moan for uncle 5

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moan for uncle 5 Page 8

by Towers , Terry

  With her stacks of cream cheese in her arms she scampered across the kitchen and back out to the front of the store. She made it to the breakfast counter just as a customer strolled in the front entrance.

  Normally she'd have been annoyed at the disturbance considering she now had the work of two people to accomplish before morning by herself, but she took one look at the sexy man strolling across the dining room towards the front counter and decided to make an exception.

  He was tall - perhaps six foot or so - with short close-cut brown hair, broad shoulders, and a lean torso. His eyes were a dark seductive shade of green and his features, hard and chiselled. If she had to wager a guess she'd say he was twenty-eight, close to ten years her senior. He was - without a doubt - the hottest man she'd ever seen and she found her pulse begin to race as she looked him over.

  "Now what did you do to be stuck working the graveyard shift?" he asked as he approached the front counter and flashed a sinfully sexy smile at her.

  Lily could feel her face flush slightly as she shrugged. "Just lucky I guess." Depositing the cream cheese on the breakfast counter she made her way over to the register, to take his order. "What can I get for you?"

  He clucked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as his eyes surveyed the short menu.

  Lily groaned inwardly, hot or not, she hated customers like him. She had work to do, and standing there waiting for him to decide all he wanted was a coffee was a waste of her time. She needed this job, so everything had to be perfect when the day shift arrived in the morning otherwise it was her ass they’d be after. They wouldn't give a rat’s ass that Angie had abandoned her partway through the shift.

  "I guess I'll just have a large coffee, black." He nodded, pleased with his selection and shifted his eyes to meet hers.

  Lily felt a shiver run down her spine as his eyes locked onto hers which immediately ignited a pulsing between her legs. After the span of several beats she broke eye contact and set to work on his coffee as he leaned over, rested his elbows on the counter, laced his fingers in front of him and watched her intently.

  "Have you worked here long?"

  Setting the coffee pot back onto the burner she snapped the plastic cover onto the paper cup and passed it to him. "A couple of months."

  Straightening up he reached into the front pocket of his jeans and pulled out a handful of change. As he sorted through the various coins, a quarter slipped from his fingers and he bent to retrieve it.

  At the same moment that he bent over, something warm and fast whizzed by Lily's face, grazing her cheek and seconds later the glass door of the microwave behind her imploded.

  Mouth agape, Lily jumped at the sound of the microwave's glass door shattering, not even paying any notice to the wound across her cheek. Her eyes whipped back to the front of the store to see a small hole in the glass, which was now cracked, but had yet to actually break.

  "Get down!"

  Everything seemed to happen so fast. Lily had no idea what was happening, but briefly glimpsed the customer as he leapt over the counter towards her with the grace and speed of a panther, and tackled her to the floor.

  She grunted as she hit the ceramic floor - hard, with his large, heavy frame covering her tiny one. The sound of glass shattering came from the front of the store, followed by a light thumping sound as something embedded itself in the wall above the back counter.

  "Come on!" The man was already off her and onto his feet, crouching behind the counter.

  As her eyes focused on him, they immediately noticed the gun he now held in his hand. She gasped and attempted to stand to run.

  "Holy fuck woman, do you want to die? Stay down and follow me," he ordered in a hushed, but firm tone.

  Lily gulped down the lump which was rapidly forming in her throat and nodded. Her heart was racing so quickly, she could actually feel it throbbing within her chest.

  Standing, the customer fired the pistol several times out into the parking lot, each shot felt like a major explosion in her ears leaving her head reeling from the unexpected sound. Reaching down, he grabbed her hand and pulled the dazed and confused Lily to her feet and into the back kitchen with him.

  "Wh…what's going on?" Slightly disoriented, she started to walk towards the doorway which led to the front of the store, but he grasped her forearm tightly, jerking her back to him. He grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her around so she was facing him.

  "We don't have much time, so you need to listen to me." His voice was eerily calm, as though whatever was going on was an everyday occurrence to him.

  Lily nodded, but her eyes seemed to want to look back out into the dining room.

  He gave her a light shake and she snapped her eyes back to meet his. "Do you have a car?"

  Lily nodded. "It's out back. Why? What's…?"

  "Good. Give me the keys. Hurry up."

  She hesitated for a moment and then rushed over to her purse sitting on the small round plastic staff table. Digging into her black handbag, she produced the keys to her ancient Dodge Neon and deposited them into his outstretched hand.

  He gave her a friendly smile, which just slightly helped calm her frazzled nerves. "Okay, you need to listen carefully."

  Lily nodded.

  "There are some very bad men out there and they're going to come in here after us, so we need to leave. Now!"

