Montana Bachelor: Montana Cowboys

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Montana Bachelor: Montana Cowboys Page 5

by Hildie McQueen

  "Poor Pixie, he hates the groomers."

  "What are you taking to wear to see your new in-laws?" Her mother changed the subject back to her marriage.

  Amy Leigh's stomach tightened. "I have no idea. Lord, I better plan a quick shopping trip in town."

  "You need to dress to impress, so they don't suspect."


  "You know that you're not signing until we know how much money is involved."


  "That's right, honey, you're not alone in this." Her mother tapped her shoulder and stood. "The lasagna should be done. Come on, let's go inside. Now tell me again, how is it that you met a man without me or anyone in Pine Oak finding out? Is he real or are you making him up cause your cousin Brinn got married again?"

  Shoulders slumped she followed her mother inside.

  What a mess.

  Chapter Eight

  The following Wednesday, Amy Leigh found herself in Trent's house in Laurel, Montana. His log home was nestled in between cusps of trees, with horse corrals and a barn behind it. To the right were a large pond and more open land.

  For a bachelor, he had a lot of stuff. Amy Leigh picked up one of the pillows off the couch and wondered what possessed him to buy such an ugly thing. The color was something between dirt brown and green puke, with an angry slash of what could be described as neon blue across it. After surmising the size of Trent's living area was bigger than her entire house, the second surprise was how much time he must have taken to shop and fill it with furnishings and décor.

  Trent came into the room with two glasses of Coke and eyed the pillow. "My girlfriend helped me decorate. Her tastes seem to run more toward the eclectic."

  Ya think? Wait girlfriend? She looked to a grouping of pictures on the wall over the couch. It was a collage of spots and cloud shapes. Amy Leigh turned her head sideways and spotted what looked like Santa in one of the clouds. Cute Santa, but too bad he was poop green to match the pillow.

  "Well, the view of the pond is great." She stood next to her tall husband and took the glass he held out for her. He faced the wide span of windows that made up a wall of his living room. "Have you lived here long? Is your girlfriend freaked out that you married me?"

  "I bought this place a year ago. I haven't told you, but you look very nice today." His gaze heated a trail down her body and back to her face.

  "Oh." She wanted to say something smart, at the fact that he dodged the girlfriend question. "Thanks, I got this outfit on sale." Not exactly the reply she had in mind, but in her defense, he rattled her brain.

  Thankfully Trent smiled not noticing her lack of brainpower. "The color suits you perfectly." His hand reached for her face. Amy Leigh held her breath. Her mind began to curse her choice of a pencil skirt and button up blouse. If things progressed further past a kiss, the outfit would be hell to take off. It could be removed of course, but all the stupid buttons could be a passion killer. Of course she didn't have to sleep with him just because he touched her face. However, she wanted to.

  Amy Leigh smiled to encourage him to hurry it up and finally his hand cupped her cheek. And then he leaned.


  The bell from hell shattered the moment. His eyes not leaving hers, Trent straightened and shook his head seeming to clear away the cloud that made him want to kiss her. "I better see who that is."

  Whoever it was, the damn kiss stealer kept Trent at the door longer than it should've taken to sign for a package or pay for a pizza. Amy Leigh edged closer toward the entryway, but all she heard was Trent's soft, low rumble. He seemed to be explaining something.

  "I can't believe you expect me to just step back and ignore this!" A woman's shrill voice was much clearer than his. He needed to learn from her how to project his voice. "Is she here?"

  Mumble. Mumble.

  "I'm not going to make a scene, Trent, but I need to see the conniving woman who somehow duped you into this situation."

  What? Amy Leigh also wanted to meet whoever the woman was. Not only did she interrupt the kiss, but also she called her conniving. Amy Leigh's eyes widened at the realization. It had to be the girlfriend. Her stomach tightened and she scanned the room for the best place to stand when the girlfriend entered.

  "Honestly, Trent, why you haven't reported this to the police and had her thrown in jail is beyond me." The girlfriend was on the move. Her heels clacked noisily on the tile floor. Amy Leigh looked toward where she expected the guest room was. Maybe it was best to hide in the bathroom until the angry girlfriend left.

