Only See You

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Only See You Page 19

by JD Chambers

  I’m reduced to pants and moans, the squelching of lotion on my cock almost as loud. I gasp as I near the edge, and on the other end of the line, Mal can tell.

  “Push that fingertip into your sweet little hole for me, Parker. I want you to fuck your finger and remember what it feels like to have my cock inside you.”

  I shout as I release, my forehead resting against the mattress and the cum splattering from my slit so hard that it almost reaches my face. I can hear Mal moaning on their end until there’s no sounds left on either side except heavy breathing. I’ve never been virtually fucked boneless before.

  “Mmm, feel better?” Mal asks after they’ve recovered enough to speak.

  “Yeah. I just wish you were here. It feels wrong to come down from that kind of high and not have you in my arms.”

  “Well, you’ll have me tomorrow,” they say, “or you know, I could have you.”

  “All that matters is that it’s you,” I say. “But now I need to go and get cleaned up. Hey Mal.”


  “I love you. Thank you. For everything.”

  “Always, love.”



  “Good morning, Mr. McWilliams,” the mediator says as he enters the small room where Ms. Grassi and I have been secluded. He brought us together briefly to introduce himself, Mr. Jacob Dinwiddie, Attorney at Law-Mediator-Arbitrator, and to recite a rehearsed speech on the benefits, procedure, and rules that we will be following today.

  After the incident on Valentine’s Day, my attorney decided against holding further settlement meetings and asked the court to proceed with the final hearing. The judge responded by requiring we try mediation first. Just another box to check off on the long road to divorce, but if gets me that much closer, I’ll do it.

  Thankfully, after the initial introductions, Mr. Dinwiddie separated us. I tried my best to focus on Mr. Dinwiddie and Ms. Grassi and avoid Shelby, but her powder-blue suit, mammoth hair, and newly D-cup breasts demanded attention. I won’t be able to focus on what’s truly important with Bizarro-world Barbie breathing down my neck.

  Our room is minimally furnished, with just a round table and chairs and a whiteboard easel in the corner. While we wait our turn, I resist the urge to see if I can tempt Ms. Grassi into playing a game of hangman. Somehow, I don’t think she’d go for it.

  “Thank you again for coming in today. It’s my sincerest hope that we can get this resolved in a way that satisfies both parties.”

  This poor guy’s family must really hate him if he tries these conflict resolution techniques out at home. I can just see him looming over a high chair, “Now Billy, what is it about the creamed beets that doesn’t satisfy you?” I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing at that mental image, and I can feel Ms. Grassi’s disapproving glare aimed my way. Damn it, what did I miss?

  “I’m sorry, can you repeat that last part?”

  Mr. Dinwiddie doesn’t react, and I’m not sure if that is a good thing or not. He’s obviously too practiced at this staying neutral thing.

  “I asked what it is that you would like to get out of this meeting today. What would need to happen to have you leaving here satisfied with the outcome?”

  I lean back into the plush chair and cross my legs. The pink socks with purple hearts that Mal gave me for good luck peek out and make my heart smile.

  “That’s easy. I just want this over with. She can have the house, the cars, everything. They’re all paid off. I don’t care. As long as I don’t have to have any contact with her ever again, I’ll be a happy camper.”

  Mr. Dinwiddie’s attention shifts from his notepad to me. “That hardly seems equitable.”

  Damn. Ms. Grassi kept trying to convince me that mediation would be our best shot. True, it was court-ordered, so I didn’t have a choice, but she said that it can be very successful. Guess not this time.

  Mr. Dinwiddie continues, oblivious to my hopes and dreams crumbling faster than Mom’s latest batch of messed-up cookies. “Your wife has a college degree in business and marketing. She’s obviously intelligent and capable.”

  It takes a minute for his words to sink in. “What are you saying, exactly?”

  “I’m saying most people in your situation ask for half of all assets. Or at least a fair portion.”

