Soul Mates. The Beginning.

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Soul Mates. The Beginning. Page 22

by Christine Wood

  “No, no sex just a kiss, well a couple of kisses and hugs, he was very good at the restraint thing, but last night I still wished it was me having that stupid sex and not that woman he was screwing.”

  “I imagine it wasn’t the best feeling in the world? I know hearing my sister say she was coming and hard, was an and excuse the pun here, a hard thing to hear and just knowing that she was getting that sort of pleasure from my fiancé, mine not hers, sort of killed me and shocked me into some sort of brain freeze.”

  “What did you do?” She laughed and smirked.

  “I… I can laugh now, but actually, I was very calm, as I said brain freeze! I filled the bowl from the sink with cold tap water, poured in the bag of ice cubes from the freezer, decided there wasn’t enough, so transferred it to a bucket and added the frozen peas, the sweet corn, red chilli peppers, Antony’s skin was extremely allergic to those, who knew? I added more water, the packet of wall paper paste, as we were decorating the bedroom in time for the wedding, so it was to hand, I mixed it all together, not enough for it to set, but as I poured it over the sleeping couple, who were exhausted from the sex, it set lovely. It was glorious, they were like two gobsmacked little princess covered in sticky food glitter, and wow I enjoyed throwing their clothes from the window and the pair of them from my flat, both naked and dripping in gunk and frozen veggies, it was a most excellent and quite therapeutic thing to do.

  The whole street got to see her skanky arse, his delicious dick and the array of clothes that followed them, they were both freezing cold and suitably embarrassed. After which, I had the locks changed, then emptied my sisters overflowing closets full of fantastic designer clothes and her expensive shoe collection, all it turns out he bought her, into the salvation army donation bins at the supermarket, and then all his stuff I donated to a charity shop. Then, like you I wanted to shop, and this lot here was nothing to what I spent on his credit card, let’s just say my sisters old closet was filled with some wonderful clothes, shoes and they were all mine, but whilst I was out I passed the army recruiting office and joined up, and the rest was history, as was my sister and her new boyfriend, who cheated on her too, so what else did Chris do?” I laughed as she shrugged her shoulders.

  “He asked me to wait. He would change and that I was more mature than him. I guess we weren’t meant to be together, but his head of security told me he and I were far from over and to give him time, he had issues.”

  “All men have damn issues, and they generally start between their legs Bella. I can only say to you go with your instincts, your head and your heart lead you astray, give him time, but don’t wait around for him whilst he sorts his shit out. Perhaps that’s all you both need time and space, can we go back now? You have spent a fortune and still have to eat.” Argh, the old eating thing, I can see us being good friends at uni, and I’m glad Bedford picked her now. I looked at the multitude of bags, and yes, yikkies, I do shop when I’m upset and wasn’t aware just how much I’d bought until the other security guards came for the bags. I’d bought way more stuff than I actually needed. Shopping to forget had cost me a sodding fortune.

  I was forging ahead with my plans, and they did not now include Christopher Holland, mega billionaire, arse hole, and CEO of Arses-Are-Us. I thought again of what Henry said, that the ‘him and me’ story was far from over and I smiled, stranger things happen at sea I suppose? When I got back from the shopping trip, our things were already loaded on the plane and Dad was wrapping up some business he had here, but Mum was pacing the floor and Luis was sat with his head in hands, shit I was safe with Julie…

  “What has happened and why are you stressed Mum? Luis tell me?”

  “They caught Gina she was on a flight to Texas, using the dead nurse’s passport. She had a real plastic gun thing in her luggage. Bella, she was going to kill Chris, apparently, she had a list of addresses for him and for us, thankfully not on her list though was our old home, so Dad is leaving it up to you where we call home, the old one or the new one, which was bought for those damn Satan’s helpers you have? Chris and Henry have gone to Italy to see to it she never gets out of prison and is not going to be held in a mental health place. He is so relieved that you were no longer in danger. He said I was to thank you for his gift, and he will treasure them, read the book and get back to you, and he will see you again sometime when he’s grown up a bit, what did he mean by that?”

