parallel lives
the Cheethams and the Rivers
Martin Guerre
the identical car
the Lincoln/Kennedy coincidences
patients with the same name and complaint
Ping-Pong medals
two Umbertos
two Wanda Marie Johnsons
lawsuits and
science and
Parker, Craig Hamilton
Parker, John
Parker, Keith
Parker, Nigel
Parker, Richard (cabin boy)
Parker, Richard (playwright)
Parker, Ferdi
Parrish, Anne
Party Music (album)
cover art
Passion of Christ, The (film)
lightening strike during filming
Pasternak, Boris
Patel, Trupti
Paul, Marilyn
Paul VI, Pope
Pauli, Wolfgang
Peng Kai
Perry, Gaylord
Perry, Belinda Lee
shared name
Persons, Chuck
Peskett, John
Peskett, Shirley
Picture of Dorian Gray, The (Wilde)
Pink Floyd
coincidences and
Planck, Max
plane crash
odds of dying in
Plimmer, Martin
Poe, Edgar Allan
Polybus, King of Corinth
Poulton, George R.
Powell, Anthony
Prelude in C (Bach)
presidential coincidences
July 4 deaths and births
Presley, Elvis
prophetic dreams
Pryor, Richard
Purvis, Ian
accident involving another Ian Purvis
quantum mechanics
Rabi, Tamara
Rabin, Yitzhak
Radcliffe, Amanda
Radin, Dean
Raft, The (Parker)
Rail Gazette International
railroad accidents
odds of being involved in
Raine, Craig
Ramage, Howard
Rankin, Ian
Rathbone, Henry
Raymond, Mrs. Allison
Razey, Patti
Redfield, James
Reeve, Christopher
Reeves, George
Remarkable True Coincidences
Resden, S.
Richards, Christina
Richardson, Joseph
Richardson, Nellie
Riches, Kevin
Richter, Mischa
Rigby, Mrs. M.
Riley, “Boots,”
Rines, Robert
Ripley’s Giant Book of Believe It or Not
Rips, Eliyahu
Rivers, Albert
Rivers, Betty
road accidents
coincidences concerning
risk of being killed in
Roberts, Jennifer
Robertson, George
Robertson, Morgan
Robertson, Peter
Robinson, Mrs. J.
Robinson, Tim
Rolling Stone magazine
Roots of Coincidence, The (Koestler)
Rose, Mr.
Ruby, Jack
Ruffles, Hazel
Rusk, James, Jr. (Harrison James)
Ruth, Babe
Sagan, Carl
Said Business School
Schopenhauer, Arthur
Schubert, Franz
Schumacher, Michael
and coincidence
and the paranormal
Scott, Adriana
Scott, Christopher
Scott, Sir Peter
Scott, Robert Falcon
Screech, Mrs.
Segovia, Andrés
Seifert, George
Seinfeld, Jerry
Selfridges (junk shop in Clapham)
Sense of Being Stared, The (Sheldrake)
September 11 terrorist attack
avoiding death at
intelligence agency attack simulation
Madrid bombings and
National Commission report
and the New York Lottery
Nostradamus and the
Party Music album cover art and
and The Two Towers film
survivors of
Serafino, Domenico
Seymour, Peter
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (album)
Shakespeare, William
Sharp, Derek
Sharp, Derek (uncle)
Shaw, Bernie
Sheldrake, Rupert
Sherman, C. E.
Shivers, I. C.
Shuster, Joe
Sibelius, Jean
Siegel, Jerry
Simmins, Richard
Simpson, Joyce
Sin, Cardinal
Singer, Isaac Bashevis
Sinking of the Mignonette, The
six degrees of separation
Skeptical Inquirer
Skinner, B. F.
Smith, Alfred
Smith, Donald
Smith, Roy
Soilih, Ali
“Somebody Else” (song)
Sothern, Edward H.
Sothern, Edward H., Jr.
