Tudor_Passion. Manipulation. Murder. the Story of England's Most Notorious Royal Family

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Tudor_Passion. Manipulation. Murder. the Story of England's Most Notorious Royal Family Page 54

by Leanda de Lisle

  Francis I, King of France: appearance and background, 143; at Louis’ wedding tournament, 144; succeeds to throne, 145; helps Mary marry Suffolk, 145–7; gives Albany permission to return to Scotland, 148; to recall Albany to France in due course, 154; defeat at Pavia, 159; possible marriage to Mary I, 161; Wolsey seeks support from, 175; Henry VIII writes to, 217; Paul III wishes him to invade England, 219

  Francis II, King of France, 310, 316

  Francis II, Duke of Brittany, 39, 42, 43, 50, 56, 60

  Fychan, Llywelyn, 20

  Gardiner, Stephen, Bishop of Winchester, 234, 242, 285–6, 291

  Garter, Order of the, 30, 119

  Goodman, Christopher, 302

  Gordon, Lady Catherine, 97, 100

  great chain of being, 399–400

  Greenwich Palace, 110

  Grey, Lady Jane: appearance and character, 261, 269–70; and religion, 251–2, 261; background, 217; relationship with mother, 417–18; in Henry VIII’s will, 237; visits Mary I, 251–2; at reception for Mary of Guise, 256; Edward VI gives her heirs place in succession, 260; marriage to Guildford Dudley, 260–1, 263; Edward gives her place in succession, 263–4; reign, 269–77; popular opposition to, 271; relationship with husband, 275, 281, 415–16; imprisoned in Tower, 276; pardon expected, 280–2; sticks defiantly to Protestantism, 282–3; death, 285–7, 405–6; letters and writings prepared for publication, 289

  Grey, Lady Katherine: relationship with mother, 418; in Henry VIII’s will, 237; education, 251; in Edward VI’s will, 260; betrothal to William Herbert’s son, 263; Jane’s last letter to, 285, 289; Mary I welcomes to court, 293; suggested as substitute for Elizabeth I, 308–9, 309–10, 315; secret marriage to Hertford leads to imprisonment in Tower, 318–21; Elizabeth dismisses as heir, 322; son’s birth, 323–4; marriage declared invalid, 325–6; second pregnancy, 330–1; moved to imprisonment in country, 331–2; imprisoned even more tightly after Mary, Queen of Scots’ deposition, 341–2; death, 342

  Grey, Lady Mary, 237, 251, 260, 322, 342–3, 348, 418

  Grey, Richard, 47, 52

  Grey, Thomas, 288

  Hales, John, 331–2, 336

  Hall, Edward, 95

  Harbottle Castle, 151

  Harington, Sir John, 383, 384, 388

  Harlech, 35

  Hastings, William, Lord, 45, 46

  Hatfield House, 189

  hawthorn symbol, 72

  Henri II, King of France, 308, 309–10

  Henri III, King of France, 355

  Henri IV, King of France, 393

  Henry IV, King of England, 1, 8, 12, 31

  Henry V, King of England, 3, 7–8, 18, 65, 94, 134

  Henry VI, King of England: appearance and character, 13, 17; symbols favoured by, 77–8; sexual mores, 126; father’s death, 8; coronation, 243; imprisons Owen Tudor, 10–12; pardons him, 13; attitude to half-brothers, 13–14, 126; House of York’s threat to, 16; loss of France affects mental health, 3, 18; nature of his mental illness, 18–19; atmosphere of his court, 30; son born, 19; tries to reconcile quarrelling subjects, 23; denounced as false king by Edward IV, 26; flees to Scotland, 27; put in Tower, 31; put back on throne by Warwick, 35; frail health, 36; prophecy re Henry VII, 36, 59–60, 115; returned to Tower, 37; death, 38; venerated as saint, 41–2, 54, 55, 87; Henry VII’s attitude, 76–7, 115, 241