  “Argh Cooper got his birthday gift then, good. Gina is safe and under lock and key and you dear brother are an arsehole of the biggest kind, are you buying a dog when we get to the new house?”

  “A dog, why do I need a dog Bells, oh and when did you realise that Chris was Cooper?”

  “A blame hound, so when you fart it takes the blame, seeing as you’re too fucking moronic to own up to your own misdemeanours and let your friends take the fall Luis? I saw him sleeping on his bed, when I went back to finish cleaning his room later that morning. If you remember I couldn’t do the bathroom, due to him hiding in there and he was fast asleep on his bed when I went to put the towels in his bathroom, he didn’t see me so I played along with the charade.

  I was just happy he’d bothered to come. I figured he was going to surprise me at the ball and do the things we said we’d do. Then it dawned on me then about the condoms I’d shifted, and then remembered what I thought he’d done, then I thought, why the hell had he come? He hadn’t changed at all, he had always been a womaniser and he always would be. Why would he have changed for me? I didn’t figure into all that crap that I was wrong about the prophylactics not being his used goods, but those used by my brother. Care to explain why you had me believe they were his stud, and that you’d spoken to him about clearing his own bedroom waste?”

  “Oh, err about that and the condom thing, I’m sort of, well I’m a lot embarrassed Bella, I was too err, well you know, for God ’s sake Bella, you my sister cleared away my thingy’s for me. So, I’m sorry, but I went along with your version, because it was easier to. Yes, hands held high they were mine, poor Chris just passed out drunk in the bath. I was being entertained that night not him. He didn’t want to, and besides he was way too wasted, and was from the drunken ramblings waiting for his Miss Right to say yes. From listening to this little tit bit of information I’m thinking I need to ask questions of my friend and his intentions to you, and would you care to explain to me why you were upset at his womanising? What’s going on with you two? Have you and him done that, had sex? Are you and him having some sort of thing, you know sex and shit? Oh hell you’re Miss Right, aren’t you?”

  “No, put that out of your head I have never had sex with Chris Holland, and I doubt I ever will now... Really, are you the only one who didn’t know I have had the biggest crush on him, since I was little, really little? He was and is the man I wanted to lose it to, and if you really want to know what he and I were going to do, I’ll tell you… I was going to have sex with Chris and willingly.” His face was a picture, was this all too candied for big brother perhaps? “No, Luis we have never done that, a kiss yes, but he, we, I mean he mainly, decided it was wrong, because of the age difference. Well he, err, we said that when I was older perhaps it could go further, and before you shout and scream and head over to fucking Italy, I wanted him more than he did me.

  Also remember Dad is way older than Mum too, so don’t go there big brother, and remember too, that nothing happened. It should have and could have, had I not seen the condoms and had to see him with that woman Alysia, it may have been that night last night. So you, you lazy arsed man-whore, sort of put the kibosh on anything happening without realising it. This is the last time we discuss him and me, because despite him saying he wanted that for him and me, he was still sleeping around, so yeah thanks for saving me from a big mistake, one I’m not looking to repeat.” He looked a little shocked.

  “So, when he said he thought you were special, great and was fawning all over you, it wasn’t in a little sister sort of way? Oh hell I’m gonna kill
him when I see him again.”

  “No, don’t, it was a two way street Luis I liked him just as much, I always have, and not in a brother sort of a way either. Drop it now Mum’s coming back. She still likes Chris as does Dad so leave it please?”

  “Umm, alright but don’t go there, he’s troubled and his Dad has done a real number on him over the years. He hasn’t had sex in like two years or so, if that helps you figure this crap out? He is, sorry damn, was a much changed man and I know why now, he did it for you.” Troubled what did he mean troubled? And he had been faithful to us, until Alysia, like he said damn it.

  “Luis can we not mention this ever again? What’s done is done, and we won’t be telling Mum or I tell her of the escapades here and me having to shift your junk and about your exclusive card to the sex palace Novo? Also, when Mum talks to you about throwing me a surprise party again, you put her off and tell her I don’t want one! I have yet to have a good one, and there is only one more memorable birthday to screw up, my twenty first.

