Moon Over Atlanta

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Moon Over Atlanta Page 3

by Kymber Morgan

  Sara Gardener? Damn. He’d known this job entailed PR appearances with the author but hadn’t known it would be her. Ryan had read nearly everything she’d written and was a big fan. The grainy black and white picture in the back of her work didn’t do her justice. She was gorgeous.

  Her smile faltered. Shit, he’d been staring like an idiot. Hoping his face wasn’t as red as it felt, Ryan grasped her slender hand and was pleased to note her return grip was firm and confident. Her skin was velvet soft as were her caramel-brown eyes, and he had to concentrate or end up tripping over his tongue. “Uh…Ryan…please, call me Ryan.” Oh, that was brilliant.

  She let go far sooner than he would have liked, but he took solace in the fact her cheeks were flushed too. She fired another withering glance at her guide and gestured for the second woman to move closer. “This is my sister, Hailey.”

  Based on her choice of clothes, Ryan guessed she was the younger of the two but not by much, and other than her trendy cut and striking green eyes, she looked so much like her sister they could’ve been twins, though her style was bit edgy for his tastes.

  “Hello.” He smiled and nodded.


  Okay? Not sure what to do with the one syllable response, Ryan turned his attention back to Sara. “I understand you and I are supposed to be spending some time together, though I’m afraid I haven’t been given the details. Have you?”

  Her tongue popped out to moisten her lips, and Ryan couldn’t seem to take his eyes off them. “No, actually—”

  “It’s all here.” Ludwigzak crowded Sara back and produced two envelopes from his inside coat pocket and flapped one at each of them. Ryan liked the guy even less. “For starters, Sara, you’ll be here for most of this afternoon to shoot set stills with Ryan and his…animal.” The look of distaste and the marked hesitation lifted the hackles on the back of Ryan’s neck.

  Zander’s head came up at the escalation in Ryan’s blood pressure. “What?”

  “Nothing. Guy’s an asshole, that’s all.”

  From the edge of his vision, Ryan saw Zander get up and move close to the open door, staying just out of sight.

  “Then tomorrow, Sara, you’re on The Morning Show over at CBS. You’ll need to report to makeup at the studio by no later than six bells. A second photo op is set for both of you at one o’clock tomorrow afternoon over at Pemberton Place.” The instructions were being delivered in a bored monotone that was more irritating than his wimpy handshake. “And then there’s the big NTC-RT co-sponsored event back at Sara’s hotel tomorrow night.” He glanced at Ryan from under his unibrow. “It’s a semi-formal affair. You’re clear on how to dress accordingly?”

  Sara’s gasp covered the growl deep in Ryan’s chest.

  Zander on the other hand didn’t miss it. “I can reach his leg from here, just so you know.”

  The look on Sara Gardener’s face and Zander’s suggestion curbed his temper, but only just. “I’ve had about enough of this sanctimonious prick.”

  “Oh! So, you do want me to bite him. Good. Though we are going to have to talk about this penis fixation you seem to have developed.”

  “As much as I’d like you to go Were on his ass, I also don’t want to listen to you whine all night with the bellyache he’d give you.”

  “Hadn’t thought of that. Go ahead. You handle it then. I hate milk of magnesia.”

  Ryan stepped into Ludwigzak’s personal space, plastered a feral smile on his face, and took the envelopes he’d been brandishing around. “I believe we can take it from here.” He was careful not use the full extent of his Alpha ability to influence the mind of another; using it on humans was frowned upon by his people. He did, however, make a point of staring the man in the eye, issuing a challenge any submissive, regardless of species, would shrink from. “Have a nice day.”

  Ludwigzak’s gaze dropped to his feet and his fake tan lost several shades. “Of course. Yes. Well, good.” He backpedaled and stumbled as he spun on his heel, heading back the way he came. “If you have any questions, Sara, my cell number is on the top of the agenda.”

  “Your technique needs some work, whelp. He didn’t pee himself.”

  Ryan had to look away from Ludwigzak’s retreating form to beat down the instinctive urge to run his fleeing prey to ground.

