First Degree Burns

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by S. L. Kassidy

  Other Books by S. L. Kassidy

  Please Baby

  Scarred Series

  Scarred for Life - Book 1

  New Cuts, Old Wounds – Book 2

  Bandages – Book 3

  First Degree Burns

  By S. L. Kassidy

  ©2017 S. L. Kassidy

  ISBN (trade): 9781942976240

  ISBN (epub): 9781942976257

  ISBN (pdf): 9781942976264

  This is a work of fiction - names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  For permission requests, write to the publisher at [email protected] or at

  Desert Palm Press

  1961 Main Street, Suite 220

  Watsonville, California 95076

  Editor: CK King

  Cover Design: Jamani Hawkins-El


  Dane and Nicole are back in this sequel to Bandages. Nicole arranges a camping trip for Dane to meet Nicole’s father's side of the family. Nicole is trying to move their relationship forward, but things do not go the way that she planned. Dane has a lot more excitement on her first camping trip than either of them thought. Hopefully, it doesn't ruin what they have already.


  This book is dedicated to my family, who support my writing long before I thought it was worth anything, and to my friends, who helped me believe in myself and allowed themselves to be conscripted into betareading stories, whether they wanted to or not. Thank you all.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  About S.L. Kassidy

  Other Books by S.L. Kassidy

  Chapter One

  THE RAYS OF MORNING sunlight flickered through closed blinds into the bedroom of Nicole Cardell causing her emerald eyes to open. The light wasn’t bothersome; not even shining by the bed, but Nicole woke up and immediately appreciated the energy. Easing herself out of bed, making sure not to wake her partner, she went to the window. A soft smile graced her face.

  It looks gorgeous outside. I hope the weather forecast was right, because today looks like the perfect day for a picnic. Nicole beamed right along with the sun as it cast highlights in her long, auburn hair and made the world shine bright.

  Danny Wolfe groaned in her sleep, drawing Nicole’s attention from the window. She looked at her girlfriend and noted that the sun gave Danny a bit of a golden halo around her body. Danny’s copper toned arm moved around under the covers, searching for her missing lover. Nicole smiled. She misses me in her sleep. Moving silently, she went back to sit on the bed. Danny groaned as Nicole’s hand settled on Danny’s thigh.

  “Chem, lie back down.” Danny’s voice was a mere grumble, and she didn’t bother to open her beautiful, grey eyes.

  “Sorry, baby, but I’m up and I think I’m going to get ready for Luke and Thomas.” Nicole leaned down to kiss her lover’s slightly chubby cheek.

  Danny’s nephews were coming over, as they did almost every Saturday now. Sometimes, they took the boys on short trips, like to the zoo or the children’s museum. It was also a chance for Danny to experience things she’d missed out on in her childhood.

  “They won’t be here for a couple of hours,” Danny said.

  “I know, but I want to take them on a picnic, so I need to get things ready.”

  “Picnic?” Danny’s forehead wrinkled before she opened one eye. “What’s this about a picnic?”

  “It’s supposed to be really nice today. I want to take the boys on a picnic in the park. I’m sure they’ll love it. In fact, I’m sure you’ll love it, too.” Nicole leaned down and kissed a now smooth forehead.

  Danny made a noise, and her eye shut once more. A soft chuckle escaped Nicole, as she eased out of bed again and went downstairs. Most of the food she’d prepared last night, while Danny had occupied herself with her guitar. But she needed to check her list, pack the items, and also make sure there were other things to occupy them beyond food.

  By the time she was done, Danny was awake and dressed. Since it was supposed to be warm today, Nicole spared them both the argument of telling Danny to go put on pants. Besides, Danny was in the living room having fun with Haydn, their white German shepherd. There was no reason to bust up a happy morning for everyone with talk Danny didn’t want to hear. The doorbell rang, and Haydn high-trotted around Danny as she went to answer it.

  “Hey, Dane!” Luke chirped, as soon as the door opened.

  Has he gotten taller since last we saw him? Nicole doubted it since they had seen him a week ago, but he was growing like a weed. One day, in a few years, he’d have plenty of girls chasing after him.

  “Haydn!” Thomas rushed into the house and hugged the dog. Haydn let out a happy yelp, licking Thomas’ face.

  Folding her arms down by her stomach, Danny smiled at them and Nicole couldn’t fight off a smile of her own. He’d be a little heartthrob, too, when he got older. Thankfully, they’d learn how to deal with it through Luke before Thomas had his go. Thomas had charisma that Nicole was certain shouldn’t be in someone so young.

  “Nick!” Luke waved to her. He hugged Danny and then ran over to hug Nicole as she stood in the doorway of the living room. Nicole hugged him back before going to help deal with Adam, in case he wanted to chat for a few minutes. Danny didn’t do well with Adam and small talk.

  Nicole offered him a pleasant smile. “Hello, Adam.”

  “Hey. I was just telling Dane, I’ll be back for the boys at the usual time,” Adam said.

