Soul Mates. The Beginning.

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Soul Mates. The Beginning. Page 13

by Christine Wood

  “All I can say is this is not an idle threat this time, a woman escaped a top mental health facility in Italy, and scrawled on her wall was she was coming to get you.”

  “Oh, and who was this she then, and why was I not told about this mad woman coming after me?”

  “Gina Amadori, do you remember her? A man named Christopher Holland told your father the full tale this morning, and they are worried that she is coming here for you.”

  “Oh, I thought nobody knew about the ranch here, what about all the precautions we take to fly into other airports?”

  “We do, the ranch isn’t in your father’s name, there are constant changes in getting here and as I said this is just a precaution.”

  “Umm, well she wasn’t a threat much then and I can handle her, she was a messed up woman Mr Holland dated for a while, she had and has nothing to worry about from me.” With that Bedford and Luis came along the road, great the lectures are about to start.

  “Bella get in the car now.” I was being told what to do by Bedford, shit this is serious because he hardly ever speaks to me, let alone calls me Bella.

  “Alright, and then someone better explain and fast.”

  “Gina, she escaped and killed her nurse, her mum, her sister and her son, she was last seen heading in a taxi to the airport and yes this is as serious as it gets, Christopher is worried for your safety.”

  “Oh, she did all that and they don’t know where she is?”

  “No, she has no passport and no money, but apparently, she is very resourceful.” Bedford tells me.

  “Bella, we will get the horses back, please go with Bedford, I will ride Gallant back and Preston will take back Chocolate.” Great, I’m under lock down again. We get these dumb threats all the time, and I’m sure this is just yet another bloody tourist off the beaten track. When I got back, this was the case and I sulk off to my rooms. Apparently, we leave for New York tomorrow, great, happy birthday to me, hiding out in hotel rooms. Luis comes to see me when he and Preston get back.

  “False call, it was a tourist taking photo’s Dad is moving us to a more secure home because Mum is flipping out about you, and they are damned angry we lied.”

  “They’re really freaking out over that old news, and really she did nothing that I wouldn’t have done in her position back at his ranch, but she was very resourceful in finding him last time. Christopher was and probably still is being an arse. You’d know being his bezzie mate?”

  “We don’t see as much of one another as we used to, really we don’t Bella. He’s always in bloody Australia these days. He is a different person, all work and no play Bella.” Why did I not believe him? That’s right I have seen the photos and have the cuttings, yeah shoot me I still keep tabs on him.

  “Well where is Dad thinking this time?”

  “Spain still, but he’s not thinking about it, he has bought an old castle on a hillside. It has one road in and the same one out and so it’s easy to monitor, he has been a busy little bee getting it ready, and this scare has hastened the move up a few weeks. We were originally moving when you were at university, but we will be moved in when we get back from The Yonkers Birthday Ball. Our stay there will be three weeks’ tops, and you get to hang out with big brother a while.” There was an upside to this Luis and I could talk again.

  “Oh you were just upping sticks whilst I was away and abandoning me? I come home and find you all moved?”

  “Yeah, it was one of my better plans. Have a guess who has told her daddy she is coming to stay, and is helping to decorate?”

  “Derr, there was a clue in the title as it’s not me, it must be the bitch?” She’d wheedled her way in when Mum was ill and seemed to forget she had to pass being a nurse to get her allowance back, she is far better at this guilt trip thing she pulls on Dad than I am. I knew she would, she faints at the sight of blood anyway. She was told to volunteer in a woman’s refuge instead, which lasted a whole week before she cried buckets about how she had learnt her lesson, those poor woman, and those poor children. She pushed all the right buttons and got her allowance back.

  This however will be the first time I have seen her since I got out of rehab, I’d prefer that I’m not near her at any time, she too hates me just as much, or more because I am with our father all the time, so there is no love lost. I think Dad knows we will never be friends and just hopes for a silent truce when we are together, yeah deathly silent and that works for me.

  “Where is this place then?”