  Henry VII, King of England: appearance and character, 32, 50, 59, 80; piety, 60, 78, 79, 101; claim to throne, 2, 3, 400–1; birth, 20–1; education, 27–8; made Herbert’s ward at Raglan, 28–9; mother visits, 32; watches Edgecote Moor, 33–4; allowed to visit London, 35–6; Henry VI’s prophecy re, 36, 59–60; absence from Barnet, 37; flees to Brittany, 38–9; Edward IV seeks his return, 42, 43; Margaret Beaufort petitions Buckingham re, 48–9; in Brittany, 50; Margaret Beaufort negotiates his marriage, 53–4, 56; failed invasion attempt, 56, 57–8; support in exile grows, 89–90; vows to marry Elizabeth of York, 60; escapes to France from Brittany, 61; invades and wins throne at Bosworth, 5, 63–73; propaganda, 64; official entry into London, 74–6; and princes in Tower, 76–7, 91–2, 121–3, 401–2; in no hurry to marry, 77; coronation, 77–9; marriage, 79–81; status accorded to mother, 84; birth of family, 83–4, 85–6; sexual mores of court, 126; efforts at reconciliation, 86–7; and Simnel rebellion, 87–90; and wife’s coronation. 90–1; and Warbeck rebellion, 93–102; intimidation of nobles, 97; reluctantly gets rid of Warwick, 101–2; physical decline, 103; worries over succession, 103–4; meets Katherine of Aragon, 106; relationship with wife, 107; and Arthur’s death, 110–11; reaction to Katherine of Aragon’s claims of virginity, 126; and wife’s death, 111–12; love for Henry VIII, 113; escorts Margaret part-way to Scotland, 113; begins work on tomb, 115–16; alternating attacks of conscience, suspicion and avarice, 116–17; death and funeral, 94, 117–20; Masses for, 212; tomb, 4; Henry VIII’s psychological break with, 217–18; in Holbein fresco, 218; and Elizabeth I’s coronation, 305; assessment, 121–3

  Henry VIII, King of England (formerly Duke of York): appearance and character, 99, 103–4, 125, 141; claim to throne, 402; birth, 86; made Duke of York, 95; at Arthur’s wedding, 107–8; and Arthur’s death, 112; Henry VII’s love for, 113; at Mary’s betrothal to Charles V, 117; succeeds to throne, 119, 131; marriage to Katherine of Aragon, 124–7; ambitions to win France, 124–5; coronation, 127; first French campaign, 133–4, 137; and James IV’s body, 410; makes peace with France, marrying Mary to Louis XII, 139–40; farewell to Mary, 141–2; reaction to Mary’s and Suffolk’s wedding, 145–8; advises Margaret not to give her children to Albany, 150; shows further support for her, 152, 154; leadership style, 153; love of entertainments, 153; Mary I’s birth, 153–4; affair with Blount, 255; succession worries lead to Buckingham’s death, 156–8; realises ambitions for France will never be realised, 159–60; promotes Fitzroy as possible heir, 160–1; courts Anne Boleyn, 161–2, 163–4; Defender of Faith title, 165; seeks annulment, 165–75; marriage trial, 172–5; disrespect for the law, 180; last days of marriage, 178–9, 181–2; becomes head of Church of England, 179, 183; marriage to Anne Boleyn, 183; and her coronation, 185; Elizabeth I’s birth and christening, 187–8; turns on Mary I, 188–9; begins reign of terror in response to loss of public acclaim, 189–90, 191–3; rejects rapprochement with Paul III, 190–1, 192; 1535 progress, 193; reaction to Katherine of Aragon’s death, 195; riding accident, 194; growing coolness to Anne Boleyn, 195–6; falls in love with Jane Seymour, 196–7, 200; wants to rid himself of Anne, 199, 200, 201–3; her arrest, 203–5; reaction to her trial and execution, 206, 207–8; marriage to Jane Seymour, 209; succession fears, 209–13; and Pilgrimage of Grace, 214; reaction to Jane’s death, 216–17; psychological break with Henry VII, 217–18; attempts to shape Church of England, 218–19; excommunicated, 219; builds coastal defences, 220; marriage to Anne of Cleves, 220–1; sexual potency, 222; marriage to Katherine Howard, 222, 223–6; marriage to Katherine Parr, 228; arranges Margaret Douglas’ marriage to Lennox, 229–30; second French campaign, 231; poor health, 231–2; flexes religious muscle, 232–3, 404; did he quarrel with Margaret Douglas?, 236, 326, 411–14; gift to Katherine Parr, 248; her Protestant leanings lead to discord, 233–4; defining issues of reign, 403; death and will, 235–9; funeral and tomb, 240–3; Elizabeth I’s adulation, 299, 305; tablet picture, 414

