Inside the Hollow Tree

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Inside the Hollow Tree Page 13

by Laurel Veil

  “Oh, he’d never allow that. And honestly, I’d rather starve to death with my family and have my freedom then to ever work there again.” She sighed and then quickly changed the subject. “So, it’s my turn to listen for a change. Tell me your story.”

  I blew on the surface of my tea, took a sip and told Maggie everything. By the time I finished, I’d covered how Sandra had pretended to be my mom, how Ty and I had stumbled upon this place through a hollow tree in my garden, and how, after thinking my dad was dead, I discovered Landon was holding him captive and would only free my dad, if I married him.

  “Oh, miss—”

  “Please, Maggie. Just call me Falon, at least when were alone.”

  “I can’t believe all you’ve been through. You poor thing.”

  A loud banging at the door made us both flinch. Maggie jumped up and answered it.

  “She best still be in here,” said Dirk.

  Before Maggie could even respond, I stepped out of the kitchen.

  “I think it best you mind your manners and remember who I am.” My voice was so calm and assertive, I couldn’t believe it was me.

  Dirk’s eyes sliced through me, but I refused to let him know that he was getting to me. I knew, that he knew I was right. I was marrying his boss in less than twenty-four hours and he treated me like I was no one of significance.

  “We were just finishing up. I’ll be out in a moment.”

  With teeth clinched, he left. Maggie stepped closer to me, giggling quietly. “Wow miss—I mean, Falon. Look at you!” She whispered.

  “I know it’s a lot to ask of you Maggie—”

  “Go on,”

  “I need you to be with me tomorrow at the castle.”

  “I’d be honored to do your hair and—”

  I began to choke up. “It’s not that. I mean, yes. If you could help me with that, that would be great. But, I need you there to support me, as a friend. I can’t do this alone. I need you.”

  Maggie threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly.

  “I’m so scared, Maggie.”

  “Try not to be. I’ll be there for you, if I can. You’ll have to ask King Landon.”

  I pulled away and wiped my eyes. “I will ask him as soon as I get back. If he says it’s OK, can I send a carriage for you tonight?”

  “Of course.”

  I turned to go, and then spun back around. I opened my bag and withdrew my coin purse. “Here,” I said as I attempted to hand her some money.

  “Oh, no. I can’t. The king provided the materials and he said he will be paying us handsomely for our labor.”

  “Let’s hope so. But, we both know what kind of man he is. So just in case, please take it.” I took her hand and emptied the entire contents of the purse.

  Maggie’s eyes went big. “Falon. You don’t have any idea how much this is, do you?”

  “No. But, I know how much your friendship means to me.”

  We hugged one last time. “Thank you. This will help my family so much.”

  When I turned to go she called after me, “Wait! Your dress.”

  “Keep it. It’s insurance that he’ll have to let you come. I can’t get married if you don’t bring my dress. Right?” I smiled.

  Dirk was standing impatiently by the carriage. The moment I got in he slammed the door behind me.

  Once we reached the castle, I had expected him to let me out in the front. Instead, he pulled the carriage around back to the stables.

  As soon as we came to a stop, he leapt down, and swung the door open for me. I was surprised when he offered me a hand, but then I noticed Landon, and realized that was the reason he was being civil.

  “Where’s your gown?” he asked immediately.

  “There were a few minor tweaks they needed to tend to, so I thought we could send a carriage a little later and have them deliver it.”


  “Also, I would like Maggie to be the one who delivers it.”

  “Why?” he asked sharply as he cut his eyes at me.

  “She did a great job helping me get dressed and she knows how to do my hair and makeup.” His silence made my heart race. “I want to look my very best tomorrow night.”

  A grin touched his lips. It made me shiver.

  “Very well. I'll send for her.” He extended his hand. “Come. I have something for you.”

  Nervously, I took his hand. It made me cringe, but a moment later he looped our arms together. I didn’t like walking arm and arm with him, but at least I no longer had to feel his skin.

  We stopped just outside the stables. “Close your eyes,” he said.

  I did as he said.

  A minute later he said, “Open them.”

  When I did, the grey horse with the beautiful blue eyes was standing in front of me.

  I looked up at Landon, who was smiling down at me. “He’s the one! Thank you.”

  He nodded.

  “Do you mind if I ride him?”

  “Not at all. I actually wanted you to go for a ride, so that you can be told everything there is to know about this animal.”

  I didn’t want anyone to go with me. I wasn’t going to try to escape. I couldn’t because of my dad. I just needed to be alone for a while. “It’s really not necessary. I know how to ride a horse.”

  Landon chuckled condescendingly. “Yes, but every horse has its own unique personality. I just don’t want you getting hurt, especially the day before our wedding. Who better to instruct you than the previous owner?”

  Previous owner? It was then, that I noticed for the first time that someone was standing on the other side of the horse, holding onto its lead rope.

  “Young man, before you leave, please instruct Princess Falon concerning everything there is to know about this animal.”

