Ryker: Alliance of Peace: Book Two

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Ryker: Alliance of Peace: Book Two Page 6

by Ray, Lisa

  Bella and Archer arrived to find Hagan and Chloe sitting quietly and listening to the sounds coming from Lisette. Bella saw the coffin in the middle of the cage and realized there was a real chance that her mother would not be her mother anymore. Archer had explained that the change was unbearable. Only the strong made it through and even some of those had to be put down because they were stark raving mad with the hunger. Bella understood he was preparing her for the worst. But they didn’t know her mother.

  They all listened as Lisette moaned loud enough to be heard through the thick wooden coffin. She was talking as if in sleep. Repeating the names of those she loved, Bella, Ryker, the baby, Bella, Ryker, the baby. Then she would scream the word “NO!” and there would be silence. This happened several times. Then all was quiet. There were no sounds from within. Bella looked at Archer and then turned to Hagan.

  “Is she dead? Does that mean she didn’t make it?”

  Hagan shook his head, “No. It means the fight is over. Soon we will see who won; Lisette or the hunger.”

  Everyone heard the latch pop at that moment. They all watched as the lid to the coffin was pushed open. Lisette sat up. She was as white as a sheet. Her face looked smooth and perfect yet pained. Her hair shone brightly and beautiful, as all Vampires radiated. She opened her eyes to see four people staring at her. She smiled a slow wide smile. And her face started to change and her mouth began to stretch. She smelled the human blood. This would be the test. She slowly climbed out of the coffin with the nimbleness of a gymnast. She walked to the bars, wrapped her fingers around two of them, and looked at Bella. Her fight for control was apparent. She didn’t say anything for a minute. Then her face began to return to normal.

  She smiled her normal smile at her daughter and said, “Good morning.”

  Bella almost wept in relief, “Mom, you’re all right. You made it.” She started to move toward the cage.

  “Wait!” Hagan stopped her.” We must make sure she isn’t deceiving us. I need Archer to go in. see if she can control her thirst for just a few minutes. Then I will feed her. Are you willing, Archer? I will be here and ready if she attacks you.” And he pulled out his gun, obviously loaded with silver bullets.

  Archer nodded and went to the cage. Hagan unlocked the door and Archer walked in, Hagan locking the door behind him. Lisette turned slowly to watch Archer enter. Everyone could see her fight for control as Archers blood smell reached her nostrils. Lisette didn’t move. After a minute, Archer walked closer to Lisette. She could see the pulse in his neck; hear his heart beating and the flow of the blood as it ran through his veins. She fought not to run and taste it. Soon Archer was standing directly in front of her.

  “It’s hard,” Lisette whispered.

  “I know,” Archer spoke gently,” But you can do this. For Bella. For the baby. For Ryker. We need you to save him.”

  Lisette lowered her eyes to the floor and wept. “The hunger is overwhelming. It’s all I can do not to attack you. I feel strong, powerful. And hungry.”

  “Hagan is going to feed you as soon as I leave. If you have managed this far, you can manage anything.”

  Lisette nodded. She reached for Archer. Everyone in the room tensed up. And Lisette hugged him. Then she let him go. Archer turned and walked to the cage door where Hagan met him. Archer exited and Hagan entered.