  A skinny tall blonde rounded the corner and stopped. Neither of them spoke, each accessing the other. It was hard for Amy Leigh to take in all the perfection of the woman. Her type, aka Barbie doll, took time to assess. Pretty… check. Big boobs…check. Small waist…check. No panty lines…check. Long legs…check. Shoes that were not marked down, and clothes purchased in a place without shopping carts…check.

  The Barbie girl narrowed her eyes and made a quick assessment of Amy Leigh's clothes and rolled her eyes. She swung to Trent who stood stock still, like someone playing freeze tag and still managed look sexy as hell. "Seriously, Trent?"

  "What is that supposed to mean?" Amy Leigh asked them. She wasn’t sure which of them could answer her question in a way that wouldn't make her drop a couple of F-bombs.

  Barbie ignored her. "Just tell your mother it was a mistake and you married me." The girlfriend told Trent in a slow tone as if he were a five year old.

  "You look nothing alike." Her hero of a husband explained the obvious. "My mother has a picture of Amy Leigh and me."

  "Amy Leigh?" Barbie screeched pronouncing her name "Aymeelee."

  "Yes." Trent held his hand out like Vanna White presenting a grand prize. Amy Leigh did her best impersonation of the deal of the day while the blonde glared at her.

  "So what the fuck am I supposed to do while you attempt to pull off this farce?" Barbie's eyes narrowed, her nostrils flared and waves of red crept from her neck to her face. The shade didn't go well with the obviously super expensive lavender dress.

  Amy Leigh gaped at the woman not believing she got to drop an F-bomb first. "Look, we are only going to be married for a few months and then this will be over. You two can go back to whatever it is you rich people do," she explained only to earn a double gawk.

  "Weeks, not months, Amy Leigh," her ever-annoying temporary husband reminded her. The entire time his lips quirked at the corners, as if he found the situation humorous.

  "What? Impossible." Barbie gasped and threw herself at Trent. Her boobs flattened against him until they almost popped up and over her low-cut neckline. "You are going to stay married to that fat whore for weeks?"

  "Hey, I am not standing here to be insulted!" Amy Leigh stepped closer. "I am not fat. I'm the average size for an American woman. Besides, Trent is more of a whore than I am. I'm not in a relationship and haven't been on a date in over a year."

  Trent looked down at the woman plastered against him and shrugged. "She's right. Over a year?" He turned to her with raised eyebrows then winked.

  "Fuck you, Aymeelee," Barbie was on a roll with the F-bombs and began to sob. Well, not really sob because not one tear fell, but she sounded quite convincing. Amy Leigh leaned closer to look at her face and sure enough she was accomplishing a great dry-cry.

  "Calm down, Miranda, don't cry." Trent patted her back awkwardly and looked to Amy Leigh who held her hands up in surrender. She drew the line at bringing tissues for her husband's girlfriend, who’d just called her names. If anyone should be crying it should be her. It was an unexpected turn of events to come to spend time with her new husband and loose precious time watching drama unfold with his Barbie girlfriend.

  Miranda raised her head and glared at Amy Leigh then back to Trent. "I can't believe you would risk losing me, for her."

  "I can't believe you actually think she's crying," Amy Leigh retorted.

  "Why are you still here?" the girlfriend replied glaring at
her. “Can't you leave and give us some privacy?" Barbie then pouted and attempted to frown at Trent. "Tell her to go away."

  Whoa, wait a damn minute. Barbie’s forehead was frozen. Botox. Amy Leigh wondered if the crinkle between her own brows was deeper, thanks to this evening. "Good idea." She turned to find a bathroom and find out about the crinkle.

  "Where are you going?" The higher octave of desperation in Trent's voice stopped her.

  Amy Leigh lifted an eyebrow at him to show him that some women could. "I'm going to find a mirror and look at my forehead."

  His lips quivered before he pressed them together. He was enjoying the drama. In his man's mind, two women were fighting over his attention. "Amy Leigh, I apologize for all of this."