  “A village near León, called Villablino, it’s in the mountains obviously, and believe it or not it’s a shorter drive to the airports and as I said it is easier to secure, and this is a need to know place, we can’t even tell Chris where it is for obvious reasons. Dad was hoping you’d go to the uni there too, humour him and go to it Bella, please?”

  “No, I want what you two had the exciting university experience. It’s bad enough I have to lie about who I am, and please don’t look at me like that, you had it in America, Rachel studied in Paris. Obviously, I will be taking Preston, she is doing the course too, who knew the ex-Royal Engineer, has a part finished major in architecture, taken in London before she got the calling to join the army, good job too or she would be bored shitless spending four years watching university doors.” My thoughts then go to that poor baby and his family, and yeah, I guess I do need some kind of protecting.

  “Bedford hired her because of that fact, something for you two to bond over and she will be your only protection too. It will stop people asking who she is if she was simply stood at the doors waiting around. You are both going to be living in Dad’s hotel, the story is you are paying your way through university as a live in chamber maids, good cover or what Bella?” I scowl because I wanted to be in a shared house with fellow likeminded students. “Don’t look at me like that, campus life isn’t your thing, you know it and I do Bella Pooh, you are not a party animal, your more horse and pony, good girl, and you know it?”

  “Luis, I think that you get off on all of this spy stuff. I may surprise you all and become a sleep around slut like my big sister and brother, you two get away with it, why not me?”

  “I sincerely doubt you will, and besides you know I’m right, your ponies mean more to you than a good night on the town pissed as a fart and in some strange lad’s bed?”

  “How is it you haven’t got a ton of girls knocking on the door too, with babies in tow?”

  “I don’t know, good God Bella, you ask the questions Mum is too tearful to ask, has she got a grandchild out there? I have to settle down she wants a grandchild, and as you are the goody, goody it keeps falling to me to provide. I hate to disappoint but I am too sodding careful, no way after the Chris scare, I am never getting caught on the hop. Can we change the subject of conversation Bella? Discussing the streets lined with Humphries babies isn’t tantamount to having a good time in New York, around my old stomping ground. New York is going to get hammered especially if Chris gets time off from being a Mogul.”

  “Are the stables any good at the new place?” I change the subject, because now he’s brought Chris into it.

  “The stables are amazing Bella, and there’s more greenery around not like this desert area. There’s a state of the art security system going in as we speak, the pony camera will be up in a couple of days and they will be transported there in a couple of days. Stop worrying the girls and Hillary are coming too their accommodation is above the stables they see it as really big adventure.”

  “Gheeze, was I the last one to bloody know?”

  “Pretty much, Dad was thinking about it ages ago, he has been doing it up for nearly six months, and the mountains come with snow in winter Bella and skiing, I get to ski there and at home.” I bet he breaks a bone or two.

  “Well I best go see to the horses then. Really, those gossiping girls I employ didn’t tell me we were moving? God, they can keep their mouths shut.” I pass Dad’s office and he looks glum.

  “Dad I’m goin
g to the stables apparently, I have horses to move, really you didn’t think to tell me?”

  “It only came to our attention last night, and the horses are going over the next week, slowly with no big horse trailers, it’s all but done and dusted, and yes they know Chocolate is due her first foal, she is being moved first with Cappuccino and Coffee, really what are you calling this one Mocha?”

  “Oh Daddy no, I was thinking Latte. Depends on the colouring, you know me Daddy.” He pulled me in for a hug.

  “Sorry I hid it from you, but I need to keep you safe, that’s why you are Susan West at university, so no one will know who you are, are you sure you can’t do the course here in Spain there’s a nice uni there?”

  “I’m sure and it’s what I want, a normal life for a little while, please Dad you promised if I attended college in Spain I could go to university in Germany.”

  “I know I know what I promised, Susan. So why did you pick her name?”

  “She was my oldest school friend remember Daddy? It will be easier to blag my way through conversations, should I have any about where I come from and stuff, as it’s all based on her life. It still really sucks I can’t be Isabella Humphries though.”