  “I’ve never seen anyone with as much control, Lisette. I’ve seen many change and usually it takes days, week’s months to control the hunger the way you just did with Archer. You are going to be fine. Come here, I’ve brought you something but you must start slowly. A little at a time. It will help you learn control. Soon you will only need it when you choose.” Hagan produced a bag of blood. It was all Lisette could do not to run and grab and tear it opened. But she deliberately made herself walk slowly and take the bag from Hagan. She sipped gently. The fluid sliding down her throat was easing her desire. She looked at Bella and smiled.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Ryker was in so much pain. His wrists and ankles were nearly burned through to the bone from the silver chains. He didn’t know if he could walk if he needed to. But he had kept his eyes and ears opened. It seemed this place was the main headquarters for the North American takeover. The room he was in seemed to be a room where William kept his eyes on the whole compound. The wall in front of Ryker was filled with monitors. William had deliberately left them all on so Ryker could watch as the Rogues tortured and fed on all the humans that were caged in presumably the basement. But Ryker also saw the monitors that showed each way in and out and the guards and every other security measure in place. They assumed he was no longer a threat so access to this information wasn’t concerning to them. But Ryker had seen one of his own standing by the gate early this morning. He was absolutely sure it was Lamar. Lamar had stopped a truck on its way in and had a quick conversation with the driver. If Ryker could somehow let Lamar know he was here. But then again his people and Archers would be risking their lives to save him. He was only one man, not worth the lives of many. He hoped they didn’t do anything rash.

  Through his pain and suffering, Ryker’s thoughts continually wandered to Lisette. He didn’t know what their future might have held but he was sure he would never know now. How he hated that. To find love and then so quickly be taken from it. All his long life, an eternity, he had waited for her. But he would think of her soft skin and her beautiful hair and the smell of her and it would help take his mind away from his plight. At least she was safe.

  Lamar had indeed had a conversation with the driver of the truck. J.J. and he had spoken rapidly in order to draw no attention. Lamar told J.J. that Ryker was definitely here. This morning it was announced to them all that a major leader in the opposition had been caught and was going to be publicly executed. It could be no one but Ryker. And he could be nowhere but here, where the main boss was. Lamar and J.J. both agreed to find out what they could and soon both were calling in to report.

  As soon as Hagans phone rang, Archers did too. They both listened in earnest. Telling their men to sit tight and make no moves, they filled them in on their plan so they could be watching for Lisette and help her if they could. They were to report in if they found out any more details.

  Archer and Hagan looked at each other. Alone in Ryker’s office, Archer asked the big question. “Do you really think Lisette can control her appetite to do the job? There are others you know.”

  “No, I’m not sure. But the only way to stop her is to keep her locked up and that would for sure drive her insane. I’m not facing Ryker, if we can save him, with that on my conscience. He would kill me. I’m going now to let her out. I will feed her first and walk her among our people and yours and the humans here. If she can control herself I will send her in this night. We can’t wait any longer.” Hagan made for the stairs.

  Lisette looked up from where she was sitting on the floor. She looked her normal self, except for the exceptional glow of vitality she had now. She rose when Hagan opened the cell door. He walked in with a bag of blood and Lisette took it gently and drank her fill.

  “Come, we are going for a walk.”

  Lisette took a deep breath in and blew it out her nostrils. She followed Hagan up and out and into the sunshine. At first it hurt her eyes. But that wasn’t the problem. All at once she was overcome with all the different smells that invaded her senses. So many. She could even smell Bella who she knew was a house away. And the baby. She could smell the baby within Bella’s body. For a moment the thirst for blood overcame her. She stood completely still and closed her eyes, raising her face to the sun. She struggled to gain control. And she did.

  Hagan watched her closely. He knew he was pushing her far beyond the boundaries of the norm. But it had been her choice. And she was holding her own.

  Soon they were walking down the middle of the street. Lisette was taking in everyone’s scent. As she walked, she grew stronger in her ability to control her desire.

  “You are doing amazing
. I am pushing you way past what you should have to do in the beginning. But our goal is to send you down tonight. And if you can’t control your desires then it will be for nothing. You must focus on Ryker. On the ones you love. If the thirst gets unbearable then find a way to feed that is acceptable to the peace. I am worried because I know sending you to the rogues; you will be tempted beyond what even I would struggle with. I am sure they aren’t sparing humans and you will be sorely tempted. Archer and I both have a man down there. When you get there tonight they will both be at the gate. Each will have yellow hats on. Look for them. They have food for you for your thirst and this will help you. The plan is simple. Get in, get close to the big man and find out where Ryker is. Our men have already covered all the details on security so we know what we are facing. But we need to know for absolutely sure he is there and where. That is your job and your only job. Don’t do anything stupid like try to get him out yourself. We are all in this together. Besides, I’m not sure how much you will be able to take. Do you understand?” Hagan ask Lisette.