  Henry, Prince (son of James VI), 380

  Herbert, Lady, 29

  Herbert, Maude, 69

  Herbert, William, Lord, 28, 33–4

  Herbert, William, Earl of Pembroke, 236, 255, 261, 275, 276, 283–4

  Hereford Greyfriars, 115, 409

  Hertford, Edward Seymour, Earl of: secret marriage to Katherine Grey leads to imprisonment in Tower, 318–21; son’s birth, 323–4; marriage declared invalid, 325–6; Katherine’s second pregnancy, 330–1; imprisoned even more tightly after Mary, Queen of Scots’ deposition, 341–2; returns to court, 348; patron of Churchyard, 358; Cecil’s friendship with, 380; and proposed marriage between grandson and Arbella Stuart, 388–90

; Hertford Castle, 262

  Hilliard, Nicholas, 363

  Holbein, Hans, 218, 232

  Holy Maid of Kent see Barton, Elizabeth

  Hopton, Sir Owen, 342

  Howard, Charles, 223, 225

  Howard, Katherine, 222, 223–6

  Howard, Lady, 340

  Howard, Lord Thomas, 193, 198, 200–1, 210–11, 217

  Hull, 214

  humanists, 170–1

  Hundred Years War (1337–1453), 2–3, 18

  Huntingdon, Henry Hastings, Earl of, 315, 329

  iconoclasm, 244, 356

  Iraq War (2003), 399

  Ireland: and Simnel rebellion, 88–9; and Warbeck, 98; Essex in, 384; peace with Tyrone, 391–2

  Isabella, Queen of Castile, 100, 103

  Isabella Clara Eugenia, Spanish infanta, 381–2, 391

  Ives, Eric, 162, 172, 425

  James II, King of England, Scotland and Ireland, 408

  James III, King of Scotland, 113

  James IV, King of Scotland, 97–8, 109–10, 113–14, 133, 135–7, 410

  James V: birth, 133; coronation, 137; taken from mother’s care, 148, 149–50; escapes Angus’ clutches, 177; reaction to Henry VIII’s break with Rome, 184; briefly made his heir, 209; death, 227–8

  James VI and I, King of England, Scotland and Ireland: appearance and character, 366; birth, 339; coronation, 341; Lennox becomes regent, 346–7; memories of Lennox’s death, 347; Margaret Douglas’ concern for, 351–2; succession issue, 351; Mary, Queen of Scots tries to persuade him to allow Lennox title to Arbella Stuart, 363; refuses to help his mother, 364–7; longing for English throne, 367; reaction to mother’s death, 369–70, 372–3; Elizabeth I writes to re Armada, 378; as her possible heir, 380–1, 382, 386, 389, 391, 393; waits to hear of her death, 394, 395; proclaimed king of England, 396; builds tomb for mother, 407–8; relationship with subjects, 408

  Jeanne de Valois, 39

  Jesuits, 361–2

  Jews, 55

  Joan of Arc, 21

  John of Gaunt, 15–16, 384–5

  Juana of Aragon, 117

  Julius II, Pope, 166

  Kapur, Shekhar, 408

  Katherine, Princess (daughter of Henry VII), 86, 111

  Katherine of Aragon: appearance, 105; marriage to Arthur planned, 99, 101, 102; marriage takes place, 105–9, 125–6, 174; marriage to Henry VIII, 124–7; coronation, 127; regent during Henry’s absence in France, 134; and Flodden, 135, 137; and James IV’s body, 410; Mary I’s birth, 153–4; aged by miscarriage and infant death, 154; loses another child, 155, 156; reaction to Fitzroy’s elevation, 161; Henry seeks annulment, 165–75; popularity, 170, 186; marriage trial, 172–5; last days of marriage, 178–9, 181–2; ordered to Hertfordshire, 181–2; reaction to Henry’s marriage to Anne Boleyn, 183–4; influence on daughter, 272; death, 194–5

