Fallen SEAL Legacy

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Fallen SEAL Legacy Page 15

by Sharon Hamilton

  They also probably knew that it could cost him his life if he didn’t pay close attention when he returned overseas. There was no way in Hell he would make it without the community around him, but he could be counted on to get himself right in the head so he wouldn’t be anyone’s liability.

  Cooper was just going to do what everyone expected of him: do some PT, physical training, get some rest, keep his damn mouth shut, and deal with it.

  Gunny threw white towels at both of them. It was going to be a hot day, and the ex-Marine was wearing a logo t-shirt with the sleeves generously cut out of it. As he bent over to wipe down a couple of benches and some of the rusty iron equipment, Coop could see the edges of Gunny’s tattoo inked right over the man’s sternum. He knew it read, “Already Gave,” which was a comment intended to address the sorry son-of-a-bitch who might try to harvest Gunny’s lungs in the event of his demise.

  Cooper searched the rack of free weights while he wondered about Gunny’s health. It was widely held among those in the community that Gunny was just too ornery to succumb to his cancer. He was one tough Marine. One lung had been cut out a couple of years ago, and the other one was working overtime on half speed. Didn’t help that Gunny still occasionally smoked, in spite of the cancer.

  Gunny didn’t have fancy equipment at the gym. Nothing digital, except for a scale. He’d been forced to get the new one because guys kept tinkering with the old manual one to cheat. The floor was covered with heavy black mats that smelled of plastic and sweat. That made it easy to throw down the barbells when a man was finished. That was one of the unwritten rules everyone followed here. Placing the barbells carefully back on their rack instead of throwing them to bounce on the mats made a newcomer stand out like a lamb in a stampede.

  Kyle and Armando arrived, laughing about something so hard, they bumped into the side of the doorway. Armando swore as he rubbed his right shoulder, which had taken the brunt of the contact. Both of them stopped short when they saw Cooper.

  “I’ll be damned,” Armando said. “Didn’t think I’d see you for another couple of days at least. What happened?” The Puerto Rican SEAL grinned, as his hands gripped his hips. Armando was shirtless, except for his dog tags.

  Fredo offered an answer. “You know he’s got that dog. Small place. Ew!”

  Even Gunny laughed at that one.

  Cooper knew he wasn’t required to answer, but it was important he show he wasn’t overly sensitive. He knew Kyle was still assessing his mental state.

  “She has to eat and shop some time.” He shrugged, figuring it might be believable. No sense drawing attention to their breakup.

  “She’s gotta get rid of the fleas, first,” Fredo quipped. Cooper pushed him off the bench and the short SEAL fell backward on his rear.

  Kyle came over and drew an arm over Cooper’s shoulders, which was difficult because of the difference in their sizes. “Good to see you here, sailor,” he said. “Armani here’s looking for houses for Mia this afternoon. I think he might need your opinion on all the gadgets.”

  “Just what I wanted to do this afternoon,” Cooper returned. And why not? It was good to pretend things were back to normal. A year and a half ago, Armando’s sister, Mia, had been kidnapped and had just barely been able to bring a baby to term throughout the ordeal. The Team had rescued her and Armando, who had been abducted to ensnare their Team leader, Kyle, in a gun-smuggling ring. Afterwards, they’d done their 4-month workup and then deployed. Now everyone was getting on with their lives.

  Cooper glanced up at the TV monitor. In the center of the screen was a picture of the Brownlee home with the red banner below that read Breaking News.

  Chapter 17

  Cooper, Kyle, Armando, Fredo and Gunny rode over to Libby’s house in Fredo’s four-door salvage beater. Cooper discovered he’d been rocking back and forth as he stared out the passenger side window.

  Looking for what?

  He wondered about so many things. The Team gave him a silent, wide berth as he thought about Libby and what they were going to face.

  No. He just couldn’t bring himself to think anything serious or permanent had happened to her. What if she’s—?”

  When they arrived, he noticed Kyle giving him the long look. Cooper had jumped out the door before their truck stopped rolling. Kyle, right behind him, slammed the rattling door of the old beater. Fredo and everyone else exited the other side.

