WILDER: A Rockstar Romance

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WILDER: A Rockstar Romance Page 30

by Lux, Vivian

  In other words, this place was a chick's dream.

  My restless wandering led me toward the back of the store. For the first time since last week, my mind was a pleasant blank. The extremely physical work of hauling lumber had left me feeling floaty and contented. No roiling confusion, no intense sexual frustration. I felt a small measure of peace.

  Peace that shattered the second a dressing room door swung open and Bit stepped out.

  She froze, hands clutched around a dress that was way too big for her tiny frame. My mouth went dry. She looked… fucking edible, barefoot, her hair in a tangled disarray. I drank her in like a tumbler of the smoothest Scotch, from her painted toes all the way up to her dark, furious face.

  Oh. Shit.

  "Are you following me now?" she snapped, hefting that ridiculous dress up higher on chest.

  "Really?" I didn't mean to laugh, but really now. "Christ, get over yourself."

  "Well, why the hell would you be here?" She was talking way too damn loud.

  "I'm here the same reason you are—getting a dress." And then, because I was addicted to pissing her off, it seemed, I grabbed a red slinky thing from the rack and held it up to my chest. "What, don't you think this is my color?"

  Did her mouth quirk? It did, but she would never admit I had made her smile. "You don't know anything about dress shopping," she protested.

  "I know enough to know that dress is hideous on you."

  "What?!" God she was being so loud. If Ice Queen hadn't called the tabloids before, she was sure as hell dialing them now. Bit looked like she was going to either kill me or explode in the attempt.

  "Shut up, will you?" I snapped, pushing her back into the dressing room and shutting the door behind us. "You're making a goddamn scene."

  She stood there, huffing, yanking on that dress like it was a life preserver. The room itself was bigger than I had expected, with a Victorian chair in the corner that was covered in mounds of discarded dresses. The three-way mirror reflected Bit's furious face, downcast eyes, and my own bewildered expression. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I hissed.

  She snapped up at me. "Why are you so mean?"

  There were tears in her eyes, and my fists clenched to see her hurt, even though it was me that was causing the hurting. "Goddamn it, Bit," I shouted. "We need to sort this shit."


  "Yes. Here." I stood against the door to block her path. She tried to duck under my arm, but I caught her up and held her as lightly as I could. Her silent struggle subsided after a moment. "Thank you," I whispered, acutely aware of the precarious way that dress was pooling around her. All I'd need to do would be to push the shoulder another inch to the left…

  "You're such an asshole," she whined.

  "Why do I get the feeling that you're talking about last year?" I breathed against her neck.

  "It doesn't matter."

  "Yeah. It does." I slid my hands to her waist and cinched in the fabric that gathered there. "Take this ridiculous thing off. It looks like a bedsheet on you."

  She opened her eyes and some of that fire I loved so damn much snapped back to life. "Well, do you have any suggestions, Jaxson Dior?"

  I looked around the room. "That one." I pointed to a lacy baby blue one. It was simple, almost casual, the only adornment besides the delicate lace was a simple ribbon crisscrossing its way up the back. Nothing showy. Nothing to overpower her incredible, natural beauty.

  "Close your eyes."

  "Hell no."

  "Then at least look away?"

  "Oh, you want me to pretend I haven't seen all this already?"

  "Yes," she hissed fiercely.

  I turned my back. "Never say I'm not a complete gentleman."

  "You're not a complete gentleman," she whispered. I could hear the rasp of fabric against her skin, and it took all of my strength not to turn and catch her in the act. The image of the watery silk running down her naked back made it hard to focus on our argument. "There, is this better?"

  I turned back to her and my jaw dropped. "Fuck yeah, it is."

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Any promises I made to myself went out the window the minute I saw him. Fifteen minutes ago I was licking my wounds, remembering my heartbreak at his hands in vivid, teary detail. Then he showed up out of nowhere. And try as I might to hold on to that sadness, it flew away the moment his hand brushed my skin.

