Emerging Rebellion : a Men of Myth short story

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Emerging Rebellion : a Men of Myth short story Page 4

by Brandon Witt

  Every emotion and sense was compounded by losing Flesser. I’d known he had no true love for me, despite my own feelings that had blossomed. But there had been tenderness, kindness, warmth. With one careless statement, I’d ended the only comfort I’d ever hoped to receive.

  My lament was cut off as Xenith’s shadow fell across the meadow. Watching my brother gracefully descend from the sky lessened my pain somewhat. As he always did.

  Trusting Xenith would not be so careless a second time, I stepped into the clearing without confirmation of his solitude. “Brother.”

  He smiled at my greeting. “I thought I’d have to wait an hour before you’d be willing to exit your tree, Quay.”

  I glanced toward the horizon. “We have not the time, and I trusted you arrived alone.”

  He only continued to grin.

  “I was not foolish to make such an assumption, was I?”

  A small laugh escaped him, but there was no real mirth to be found. “I am alone.”

  “Did you speak to the queen?”

  “No how are you, Xenith? How was your day? Did you bring any more jewelberries?” Xenith cocked a teasing brow.

  I couldn’t help but return his grin. “As I said, we don’t have time.” I paused for a moment. “Did you bring more jewelberries?”

  “No.” He shrugged. “Still, it would have been nice to be asked.”

  “You’re exhausting.” I stepped closer, leaving mere inches between us, and lowered my voice. “Did you speak to her?”

  He nodded, his gaze downcast, refusing to meet my face.

  My heart sank. I’d not had much hope she’d listen, but I thought maybe… with her beautiful son… with the owl as proof…

  “Did you show her the owl?”

  Xenith looked at me once more. “Of course I did. I told her everything, just as you told me to. I showed her the owl.”

  “What did she say?”

  He gave a little shrug. “The same as I said to you. That it must be one of the human servants.”

  “But the arrow was one of ours.” Anger began to creep into my voice.

  “She said they might have stolen one.”

  “They didn’t, Xenith. I can feel it. I know. I don’t know how, but I know. It is one of us committing these atrocities.”

  He lifted a hand in surrender. “I believe you, Xenith. I do. I can’t say I feel anything coming like you claim, but I believe you. I trust your judgment.”

  I took a breath, trying to calm my growing tension. “How did she leave it? Will she consider taking action at all?”

  “What were you hoping she’d do, Quay?”

  What was I hoping? “I don’t know. Send out a patrol. Station more guards. Alert her subjects to the possibility of danger. Cast protection around the animals. Something!”

  I truly wasn’t sure what I’d expected. Though she’d turned her back on me, she still was the queen. She had power. More than me, at least. She had power of magic and of control of her people. She was the queen. She was supposed to know what to do. She was my—

  My last thought caused me to gasp aloud.

  “What? What did you just think?”

  I ignored Xenith. Was I truly such an imbecile? To fall in love with Flesser when I knew he had no love for me? And now this? To realize I’d expected her to know what to do because she was my mother? Was I truly nothing more than a little child running scared to his mother after all this time?

  “I am a fool, Xenith. An utter fool.” I turned from him.

  He grasped my shoulder before I moved too far away. “She said for me to keep an eye out, that if I found anything else to let her know.”

  It would be too late.

  Like everything else I’d been feeling, I had no basis for my certainty, but I knew.

  Too late.

  “Maybe she’ll believe us… believe me, if it happens again. Of course, we will hope it doesn’t happen again. Maybe it’s over. Whatever it is.”

  I turned to face him once more. His face held a pleading expression, though I wasn’t certain if it was out of a need for me to tell him everything would be alright, that there wasn’t danger, or that I would be fine.

  I could give him that.

  “You’re right, of course. We will hope it doesn’t happen again, but if it does, I’m certain she’ll listen to you.”


  Flesser’s seed sprayed over his chest, his muffled groans loud in the too-quiet darkness.

  Careful to keep the illusion of my appearance in place, I lowered myself onto him, my sex sliding free of him at the motion. Resting my head on his chest, I reached up and cupped my palm over his cheek. “Why did you return? Really?”

  “I told you already, Quay.” He lifted his hand and stroked my back, careful to avoid my stripped wings. “I love you.”

  When Flesser had entered my dwelling in the middle of the night, I’d expected him to kill me. I’d been so startled out of my sleep that I thought the fate of the deer and owl were upon me. But then it was him upon me, pausing only long enough for me to show what I should have become, kissing my lips, crawling naked onto me, asking forgiveness, saying he loved me.

  Saying he loved me.

  Flesser loved me.

  The impossible words had been spoken.

  Even as they left his lips, I knew them to be untrue.

  Since my changing, only my brother had spoken those words to me, enough for me to recognize the ring of truth.

  Flesser felt no love for me. Perhaps he thought he did. He was lonely, like me. Hurting, though not as much as me. Maybe I was the only one who had ever spoken words of love to him.

  “Did you hear me, Quay?” He waited until I lifted my head from his chest and met his gaze. “I love you.”