  “I do. And I’m ready. I will starve before I let the hunger stop me from my goal. To find Ryker.” Lisette had complete determination implanted on her face. “When do I leave?”

  “We will take you as close as we can by helicopter. We will drop you off a couple of miles away. You must know by now of your super speed. It shouldn’t take you a couple minutes to be at the gates. We will show you on a map. We leave at twilight.”

  “Good.” Lisette said as she kept walking. Breathing in deeply she felt the hunger and kept it at bay. She was ready.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Ryker was still holding on. His thirst for blood was immense. He’d had nothing since he’d been here. If he could quench his thirst his wrists and ankles would hurt less and begin to heal. Without sustenance, he would only grow weaker.

  The door opened. Ryker turned his head. He hadn’t seen anyone since William had left the body lying in front of him. William walked in with a gloating look on his face. He stopped in front of Ryker and produced a human arm to Ryker’s lips. Ryker’s senses betrayed his immense hunger. His face changed, fangs protruding.

  “Go ahead, he isn’t dead. We just took his arm. We try to make them last a while. You know you want it. And besides, you don’t want to grow so weak that you aren’t any good to me. I need you to stay alive enough for the big day. Only three more days and then you can succumb to the silver and pain and give up. But for now, Enjoy this. It may be your last.”

  Ryker didn’t want to feast on the human’s arm. It was against all he stood for. But he knew he needed strength. It was possible his people would come for him. If they did he needed to be able to walk. So he nodded to William. William smiled a satisfied smile of triumph. He released one of Ryker’s wrists. The bone was completely exposed. Ryker reached for the human arm. He could smell the coppery scent of the blood dripping from it. He tried not to grab it too quickly. He took his time. When he had the arm he sank his fangs into it in relief. He could feel the strength begin to flow through his body as he drank deeply, draining the arm of all the bright red liquid. When he was done, William fastened his wrist back tight to the wall.

  “Wow, the corpse at your feet is beginning to smell putrid. I think it’s time I send it to the wolves. Don’t you agree, Ryker?” William turned and pulled a radio from his pocket. Soon two Lycan walked through the door. They picked up David’s limp body and removed it from the room.

  “It’s a nice evening outside. I know you can’t tell being in here with no windows but it is. The moon is full so the nasty canines will be running wild wherever they can. Horrid animals.”

  Ryker listened to William taunt him. “At least you’ve been able to enjoy the television monitors. I hope you’ve liked the viewing.”

  William turned to look at the monitors himself, “The sun is beginning to go down.” He stopped speaking for a minute, “What’s this at the gate. Looks as if we have a new recruit. And she’s quite a looker, hm Ryker.” Ryker raised his head to see the monitor of the main gate. He tried to hide his shock at the sight of Lisette as she walked through the gates that opened to let her in. What was she doing? She would be put in with the other humans and used as food. How could Archer and Hagan have allowed this? But as he watched, he noticed something different about the woman he loved. She wasn’t a bit afraid. She walked as if she was the queen and all those around her were her servants. No one was acting as if they wanted to take a bite out of her. She had changed. Ryker watched as two men in hats took her arms and led her inside. Soon the radio beeped and Ryker heard someone tell William there was someone here demanding to see the leader.

  William turned to Ryker,” Generally, I don’t involve myself with new recruits. But this one looks interesting. She is demanding to see me. I think I may meet her demand. See you later Ryker. Don’t wander off while I’m gone.” And William laughed as he walked out the door, shutting it and locking it behind him.

  Ryker watched as Lisette disappeared from the screen. And he grew angry. She had come for him. And she would die for him. She didn’t stand a chance against this place swarming with evil.