  "Now that's a dress," Jax said, his voice tight and raspy. Without breaking eye contact, he slipped his hand under the skirt and placed it deliberately on my hip.

  Then waited.

  He was waiting for me to tell him to stop. Tell him to go away. He was waiting for me to scream and carry on like the harpy I seemed to have turned into. He was waiting to see if it was okay.

  It was.

  It was more than okay. The tightness that gathered in my core the instant he touched me made it much, much better than just okay.

  Without meaning to, I inhaled sharply, drawing his scent up in one breath. That inimitable warmth was so intense I could taste it on my tongue.

  As if mirroring me, Jax sucked in his own breath, smoothing his palm around my hip to cup my ass. When I didn't pull away, he pulled me to him, his thigh against mine.

  I was face to face with his collarbone, watching his chest rise and fall in short, controlled bursts. The pulse at his neck beat strongly, slightly elevated, mirroring my own. I was suddenly very aware of how loudly my heart beat in my ears.

  He trailed his hands up from my ass, sliding over my waist as he traversed the length of my torso. I closed my eyes.

  "What are you thinking?" he whispered.

  "I don't know," I said. Jax brushed his thumb casually over my nipple, which immediately tightened. Hate and disgust bubbled upward inside of me, only to be drowned by a flood of lust. "I'm trying to figure that out."

  He slid his hands higher until they cupped my face. He tilted my head up to his. "Does this help?" he whispered.

  My body knew. Goddamn my traitorous, Benedict Arnold of a body. It knew exactly how it felt to be kissed by Jaxson, and the craving he ignited had never fucking left. It just lay dormant until now. The moment that his lips met mine, it would ruin any chance I had of making it through the rest of this visit unscathed.

  The last vestige of my rational mind tried to assert itself. "Jax, you're going to be my brother," I half-moaned, half-chided. "We can't do this."

  "How about this. Can I do this?" He slid his hand downward, snaking his fingers up my thigh, shoving my legs apart roughly.

  "You shouldn't," I whimpered.

  "That's not a no," he growled.

  Jax slipped a finger inside of me. "Yes," I moaned.

  "Holy hell, Lily, you're wet already." He pulled his finger free and I moaned and arched against him in protest. He popped his sopping digit into his mouth and sucked quietly for a moment. "Fuck, now I'm really hungry," he said, licking his finger clean. "You've been hiding that sweet pussy of yours from me for days now, and I've worked up quite an appetite."

  He reached up and yanked my panties down with a savage jerk. When he sank to his knees and pressed my back against the wall, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, and I barely recognized the woman I saw. I looked wild, breathless, completely out of control. His biceps popped as he gripped my ass cheeks and lifted my legs over his shoulders.

  I looked away, overwhelmed by what I was seeing, and then looked back, greedy for more. "I could do this forever," he murmured, burying his electric blue head between my thighs. "Could fucking live on this pussy alone."

  His words were making it hard to believe this was meaningless. "Stop talking," I hissed, grinding myself against his face.

  He froze.

  The tight bud that had been blooming in my chest faded away as he pulled back and wiped his mouth. He stood up and crossed his arms, shaking his head. "Holy shit. I just figured it out." He shook his head and pressed his finger lightly into my panting ches
t. "You just want me to get you off. That's all you're after. You just want to rub up against me like I'm your six foot tall vibrator."

  "It's just…" I gasped. "It doesn't have to mean anything."

  It was like watching a collapse in slow motion. His face crumpled like I had struck him and his broad shoulders sagged. My heart skipped a beat and I immediately started babbling. "We're just having fun, that's all. Rebound sex, whatever you want to call it. That's all, Jaxson. It's not like this is anything real."

  "That's just it, Lil. I'm not playing. This is real for me."

  I froze.

  He nodded. "Yeah. Tell me this means something to you. Because I went way beyond just fucking around the other night. Hell, I went way beyond that a long time ago. If you think this doesn't mean anything…"

  Jax bent nearly double for a moment, and then straightened back up again.