  I thought I might explode when Ty stepped out from behind the horse. “Yes, sir,” he said.

  “See to it that nothing happens to her,” said Landon. Ty nodded. Landon then turned his attention back to me. "I have some things I need to take care of for tonight.” He smiled mischievously and then kissed the top of my head and left.

  I stepped closer to Samson and placed my hand on his neck and rested my forehead against him. “It’s so good to see you again.” I said softly, hoping that if anyone heard me, they would assume I was speaking to the horse.

  Ty stepped closer as he rubbed the horse’s coat. He briefly rested his hand on mine. I felt like I might die.

  Ty helped me up, before getting on his horse. I had never ridden sidesaddle before, and so for once, actually needed help. Ty swung himself up on his horse, took my reigns and led us across a distant field, into a thicket where we would be hidden.

  “What am I going to do, Ty?”

  Before I knew what was happening, he was off his horse and taking me from mine. He pulled me to him and our mouths didn’t part for over a minute. And, during those sixty seconds, nothing else matter.

  When he released me, Landon and our inevitable wedding flooded my thoughts and then my eyes.

  “Don’t cry,” said Ty. “Please.”

  “I’m so scared, Ty.”

  “If we can somehow manage to reach the garden—”

  “I have to marry him.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He has my dad.”


  I quickly got Ty up to speed and then asked, “So, what about you? Has Brit given up on tampering with your memory?”

  “She took off about the time you left. She never said a word.” Ty looked over his shoulder. “We better start riding in case someone comes out here.”

  He gave me a boost up before getting on his horse. I took off towards another thicket with him riding close behind.

  “You know we can’t hide out here forever?” he said.

  “Why not?” I tried to laugh but couldn’t. “Maybe I can fake an injury. He can’t marry me if I’m hurt, can he?”

  Ty looked past me. “Someone’s coming.” />
  It was James, the stable hand. “It will be dark soon,” he said as he rode up. “It’s best we get the horses put up before the festivities begin.”

  “Festivities?” I said.

  “Yes, Princess. In celebration of your wedding tomorrow night.”

  My stomached churned and I looked and Ty with hopelessness.

  “Uh—we’re almost done here,” said Ty. “We’ll meet you back at the stables in just a few minutes.”

  He nodded and the second he turned to ride away, I began to cry.

  “It’s killing me that I can’t do anything to help you. I can’t even comfort you.”

  “I’m just having a weak moment.” I brushed the tears from my eyes. “I don’t know how, but I’m getting out of here.”

  Ty reached over, took my hand and pressed his lips to it for a long moment.

  We then rode our horses back as slowly as we could. We could hear laughter and music growing louder the closer we got and something delicious was being grilled.

  “I’ll take your horses,” said James when we arrived. “Go and get yourselves something to eat and drink.

  “Falon!” called a voice from somewhere far away. I looked over and found Landon in the center of a crowd of admirers. He raised his chalice to me. “Come!” he said and then he took a drink.

  I looked at Ty. “I better go.”

  “Be strong, Falon. It looks like no one is going to make me leave, so I’ll hang around as long as I can.”

  “It will help just to be able to look up and see you looking back at me.”

  I turned immediately and left. I knew if I didn’t go that second, I might not go at all.

  As I approached Landon, the young women that were fawning over him cut their eyes at me and became even more flamboyant with their laughter and how they touched him.

  “Here she is, my beautiful bride,” said Landon as he lifted his chalice in my honor once more. All the other men in the crowd lifted their mugs and cheered while his adoring entourage looked annoyed.

  I froze when I saw my dad standing at the fringe of the crowd near Landon. He was clean, and other than his fancy new clothes, looked like a thinner version of the man I’d known my entire life.

  “Dad.” We embraced only for a moment before Landon interrupted.

  “Look at that smile,” said Landon. “I love making my future wife happy.” He put one arm around my dad and the other around me. “One big, happy family.” Everyone cheered, and my dad and I just looked at one another. When I looked out into the crowd, the one other person that wasn’t cheering caught my eye. Ty. “Well now,” said Landon, “Your father is exhausted. He’ll need to be escorted to his room so that he can rest up for tomorrow.”


  Landon held up his hand. “Don’t grovel, Falon. It’s not becoming of a future queen.”

  I watched in horror as my dad was ushered off by a soldier. When I turned to look at Ty for comfort, I panicked when I couldn’t find him.

  An upbeat song, that was obviously a familiar favorite, began to play and Landon was pulled out onto a makeshift dance floor, by a busty fan of his.

  The way he disregarded my presence would’ve crushed me had I actually loved him. But instead, I happily used the distraction to slip away and search for Ty.

  “Princess Falon!”

  I wanted to cry tears of joy when I turned and saw Maggie running up to me. I hugged her tightly, as if it had been years instead of hours since I’d last seen her.

  “When did you get here?” I asked.

  “I only just arrived. Beatrice helped me take your gown up to your room.”

  “I got to see Ty,” I whispered in her ear.