  Still hollow.

  It didn’t matter. It was more than I’d hoped for.

  “I love you too, Flesser.” I dipped my head and kissed him again before pulling back, then slid off him, repositioning myself beside him, our bodies curling into each other.

  I felt myself drifting back to sleep as Flesser swirled the tip of his fingers over my skin. Him being beside me, claiming he loved me, returning once more. It made no sense. It was too good to be true. Such was not the fate for one like me. It was a perfect moment.

  “Does Prince Xenith share your concerns?”

  “Somewhat. Yes.” The meaning of Flesser’s soft, warm whisper cut through the hazy contentment of my mind, and I sat bolt upright, gaping at him. “What?”

  His smile was soothing, reassuring. “I was in the forest earlier this evening. I happened to see you conversing with the prince.”

  I opened my mouth to deny, then closed it again. What would be the point in that?

  Flesser lifted up, supporting his weight on his left arm. With his other hand, he reached out, stroking my face. “Do not fear, my love. I will not report to the queen.”

  I searched his eyes but could read nothing more than my own shadowy reflection. Despite his reassurance, desperation threatened to smother me. “Flesser, please don’t. He is my brother. I love him. He needs me.”

  “I am aware that the queen would not feel the same about that statement. I will not run to her.” He sat up fully, putting us on equal level. “However, surely you know such a sacrilege is condemnable by death.”

  It wasn’t a question, and I found no words to say.

  “Quay, what if it had been someone else? Someone who needed favors from on high? Who would use your relationship with the prince to garner the queen’s trust?”

  My mind raced, thoughts formed, swirling, then darted away too quickly for me to grasp. “Flesser, please…” My voice broke.

  He leaned in, pressing his lips to mine.

  I felt a tear slip down my cheek.

  He pulled away. “I’m sorry I didn’t take your fears seriously before. I assume that was the topic of your meeting with the prince?”

  I hesitated, then nodded.

  “And what did the
prince feel? Does he believe there is cause to be alarmed?”

  Again I hesitated.

  “I should have listened to you earlier. I’m sorry I dismissed your fears.” Flesser’s thumb caressed circles over the meat of my hand. “Do you still believe there is danger coming? That the owl was a sign of doom?”

  I nodded once more.

  “I should have listened. Does the prince share your concern?” When I didn’t answer, he reached up to stroke my face once more. “If your prediction is valid, the prince will be vital. The queen would not listen to you or me. But to her own child? Perhaps she could be moved to action.”

  Flesser’s thoughts so closely mirrored my own. A spark of relief shot through me. “Xenith already approached the queen. She did not find reason to be concerned. Even Xenith is more alarmed by my fears than any true conviction of his own.”

  Flesser nodded slowly. “So, then, all that is left is to convince them. Before it is too late.”

  The possibility that he actually believed me and he would choose to help was too much to take in. Too much to believe.

  His soothing touch continued. “Lie down, my love. There is nothing to be done this night. Let me sooth you once more, give you pleasure.”

  Sliding back to extend into a lying position once more, I watched as Flesser’s fingers began to explore my body, grazing over my chest, swirling over my stomach, then pausing before tracing the length of my penis. A moan escaped without my permission.

  “That’s is, Quay. Let me ease your fears. At least for a little bit. We can face tomorrow, together.”

  Already I was rigid in his hand.

  “Close your eyes, just feel your body. Feel the pleasure I can give you.”

  I let my eyes close, giving in to arousal, to the moment.

  “One second, I brought something I believe will give you satisfaction. Just feel it on your skin.” His voice was barely audible and filled with lust.

  There was a shuffling, as Flesser retrieved whatever he’d brought, and then he began touching my skin once more.

  But it wasn’t his fingers—something lighter, thinner. As it traced narrow paths over my skin, waves of sensation rippled through my body. Flesser swirled the item over my shaft, causing me to arch back and another groan to escape.

  His warm lips smashed against mine, cutting off my whimper. All the while, the light touch swept over my body. As his tongue slid into my mouth, he traced back up my stomach and over my chest, swiping in an arch over my jaw. The sound of my pleasure was lost in his mouth.

  Leaving me breathless he pulled back.

  Heavy-lidded, I opened my eyes to see his smiling face. His beautiful eyes shone brightly in the darkness. “Am I making you feel good, my love?”

  “By the Goddess, yes.” I smiled up at him, then looked down the length of my body, where Flesser had moved his attention back to my groin. “What are you using all over my—” My words fell away as I tried to make sense of what I saw being used to stimulate my sex.

  A feather. I almost laughed that I hadn’t recognize what had been moving over my skin. Of all things, I should have been able to know the touch of a feather.

  Flesser used it to swipe over my stomach once more, then return to my erection. My breath caught as the feather came into better focus.

  The striated, stiff brown feather was one I knew, or at least recognized. If there’d been any mistake, the dried blood at the quill took away any doubt.

  Without thinking, I scuttled back across the ground on my elbows, moving away from Flesser.

  He smiled. Not lovingly, not even in hate. Just smiled, as he lifted the feather in front of his face, giving it a little twist around, then back again.