  Katherine of Lancaster, 105

  Kenilworth Castle, 355

  Keyes, Thomas, 342–3, 348

  Kildare, Gerald Fitzgerald, Earl of, 88–9

  Knollys, Lettice, 360

  Knox, John, 267, 302, 341

  Landais, Pierre, 60

  Landsknecht, 89

  Lathom Castle, 41

  Latimer, Hugh, Bishop of Worcester, 293

  law: Tudor-era attitude, 399

  Le Havre, 329

  Leicester, 67–8, 71–2

  Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of: appearance, 305; sent to bring Mary I to London, 265; at Elizabeth I’s coronation, 305; relationship with her, 307–8, 310–11, 312–16, 319; wife’s death, 313–14; Katherine Grey appeals to for help re secret marriage, 319–20; Margaret Douglas’ attitude to, 327, 333; Elizabeth asks should be made Lord Protector in event of her death, 329; and Mary, Queen of Scots, 332, 333, 344; made Earl of Leicester, 333; lays on court entertainments, 335; dines with Margaret Douglas, 352; legacy from her, 352, 414; ongoing relationship with Elizabeth, 354–5; Kenilworth entertainments, 355; remarriage, 359–60; and Anjou match, 361, 420; Mary, Queen of Scots hopes to marry Arbella to son, 364; and the Armada, 376, 377; death, 379

  Lennox, Matthew Stuart, Earl of: background, 230; marriage to Margaret Douglas, 230; claim to Scots throne, 236; relationship with Edward VI, 255; wife works for restoration of his rights, 315; brought to court to be watched over, 325; sent to Tower, 326, 328; allowed to join wife at Sheen, 329; allowed to return to Scotland, 332; marital happiness celebrated in Lennox Jewel, 346; becomes James VI’s regent, 346–7; on Bishop, 412–13; death, 347

  Lennox Jewel, 346

  Leo X, Pope, 165

  Lincoln, John de la Pole, Earl of, 79, 88–90, 91

  Linlithgow Palace, 133, 135, 151, 227

  Loch Leven, 341

  London: courtiers’ quarters, 15; atmosphere in 1470s, 35–6; Henry VII’s official entry, 74–6; Katherine of Aragon’s formal entry, 107; Edward VI’s formal entry, 243–4; atmosphere in 1559, 304–5 places in: Baynard’s Castle, 108; Blackfriars, 173; Coldharbour Palace, 76, 77; College of Arms, 15; Little Scotland, 254; Newgate, 12–13; Le Ryall, 15; St Paul’s, 108, 120; Westminster, 11; York Place (Whitehall), 155, 218; see also Westminster Abbey

  Longe, Thomas, 70

  Louis XI, King of France, 34, 38, 39

  Louis XII, King of France, 124, 133, 139–44

  Louise of Savoy, 147

  Louth, 213

  Ludlow Castle, 103, 109

  Lumley, Lord, 385

  Luther, Martin, 164–5, 170, 171

  Maisse, André Hurault Sieur de, 382–4

  Maitland of Lethington, William, 321–3

  Malory, Sir Thomas: Le Morte d’Arthur, 65, 81, 126, 207

  Margaret, Duchess of Burgundy, 34, 88, 89, 94–5, 100

  Margaret, Queen of Scots: character, 113; birth, 86; at Henry VIII’s investiture as Duke of York, 95; at Arthur’s wedding, 107; marriage to James IV, 109–10; goes to Scotland, 113–14; James V’s birth, 133; assimilation to Scots way of life, 133; husband’s death at Flodden, 135–7; made regent, 137; marries Angus in attempt to keep regency, 138–9; sends Mary a wedding gift, 139–40; replaced as regent by Albany, 148; children taken from her, 148, 149–50; Margaret Douglas born, 151; love of clothes, 152; visits England, 152–5; marriage to Angus annulled, 167; helps James V escape Angus’ clutches, 177; asks Henry VIII for return of daughter, 178; and Anne Boleyn’s coronation, 184; supports her imprisoned daughter, 212; death, 223; fate of body, 410–11

  Margaret of Anjou: appearance, 17; pregnancy, 17; son born, 19, 83; at Garter ceremony, 30; flees to Scotland, 27; in exile in France, 31; alliance with Warwick, 35; returns to France after Lancastrian defeat, 38; death, 38