  "Bye, Lily."

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  That was the hardest fucking thing I have ever done in my life.

  Each footstep took an eternity as I slowly slogged my way to the door. "Mr. Blue? Your dress!" the girl at the counter called.

  I turned in a fog and mutely accepted the garment bag. As I slung it over my shoulder, I could see Bit out of the corner of my eye. She was standing in the door of the dressing room, her lips moving soundlessly. She was rocking forward and back on her bare toes, like she was trying to move to me but was rooted to the spot.

  Just say something, I willed her. Anything. Scream at me, if you want to. Just don't let me walk out this door.

  "Jax …"

  Did she say that, or was it a phantom in my head? I looked at her one last time and put my hand on the handle. Her own little hand fluttered upward… and then back down again.

  Okay, then. It's over.

  I drove home in silence, not daring to even think. As I walked in the front door, I dropped the dress at my feet, then turned and headed right up the stairs.

  Now it was my turn to hide behind a closed door.

  My phone buzzed, one, two, three times. But I didn't check it. I had rehearsal tonight, studio time booked for tomorrow. But both of those things meant leaving the sanctity of this space.

  Was I a complete pussy for avoiding her? Sure I was. But I was at least a self-aware pussy. I knew that seeing her, even in passing, was the biggest risk to my fragile sanity. I shut the door to my room and stared at the four walls until I thought I might go crazy.

  Then I started to write.

  The album that I had stalled on, the words that just wouldn't fucking come, was suddenly pouring out of me. Three days after Lily admitted to using me, I emerged from my room with an entire fourteen song LP on a demo reel.

  And it was gold. I was surer of this than I had ever been sure of anything in my life. I picked up my phone and swiped past the mass of notifications and placed a phone call instead.

  "Well, hello there, prodigal client." Bev didn't sound pissed, per se. Or maybe I was just telling myself that to feel better.

  "Hey, beautiful, did you miss me?"

  "Not particularly, but once again the studio sure did. That time costs a lot of money, Jax."

  I sighed heavily and caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror that dominated the wall across from my bed. When I hung it there, it was for the express purpose of watching myself as I fucked… whoever I happened to be fucking. It didn't really matter, so long as I could see myself. But now what I was seeing made me cringe inwardly. "Yeah, Bev, look. I've been in some shit and I should have called. But I have some good news."

  "Tell me it's a finished album."

  I grinned. "It's a finished album."

  "You better not be fucking with me, Blue."

  "I'm not. I need the studio and the guys, tomorrow—wait, no. Shit, that's the day my mom gets married… How about Monday? Can they squeeze me in Monday. Please?"

  Bev was silent so long I thought I dropped the call. I pulled my phone back from my ear and checked and she was already talking when I put my ear back. " …first time I've ever heard you say please, Jaxson."

  "Yeah, well, don't get used to it."

  She laughed. "Fine. I'll pull some strings, try to smooth the ruffled feathers, and all of that. You had better make this worth my while."

  "I'm always worth your while, darling."

  "Pig," she snorted, but as she hung up, I could hear her laughing. I was laughing too. Free, manic laughter as something loosened in my chest. I flung open my door, intending to run downstairs and pour myself a celebratory drink.

  Lily lowered her hand and raised the bottle, stretching it out in front of her like a peace offering. "Hi there," she said softly. "Truce?"

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  It's over.

  He ended it.

  I should be relieved.


  Why do I feel like my heart is imploding?

  It was the way he bent double. Like my words had punched him right in the gut. Then, and only then, did I realize something truly upsetting.

  I was the bad guy here. Not him. Me.

  I stared at his closed door and thought back over the past two weeks. We'd sparred, we'd argued, but the one who had truly been cruel was me. All the time I had convinced myself that I was the wronged party when I was the one that had been doing the wronging.

  It was a shitty feeling.

