Their Salvation (Bosses In Love Book 1)

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Their Salvation (Bosses In Love Book 1) Page 4

by May Gordon

  Pierce is on the phone when I enter, but he smiles at me and I return it. He does that a lot now. Jen, his assistant, was the first to notice, saying she never saw him act like this. That makes me feel happy. That I can make that change in him.

  “Okay, Brent. Diana and I will be there,” Pierce says before hanging up.

  “And where are we going?” I ask.

  Pierce stands and rounds his desk, coming closer to me. I don’t back up because I want him near me. Ever since this morning he’s been touching me every chance he gets. A hand on my lower back, stroking my cheek, or brushing my hair back. I love every moment of it. I’ve never been touched this way, felt this way and it makes me feel like a new woman. He pulls me into him, his arms circling my waist, my breasts pushed against his sizeable solid chest. On instinct I wrap my arms around his neck, bringing him even closer.

  “Next week I’m taking you to a charity gala,” He says, nuzzling his nose in my hair.

  “Really?” I ask, a little shocked, but happy.

  “Yes, you were right. Big companies like mine should give back.”

  “I’m so happy you decided to,” I smile up at him.

  “I had some help; you definitely convinced me,” he smirks. I didn't do much, just happened to mention how I thought giving back was important.

  I give him a bright smile. “I'm excited, but I don’t have a dress.”

  He leans in and takes my lips in a punishing kiss. His are warm and soft, the opposite of the rest of his body. I return it, hoping to god I'm doing it right. I must be because he growls against my lips. He slowly pulls away, making sure to give me one last kiss before leaning back to look me in the eyes.

  “I’ll get you a dress, and anything else you need.”

  “Really? Thank you, Pierce.” I don’t love the idea of him getting stuff for me, but I know I'm just borrowing it for the gala.

  He looks at his watch. “We should go pick up Eli.” He grabs my coat helping me put it on. I didn’t even realize the time.

  “We’ll take my car,” he tells me, putting on his before taking my hand as we exit the office. We stop by Jen where he tells her, “Take off early. Diana and I are done for the day.”

  Jen smiles brightly at us. “Thank you, Mr. Thorne. You guys have a fun evening.”

  “Thanks, Jen, see you tomorrow,” I tell her.

  Pierce doesn’t let go of my hand, even while walking through the office. I guess he doesn’t care about gossip, but I don’t think anyone would dare talk about him anyway. When we get to the underground garage, I see a different car in his spot, and stop short. It’s a 1968 Mustang. I only know because Eli loves old movies and cars, and this is Steve McQueen's, his favorite.

  “Pierce. This is amazing. Eli will be out of his mind.” I'm almost giddy myself.

  We sit on the bench seat, the interior just as beautiful as the outside. “I know. Eli told me this was his favorite when we had coffee.”

  “I can't believe you remember that.” I'm in awe.

  He looks at me while pulling out of the garage. “Of course, I do. It so happens it's mine as well.”

  I can't help but chuckle. “You and Eli will be fast friends then.”

  “That’s the plan,” he states.

  We share some idle chit-chat, a little about work, and he asks more about Eli. We soon find ourselves at the school. Since we’re a bit early, we decide to wait outside where I usually meet him near the playground. Pierce looks around, checking out the surroundings.

  “Do you like this school?”

  I shrug. “It does its job, I’ve been thinking of switching, but I haven't found the right fit yet.”

  “I’m sure there’s an excellent private school in the city,” he states easily.

  I can't help but giggle. “Which would be an option if I had an extra sixty grand laying around.”

  His brows tighten, and he looks concerned. I know he's about to say something when a voice interrupts us.

  “Diana, how nice to see you again.” Alex, a father of one of the kids in Eli’s class, walks up to us.

  I don’t see him often, but know he's divorced and doesn't seem too involved with his kids. He does pick them up occasionally, and every time he does, he's all over me. He’s quite persistent and doesn’t seem to get my message of no.

  “Alex,” I greet with a tight smile. I lean into Pierce who wraps his arm around my shoulder.