  Margaret of Austria, 162

  Margaret of Palma, 297, 298

  Mary I, Queen of England: appearance, 180, 290, 303; birth, 153–4; betrothal to Francis I’s heir, 155; possible marriage to Charles V, 159; as heir, 161, 165, 180–1; French marriages negotiated, 161; legitimacy, 166, 194; and parents’ separation, 180–1, 181–2; reaction to Henry VIII’s marriage to Anne Boleyn, 184; Henry turns on, 188–9; Anne Boleyn’s attitude to, 194; Jane Seymour promoted as possible wife as way of improving her situation, 196–7; Henry claims Anne intended to poison, 204; signs articles accepting her illegitimacy, 209; reconciliation with Henry, 210; and Pilgrimage of Grace, 213; at Edward VI’s christening, 216; at Jane’s funeral, 217; and Katherine Parr, 228; Henry refuses to allow to marry, 229; gives wedding gifts to Margaret Douglas, 230; named as one of Edward VI’s heirs, 230, 235; his closeness to her, 232; given land grant and household by Somerset, 245; reaction to Katherine Parr’s remarriage, 246; refuses to give up Catholicism, 249, 251–2, 253–4, 258–9; visited by Greys, 251–2; courted because of Edward’s ill health, 254, 255; visits him, 258–9; he excludes her from succession, 259, 264; still considered threat however, 260; Northumberland attempts to conciliate, 262; evades capture by him, 265; leadership skills, 272–3; regal style, 307; wins back throne from Lady Jane Grey, 271–7; coronation, 277–8; marriage issue, 279–80, 284; succession issue,
280; intention to pardon Jane, 280–2; overthrows Edward’s religious reforms, 281, 282, 283, 284, 301, 405, 406; Wyatt’s revolt, 283–5; subsequent executions, 285–8; puts Elizabeth I in Tower, 288–90; marriage to Philip II, 290–1; ‘pregnancy’, 291; returns England to Rome, 291–2; court life, 292–3; heresy burnings, 293–4, 405, 406; realises not pregnant after all, 294–5; Philip returns to Continent, 295; relationship with Elizabeth, 296–8; plots against, 296–7, 298; war with France, 298–9; another phantom pregnancy, 299; confirms Elizabeth as her heir, 300; and Bishop, 413; and Margaret Clifford, 419; death, 301; funeral, 302–3; influence on Elizabeth, 301–2, 375, 406–7; popular image and overview of reign, 405–6; absence from Belvoir Castle codex, 422

  Mary, Queen of France: birth, 86; at Arthur’s wedding, 107; betrothed to Charles V, 117; marriage to Louis XII, 139–44; widowed, 144; marriage to Suffolk, 141–2, 145–8; makes Albany promise not to harm Scottish princes, 151; daughter born, 154; attitude to Anne Boleyn, 181; death, 184

  Mary, Queen of Scots: appearance and character, 317, 363; birth, 228; proposed marriage to Edward VI, 229–30; ignored in Henry VIII’s will, 236; ignored in Edward VI’s will, 259; marriage to dauphin, 302; a rival to Elizabeth I from the start, 302, 308, 311, 315; widowhood makes international prize, 316; courtship with Darnley, 316–17; seeks to be recognised as Elizabeth’s heir, 321–4; Cecil plots against, 327; Hales on her right to English throne, 331–2; Elizabeth hopes to persuade to marry Leicester, 332, 333; Darnley as suitor, 333–4; marriage to him, 336–7; marriage breakdown and murder of Riccio, 338–9; birth of James VI, 339; Darnley’s death. 340–1, 350–1; marriage to Bothwell, 341; deposed and imprisoned, 341; flight to England and imprisonment there, 343–4; northern England rebellion in support of, 344–5; Elizabeth refuses to execute, 345; supporters kill Lennox, 347; and Ridolfi plot, 347–8; Margaret Douglas’ rapprochement with, 350–1; Casket letters, 350; life with the Shrewsburys, 363–4; negotiations to free her come to nothing, 364–7; England turns against, 365; turns to Philip II, 367–8; Babington plot, 368–9; death, 369–73; tomb, 373, 407–8


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