  "What?" Bitchy Barbie shoved him. "Why the fuck are you apologizing to her? I'm the one you're hurting!"

  When Amy Leigh rolled her eyes, she over did it and got dizzy. Her husband's girlfriend was beginning to get boring. Besides it was her turn to drop an F-bomb.

  "Oh for fuck's sakes, you can have him. By the way, you are not really crying andI need fresh air." She sped from the room hoping to find quiet and peace, and a nice cool, refreshing bathroom with a mirror so she could practice moving her eyebrows up and down in a sexy way.

  She stomped through a bedroom toward a door she hoped was to a bathroom and not a closet.

  It was a huge, beautiful restroom decorated in soft hues of grey. Fluffy towels were hung from two different bars. Without bothering to close the door Amy stood in front of the mirror and took an assessment of her appearance. Her wavy hair was slightly tussled from driving with her Jeep top down, but didn't look too bad. Her pale pink blouse was rumpled and there was a small brown stain on her left boob from a to-go Frappuccino. By the time her eyes met the ones in the mirror, they were shiny with tears. She could never hope to compare to his girlfriend. There was nothing perfect about her.

  "She's gone." Trent's deep timber made her jump. He stood at the doorway, his eyes meeting hers in the mirror. "I'm sorry, I should have warned you. Miranda can be temperamental."

  "Temperamental? Is that what you call it?" Amy Leigh lowered her gaze. "Actually, I understand. I'd be pretty pissed if you were my boyfriend and you married someone else. So I can't blame her."

  "She's not my girlfriend."

  "Is she the one that bought the puke green pillows?"

  "Yes. Before we broke up."

  "If she's not your girlfriend why did you let her insult me and throw a fit? I mean just saying, I'm your temporary wife after all."

  "I'm sorry; I should have asked her to leave right away. It's just I wanted her to get it out of her system and not make a scene at Mother's party. Please don't leave."

  Somehow that made sense.

  "She's very pretty."

  "Yes, she is."

  This certainly wasn't the time for him to agree with her. Men were so dense. Amy Leigh took a breath. "Is there a McDonald's nearby? I need a fish sandwich or a Big Mac."

  "I can cook," Trent offered. "Are you crying?"

  "No. I have allergies," Amy Leigh lied and slid her eyes away from him. She startled when he took her shoulders and turned her to face him.

  "You are not pretty like her."

  Amy Leigh attempted to push him away. "Thanks." Sarcasm dripped from her reply.

  "You are so much more beautiful and desirable than her and right now, I can't think straight because I want you so much."

  Maybe her husband wasn't as dense as she'd thought.

  He'd thought of nothing else other than having her in his arms, against him from the moment she'd arrived that afternoon. For the first time in his life, Trent could barely restrain from touching a woman, the force of want slamming through him each time their eyes met. It was all he could do to hurry Miranda out the door so he could be alone with Amy Leigh again.

  Her rounded shiny eyes looked up to his and he was instantly hard. "I haven't stopped thinking about you, Amy Leigh."

  He took her mouth with his, gratified when her fingers weaved into his hair and she relaxed into him. The woman was a virtual stranger, yet he remembered every inch of her body, how the curve from her waist to her hips sloped under his palms, the softness of her thighs when he rested between them and the plush soft swell of her full breasts. Trent slid his hands down to take the orbs of her butt in each and he pushed his hardness into her only to almost fall back when Amy Leigh pushed away from him, her chest heaving with every breath. "Give me a minute, I have to think and I can't think when you''re so close to me."

  She turned and went back into the bathroom closing the door. "Can you hear me?" she asked from inside.


  "Okay, well, umm, I really want to have sex with you."

  "All right, you know where I stand...literally, on that."

  "The thing is if we're annulling the marriage shouldn't we avoid sex?"

  "Amy Leigh, this has nothing to do with our marriage. It's just us. I want to be with you and you want to be with me."

  "That makes sense, I suppose."

  "Are you going to Billings with me this weekend?"

  "I guess I should since we lied to your Mom and all."

  "Sleep with me."

  A thump sounded and he went to the door and pressed his ear against it. "Are you okay?"