  Zander channeled the ghost of the mentor he’d been and pierced the red veil fogging Ryan’s brain. “Stand down.”

  The electricity racing directly below the surface of Ryan’s skin slowed as he fought to dominate his primal instincts.


  Ryan gave himself a mental shake. It wasn’t like him to behave aggressively outside of the Wulver world. He normally had better control than that. “What the hell happened there, Zander?”

  “We’ll talk later.”

  “Well that was fun.” Sara’s sister rolled her eyes. “After listening to him drone on for the last two hours, my caffeine tank is running on fumes. Where can a girl get a cup of coffee around here?”

  Thankful for the towline out of his own head, Ryan pointed to the closest cluster of tents at western edge of the lot. “Crafty is responsible for food and drinks on set. You’ll find them over there in the circus area.”


  “Sorry, craft services. First tent on the left, I think.”

  “Got it. Thanks. Anyone else?” She was already moving before they both declined, but must have heard them if the thumbs up over her head was any indication.

  “Mr. Sheridan?”

  Sara’s voice washed over him like a cool balm, and he latched onto it. Whatever lingering sense of unease remained, Ryan shoved into a dark place to examine later.

  Grabbing his lawn chair for her, he patted the arm as he sat down on the steps. “Mr. Sheridan? I think we can do better than that, don’t you?”

  Her shy smile warmed his insides in a way he’d never felt before, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to look too closely at that right now either.

  “Okay.” Her eyes drew him in. “Ryan, then. May I ask you a question?”

  “Yes, Sara; I can call you Sara, can’t I?”

  Her smile grew to a bubble of laughter, doing strange things to his innards. “Yes, of course. No sense standing on ceremony. After all, we’re going to be joined at the hip for a while it seems.”

  Yes! A picture of how that might anatomically work danced in his head before he slammed a lid on it. He had no business thinking about her like that.

  “I heard that.”

  Shit. He was usually much better at shielding his private thoughts. “I suppose we are. Not that I’m complaining.”

  “Oh, I’m not either.” Her cheeks flamed again, bringing out the gold in her eyes, and a fragrance he couldn’t place but would never forget filled his head, invading his senses to a point he almost didn’t care what Zander heard.

  She leaned close enough to scramble his nervous system. Under different circumstances, he’d think she wanted him to kiss her.

  “Ryan?” She nibbled on her lower lip.

  Holy crap, maybe she did.

  “Yes?” His libido got serious at the thought.

  She glanced away. “I watched you working earlier, and I’ve been dying to do something ever since.”

  She looked back at him, this time nibbling at her bottom lip, sending a surge of blood to a specific destination south of his waistline. Ryan forced his eyes away from her plump mouth and back up to her eyes.

  “I’m at your service.”

  She looked to the right again. “Though, I’ll understand if it’s not a good idea…”

  It’s a bloody stellar idea. He could practically taste her on his tongue already. “Why don’t you let me be the judge of that, okay?”

  Her tentative smile grew as she grabbed the chair arm closest to him with both hands and leaned in, broadcasting excitement his body answered in kind. “If it would be all right with you…”

  Yes? Yes?

  “I’ve always wa
nted to touch…a real wolf.”

  Ryan’s ears heard the words, but his brain was slow to process them. Then it was his turn to blush.

  “Ha! Ha! Step aside, whelp. The lady wants me!”

  That did it. Fur-boy was getting nothing but kibble and dried dick for the next month.


  Sara was having a terrible time concentrating on what was going on around her. The murmuring voices and bursts of laughter from the other patrons enjoying Twenty-Two Storys, an upscale pub-style restaurant on the atrium level of their hotel, barely registered.

  Touching a real live wolf had been amazing, but that wasn’t what was messing with her focus. A set of mesmerizing ice-blue eyes kept invading her thoughts.

  For what should have been a cold color, Ryan Sheridan’s eyes were full of warmth and life. Usually she hated promotional obligations, but this afternoon’s shoot had flown by, and the time in between had been…amazing. Not only had he been interesting and fun to be with, he’d been a complete gentleman without even seeming to be aware of it. Having over six feet of incredibly handsome man hanging on your every word and anticipating your wants before you even had them was a heady experience indeed.