  The little owl flashed through my mind. Its legs severed, wings plucked bare. “Why?” I flinched at my own voice. I hadn’t meant to speak.

  Flesser only continued to twirl the feather, as if mesmerized.

  When I looked at his face, I realized it wasn’t the feather that had captured his attention.

  We stared at each other, I don’t know how long. I could not make myself speak again or move.

  At long last he lowered the feather. His smile never faltered. “You did know having a relationship with the prince was a condemnable offense?”

  Still no words.

  Keeping his eyes on me, Flesser reached out, sorting through his pile of discarded clothes.

  After a moment, he withdrew a blade.

  Through it all, he never looked away from me.

  “I may be on the lowest rung of our society as you noted, Quay. However, even I can be of use to the queen.” He lifted the blade between us, as he had the feather, and began to make it twist.

  At the mention of my mother, my mind snapped back into focus. Without consideration, I raised my hand, then brought it down onto the earth with a dull smack.

  From his knelling position, Flesser began to sink into the earth. He cried out in surprise.

  After pushing myself to stand, I turned to run through the entrance. Foolishly I nearly paused to retrieve the feather, nearly stumbled as my mind and body fought each other. Common sense won out.

  As I exited, I glanced back. Flesser was buried up to his waist in the earth, the dirt already beginning to dry around him. His wings beat wildly in the air, making a snapping sound as against the ground.

  A vision of rushing back, prying the blade from his hands and plunging it into his throat flashed through my mind. The image nearly made me stumble once more. I could not commit such violence. Such brutality.

  I ran.

  After a while, I don’t know how long or how far, I stopped. I was running toward the pines, where I met with Xenith.


  For the first time, his face rose up before me.

  I should have used the blade. Ended Flesser’s life. No matter the cost to my soul.

  I shook the thought away. Xenith was in no danger. He was under the queen’s protection. She loved him. And even if she did not, he was her guarantee to the throne.

  He was in no danger.

  I glanced behind me.


  That would not be true for long. Flesser had certainly already released himself from the ground.

  There was one choice. Only one.

  And with a solitary regret, I was almost thankful for it.

  Closing my eyes—shutting out the night, my fear, Flesser, the queen, even Xenith—I summoned every ounce of my power.

  The groan of agonized pleasure that burst from me dwarfed anything Flesser had elicited.

  When it was done, I stood tall, my spine cracking at its extension. I unfurled my wings about me. The slivery white feathers sparkling in the moonlight.

  It was time. Freedom.

  For how long, there was no way to know. But at least it was time.

  As I readied my wings for their first flight, Xenith’s face finally broke through my thoughts.

  My heart crumbled.

  To leave him was my death.

  I curved my right wing so it curled around me. Choosing the largest feather, I grasped and gave a singular yank. With a shot of pain and dash of blood, I held the perfect plume to my lips, whispering magic.

  “My brother, I know not when or how, but I will return. I love you.”

  With one great swoop of my wings, I rose into the night. In less than three beats, I was above the trees. I hovered, only for a moment. Held the feather to my face once more and blew. “To Xenith.”

  I did not watch the feather travel into the night, but turned and gave myself over to my flight.

  I climbed higher and higher through the clouds, as if toward the moon.

  Fear was gone. My spirit soared even higher than my wings.


  It was ecstasy.

  About the Author

  Brandon Witt received his roots in the Ozark, grew wings in Denver, and is learning to fly in New Orleans. When not snuggled on the couch with his two dogs and his partner
, Stephen, he is more than likely in front of his computer, nose inches from the screen, fingers pounding the keys.

  Please Visit the following links for more information and to keep up to date on new releases:

  Website: BrandonWitt.com

  The Brandon Witt Witty Readers Facebook Group: Witty Readers

  Amazon: Brandon’s Author Page

  Also by Brandon Witt

  All arriving in 2020

  Standalone Novels and Novellas

  Then the Stars Fall

  Imperfection of Swans

  Son of Money

  The Shattered Door

  Under a Sky of Ash

  Second Helpings, Novella

  Fan Boy, a Kinky, Erotic Short Story

  Rocky Mountain Boys Series

  Mapping the Forest - a Rocky Mountain Boys Novel

  Braving the Rapids - a Rocky Mountain Boys Novel

  Mary’s Boys Series

  Nachos & Hash, Novella

  Vodka & Handcuffs, Novella

  Mascara & Bandages, Novella

  Deeds & Confetti, Novella

  The Mary’s Boys Collection

  Men of Myth Series

  Submerging Inferno

  Rising Frenzy

  Clashing Tempest

  Shifting Silver, Novella

  Emerging Rebellion, Novella

  The Men of Myth Collection


  Short Stories

  Christmas Tales

  Lavender Shores

  Also written by Brandon Witt, under the pen name of Rosalind Abel. The Lavender Shores series is pure MM romance with trope-filled, steamy goodness. You won’t be left wanting, and all guaranteed happily ever-afters.

  The Palisade

  The Garden


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