  I would prefer I spent that one on a faraway beach getting a tan and sipping a cocktail or three by the pool or watching the wave’s crash silently against some sun kissed shoreline, with my wonderfully supportive, lovely big brother. If you hear she, or even Dad say they want to throw me another surprise birthday, please remember this week and put them off, or I do the good catholic girl thing and become a nun, leaving you and your wife to have the much wanted grandchild, deal?” He grabbed me in a God damned brother hug and threw me on the couch tickling me.

  “Deal, you ball breaker get your arse here, worrying your big brother.”

  “Quit it, Luis quit it… Mum stop him please… Mum stop him… Please Luis or I will pee my knickers if you don’t quit it.” She was on the phone and laughing at us fooling around.

  “You two stop it, your Dad’s here and we have to get going. Preston, hello yes can you have security come and escort my wayward children and I down, are the rest of the bags in the car, good, good she did buy rather a lot I know, she always sends money when she’s upset. Thanks Preston two minutes, right put your sister down and get your bags and Bella keep close.” He put me down, and smiled as I thumped him hard.

  “Ouch you bitch Bells that hurt.”

  “Mum, the woman is in a prison or somewhere just as far away from me, stop with the worrying, I’m here and have the best people taking care of me, please stop I am fine.”

  “When you are a mother you too will worry, Luis your sister is not a bitch, headstrong yes, and a bitch no, argh Preston, I need to apologise for shouting last night, I was just…”

  “…Ma’am I know worried. Please don’t worry it’s never happening again, I have a microchip for her if she tries to run again, and it has the latest GPS, with all the top spy stuff embedded in it, and with that I could find her anywhere.” I gulped. “Bedford sourced it, and yes he’s serious Bella, do that again and your arse gets a tiny microchip put in.” They all laughed as I stormed off to give Bedford a piece of my mind, I didn’t know they were joking until I blew my stack at him, poor Bedford.

  “Last night Isabella is the last time you give my staff the slip, and contrary to Preston laughing, I do have a tracking devise ready to inject into you, with a shelf life of three years, so think on. I will not have your parents upset again, and you will go to university in Spain if you mess up in Germany am I clear young lady?” Oh shit he’s shouting at me.

  “Yes Bedford, I’m sorry I won’t do it again, I promise.” The plane was ready and after I had eaten, I went to my room on board, and I slept for the remainder of the flight and was glad of it.

  When we did get to the new place, I loved it, as did Mum, it was everything I needed and more, my horses were settled and Chocolate was a mere few days away from foaling. I loved the new house, sorry the castle thing, it was massive and I filled the next three months with horses, and my new foal, he was beautiful, and was named Java. The arrival of my new stallion from Chris’s stables was a memorable day, he was stunning, and not one I had seen before, he’d bought him specially for me, from a fresh breeder in Mexico, just so I had another bloodline.

  He was nearly black and his coat shone, I called him Diablo as Chris had done, Kenny actually told me Chris had bought this one for himself, and it was his dream horse. I was shocked, yet not surprised he had done that. I really missed him, and though I flicked through the internet to see the old pictures, I fought hard to keep him from my thoughts and though it took time, and with no new photos on the net for me to see and to dream about or upset myself over. I did eventually manage to forget about him and for long stretches of time too…

  I didn’t hear personally from Chris again, though Luis, Mum and Dad did, they told me he was busy expanding his mega bucks empire and then I would feel sad for days, but I’d remember what he did and forget him again, and forget that I ever loved that damned man. I’d barely thought of him at all over the next couple of years. I was happy at uni, as was Julie. I settled well into being Susan West, as the real Susan West was doing well too, and had met and married a nice man, who loved Kiera as his own, Jack’s father had set aside a large part of his son’s trust fund, for Susan to support his grandchild with, and saw her regularly, his son though never bothered with her.