  “Sorry Bella, but you know I want you here with me and all the time and I don’t want a hair on your head harming. Christopher explained it all in a frantic phone call last night, and he will definitely be coming to the party, he says it’s time to bury the hatchet.” Oh, I will, in his head. Still, I have yet to thank him for Gallant, my super best friend in horse form. I emailed him so many times I just didn’t hit send, I have page up on page of drafted, yet to be sent letters.

  “Dad, are you selling this place?”

  “It’s already sold, a developer is building a resort out here and keeping the stables running, because they do pony trekking and liked the set up.”

  “Good to know my stables were a selling point then.”

  “He asked who designed them, and he was heartily impressed when I said my sixteen-year-old daughter.” I take a bow.

  “I will be back in a while I need to pack my things for the trip, we are stopping at ‘By the Park’ aren’t we or The Manhattan H?”

  “Yes dear, your favourite hotel, By the Park.”

  “It’s only because it looks out over central park and those wonderful views, right I have stables to pack and move. I know most of it will be done already, the ninjas will be in to secretly move us to the new mountain hideaway, all in the blink of an eye.”

  “Luis told you then?”

  “Umm he did, I will see you in a while Daddy.” I took a look around at the place that had been home for the nearly two whole years, and head into my purpose built stables, these I will miss.

  “Hilary, where are you?”

  “Here Bella, why the crying, oh lord I know that look, has Hugh told you about the move? He did, didn’t he? Here is the battle plan and the three girls move out tomorrow and are being driven there, it’s too rough on Chocolate to fly her out, then the day after the two boys are being driven out, and then when the first carrier gets back these three go, then the boy’s carrier comes back and these three go.”

  “What are the new stables like, I presume that’s where you spent last week and not by your friends sick bed?”

  “Oh you’re good. They are bigger than here, and are fantastic, they’re cut into the hillside Bella and there are forty big stalls, forty can you believe it? We only have fifteen here.” The training ring in supper and there is an indoor training centre, your Dad didn’t tell you it was an old equestrian centre?”

  “No he didn’t, Luis said an old castle.”

  “Wow are you in for a treat then, there’s even a hydro pool for the rehabilitation of racehorses. It is state of the art, and our accommodation is amazing Bella, I can’t wait for you to see it.”

  “So the tack room when and how’s that going?”

  “The girls are keeping each of the horses stuff with them until they move, the spares and new stuff are going in the removal van along with the office and the food stuff. Though the new barn is already stocked, the food stores in place too and then there is a new horse already in residence, Hugh got you it to sweeten the move, perhaps then a smile will come back to that sulky mush, with news that your favourite gray horse is waiting for your eager return to your new home darling. What was on top of the next horsey wish list of yours?”

  “No way, he bought me a Lipizzaner, you’re kidding me, right?”

  “Nope and not just one but get this, a breeding line, two gray mares and a stallion will be waiting for you on your return, really you need to decide what you are breeding Bella.”

  “Aztecs and Lipizzaners, of course, and wow I may even give up uni for this.”

  “Really? No, you’re kidding, but I guess we will be seeing you home more?” I helped pack the office away though now I was eager to get to the new ranch. Three weeks is going to be a killer, when I could be there tomorrow but for the damned party, perhaps I will learn to whine like Rachel? I can do a week in New York, besides I do need new clothes.

  “Right, the new name of the stables will be changed and my name will not now appear on the paperwork, I know Dad explained this, yes and the reasons?” She nods and smiles. “You’re in charge, and the stables come under your name, on all the new paperwork as owner and proprietor and the new stables will be called, Hills, Bells and Horses. You can handle the move, can’t you?”

  “Oh, god you are a cheeky sod, of course I can. I love the name, it’s about time you picked one. It will feel like a proper business now. Bella the setup is to die for. Did you forget I did the move Chocolate from Mexico, to meet Coffee and Gallant in Texas, then all three to London, and then the whole stables, from London to Spain, so yeah a tiny move across Spain is like a walk in the park, go get packed boss.”