  The women both nodded, and Adam was gone. Nicole was pleased it seemed to be one of their easier times dealing with Adam. Sometimes, the man lingered with them, asking a million questions and making it seem like he thought they planned to kidnap the boys. Such nervous behavior always set Danny on edge and irked Nicole. They turned their attention to the boys.

  “So, who’s ready to spend the day at the park?” Nicole inquired with a grin.

  “Is Haydn coming, too?” Luke countered. Haydn’s whereabouts during trips was always of the utmost importance to both boys.

  “Yes, Haydn’s coming, too. Nick made a special picnic for us all, and we’re going to spend the day at the park.” Danny held a hand up like she was delivering an important speech.

  The boys cheered, which made Nicole and Danny smile. Nicole gathered the picnic basket, which was more an insulated blue cooler than a basket that she’d bought after her first picnic with Danny. Danny hooked the leash onto Haydn's collar and Luke and Thomas took control of Haydn’s leash, making sure the dog did not run off. The weather was gorgeous, especially for early spring, so they decided to walk the few blocks to the park.

  “Now, where should we sit?” Nicole scanned the area with her index finger on her chin. There were pi
cnic tables, but Danny had been kind enough to grab the blanket for them to sit on, so they could get the full picnic effect. Besides, most of the picnic areas with tables were taken and crowded. I guess everyone is taking advantage of the nice weather.

  “How about by those trees?” Danny pointed ahead of them. There were a few trees by the clear pond that’d give them a great view of the field. The air was filled with the smell of freshly cut grass.

  Nicole nodded. The nice shady area would still give them a good view of Luke and Thomas when they ran off to play. The couple set up for the picnic while their darling charges ran around the open grass with Haydn. The couple watched them for a moment, just smiling to themselves. Briefly, Nicole reached out and held her lover’s hand.

  “This was a great idea, Chem,” Danny declared, as she laid out the blanket.

  Nicole smiled as she helped Danny. “I hope it doesn’t rain like it did the last time I planned a picnic.”

  A light laugh escaped Danny. “Enjoyed that picnic, too. It was my first one. You always treat me to great firsts.”

  Nicole felt a hot blush in her cheeks from the compliment. “I like it.”

  Danny flashed her a giant grin. With the blanket in place, Danny moved to go play with her nephews and dog. Grabbing Danny before she got too far, Nicole gave her a little yank.

  Danny’s forehead wrinkled as she looked down at Nicole. “Uh…yeah?”

  “I want you to try something.”

  “Try something?”

  Nodding, Nicole turned and rummaged through the basket until she found what she sought. She held up her bounty. Danny pulled back, scratching her forehead.

  “Uh…what is that?” Danny asked.

  “This is for your knee, my dear. It should help a little with the pain.”

  Danny looked at Nicole like she was speaking Greek. Nicole only chuckled. Of course Danny had never considered a knee brace. Nicole was pissed with herself for not thinking of this until now.

  Danny nodded. “Okay.”

  “Let me put it on and then you can go join the other scamps.”

  Danny nodded again, and Nicole quickly strapped the knee brace in place. Danny stood and shifted a little, testing the knee brace. Giving Danny a thumbs up, Nicole watched as the boys’ sapphire eyes lit up with delight. Haydn barked happily when Danny hopped in, rolling around on the green grass.

  The sight of Danny playing with her towheaded nephews, and their equally light-haired dog, tickled Nicole. She and Danny had their first picnic on a rainy day in their bedroom. Nicole had expressed her wish that they picnic again, but with a child. Danny naturally volunteered her adored nephews. Nicole had someone different in mind.

  Their indoor picnic was the last time that Nicole brought up the idea of them having a child. Danny had confessed that the idea of parenthood scared her. It was a step up from Danny always claiming she never thought about it. Nicole should’ve expected Danny to be afraid to have children, considering her childhood.

  Danny had told her she’d think about it, now. Nicole could only hope time with the boys would change Danny’s mind. She was wonderful with children. Every time Nicole saw the crew, it made her long, just a little more, for her own child with her girlfriend.

  Of course, she was getting ahead of herself with such a thought. She refused to really consider a child until she was married, and Danny refused to marry her until she “got to a better place.” Besides, they had only been dating for a year and a half. They had plenty of time ahead of them, provided Danny didn’t ride her bike in front of any more cars and Nicole didn’t push an issue so hard that Danny felt the urge to run away.

  Shaking that thought aside, Nicole turned her attention back to the crew. The boys had Danny on the ground, tickling her. Haydn circled, not sure whom to help. The high pitched, happy, and infectious sounds brought a smile to Nicole’s face, even though she knew those grass stains wouldn’t come out.

  “Danny deserves a family that can show her how great she is.” Nicole sighed into the warm air.

  Danny considered her all the family she needed. The nephews were an added bonus they both feared would one day be taken away. After all, the boys’ mother hated Danny, hated Nicole for being with Danny, and hated their relationship for being unnatural. Adam wasn’t the strongest man she had ever met, and she was waiting for the day he caved into his wife’s desires to keep the boys away from the evil lesbians. It was like waiting for the apocalypse.

