tired," she said. "Neither of us could sleep on the plane."

  "We have dinner ready for you at our house, and a guest room made up if you want to stay. Or the driver can take you home after we eat. We weren't sure what you wanted to do."

  "Dinner would be awesome," said Jenna.

  "William, how was Sarajevo?" I asked.

  "Busy," he said. "Beautiful. Old. And crowded."

  Once the driver had loaded the luggage, we all piled into the back of the limo. I smooshed in next to Adam even though it was completely unnecessary. There was a ton of room back here, but my seduction plans were in play. I'd have to press my body up against his as much as possible. Not that that was really a chore. The man was too damn sexy for his own good.

  William sat facing us on the opposite seat with his arm around Jenna. I was thrilled to see them so happy after having seen them both positively miserable when they were apart from each other. And I couldn't help being proud of William for taking the risk to travel halfway around the world when he hadn't even known how she'd receive him. That had taken major balls. Good on him.

  However, my efforts at seducing Adam on the way home were hampered because the two of them could see every move I made. The panties had been just the opening salvo. But as we all talked during the hour-long drive from LAX to our house in Newport Beach, I laced my fingers between his, resting both our hands atop my lap--very close to where the panties would have been. I was also trying to figure out a way to flash him some boob when the other two weren't looking.

  Adam, of course, was not taking this lying down. While his hand rested on my lap, his fingers ever so subtly traced circles on my upper thigh, and as usual, his fingers evoked tingles and raised the perceived air temperature in the car. He knew damn well that there was only one thin layer between his hand and the goal. This was war.

  Challenge accepted.

  "We got you Licitar!" Jenna was saying.

  Adam and I looked at each other. "What's that?"

  "Gingerbread," William replied. "And not the kind you actually eat. It's too beautiful to eat." A few days after arriving in Sarajevo, William had called Adam to let him know he had found Jenna and that he would be staying for a month. Adam, who was his boss as well his cousin, had to remind William of his current unfinished project. But given the circumstances and the fact that William hardly ever took a day off or a vacation, he couldn't say much--project or no project. So instead, Adam had Fedexed him a special computer to use, and William had been able to get some work done between touring the city and spending time with Jenna.

  But I imagined that a month away from the familiar and the routine would be hard for anyone--and for William, even harder. My eyes zeroed in on the way he held her, sweetly caressing her shoulder. And the way he looked at her. Like she was his everything.

  Jenna reached into her carry-on and pulled out a box. "I didn't want it to get crushed in the luggage. But look! We got your names written on them."

  "But we had to leave your wedding date blank because I had no idea what it was." William shot an accusatory look at his cousin. "Adam never told me before I left."

  "That makes two of us, William." I smirked. "He hasn't told me the date, either."

  Jenna produced two beautiful heart-shaped cookies that were, as William said, exquisitely decorated in brilliant colors and patterns. They were definitely much too gorgeous to eat. "It's a Croatian art form," he explained. "We purchased these during our trip to Zagreb."

  We were then treated to a detailed description and history of the art of Licitar in Croatia. All the while, I tried to sneak my hand further and further up Adam's thigh without them noticing. It's not an easy business, this stealth seduction. Adam may have been CIA material, but I most certainly was not.

  Luckily, I was wearing my best push-up bra and made sure to lean in every chance I got--under the guise of admiring his gingerbread. "Adam likes cookies," I said, nodding. "A lot."

  He laughed and looked out the window. Jenna was digging through her carry-on for something and wasn't listening. William carried on, having completely missed the innuendo.

  The limo dropped us off at end of the bridge that led to the little island on the Back Bay where we lived. Adam instructed the driver to hang out until William and Jenna were ready to go home afterward. William had said he was anxious to sleep in his own bed again. Apparently, Jenna hadn't yet decided whether or not she was going to move in with him, but they had agreed to try it out for the next few days at his house.

  Walking across Bay Island to our house, the two of us fell into step behind William and Jenna. I cozied up to my prey, ready to take on a new role--Emilia the Huntress. "If you play your cards right, you can eat some cookie for dessert."

  Adam promptly slid his hand around to my ass, copping a feel. "You're sounding very confident. Maybe I need to prove that I can outlast you."

  Ha! I ran my hand quickly down his crotch, cupping him, and he sucked in his breath before sidestepping out of reach. "Evasive action!" he said as we made it to the door and unlocked it to go inside.

  We had a nice, pleasant dinner. Chef stayed to serve us appetizers and the main course, leaving once the meal was underway. She'd already given us instructions for dessert, which she'd put in the fridge.

>   Adam and I continued playing host together, dipping into the kitchen for more wine or to clear plates after the main course. Each time we passed, we took the opportunity to torture one another just a little bit more. I grabbed his ass with my free hand, carrying a wine bottle in the other. He brushed a hand across my breast when he made his way to the sink with the dirty dishes.

  I spooned the chilled vanilla mouse into fancy dessert cups and lined the four of them up on the counter, waiting for Adam to come back in the kitchen.

  Still in stealth-seduction mode, I unbuttoned my blouse and pulled my bra down to expose and also push my breasts up, providing him a perfect view. Then I propped myself against the counter, posing like an erotic model, as I waited for him to round the corner.

  Unfortunately, the person stepping into the kitchen was not Adam--thankfully, it wasn't William either. Jenna stopped cold as I, mortified, scrambled to pull my blouse together and cover myself up.

  Jenna openly laughed at me. "I didn't know you cared for me like that, Mia."

  "Shut up," I snapped, buttoning up my shirt again.

  She walked up to the counter. "I offered to help with dessert and Adam was fine with it. I'm going to assume he'll be upset when he finds out what he missed."

  "Damn it! I'm trying to get the wedding date out of him. I want to get him all horny and then tell him I'm not putting out 'til he gives me the date."

  Jenna snickered and grabbed two dessert cups. "Try going commando," she said as she took off around the corner again.

  I picked up the other two desserts and glared at her back. "Uh, thanks. Good idea." That I already thought of two hours ago.

  Once I sat down next to Adam, however, another idea sparked. When he wasn't looking, I dropped a small spoonful of mousse on his pant leg. Jenna saw what I did and had to cover her mouth to keep from exposing my nefarious plan.

  "Oops! Sorry. I spilled some of that..." I grabbed Adam's hand and used his finger to pick up the glob of mousse. He looked at me like I was a freak, apparently too surprised by my action to anticipate what I would do next. Bringing his hand to my mouth, I sucked the mousse right off his finger, not hesitating to get my tongue in on the action.


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