  I hug my best friend in the world, who like me, loves horses. She agreed to run the stables for me, and she is more than qualified, she has a BSc Honours degree in Equine Science, and a load of others too and she whips my arse in dressage. I offered her, her dream job when she was a head stable girl at the time, in London and was one who came top in all my vetting tests, when I left my babies to go to my sweet sixteenth disaster. She near on runs it all for me, and though five years older than me is just as goofy about horses as I am.

  “See you when I get to the new place, if I can wangle it, a damn sight sooner than three weeks Hill’s.”

  “I will see you, when you get there Bella, and have a nice time too, get me a posh frock for the stable warming, nothing to flashy, I wouldn’t want it to clash with my mucking out wellies, something in blue I think?”

  “See you soon.” Happy that they knew what they were doing, I went to pack for my trip. My phone was on charge and the blue light was flashing, who was it? I had a text from Christopher, open or delete? I open and read: Sorry, my life is messing with yours. Will you ever have a happy birthday with me there? I promise I will try harder this time. See you soon.

  I can’t go down that rabbit hole again, the last time I did, I fell and hard, and this time the rabbit hole was harder to climb out of, because I’d had those kisses. I packed just the basics, everything else I was buying there, including the dress. Security has been ramped up to stupid and over the top as usual, so I guess my shadows will be everywhere. Still at least they tell me of any troubles now, so I don’t do anything stupid, not like I get as much fun at annoying the security people as I used to. I head into the kitchen and Mum grabs me tightly, then hugs and kisses me and then the tears start, what the hell?

  “Mum, err I am in danger of you hugging me to death here, let me breathe please. Dad help me and stop laughing.”

  “You are not going to Germany, you are going to university in Leon, tell her Hugh, tell her I will worry.”

  “She knows, and she has stopped home longer than Luis did, she was promised this Maria darling, please, she will be safer there than anywhere. Susan West is not Hugh Humph
ries daughter, and she and her best friend Julie Preston are going to be fine. Maria, dinner is burning angel put the baby back down.” I am released to the mutters of ‘nobody cares about her feelings.’ Oh wow, is she Rachel’s mother too?

  “Mum I will be home most weekends as it is, the course is Monday through Thursday, and so two hours in the air and I am home again. Please Mum I need this, and I promise if I don’t like it I will transfer to the one near the new place.”

  “Well I pray you hate it and come back as soon as you can, I need you, and your horses need you. Papa needs you.”

  “Mum stop it, you’re not going to win this one, besides we have months left yet. Good job I can complete the last part of college on line and through Skype, with my tutors.”

  “Come and eat, your dinner is ready, Luis, Luis dinner is ready come and get it now.”

  “What’s Luis done this time?”

  “He told her ‘no’ to grandbabies again. He is under pressure to find a nice girl, but unfortunately he doesn’t know any nice girls.” Dad and I breakdown into a sea of tears and laughter as he saunters in, as Dad goes for the dinner plates.

  “My ears were and are burning, did dear old Dad tell you I’m a poor excuse for a son?”

  “Umm, he did and that you don’t know any nice girls, not one that can carry such a God like child of yours, now she would have to be something special. Perhaps Aphrodite herself can come and claim the Greek Spanish heartthrob.”

  “My people have spoken to her people and she’s not too keen on the weather down here, but she fancies her chances with me.”

  “Seriously, are there no Greek girls your grandad knows?”

  “Plenty and no thanks, they are not what I am looking for either. Once they get a ring on, they pop out a kid and wham, their life is the kid and popping out more, that’s why Greek men have mistresses and why my sperm donor did a runner, because Mum wanted more, and given he didn’t even want me, she was on a losing battle getting more from him, so he ran. Thank Zeus he did, because Mum met and married a certain Hugh Humphries and I got the best Dad in the world, so, no Greek tragedy for me Bella. I need to qualify first and earn some money you women are expensive commodities. What with your dresses shoes and cars?”


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