  Cooper was on his way to mounting the front steps two at a time to meet the yellow crime scene tape when Kyle grabbed his arm. “We wait for the Team, Coop,” Kyle reminded him.

  Of course. This isn’t a single soldier mission or a suicide mission.

  Fredo’s stance was rigid and wide as he whistled appreciation for the size of the Brownlee house. Blocking the street ahead of them was a large fire truck with two more parked just beyond.

  “Her dad a rock star or some shit?” Fredo asked him.

  “Doctor. Her dad’s a psychiatrist.”

  The group stopped for a second and looked at Cooper like he was an idiot.

  I am an idiot.

  Fredo spoke the words Coop knew were coming. “Look, man. Something wrong with a man who would get snuggly with the daughter of a shrink who lives in this house. She’s got to be all fucked up, man.”

  Coop reacted, but his Chief was quick to grab him from behind, keeping his arms pinned to his sides.

  “Not helpful, Fredo. Your timing sucks big time.” Kyle shouted to his sharpshooter. He was struggling to keep Cooper restrained. He leaned into Coop’s ear and whispered, “You be careful, Coop. You know Fredo’s just jealous of your success.” Then his Chief laid a kiss on that same ear, which made Coop explode out of his restraints and whirl around to face his Team leader.

  “Fuck you. Fuck you all,” Coop said as he sneered at their laughter. He usually didn’t mind the chuckles at his expense. But he didn’t like Libby being laughed at. Not today, when he wasn’t sure how she was doing and how he felt about it.

  Well, he knew how he felt about it. He was scared he was too late. She’s not the fucked up one. I am. How the hell had he gotten so involved in such a tangled mess?

  Coop rolled his neck and swung his arms around in the air to loosen his shoulder sockets. He felt Armando give him a big slap on the back, which started their forward momentum again.

  “Don’t mind him, Coop. Fredo’s an asshole, and Kyle’s right. He’s fuckin’ jealous. Besides which, Mia turned him down again.”

  “Now who’s the asshole?” Fredo shouted. Coop could see the embarrassment on his best friend’s face. The little Mexican SEAL was not very successful with the ladies. He acted like a teenager around Mia, Armando’s sister. Making matters worse, Mia kept forgetting Fredo’s name, calling him Frodo, which didn’t help the height-challenged Team guy.

  “Alright, everybody chill,” came the command from their leader, Kyle. “We gotta focus on what’s going on. Then we’ll get the hell outa here. Just remember yourselves. We don’t really belong here.”

  They came up to an African American uniformed policeman who stood just in front of the brick pathway to front door. On guard. The beefy guy gave Cooper a glare like he was the leader of a terrorist cell. Cooper saw he had unsnapped his holstered gun and was ready. His eyes softened when the officer got a look at Kyle, who stepped up to him and gripped his hand backwards and gave him a brief hug.

  “Hey there, Lannie. You know these folks?” he asked.

  “My medic does. There’s a girl inside he’s sweet on. She okay?”

  Cooper winced but listened carefully.

  The policeman grinned. “More than okay, I’d say.” He nodded in Cooper’s direction, “She’s fine.”

  Cooper wasn’t liking the small talk. He was anxious to see her for himself. But he was relieved, just the same.

  There wasn’t any smoke anywhere. “Please, can we go in?” Coop asked the dark officer.

  With black gloves, the San Diego policeman nodded, adding, “Don
’t touch anything, and if anyone throws you out, I wasn’t the one to let you in, okay? Say you snuck in behind me.”

  “Got it,” Kyle said. “We’re known for being invisible anyway.”

  The guard chuckled. The SEAL group made their way up the brick walkway to the front door like one crab-like creature. They walked in silence, carrying their chests tall, swinging their arms casually. Coop knew that on the inside they were ready for anything.

  Maybe something to do with Libby’s mother, or Dr. Brownlee? Whatever it was, it had to be bad enough to draw out three huge engine crews.

  The front door was ajar, so Kyle let Coop step into the entryway. The acrid smell of burning upholstery and woodwork hit his nose and made him cough. He lead their little SEAL delegation and caught Carla’s attention as she was coming out of the kitchen. Her face was white, her eyes wide, and for a moment, Cooper thought perhaps something terrible had happened to Dr. Brownlee. The news hadn’t said anything about someone being harmed. But Cooper knew that a fire, if it was that, was no accident.