  Never mind brawny highlanders and perfect cowboys; to her, Ryan had it all over them. God, he was gorgeous.

  “Earth to Sara?” Nicki’s raised voice brought the scent of craft beer, the clinking of glasses, and the roar of seventeen screens worth of sporting events flooding back with a vengeance. Sara blinked stupidly at her four companions. She had no clue what the others had been talking about.

  “Girl, are you writing in your head again?” Nicki leaned in close and glared into Sara’s eyes. “Nope, I don’t think that’s it.” She picked up her beer and looked through the amber ale. “I think she’s not as drunk as the rest of us, so she can’t understand us anymore.”

  Hailey snorted. “Nope, that’s not it.”

  Josie Willis and Nancy Godfrey, two western romance authors they’d had a squealing reunion with on their way to dinner—something none of them had had yet—grinned like Siamese cats, but it was Nancy who spoke. “Wait, wait. This sounds like it’s going to be good.” She waved at a passing waitress. “Yoo-hoo. Could you bring us another round please?” Then she pointed at Sara’s half empty vodka and soda. “Make hers a double.”

  “Wait!” Sara waved to get her attention, and whether she missed it or simply didn’t have time to deal with contradictory orders, the harried girl didn’t acknowledge her.

  “Oh, suck it up, sis. One more won’t hurt you.” Hailey picked up her beer and drained the remaining third in one go then leaned forward over the table and looked at each of the other women, one at a time, ending with Sara. “She’s got that deer in the headlight thing going on because she’s got the hots for a wolf man.”

  Sara felt her eyes widen and would’ve loved to plant the pointed toe of her boot in Hailey’s shin, but she was too far away. “I do not!”

  “Do too.”



  “Okay, girls, that’s enough.” Nicki poked Hailey in the arm. “If you keep fighting, we’ll never get to the juicy bits.”

  Face hotter than the wings they’d shared, Sara sputtered. “There are no juicy bits. There aren’t any bits at all.” Silence fell for all of two seconds then the other four started to laugh.

  “Oh, for Pete’s sake, you guys.” Sara racked her gray matter for a way to change the subject, but it wasn’t cooperating.

  Josie piped up. “I want to hear all about this wolf man.” She propped her chin on her hands and waggled her brows. “Do tell.”

  Hailey cut in before Sara had a chance to say anything. “He’s this scrumptious hunk who trains wolves to use in movies and stuff.” She let out a low whistle and shook her hand as though burned. “We’re into the Kelvin scale here, ladies, and the way he was looking at my sister, you’d swear she was a prime piece of venison.”

  Nicki’s head snapped to Sara. “And you weren’t going to say anything? Shame on you, girl.” She mocked a sniffle. “And after all Hailey and I have done to try and reverse your unfortunate born-again virgin status.”

  The waitress reached in to deliver their drinks, making no effort to pretend she hadn’t heard. Sara wanted to crawl under the table. A hoot and holler from behind her chair saved her from being the center of attention as a group of women, obviously enjoying the pub’s beverages too, swarmed Josie and Nancy, all talking at once.

  By the time the commotion settled down, the focus had thankfully turned to catching up with friends who hadn’t seen each other since the previous convention. After several more drinks and a boatload of additional appetizers were demolished, Sara finally relaxed, certain the risk of inquisition had passed.

  Nancy yawned wide and stood up. “Much as I hate to, this old girl needs to head for the barn. I’m teaching two early workshops in the morning.” Josie and the others, except for Nicki and Hailey, joined her in gathering their purses and saying their good-byes.

  Sara reached for hers too, but Nicki had other plans. She shuffled her chair closer and looked at Sara with none of her usual humor present. “Okay, my friend. Time for a chat.”


  “I’ve been watching you all night, and I think your esteemed sibling here is right.”

  Hailey leaned back in her chair, crossed her arms, and shot a Cheshire cat style smirk Sara’s way.

  Sara sighed. Darn, she’d been so close to a clean getaway. “Listen, you two—”

  “No, you listen.” The look on Nicki’s face stuffed a sock in Sara’s retort. “I’ve known you for a while now, and I feel we’re good enough friends to not shit each other, right?”