  “Pierce Thorne,” Pierce greets, offering his hand.

  “Oh, I thought you told me you didn’t date Diana?” Alex’s tone sounds like an accusation.

  “She doesn’t. She's mine,” Pierce snaps.

  I'm guessing he's saying this to get Alex off my back, but god does it feel good to be called his. Alex’s eyes visibly widen, and I think Pierce tucks me even closer to his side. Alex must get the message because he nods and walks to the other side.

  “That guy bother you a lot?” Pierce growls, staring daggers at Alex from across the yard.

  I pat Pierce on the chest, trying to calm him. “He’s asked me out a few times. He’s persistent, but nothing more than that,” I tell him

  “He won't be a problem again,” he grunts out, but it sounds like a promise.

  The bell rings, and kids start piling from the classrooms. Eli spots me, then his eyes lock onto Pierce, and a smile breaks out on his face. He comes racing up to us, his bag falling off his shoulders from his fast pace.

  “Pierce!” he practically shouts and stops in front of him, looking up in awe and ignoring me.

  Pierce kneels and helps adjust his bag. “Hey Eli. How was your day?” He asks.

  “Good! We learned about mixing colors to make new ones.” He beams at him.

  “That sounds interesting. I’ve got a surprise for you,” he practically whispers to Eli.

  “For me?” Eli seems shocked.

  “Yeah, buddy. Let me show you.” He stands and takes Eli’s hand. Eli finally looks at me and takes mine as well, smiling at me.

  This feels so domestic, so right. I feel a little pang in my heart that Eli has never had this, a father and mother picking him up from school. My heart blooms at the thought that he could, with Pierce. When we get to the parking spot, Eli lets out a shout of excitement.

  “It’s McQueen’s car!” He's jumping up and down pointing at it. My face hurts from smiling so much, his reaction is contagious.

  “Pretty cool, huh?” I ask him.

  “It’s the coolest, and it's yours?” He looks up at Pierce.

  “You got it.”

  “That’s so cool! Lucky,” he squeals.

  Pierce chuckles. “Let's get in. I’m taking you and your mom to dinner.”

  We all pile in, Eli sitting between us, and again a moment of peace comes over me. I hope this thing with Pierce can become a reality.

  Chapter 8

  Pierce ~One week later

  I don’t think I’ve laughed so much in my life and it's all because of Diana and Eli. Over this last week, we’ve established a routine. Every morning I pick them up and we get breakfast before we drop Eli at school then head to work. Diana and I always put in a hard day, but we manage to get in some kissing and heavy petting.

  Unfortunately, it's slowly killing me. Whenever I hold her in my arms, it fuels my passion and fire, and I want more, need more. After work, we pick up Eli, and spend the afternoon together then have dinner. Telling Eli and Diana goodnight has become harder each time. I’m seriously trying to find a way to move them in with me, but a one-bedroom penthouse in the city is no place for a boy. I’ve been looking at homes near the suitable school the last few days.

  I’ve spent a few evenings at their apartment, met some of the others there and they seem friendly. I even helped celebrated Rusty’s birthday, and somehow found myself in an ultimate Wii battle with Eli. I’d hate to take them away from what they’ve built there, but I need them, and I think they’re ready for a change as well. I know I told myself I’d take my time with Diana, not wan
ting to scare her, but after two weeks I’ve had it. I need them in my life, permanently.

  We’ve also shed some light on the stolen money. Dan is definitely involved. I’ve kept him on so I could monitor him, and he’s made several calls to a blocked number from a burner phone but hasn’t attempted to meet them in person. He also has a large savings account, which means someone is paying him off. Now that I’ve gotten as much information from him as I can, I should fire him. But that could tip off whoever is behind this. I still need more time to figure this out and have my tech guy, Josh, working on the problem.

  I hear Diana and Jen laugh. Jen has been treating her like the daughter she always wanted. I ordered some dresses for Diana to pick up for the gala tomorrow and Jen was happy to help with her decision. I don’t ever attend these things, but when Diana said it’s important to give back, I knew I should be doing it, and yes, I did it to impress her and maybe show her that I'm not always cold and calculating.