  I shrug. Parker 2.0 envisioned a reboot in all areas. Who cares if it’s fair or not. I just want to be free. “I’ve got a good job. I’m renting an apartment. I can get a new vehicle. None of those things matter to me. Getting this over and done with does.”

  Mr. Dinwiddie turns to my lawyer. “And you’ve approached the opposing counsel with these terms?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And they’ve rejected them?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Collecting his notepad and pen, Mr. Dinwiddie stands and reaches across the table to shake my hand. “Thank you for speaking with me so candidly. My assistant will be in here shortly to see if you need anything. And be sure to take a look at the lunch menu and let us know what you want to order. I’ll be going back and forth between the parties, so unfortunately, for a large portion of today, you’re just going to have to sit tight. I have a feeling this is going to either be a very short, or a very long day.”

  He sighs, the first tell he has let slip. Ms. Grassi might have been right after all.

  Ms. Grassi and I have filled out our lunch requests, despite the fact that I doubt I’ll have the stomach for it, when there’s a slam in the hallway.

  “But he cheated on me! With that thing!”

  Oh, I’m so very familiar with that screeching voice, but it’s rare that she lets go and allows others to hear it. Valentine’s Day was the exception to the rule. Usually Shelby pretends like she is Miss Manner’s better-behaved little sister. Ms. Grassi and I glance at each other with wide eyes, then scoot closer to the door. Well, I scoot. She just gets up and puts her ear to it.

  “Mrs. McWilliams,” a new voice that I recognize as Mr. Dinwiddie’s says. “Has your attorney explained to you what ‘no-fault’ means?”

  “Yes, but …” For the next few minutes, either her lawyer or the mediator have succeeded in getting Shelby to lower her voice, and I can’t tell what’s being said. That doesn’t last long. “It’s all his fault!”

  “While that very well may be, the State of Colorado does not consider these things in the dissolution of marriage. This means that Mr. McWilliams’s relationships with other people don’t have an impact on how assets are divided or final terms.” Mr. Dinwiddie continues in his calm but firm voice, and I can only imagine how red in the face Shelby is at this point. “Just as your assault of Mr. McWilliams will have no bearing on the terms of your divorce. In fact, if he were to press assault charges that led to your arrest, or if his partner were to obtain a restraining order against you for harassment, even then it would not affect the settlement here. Do you understand what I’m saying to you, Mrs. McWilliams?”

  Shelby might not, but I sure as fuck do. God, hearing that politely delivered smack-down did my soul good. I only wish it could have been me that delivered it, but I’ll take what I can get.



  “It’s perfect. I’m so jealous that you’re actually doing this,” Nicole says as we tour the Old Town loft together. She’s been filling me in on Metro gossip, including the fact that Jackson Daugherty had to pull his campaign because the fucker got caught evading taxes. His business remains open, for now. But Nicole won’t have to deal with him ever again.

  Parker will arrive soon; he’s on his way home from Oklahoma. He went to interview in-home aide candidates for his mom. With the help of Dr. Mirza and Parker’s promise to assist in paying for it, Parker’s dad finally agreed to home care. It’s been a stressful weekend for Parker, if I go by his many texts and phone calls. We’ve searched for weeks for the right place, and hopefully once he meets me here, it will be one thing he can cross off his list.

  “You’ll be abl
e to walk to The Juarez,” she complains.

  “And here I thought you were jealous that I was going out on my own for business,” I say with a laugh.

  “That too.” She grins. “You’re going to do so well. I’ve already gotten rave reviews for the jobs you did for my clients. I’m really, really happy for you.”

  I turn and look around the loft one more time. It’s bright and open, with plenty of space for both Parker and me. And the best part is the office that opens both to the front hallway and to the interior of the apartment itself. Zach and I both can use it as office space whenever we need, and it will look like an actual professional space. And we’ll be close to downtown, where anyone would expect to meet for business.

  Someday, although I won’t admit this to him yet, we can buy a house near the park where we can walk our future dog and play with our future kids. I’m planning on several. But first, I want to let Parker have the adventures he craved but never got to have. I wasn’t kidding when I told him that I want to give him everything. I truly do.