  Sara could only nod, knowing her window of escaping this conversation had closed.

  “Then I’m going to say what’s on my mind and in my heart, trusting you’ll take it the way it’s meant. With love.”

  The wings Sara had eaten earlier started doing the chicken dance in her stomach.

  “You’re a beautiful, brilliant, warm-hearted, successful woman.” Nicki paused and looked at Hailey who nodded. Turning back to Sara, she took her hand and squeezed. “You’re also dumb as a sack of hammers when it comes to men.”

  Sara sputtered like an engine missing a piston.

  “Shush. Hear me out. You’ve been sitting here with stars in your eyes and cotton stuffed in your ears all night. Not to mention the sappy look that’s been on your face since you got back this afternoon.”

  The vodka and soda in her gut joined the chicken’s shindig. Had she really been acting like such a fool?

  Hailey came around and sat on her other side. “Sara, she’s right. We may not have grown up together, but we’re still sisters, and I’ve never seen you like this.” She wrapped an arm around Sara’s shoulder and squeezed. “It’s fucking awesome!”

  Sara looked from one to the other, and the happy look on both their dear faces stunned her beyond words. Swallowing hard, she tried twice before the words came. “Am I really that much of a loser?”

  Nicki’s face fell. “No, my god, no!”

  Hailey sighed. “Now look who’s being an embarrassment.”

  Sara’s breath caught and the party in her gut fizzled out. “Embarrassment?”

  “Yes! Nicki may be too nice to say it, but I’m not. You’re being ridiculous.” She pulled her arm away and glared at Sara. “You’re a full-grown woman for chrissake. Act like one.”

  Shock yanked Sara’s backbone up straight. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means you’re acting like a thirteen-year-old who hides behind her latest poster crush instead going after her first real kiss. Get a life! You can’t keep waiting for one of your heroes to walk off the page, because—newsflash—they aren’t real!”

  Nicki placed a calming hand on Hailey’s arm. “I think what she’s trying to say is that it’s the twenty-first century, and there’s nothing wrong with two people who are at
tracted to each other enjoying each other’s…company. Honey, these days you don’t have to let life pass you by, waiting for the elusive happily ever after.” She pressed a long-nailed finger to Sara’s lips. “Not when deliriously giddy for now is right in front of you.”

  Sara’s eyebrows popped up and Nicki pulled her hand away. “Are you serious?” She looked from one to the other. “You’re telling me to run out there and have a one-night stand?”

  Nicki smiled. “No, honey, we want you to have a weeklong love affair hot enough to keep you warm when you’re old, cold, and living with a cat.” She patted Sara’s hand and stood up. “We’re just saying don’t rule anything out. Live a little. You deserve some happiness, but it’s not going to happen if you don’t go after it.”

  A whirlwind of thoughts flew around in Sara’s mind as she watched Nicki’s exit.

  Hailey shoved her chair back and stood up as well. “I’m heading up too.”

  Sara started to move.

  “No, take a minute. Finish your drink and think about what we said.” She ran her hand down the back of Sara’s hair. “I’m sorry if I came on too strong, but I love you and hate that you never do anything for yourself. All you ever do is work and try to keep me from getting into too much trouble.” She bent down and kissed the top of Sara’s head. “Do something outrageous for a change, get your engines racing.” She winked and turned away, heading for the door, tossing a final comment over her shoulder. “What happens in Atlanta… Just saying.”

  Sara watched Hailey until she rounded the corner then looked down at her drink. Yeah, right. What happens in Atlanta would most likely end up on Facebook. Then again was she really being as big a prude as they thought?

  Those blue eyes took center stage in her mind’s eye again, and her heart squeezed its next beat out harder. Maybe she was.

  No one had ever revved her engines like Ryan. Hell, she couldn’t even think of him without her nipples hardening. Would being with him short-term really be so bad? After all, he’d seemed as attracted to her as she was to him, hadn’t he? Sara’s fingers tore tiny pieces off her napkin as though she were plucking petals from a daisy. If the way he kept casually touching her all afternoon was a clue, then he was.


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