  “Danny, you put that boy down right now!” Nicole pointed at them, as her lover limped through the field toward the pond with Thomas over her shoulder. He wiggled like a fish out of water, while Danny threatened to “throw him back.”

  “Nick said you gotta put me down.” Thomas giggled, reaching out as if wanting to fly into Nicole’s arms.

  “Nick’s not the boss of me.” Danny grinned, making sure to give her girlfriend a playful wink.

  “No, but no treats for you if you don’t listen,” Nicole replied with a smile of her own.

  Danny threw her an adorable, but very much exaggerated pout before lowering Thomas from her shoulder. She placed him in front of Nicole and wagged her finger at him. “You’re lucky Nick saved you. Go tell her thank you.”

  Thomas giggled wildly as he darted toward Nicole to express his thanks. She smiled, but the expression was a little forced after she noticed Danny behind him. Her girlfriend was limping much more than usual. She beckoned Danny with a crooked a finger. Danny pouted, assuming she was in trouble.

  “I wasn’t really going to do it,” Danny said.

  Nicole smiled and patted the space by her. “I know you weren’t. Sit with me for a moment.” She turned to Thomas. “Run and go play Frisbee with your brother and Haydn.”

  Thomas nodded and picked up the Frisbee from the picnic basket. Danny sat down, and Nicole brought her leg into her lap. Unstrapping the brace, she massaged Danny’s knee while Danny offered her a smile.

  “What happened? We’re here ten minutes and your knee’s hurting? Of course, you’re not helping it by throwing Thomas over your shoulder.”

  Danny had the decency to look sheepish, glancing away and blushing for a second. “I figured that was better than throwing Luke over my shoulder.”

  “Yes, that would have been worse. But, what happened? Roughhousing usually lasts longer.”

  Danny shrugged. “I think one of them fell on my knee while we were rolling around in the grass. Plus, I need to get used to the brace.”

  Nicole nodded. “You might want to consider the surgery if you want to keep up with them.”

  Danny nodded, but she didn’t say anything else on the matter. Nicole wasn’t sure what Danny’s thoughts were on the surgery. The doctor had suggested that he could at least lessen the residual pain from the broken leg Danny received when she was hit by a car, and from when she was beaten by bookies. Danny hadn’t shown any interest in surgery.

  “I might,” Danny muttered, glancing away briefly.

  Nicole arched an eyebrow. “What does that mean? Is it something you really want to do?”

  Sighing, Danny scratched her head. “Probably should. I’m not a fan of the hospital, but I would like to be able to run around with them and Haydn.”

  Nicole nodded, but before she could chime in, Danny got up. She went to toss around the Frisbee with the boys and the dog without putting the brace back on. Nicole watched, wanting to make sure Danny wasn’t in serious pain. She seemed fine, but didn’t move around much to avoid stressing her leg any more than it was already. Nicole brought out juice boxes, knowing they’d be thirsty in a few minutes. She was right on point.

  “Empty boxes go in this bag.” Nicole showed them the empty plastic bag she’d brought for their garbage.

  They only nodded and, as soon as the boxes were empty, they were off again. Nicole joined them for a moment to throw around the plastic disc. She was impressed at how high Haydn jumped for the thing as he stole a toss from the boys every now and then. Danny mostly
dropped her catches, so Haydn took the disc from her plenty of times.

  “Nick, I’m hungry,” Thomas announced, rubbing his little belly, which was covered by a t-shirt with a cartoon alien Nicole wasn’t familiar with.

  “Well, let’s have lunch, buddy,” Nicole said with a smile.

  “Lunch!” Luke cheered, patting his stomach, too.

  The group retreated to the blanket. Nicole passed out more juice and poured Haydn some water in a bowl. The boys got separate halves of a hero sandwich with small bags of potato chips. Danny had a hero sandwich and apple slices.

  “No potato salad this time?” Danny asked with a teasing smile.

  Nicole shot her lover a slight glare. “You don’t need any more potato salad. How do you eat a bowl of potato salad on your own?” Thankfully, Danny hadn’t done that recently, but she had done it on more than one occasion.

  Danny flashed an impish smile. “Hey, at least I’m not gaining weight.”

  “Baby, that’s not the issue and you know it. It’s not healthy to eat a big bowl of potato salad. I don’t even want to think about your cholesterol level.”

  Danny waved her off. “I’m fine.”

  Nicole couldn’t argue. Danny had been to the doctor several times since her accident, had all sorts of examinations, and passed them all, including her cholesterol levels. Danny was healthy, which Nicole always took as a miracle considering her girlfriend’s life before they met. Nicole shook that away, not wanting to think about Danny’s life back then. Hell, she even wanted to forget some parts of Danny’s life that they had shared.

  “This sandwich is great!” Luke grinned at Nicole. “Thanks for making such a good picnic.”

  “You’re welcome. I thought this would be nice,” Nicole replied, as she leaned down to gently wipe his face of crumbs. This is nice.

  Giggling, Luke nodded. “It is.” He pulled away from the napkin that brushed his cheek.


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