  “Oh Cooper,” she said as she ran over and gave him a hug. Then she adjusted her hair and stepped back, embarrassed.

  “Ma’am. These are friends of mine. This is my Senior, Kyle Lansdowne. There’s Armando, Fredo and this here’s Gunny.” Everyone took turns shaking Mrs. Brownlee’s hand. She was speechless.

  “I’m surprised they let you in,” she said.

  “Did two tours with your guard out front, Ma’am,” Kyle offered. “He lost part of an arm in Afghanistan.”

  Cooper understood completely. He turned to Mrs. Brownlee. “Can you tell us what happened?” he asked.

  Carla looked around to see who else might be listening and then started, “Someone set Austin’s office on fire. There’s not much structural damage, but it’s a mess. Fire’s out, I think.” She waved her hand in front of her face to swish remnants of smoke from her eyes.

  “Anyone hurt?” He meant that to mean Libby.

  “No, we’re all fine. Who would do such a thing, Cooper?”

  “Not sure, ma’am. No offense, but I’m not the shrink here.” he answered.

  She narrowed her eyes and leaned towards him. “Libby’s out by the pool.” She waited, looking into all the faces of Cooper’s Team. “You boys come on in, but stay away from the investigators. Coop, I think she’d want to see you, privately, of course.”

  Of course he wanted to. But would she be happy to see him? He knew she’d be terrified. Suddenly he needed to get to her.

  The guys sauntered through the entryway to the foyer, doing a double-take at the tall ceilings and intricate metal staircase leading to the second floor, as Cooper pushed by them on his way toward the kitchen and rear yard. He heard the squawk of police and fire radios.

  Fredo ran to catch up to him. He didn’t need a nursemaid or a witness to whatever he was going to say to her, but a part of him was grateful Fredo had his back. As they passed by Dr. Brownlee’s office, three large yellow-clad firemen had their arms filled with boxes of smoldering papers, which they dropped on cue and began spreading out on the floor. A dark black streak went up the side of one wall of the study, originating from the opened window to the backyard. Dr. Brownlee was absent-mindedly wandering around the room, looking at various piles of manila folders and paperwork, generally making himself a nuisance to the firemen.

  Detective Riverton appeared out of nowhere, his little notebook and pen out and ready.

  “Surprised to see you here,” he said. “Wow, you brought reinforcements too,” he said as he noted Kyle and the rest of the Team. “You just happened to stop by today?” He drilled Cooper a look that almost hurt.

  “We saw it on the TV, sir. I recognized the house. Thought we could help.”

  “Oh good,” the detective said with emphasis. “Well, as far as I know, this wouldn’t require the SEALs. Not exactly an international incident. Not that it isn’t a big deal to Dr. Brownlee, here.”

  Cooper saw Riverton wasn’t as casual as he was making it seem.

  Kyle was usually the first to speak to an authority figure, so he inserted his body between Riverton and his man. “We understand, just wanted to be of help, if we could.” Coop knew his LPO was trying to deflect Riverton’s attention.

  Riverton was relentless, pushing Kyle aside with the back of his hand. In another place, at another time, that would be a call to action. Cooper could feel the men tense up behind him. Kyle stepped back and allowed Riverton to question Cooper at close range.

  Coop raised his forearms up in the air in mock surrender. “Just wanted to be sure Libby and her parents were okay. If you say they are, we’ll be going,” he said, but Riverton was staring at the tats on his forearm underside.

  “Let me take a look at that, son.” He grabbed Cooper’s hand mid air and twisted his wrist so he could view the frog print tattoo extending all the way to Coop’s right elbow. He hailed the police photographer to take a picture. Cooper didn’t refuse permission.

  Kyle stood right next to him. “You want to take a picture of mine, too, detective?” He held out his arm with the identical tattoo.

  Fredo and Armando extended their arms as well. Riverton was surrounded by frog prints. He gave a wincing glance to Gunny who grinned.

  “Mine’s in my shirt,” the ex-Marine said as he started to pull at his collar.