  Lily shook her head and took a step back from him. "No, I can't leave. Who are you? What's going on?" So many questions were racing through her head that she was having a difficult time thinking clearly. Was she in shock? She gave her head a slight shake trying to clear the fuzziness.

  "I'll explain later, come on." He gave her hand a tug, but she remained rooted to the spot.

  "Are you a cop or something?" He certainly didn't look like a cop, but that didn't mean he wasn't one.

  He ran a nervous hand through his dark hair, gave her a lopsided grin and nodded. "Or something. Come on." He gave her hand another tug, but again she remained where she was.

  "What does that mean, or something?"

  The man huffed and rolled his eyes at her. "Listen, maybe I didn't make myself clear a moment ago. We need to go now... if we don't then those bad men will come in here and kill you and me."

  When she didn't respond. He shrugged. "Suit yourself." Dropping her hand from his he raced toward the back door his three quarter length black leather jacket flapping out behind him as he ran.

  Panic overtook Lily. As scared as she was to go with the sexy stranger, she was even more terrified that he might be telling the truth. "Wait!" she cried out as she ran after him just as he was exiting through the back door.

  By the time she was out into the cool night air, her customer was already at the Neon. Panic gripped her. "Wait!" she screamed to him, bursting into a sprint and heading for him and her little car.

  His head snapped over to her direction, but then proceeded to unlock the car and hop in. She made it to the passenger side and was opening the door as the car roared to life.

  "Hurry." he urged, shifting the car into gear.

  She slipped in and hadn't even gotten the door shut behind her when the car tires squealed and they sped out onto the road. The sudden forward jolt succeeded in shutting the door for her. She ran a shaky hand through her long hair as she watched the stranger from the corner of her eye weave her little car in and out of traffic as though he was a racing car driver and her Neon a Ferrari.

  Why had she gotten into the car with him? She groaned inwardly. She didn't even know the man. For all she knew he was the bad guy. She'd just ask him to drive her home. Simple, right? She'd ask him nicely to take her home. Hell, she'd drop him off anywhere he wanted and just drive herself home, and then she'd have a much needed sleep and everything would make sense in the morning.

  She took a couple of deep breaths in and released them slowly. Once she was certain her nerves had settled sufficiently for her to speak coherently, she focused her full attention on him.

"So is there someplace I can drop you off?"

  He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and shot her a grin. "Nah, that's okay. I have it under control."

  What did he mean by that? She chewed at her lower lip for a moment before trying again. "Well, I think that I should be going home so I think that dropping you somewhere would be the best idea." When he didn't respond she added, "I won't tell anyone, not the police, not anyone. I promise."

  He chuckled, turned his head and locked gazes with her, his forest green eyes on her sapphire blue ones. "You can't go home. Sorry."

  Lily's frown deepened. "What? Why? I have to go home. I demand you take me home. This is my car, my rules."

  His chuckling stopped and he shook his head. "Sorry. Can't happen. Not right now, anyway."

  She tried to remain calm, but a bad feeling washed over her. Was she a hostage? Was he kidnapping her? She took another deep breath in then exhaled loudly. And even more importantly, why in hell was he so calm? If he could be believed and they were running for their lives; she would have thought he'd be showing a little bit of panic in his demeanour.

  "Who are you?" It was a fair enough question as far as she was concerned; he could at least give her a straight answer on that.

  Slowing the car, the customer turned off the highway and onto a road Lily was not familiar with, though considering how frazzled her nerves were and the fact that it was the middle of the night, she doubted she'd have known their location even if she'd been on that road dozens of times before.

  "Oh, I'm so terribly sorry. That was so rude of me, just with being shot at and then escaping in a Dodge Neon, no offence, but not my first choice of a getaway vehicle…" When she huffed at him, he glanced over at her and shrugged with a slight smile touching his lips, "It slipped my mind." He extended his hand to her, while keeping his eyes glued to the two lane road they were traveling down. "I'm Scott."

  When Lily hesitated in taking his offered hand, he took his eyes off the road long enough to read her nametag. "Ahhh, Lily. That's a beautiful name. My grandmother's name was Lily."

  Her brow furrowed as she looked over at him in disbelief. Talk about a Jekyll and Hyde attitude change. Maybe he's psychotic?Oh-my-God, that must be it and I'm stuck in a car with him! She took his hand briefly and then snatched hers from his grip equally as quickly, though not quickly enough to avoid the warm sensation that flowed through her at his touch. She growled at herself for feeling attraction towards someone who was - quite possibly - mentally unstable.

  "Well Scott, who are you really? And why were people shooting at you?"




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