  "Yep, this damn skirt is so tight," her breathless reply confused him.

  "What are you doing?"

  Moments later, the door opened and she stood in the subdued bathroom lighting wearing only bra and panties, her hair was freshly brushed spilling over her shoulders and she'd kept the heels on. "Getting ready for you."

  Trent wasted no time going to her, his body humming with need. With each step he shed a piece of clothing until he wore only his boxers when he reached for Amy Leigh and pulled her body against his, pushing his tongue between her parted lips.

  Amy Leigh's loud moan surged into him with so much force, his legs wobbled just enough that he broke the kiss to pull her toward the bed.

  They fell together into the soft plush comforter, sending pillows flying, some landing on the floor. With her underneath him, the world outside ceased to exist. Trent looked at the beautiful woman beneath him, her curves more enticing than any woman’s he'd ever met. "I wondered how long it would be before I was able to seduce you."

  A soft blush colored her cheeks and her long lashed eyes bore into his with surprising intensity. "I wondered the same, if we'd be together this."

  The soft flesh of her neck beckoned and Trent went without hesitation, his lips pressing kisses down the column, her thudding heartbeat fast under his mouth. Her breathing quickened when he covered her breast with his hand; the other pushing away her hair to allow him more access to her neckline. "Oh!" Her hips pushed against his engorged hardness when he stroked her nipple. "Trent."

  "Mmmm?" He continued the assault, her panting so erotic at his ear. "Talk to me, baby."

  "I want you...I need..." she stopped talking when he took her mouth again, this time both of their tongues twisting around each other.

  He pushed down her soft panties and pulled them off, his hands sliding over the newly exposed skin, his fingers seeking her center. Her legs parted enticing him to proceed. The moist folds invited him to push a finger into her, then at her cry, another.

  Her nails raked at his shoulders, then dug into his skin and he rubbed his throbbing length against her leg. She reached down and began to stroke him through the thin material of his boxers. The combination of her strong hold and the friction of the fabric made him groan into her mouth.

  "Damn." His hips pushed forward and pulled back allowing her hand to work him at the same pace his fingers moved in and out of her. "Oh yeah."

  Somehow he managed to gain enough control to pull out of her hold and slide down her body pressing kisses her soft belly to her inner thighs. He looked up to the beautiful sight of her swollen lips parted, eyes closed--long lashes fanned down. She was l
ost in passion.

  Amy Leigh cried out when his mouth covered her sex, his tongue doing delicious things, his hands holding her open for him, until she quivered. Then her entire body tensed, her legs straightened and she let out a loud scream.

  He continued to stroke her with his fingers while moving over her. Pride filled him when she whimpered and pulled at his hips attempting to move him to enter her. Yes, this was what a real woman felt like, open, passionate, not holding back.

  "! I want you in me." Her fingers dug into his butt and he grunted, guiding himself into her center.

  Both moaned in unison when he pushed into her moist heat. The intensity of their union consumed him, and Trent allowed nature to take over, he couldn't be gentle, not now.

  As if reading his mind, Amy Leigh looked up at him. "Harder."

  The sound of skin hitting skin was loud as he pounded into her, unable to slow, as he was lost in her, lost in the force of what was Amy Leigh.

  She kept pace with him, her hips slamming up to meet his thrusts all the while her hands firmly holding his hips.

  "Lift your legs," Trent told her, pulling them over his shoulders. "I want to be deeper inside you."

  "Oh god." Amy Leigh began to flail, reaching another crest and he continued the assault, his own climax nearing.

  "Come with me, baby." Her quiet command was not necessary; the peak came with guttural sounds from deep in his throat. When her muscles contracted around his hardness, Trent came with so much force he feared he'd not be able to ever stop. His hips drove forward several times after he finally could not hold himself up any longer and collapsed on her. "Holy shit."

  Amy Leigh pressed kisses to his shoulder, her hands rubbing up and down his back, and Trent did not move, could not, his sated body not caring if he weighed too much, he closed his eyes and slid his hands down her sides.

  Soft lips fluttered at his ear. "You are so damn good in bed."


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