  Diana walks in with a pile of paperwork and a smile on her face. “Pick a dress?” I ask her.

  “They’re all so beautiful. Choosing one was hard. I can't thank you enough for loaning me one.”

  She comes around the desk and leans over to kiss me on the cheek, but I turn my head at the last-minute, and take her mouth. She doesn’t pull away but deepens it instead. It’s sweet and full of life, like her. When we pull back, she smiles. I don’t tell her the dress isn’t a loaner because I know she’ll throw a fit.

  Her eyes catch the papers in front of me. “Oh, house shopping?” She sits on my desk and crosses her legs at the knee. I hold back a growl as her skirt rides up, and I can see how smooth her skin is. I have the urge to run my hands up them.

  I clear my throat, hoping talking will calm my cock from trying to bust out of my pants.

  “I’m searching for a new one. Maybe you can help?” I ask and her face brightens instantly.

  “What are you looking for?” She asks.

  I shrug and ask, “What would you want in a house?”

  “Hmmm, well a nice big yard, close to a good school, and an open kitchen. The basics, but that’s just me.” Diana has mentioned she’d never want to live in a home with so much extra space. Well, there are more than enough that fit those criteria, and money isn’t a concern.

  “Do you and Eli want to look at a few after work? I’d be lost without your help.” It's not far from the truth, and I couldn’t care less where I live, so long as it’s with Eli and Diana.

  “Sounds like fun. And I'm sure Eli would love any excuse to ride in your car,” she chuckles.

  I can't help but laugh too because he does love my Mustang. After gathering the listings, I hand them to her. I’ve already looked up the best schools in the city near these houses.

  “Pick a few you’d like to see today.”

  “Okay!” She says, smiling with excitement.

  The phone rings and I push the intercom button. “Yes, Jen.”

  “Your two o'clock is here, sir.”

  “We’ll be right there. Put him in conference room A, please,” I tell her then hang up. “Once this meeting is over we’re done for the day.” I stand and move in front of Diana, bracing my arms on either side of her. I lean in so we’re only a breath away.

  She wraps her arms around my neck and plays with the hair at the back of my head like she always does. A light blush covers her cheeks. “I asked Ellen to look after Eli for the weekend.”

  A grin splits across my face. “The whole weekend, huh? How forward of you Diana.” I can't help but tease her and laugh when she gives me the stink eye.

  “I could just stay home,” she says with a lift of her chin, and suddenly teasing isn’t so fun.

  I capture her mouth in a punishing kiss and say, “You’re mine,” before giving her one more. “And I don’t mean just for the weekend.” she responds instantly, melting into me.

  I hear the phone ring again, and know it’s Jen calling to remind me. “We should get going.” I kiss her one last time before putting on my jacket.

  “I’ll just get cleaned up a bit and meet you in there,” Diana says with a smile.

  “All right.” I head out of my office and see Jen with a worried look on her face.

  “What’s wrong?” I stop and ask.

  “Your appointment is with Fred Woodworth,” she tells me grimly.

  “What? How did he even get a meeting?” I growl.

  “His assistant gave me a different name, so I didn’t know it was him until he showed up. I'm sorry, sir.” Jen looks uneasy.

  I let out a breath and say, “It’s not your fault. Fred is as slimy as they come. He does all kind of dirty tricks.”

  “Do you want me to call security?” She asks.

  “No. I might as well see him.” I head off to the conference room.

  Fred is looking out the windows when I arrive. God, I hate this man. If he wasn’t so old I’d knock his lights out. Hell, I still might.

  “Fred,” I snap out as I walk in.

  “Pierce. Great to see you again.” The sarcasm rolls off him.

  “What do you want? You tricked Jen for a reason, so spit it out,” I demand.

  He just chuckles. “You’ve been quiet over the last few weeks, and I noticed Brayer Inc. is no longer for sale, along with a few others. I just wanted to check in on you.”

  Bullshit. Sure, I haven't been buying any small companies lately, not since I found out about the stealing and I’ve been busy with Diana. I guess I haven't been a good rival lately, well more like the enemy.