Sothern, Sam
Spassky, Boris
Spears, Britney
Spencer, Anne
Spencer, Stuart
Spicer, Jabez
Splatt, J. W.
athletes, superstitions of
coincidences concerning
Curse of the Bambino
Sports Illustrated cover
curse on
Stephens, Edwin
Stewart, Dave
Stewart, Ian
Stingers, The (Frank)
stock market scam
Stones of Aran (Robinson)
Strange Meeting (Hill)
Styler, Trudie
Sullivan, Roy Cleveland
Summerford, Major
Sun, Shine Soon
Sun and Moon
symbolism of
Sunday Times
Supena, Ronald
Superman curse
Superstition (Ambrose)
of Americans
of athletes
and the fall of the Aztec Empire
“superstition in the pigeon” research
Swain, Pat
Swiftsure (ship)
Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle (Jung/Pauli)
Tale of Two Cities, A (Dickens)
Talented Mr. Ripley, The (film)
Tamara, Adolfo Gomez
Tanner, Roscoe
Tant, Julia
Technical Asset Management (TAM)
Tenzing, Sherpa
Thompson, Ron
family of
Thomson, D. C.
Thornton, Abraham
Thornton, Michael
Titanic (film)
Titanic disaster
predictions and
and The Wreck of the Titan or, Futility (Robertson)
Tolkien, J. R. R.
tombs of the pharaohs
curse on
Trent, Howard
Trial, The (Kafka)
Tucker, Bev
Tudor, David
Tune, Justin
Turner, J. D.
Turpin, Sallie
Turpin, Susie
Twelfth Night (Shakespeare)
Two Towers, The (film)
Two Towers Protest Organization
Umberto (restaurant owner)
Umberto I, King of Italy
Albert Einstein’S view of
as a hologram
hyperstring theory
quantum mechanics
van der Post, Laurens
Vandergrift, Ladona
Vaughan, Alan
Vaughan Williams, Ralph
Vernoni, Andrea
Vernoni, Cristina
Vernoni, Vittorio
Vice, Mr.
Villeneuve, Jacques
Vroom, Mr.
Vulvic, Vesna
Vyse, Stuart
Wall Street Journal
Wallace, George
Washington Post
Watts, Duncan J.
Weaver, Warren
Webb, David
Webber, Sir Andrew Lloyd
marriage announcements
Weedon, D.
Wells, Charles
Wells, Eliza
Wells, Judith
Wells, Martha
Wells, Mary
Wells, Peggy
Wells, Sarah Ann
Wells, Virginia
Wentworth, Sheila
West, Fred and Rosemary
victims of
West, Mildred
West, Dame Rebecca
West Side Baptist Church (Beatrice, NE)
choir practice, explosion at
Whaites, Chris
Whisler, David
whist game
coincidence of the deal
White, Gordon
Whittaker, David
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (TV series)
Wiggins, Marianne
Wilcox, Maureen
Wilde, Oscar
William the Conqueror
defeat of the English, comets foretelling
Williams, Don S.
Williams, Eric
Williams, Hugh
as a charmed name
Williams, Kenneth
Williams, Matt
Wilson, James
Winslet, Kate
Wiseman, Richard
Wizard of Oz, The (Baum)
Wizard of Oz, The (film)
and Dark Side of the Moon (Pink Floyd album)
Woods, John
World Trade Center
avoiding death at
Madrid bombings and
intelligence agency attack simulation
National Commission report
and the New York Lottery
Nostradamus and the
Party Music album cover art and
and The Two Towers film
survivors of
World Wide Web
Wreck of the Titan or, Futility, The (Robertson)
Wright, Steven
Wright, Tony
Written in Blood—The Story of the Haitian People (Heinl/Heinl)
Wrong Man, The (Hitchcock film)
Wyman, Watson
Yamani, Sheik
Yebra, Thomas Garcia
“Yellow Bird” (song)
Yellow Dog (Amis)
Yong Xi
Ziegland, Henry
Zusne, Leonard
An imprint of St. Martin’s Press.
BEYOND COINCIDENCE. Copyright © 2006 by Martin Plimmer and Brian King. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Plimmer, Martin.
Beyond coincidence : amazing stories of coincidence and the mystery behind them / Martin Plimmer & Brian King.
p. cm.
ISBN-13: 978-0-312-36970-5
ISBN-10: 0-312-36970-0
1. Curiosities and wonders. 2. Coincidence—Miscellanea. I. Title.
AG243 .P58 2005
First published in the United Kingdom by Icon Books
First St. Martin’s Griffin Edition: July 2007
eISBN 9781466852297
First eBook edition: August 2013
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