  Regret was a feeling I was used to when it came to Jaxson Blue. But not like this. I regretted being so callous, using him the way I did. I regretted my steadfast refusal to recognize the zillion ways he had said he was sorry. I regretted listening to him open his heart while still keeping mine firmly shut.

  I regretted letting him walk out of that door, because now I missed him. Not my body. Me. I missed sparring with him and how he made me laugh. I missed his jokes and his sarcastic side comments. I missed how he was the only person who understood my strange way of life, because he was in it to. My partner in crime.

  My best friend.

  Wow. I really fucked up.

  He missed the rehearsal dinner, but everyone was too drunk to really care. As soon as I saw my chance, I snatched a bottle of Jack from the wet bar and snuck upstairs. I could hear him inside, talking on his cell phone. "I'm always worth your while, darling," he cooed in that arrogant voice he used with women, and for a moment, my heart faltered with jealousy.

  No. You don't get to feel that. This is a peace offering. You have to see him for the rest of your life, so long as Annie and Dad are together. Christmases, birthdays… he's in your life for good now. You may as well try to see if you can be friends.

  I took a quick sip of the whiskey and squared my shoulders, ready to knock, when he flung the door open.

  His gorgeous face, which had been so animated a second ago, went blank. I felt my stomach splash down near my feet and suddenly knew exactly how he felt in the dress shop. The way a word—no, just a look—can be a punch to the gut.

  Instead of doubling over, I held out the bottle. "Truce?" I asked.

  Jax’s mouth worked for a second and I was certain he was going to tell me no. He brushed his hand over his face, pulling down the corners of his mouth before running his fingers through his hair. "Yeah Bit. Come on in."

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  She looked at me like she was afraid I might bite her. And as angry as I was, that still hurt far more than I would have liked.

  Her bare feet sank into the carpet by my bed as she looked all around her, then let out a rueful little snort. "This is the first time I've been in your bedroom. I've been here two weeks, and I never set foot in here."

  I shoved my hands in my pockets to give me something to hold on to. "Yeah? What do you think?"

  She looked around like she was honestly considering, taking in the dark wood of my bed set, the scattered weights, the beat-up guitar collection, the giant-ass mirror on the wall. "It makes sense," she finally volunteered.
/>   I had to laugh. “ ‘Makes sense?’ "

  "It suits you."

  "I'm afraid to ask."

  She waved her arms a little frantically. "It's a little scattered, a little messy. But it's lived-in. It feels like home."

  Her words hung in the air for a moment and I let them. I let the silence stretch out so long she got agitated, digging her toes one after another into the carpet. Then I waited a little longer.

  "I missed you," she blurted.

  I clenched my fist. "Oh yeah? What did you miss?"

  "Not that," she protested. I raised my eyebrow. "Okay, yeah, that too. But I missed you. You've been hiding from me."

  "I learned from the best."

  She looked down. "Fair enough. But I kind of want you to stop now."

  "Just like that?"

  "Just like that. Yeah."

  I let the silence hang a little longer, knowing she wouldn't be able to help herself. She had to fill it.

  "It's just… I realized something. We're never going to actually be able to avoid each other, Jax. Our parents are getting married. Tomorrow." She raised an eyebrow at me. "You missed rehearsal, by the way."

  "Walk Mom down the aisle. What's to rehearse?"

  "She was pissed."

  "For how long?"

  Bit laughed. "Until her third shot of bourbon. When I left the party she was in my Dad's lap singing 'Cocaine Kisses.' "

  "I hate that song."

  "Me too." Lily sank down, plopping herself onto my bed uninvited and I tried to get over how right she looked there. "I just need to know we can be friends, at least. Things are awkward enough as it is without us making it worse for each other." She looked up at me. "Wait, stop, don't get all mad and defensive, Jax. Look, I was an ass. I admit that. I treated you like shit, and I'm sorry about it."


  "Yeah." Her face worked for a second, like she had something more to say, and then dropped it. She wiggled the bottle instead. "So, yeah. Our parents are getting married and it's weird, and this whole thing is fucked up, and yeah… Drink with me?"


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