  Lamar and J.J. walked Lisette into the large high-rise. Shoving a bag of blood into her hands, she drank it down swiftly. Whispering, they told her they knew Ryker was here but they weren’t allowed above the fifth floor. He had to be on one of the other four floors. They assured her they would try to stay within a close distance to her but if she went up, she would be on her own. She nodded. Then as loud and haughty as she could so that all could hear she demanded, “I want to see whoever is in charge here. I want to see him now.”

  She heard one of the obvious guards radio someone and then watched as he walked to her, “I’ll take her from here, boys.”

  Lamar and J.J. backed off. Lisette was escorted onto an elevator and Lamar and J.J. watched as it rose and stopped on the tenth floor. The top one where the living quarters of the Boss were. They hoped Lisette knew what she was doing.

  The helicopter had landed and Archer and Hagan, Chloe and Ben made their way to the inner city and as close as they could to the Rogues headquarters. They could all hear Lisette and everything she said over the mic they had hidden in her skin, right under her left ear.

  “I hope you are taking me up this elevator to meet the Leader. I have a deal for him he won’t be able to refuse.” The guard just looked at Lisette,”Ah I see we are on the top floor. Lead on.”

  The elevator doors opened and the guard didn’t move. He motioned for her to get off. “What, you aren’t getting off too?”

  “There’s no need for him to, “said a voice across the expanse of the lush penthouse suite she saw before her. She stepped out of the elevator which immediately closed and began its descent.

  “And who might you be, demanding to see me,’ the voice came from a man who’s back was to her as he gazed out the large windows overlooking the lights of the city.

  “I am here for revenge. For blood and to join in your cause. I also have information that will be vital to your organization.”

  “I’ll admit, when you came in here all haughty and demanding to see me, I almost had you disposed of. But my curiosity got the better of me. That and the fact you are quite beautiful,” All this was said as the Vampire turned and walked into Lisette’s personal space. He even took a wisp of her hair and twined it between his fingers.

  Lisette pretended a haughty and proud demeanor. She stood tall, back straight and looked the man into his black eyes.

  “So, my decision on what to do with you will be determined if you have anything I’m interested in. If not, you will go the way of so many that I take a disliking too. I’m hoping for the first.” William said slyly as he circled her, almost touching her, until he was facing her. She looked him in the eyes, feigning complete confidence and a certain smugness.

  “Oh, you’ll like what I have to say. You see, I have been with someone you’ve wanted for a while. He was my, shall I say, in
tended? Then he dumped me. Told me he wasn’t interested in continuing our relationship. He literally called me a whore. Then he sent me on my way like I was his pet. So here I am. Ready to tell you all I know and help you get him. I just want my pound of flesh too.”

  “And who, may I ask, are you referring to.” William reached out and began to stroke her arm.

  “His name is Ryker. He leads the Northern Clan.” Lisette pretended anger as she spit out his name.

  William leaned his head back and roared with laughter. “So you think you can help me catch Ryker.”

  Lisette looked at William,” I know I can. I know his complex like the back of my hand. I know where all his weapons are, his humans, his secrets. Any information you might need, I have it.”

  “And I’m expected to believe you just waltzed in here to help me because he scorned your undying love.” William’s voice changed slightly.

  Lisette wrapped her arms around his neck. She pulled him against her. She leaned her face close to his and bit her lip, drawing blood. Then she pressed her mouth to his. William licked the blood from her mouth. With her mouth pressed against his, Lisette murmured, “I can be so much more also. I know where all the other clans are and much information on them. And you and I might get along quite well.”

  William pulled her against him and licked her mouth. “We might help each other after all. But first, I want to show you something. I don’t trust you yet, but it doesn’t matter. You are completely at my mercy here. So we will see if you are all you say you are. What shall I call you?”

  “Lisette. And I will prove my worth. What is your name?”

  “For your sake, I hope so. And you can call me William.”


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