  “No. Wait. That won’t be necessary.” Riverton’s face flushed in anger. Cooper was grateful he had lucked out and the rest of the Team had his back. Another lesson in not getting himself too far out on his own. Stick with the Team. Best be on the inside of the pack. On the outside is where all the predators pick off the strays.

  Riverton sighed, slumping his shoulders. He looked like he’d been yanked early out of bed and it was getting to him. His coat was wrinkled and the remnants of a tie was hanging out of his sport jacket pocket. His white shirt was also wrinkled and stained with coffee.

  “The young lady is out back, son.”

  That word again. Not. Your. Son.

  “C’mon, Coop. My sinuses is giving me fits. I need some air,” Fredo said as he pulled Cooper’s arm and forced his buddy to take a couple of steps back and away from Riverton’s attention.

  Fredo’s vise-like grip on Coop’s upper arm hurt like hell. But it kept his forward momentum, even though he wanted to turn and watch his LPO talk to Riverton. He knew he could trust Kyle to vouch for him. But he was dying to get some information before he had to see her.

  And then he did just that. He almost ran right into her without noticing Fredo had released his arm. And there it was all over again, that chemistry. Where his forearm had brushed up against her chest and pressed into her delicate flesh, he felt the electric current that perked the hair all over his body to full attention. Not to mention the unit in his shorts.

  She stepped back and put a hand to her chest. Her jaw was tight. Her eyebrows were drawn in an upward angle, pointing to the little lines in her forehead. Her hair was mussed, just like he liked it. She was scared to death and she was still the most beautiful thing he had seen, ever. He knew if he took her in his arms, he’d smell that familiar scent of arousal that would drive him to the beach and long midnight swims. She was going to be hard to get out of his system. And this was a crime scene.

  You are such a fucking asshole.

  Her eyes were long as she languished unkissed and unhugged, not more than eight inches in front of him. The painful space might as well have been a football field. Libby looked at Fredo, who was staring back at her with what appeared to be shock.

  “This is my friend, Fredo. He’s on my Team.”

  She didn’t say anything, but nodded a quick acknowledgement and returned to search Coop’s face.

  “What happened?” he asked her finally. His hands were searching for a back pocket to dive into, but he’d worn the kakis with pockets everywhere but on his butt. Half afraid they’d reach out and grab her, he tilted his hip and perched them there at his waist. He felt ridiculous

  Carla broke the spell. “You guys go on out onto the patio. Leave these men to do their work. Don’t need to get in anybody’s way.” She pushed Coop at the small of his back with both her palms until he had no choice but to step forward and into Libby.

  Libby collapsed in his arms for a brief second, and then stiffly righted herself. She would have fallen on the floor if he hadn’t caught her. He wanted to take her in his arms and tell her everything was going to be okay, that he had changed his mind, that he would protect her.

  But he just couldn’t. What she needed most was to be with her own family. He had no right to take her away from them. He had nothing to offer. They’d discussed this before.

  They even shook hands on it.


  Chapter 18

  Libby wanted to run to Coop, to collapse in his arms, but that was just substituting one problem with another. She was so scared of the escalating situation that she was about to do something she promised herself she wouldn’t do. She was certain her fear was what was driving her to his arms. Well, that and the great sex, of course. No denying that chemistry they shared.

  But the sex wasn’t a relationship, and wouldn’t be the reason for their relationship. She’d studied this in college, couples who got together at a particularly low point in their lives, and later, when they healed, when they grew up, they couldn’t keep it together. They grew apart.

  No. She wanted a relationship with someone when she was healed. When she was whole. Besides, she needed to get her life back on track. This delicious detour was just that, a detour. Although his kisses were scorchingly hot, his moves made her bones turn to rubber, she knew better than to think a relationship based on sex alone would last. And she didn’t want to entertain anything unless it had a future in it.

  It was time to deal with real life. This sailor was a rolling stone who needed to be exactly that to function in his dangerous world. She had been a privileged princess living in a conch-colored house and been given all the luxuries a girl could want, including the dusty rose wallpaper and white canopy bed. Her parents had paid for a great college education. She could graduate and start a practice without owing a dime to anyone.


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