  My phone beeps that I’ve received a text.

  Parker: I’m here. 2nd floor?

  Mal: Yep, we’ll be waiting in the hall.

  “Actually, I’m going to slip on out of here,” Nicole says after reading the text over my shoulder. “I think you and Parker are going to want some time to yourselves.”

  Nicole passes Parker leaving the elevator and introduces herself before taking off. Parker follows her final wave down to the hall to where I’m standing, and the smile that spreads across his face is like the first hint of a rainbow on a stormy day. I know I’ll never get tired of that smile or knowing I’m the one to put it there.

  Parker pulls me into him and kisses me soundly.

  “It’s almost like you’re happy to see me.”

  He sighs against me. “You have no idea.”

  “Well, take a look at this.” I tangle our fingers together and lead him into the apartment.

  He explores each room, getting more and more excited with every step.

  “Oh, and I’ve been waiting to tell you my big news.” Parker is in the kitchen now, opening every cabinet and checking the appliances. They all look brand-new, and there’s a massive granite countertop separating the kitchen from the living area. It’s so shiny and pretty and big, it makes me want to stretch out naked on top. But that’s for another time. “Zach helped me put together a proposal for the climbing gym, and they loved it. And they’re giving us a discount in return for a discount on my services. So I can teach you how to climb.”

  Parker pulls me in close, my back to his chest, and wraps his arms around me tightly. “Maybe if I’m with you, I can keep you from getting hurt again.”

  “Someone has a hero complex. Mmm, but that’s okay. I like it. That was a freak accident. I’m telling you.” But I don’t try to break free. Actually, I might snuggle in a little tighter.

  “Speaking of big news,” he says with a nibble at my ear that makes me jump. “You are looking at … hang on.” He turns me around and wraps his arms back as tight as they were before. “Now you are looking at an unmarried man.”

  My jaw drops and he chuckles at my surprise.

  “The judge signed off on the mediation agreement. I’m free.”

  I bury my head into the crook of Parker’s neck. The emotions coursing through me are so overwhelming, I’m not sure how to handle them.

  “Why are you crying, baby?”

  “I just like this place so much. I mean, look at this countertop. It’s granite. Can you imagine all the things you could do to me on this countertop?” I sniffle into his shirt.

  “You bet your sweet ass I can.” Parker grips my chin and bites at my lower lip, his willful ignorance yet another way this man gets me so well. “And the sooner you get that through your thick skull, the sooner we can go sign the lease on this place, and the sooner I can lay you out on this kitchen island and feast on you like I’m dying to do.”

  “You read my mind.”

  “Of course I did,” he says with a shake of his head. “Did you really think I couldn’t see it all over your face the second we came in this room? If nothing else, never forget that I see you, Mal. And I love every bit that I see.”

  I prop myself onto the kitchen island that will soon be witness to more unsanitary actions than any kitchen has a right to, and wrap myself around my man. He laughs about this new version of himself, Parker 2.0, but the truth is that he has always been this amazing man. He just needed someone else to see it for once.

  And like him, I love every bit that I see.


  One Month Later - Mal

  “It’s incredible,” Parker says of the view from Atalaya Peak, looking out over Santa Fe.

  Neither of us were too proud to carry our bikes a few times just to reach the top, but it is so worth the effort. This has to be the most difficult trail I’ve ridden to date. My legs are screaming at me, but when I see the joy on Parker’s face, I know I would do it again and again. We enjoy our snacks and water as we rest and take in the stunning view.

  Parker wanted to visit his mom again this summer, especially to look in on her and how she’s doing with the at-home nurse. With my new boss being flexible as well as super sexy, kind, generous, and humble, we decided to make a vacation of it. We stopped first at Crested Butte, and spent several days enjoying the bike trails. From the jagged, snow-covered peaks to the fields of wildflowers, we spent every day exploring all the area had to offer.