  I buckled down and studied hard, because as much as I wanted to do the student social thing, and given that the Bier Keller’s here are amazing, and my fellow students were friendly and nice, I still didn’t like to socialise much, I wouldn’t, couldn’t or didn’t click with any of the boys who were interested in me. So I studied hard instead, and because of this, I was able to finish the course a full year ahead of my class mates, three years instead of four. The time was flying by and between studies and flying home to see to my horses I hadn’t much down time, forget holidays, forget flying to the fancy charity balls Dad had every year, because I didn’t go to any, I was however fast approaching my twenty first birthday. Luis and I were both home, when during one particularly nice quite family weekend, the dratted conversation came into play about having the big bash for my birthday.

  I laughed as Luis put his foot down, and I listened from the office, whilst they had the conversation in the den. Mum was in fine form and had been planning a very grand affair. She was simply getting the location secured with Luis, everything else she had already planned for.

  “I’m organising a sumptuous party for Isabella’s coming of age party. So which hotel are we throwing it in this time? What about an Australia Grand Ball, in the new Perth Hotel, or perhaps we could do a Caribbean Grand Ball, perhaps on the island of St Bart’s, Dad could look at that hotel for sale on there and kill two birds with one stone?” How the hell did she know that’s where we were going? Damn it she should work for MI5 or the CIA, she could give J Edgar-Hoover a run for his sodding money.

  “Mum, how…? No, no party I have promised to take her to St Bart’s for the week, she specifically said sun, sea and sipping cocktails by the pool or sea, please don’t try to plan a crappy birthday party, she won’t like it Mum. We, as in me and Bella, are going together. How the hell did you know, you’re good. Who did you twist around your finger this time Mum?” Good he remembered, but he was now up against Manic Maria and shit, she had the bit between her teeth, and she knew we were already booked to go. Damn I will kill the mole, umm I wonder if the mole is called Bernie-Blabbermouth-Bedford.

  “Oh goody we simply change the ball for a beach party theme then, we can have a luau, she can’t moan at that idea surely?” This didn’t sound too great…

  “Mum she will hit the roof. Remember, she doesn’t have a great track record for parties and I promised.”

  “You promised her the beach, check, the cocktails, check, you promised her the by the pool, check and you said by the sea, check, check, check all checks Luis, and besides she needs a holiday, so does Dad he’s been working non-stop for three years now. I’ll not do it big and brash we will keep it small. Can we not go for an intimate family affair? Wi
th a few of the staff, security, and perhaps get Chris and Tammy here? The twins are nearly three and I have only seen them twice. He too has been busy, so, so busy and I know he’d like to see her again, as he calls me a lot, and you still see him yes?”

  “Yes, I see him, but not as much as I used to, we both have different lives now and I’m forever in and out of court and he’s over there in Oz. Mum are you sure, she was really instant that she didn’t want a party of any kind?”

  Seeing Chris again was a no go thing, he wouldn’t come though, his engagement to the Russian girl was a big thing apparently. Perhaps he would come and he’d bring her too, ruining the last ever great milestone birthday I was to have?

  “I have never been wrong before, and that woman killed herself in prison, so she’s not going to be escaping, is she? Go on, you get her there and we will surprise her. Besides Chris was just dumped by the Russian, she and he parted waves, he had a big bust up apparently with his business partner, her Dad was robbing the company and they split up, he’s supposed to be devastated.” He is, really? I missed that article.

  “Mum stop reading crap in the magazines about him please. He was never engaged, because he doesn’t see women anymore. He’s changed really changed. He hasn’t seen any girls socially in almost three years.” Really, he has changed that much, then I wonder did he do it for me. Then again, perhaps he doesn’t tell Luis all he does, Luis seems to be well informed though. So, Luis and Chris are still best of friends then? “He never sets foot out of Australia now, but he sold his mining operations there in Australia and for a huge amount of money, an eye watering amount actually. He owns a fair bit of Western Australia and he lives on a massive ranch out there and oversees his empire of hotels, buildings, factories and things from there via the web, as I said he very rarely leaves the damn ranch.


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