  “I’ve been busy. Is that all?” I grunt out.

  “I also heard you decided to go to the gala tomorrow. The wife and I go every year.” I roll my eyes at him because of course he does.

  “Yeah, so what?” I have no patience for him.

  “Trying to network suddenly? I’d pay money to see you try to interact with other people.” He snickers. Man, he’s an asshole.

  “Sorry to keeping you waiting.” Diana comes in with a notepad in hand. Shit. I don’t want her to be on this fucker’s radar.

  Fred turns and gasps.

  “Diana?” It’s a shocked shout.

  Diana freezes, her eyes wide. She looks scared.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Fred demands angrily.

  “Don’t speak to her that way,” I growl at him. I walk over to her and grasp her shoulders gently before asking, “What’s wrong?”

  She visibly swallows then replies, “He’s my Father.”

  My eyes grow wide. She’s spoken very little about her parents, all she’s told me is that they don't get along and she’s better off without them in her life. I didn’t look too much into it, but I guess now I should have.

  “I see, so we kick you out and you manage to find another way to get money. I guess if you wanted to get back at me whoring yourself to my enemy seemed logical.” He sneers.

  “The fuck you say?” I turn and shout at him.

  “Pierce, even you are better than to lower yourself to someone like her. Broke and with a bastard child.”

  I slam my fists on the table. Hard. “Don’t you fucking talk to Diana like that or ever refer to Eli in that way again.”

  He tilts his head and asks, “So you had a boy?”

  How long has it been since she’s seen him? Whatever the situation is I've had enough.

  “I’m calling security. I want you out of my building. Now.” I grab Diana's arm and pull her out of the conference room. I can feel her shaking, and it pisses me off.

  “Make sure we aren’t disturbed. And call security to escort Fred out.” I tell Jen as we pass her.

  I lead Diana to the couch, then walk to my bar and pour myself a drink. I’m wound up after learning she’s the daughter of my biggest business rival and enemy for years.

  I look over to see Diana still shaking. Fuck I'm horrible. I sit next to her, gathering her in my arms. She starts to cry, and I hug her tighter. “Let it out. I'm here,” I say and k
iss the top of her head. I'll get to the bottom of whatever is happening, and when I do, I'll make sure it never makes her cry again.

  Chapter 9


  Diana eventually calmed down, but every tear felt like it was breaking my heart in tiny pieces.

  “I’m so sorry, Pierce. I had no idea he’d be here today, let alone ever!” She pleads. Her eyes are red and I wipe some stray tears from them. “I knew he was a businessman. It just never occurred to me that he’d do business with you or that you two are at odds.” She sniffles.

  “Diana, it's all right. Don’t apologize.” I lean in and kiss her forehead. “But I’d like to know more about what’s gotten you so upset. I already knew he was a prick, but I don’t understand why he’s one to you as well.” Fuck did I ever want to kill him for how he was talking to her.

  She takes a deep breath and it comes out shaky. “Eli,” she whispers. In an instant, I'm filled with rage. “They were upset when I found out I was pregnant and wanted me to get an abortion. I refused so they disowned me.”

  “While you were pregnant?” I practically shout.

  She gives me a slow nod.

  “Eli’s father?” I growl.

  She looks down as if ashamed. “He was never in the picture.” I feel like there’s more to the story, but I’ll let it be for now. It seems like every wall I break down there are two more after it. It’ll probably take time, but I’ll break through every one until I reach her heart.

  “How long has it been since you’ve seen yours?”

  “I haven’t seen or talked to either of my parents since I found out I was pregnant. Five years, eight months to be exact.”

  I let out a deep breath. “I don’t want you to worry about him anymore. Okay? If he gives you any trouble tell me right away. I don’t want him upsetting Eli either.”

  She shakes her head and says, “Eli doesn’t know he even exists.”

  “Good.” I stand and take her hand, pulling her with me. “Now, let's call it a day and get Eli from school. We’ll get some ice cream before we look at houses, if you're still up to it.” I rub my hands up and down her arms.


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