  Sante Fe was our next stop, and I’m enjoying it even more. Perhaps it’s the difference in culture more than the difference in nature. I may be biking and sweating for hours each day, but then we get to enjoy the art and the food ... Dear god, the food.

  “Can we go back to the historic district for dinner?” I ask. “I want more of that green chile stew.”

  Parker lifts his helmet from his head, leaving sweaty peaks pointing in all directions.

  “How can you talk food at a time like this?”

  “Because I just worked up one hell of an appetite.”

  Although he’s right. If I tried to eat any of the spicy dishes from last night right now, it would be heave-city, all over Atalaya trail.

  “Let’s get the selfies over with. I want to appreciate the downhill that I just climbed up.”

  I smack Parker’s chest. “Please. Like you don’t love the pictures every bit as much as I do. But you might want to do something about the hair …”

  Parker makes a triumphant sound and pulls a bandana out of his fanny pack. The fanny pack that I bought for him before we left on our vacation. He surprised me by actually wearing it. He slips the bandana over his head, covering the mess of hair. Although I’m sad that the adorableness of his crazy hair is gone, he does look damn good in a bandana.

  “Stop eye-fucking me and get in the picture.”

  “You know, I think it’s pretty quiet out here, if you want me to do more than eye-fuck,” I say, turning around as if to demonstrate that we are all alone out here.

  “You are bound and determined to get us arrested for public indecency, aren’t you?”

  “Interesting choice of words …”

  I have no idea why I’m so horny. Actually, that’s not true. I did nothing but stare at Parker’s butt dimples flexing in hard work on the way up the trail, and I think they hypnotized me. I scour the area, and lo and behold, a nice flat rock behind a clump of, well, not trees exactly, but cover definitely.

  I stretch out on the rock, legs spread while my elbows prop up my upper body. My hand drifts to the well-padded crotch of my bike shorts and starts to stroke.

  “Mal,” Parker says with a warning in his voice. A deep voice that has gotten thick and husky. I’m so going to win this one.

  “Just lay down, love, and I’ll take care of you. You won’t even have to do any of the work, if you’re too tired.” I unclip my fanny pack, but pull out a condom and travel-size bottle of lube before tossing it to the si

  The low rumble from Parker’s throat has my insides singing “We Are the Champions,” and within seconds he has me flipped over onto my belly on the rock.

  “I think someone needs to be taught a lesson.” He reaches underneath me and pulls down my shorts. It’s not cold outside, but the sudden shock of air on my ass makes me shiver.

  “Please,” I whimper, and he’s quick to give in to my begging. Or it could be that he’s nervous to get caught. Either way, it works in my favor as a slick finger pushes at my entrance.

  “Ungh, seriously Parker, my ass is numb after all that riding. You don’t have to be so gentle.”

  I hear the rip of the condom packet, and take those few seconds of freedom to adjust so that the sharp edges of the rock are nowhere near my cock. When the blunt edge of his dick prods at my hole, the short breather is over. Parker plows into me at a punishing pace. If it weren’t for the tender strokes of his palm along my spine, caressing my neck, I might think my exhibitionism pissed him off. But those gentle touches reassure me that he’s just as furiously into this as I am. And I’m not going to last long.

  “Fuck, baby, you feel so good,” he moans as his balls swing into mine with each demanding thrust.


  Thank god for gloves. They’re the only thing keeping me from scrubbing the rock clean with the front side of my body.

  I feel Parker everywhere. My ass. My hips. The expanding euphoria in my chest. But the second I feel him on my cock, my world explodes and I see stars.

  When my blood finally settles and I can think straight, in a manner of speaking only, I’m aware of Parker pulling my pants back up and gently tucking my dick back into place.

  “Really, Mal? A condom and lube in your fanny pack?”

  “I wanted to be prepared,” I mumble, still hugging the face of the rock.

  “Ready for that selfie now?” Parker clasps my hands in his and pulls me to standing. His arm wraps around my front, and he kisses my cheek when he snaps the shot. All of Santa Fe is in the background, but all I can focus on is the blissed-out look still on my face.


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