  “Oh, miss.” I thought Maggie was going to burst.

  “Let’s walk,” I said, “And I’ll tell you everything.”

  “I can’t believe he was the one who brought you the horse. How romantic! I’m so happy you two were able to spend some time together. Falon? Is something wrong?” asked Maggie when she noticed that I’d suddenly become distracted.

  “I can’t believe it!” My heart pounded.

  “What is it?”

  “Don’t look just yet. But behind you,” I whispered, “is Brit and she’s with Ruby.”

  Maggie gasped. “Ruby’s the one you said would visit your mom—uh, I mean the woman you thought was your mom, Sandra, in the hospital!” Maggie pretended to look at something else and stole a glimpse of Ruby and Brit for herself. “What do you think this means? Why are they together?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Maggie gave a sharp yank to my arm when I tried to walk past her. “With all due respect, ma’am. What do you think you’re doing? You can’t go over there.”

  “Why not? I need to know, and guessing won’t do any good. I’m running out of time here, Maggie.” I turned to go and then whipped back around. “Come on. You’re going with me.”

  “But—” I tugged on her sleeve and pulled her along.

  Brit saw me first and made a scowl. “What do you want?”

  Once Ruby realized I was standing there, she quickly looked away.

  “Who are you, Ruby?” I asked. Ruby looked at Brit like she was waiting for her to tell her what to say. “I thought you were my mom’s nurse and—”

  “She wasn’t your mom,” hissed Brit.

  I was stunned. "How did you know that?"

  She ignored me and looked away.

  "Who told you?" I demanded.

  She still said nothing.

  “What did I ever do to you, Brit?"

  Her head snapped in my direction and my heart pounded.

  "Why are you so mad at me?" I continued. "And, by the way, why were you in my house?”

  Her mouth curled into a thin smile. “The portal to the outside world has been locked for years. It was open—” She shrugged nonchalantly.

  “Leave Ty alone.”

  Her face began to flush as her chest heaved with anger. “Just so you know. You, didn’t take him from me. If I really wanted him, he would be with me.” She raised her brows. “The same way your mom kept your dad all those years.”

  It had never occurred to me that Sandra could’ve been brain washing my dad the way Brit had controlled Ty.

  “Tell me. How did it feel having me take someone you love?”

  “Why would you want to hurt me like that? I don’t even know you! You made me think he was dead. You’re evil.”

  “All I know is tomorrow you’re getting married, and Ty and I can be together, if that’s what I choose.”

  Without thinking, I lunged for her. Just before my hands grasped her neck, two arms too strong to be Maggie’s, wrapped around me and pulled me back.

  I could hear Brit and Ruby laughing as I fought to get free. “Don’t let them get to you like this. Pull yourself together.”

  When I finally realized who was holding me, I surrendered. “Morris!”

  “At your service.” He released me and I spun around and hugged him. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

  Maggie followed closely behind, and we walked to a secluded area, just inside the stables where we could be alone.

  “I would ask you how you’ve been…”

  “I’ve got to get out of here Morris. I’m running out of time.”

  “It’s so dangerous,” Maggie interjected. “I’m scared for you.”

  “Can I speak freely?” asked Morris. He looked at Maggie.

  “Of course,” I said. “Maggie is…my best friend.” Maggie looked touched. I thought for a second, she might cry. I quickly introduced them. “Now say what you were going to say, Morris.”

  He lend in closely to me and Maggie. “Ty is no longer here because—” My heart began to pound. I had no idea how that sentence was going to end. “He’s with your dad.”

  I stopped breathing. “Do you mean, they’ve both been locked up in the dungeon?”

  “Ty got your dad out of his room. They’re out of the kingdom.”
  “What? Morris, are you serious?”

  He put his finger to his lips to remind me to be quiet. I threw my arms around him. “You know what this means? I can go now!” I whispered.

  “Don’t do anything rash on your own,” Morris warned. “We want to help you. We’ve only got one shot at this.”

  “I understand what you’re saying Morris, but you’re not the one who’s about to be forced to marry someone against your will.”

  “We just don’t want anything to go wrong.”

  I knew no matter what I said, I wasn’t going to convince him that we needed to act now. “OK,” I finally agreed.

  “Why don’t we get something to eat?” said Maggie. Her voice sounded a little too cheerful considering the circumstances. That’s when I noticed how she was looking at Morris and he was smiling back at her. Had I not felt like my life was on the line, I would have enjoyed her crushing on him a little more. Suddenly, I realized I could use their infatuation with one another to my advantage.

  “That’s a good idea,” I said. “There’s been so much going on, I just realized I haven’t eaten. And, I’m starving.”

  “Oh, good,” said Maggie smiling up at Morris.

  “You two go ahead. I’m going to check on Samson, and I’ll be right there.”

  “Don’t take too long,” said Morris as he smiled down at Maggie.

  I rolled my eyes and went to Samson. “Hey boy.”

  He whinnied and then I whispered in his ear, “I need your help.” I looked over my shoulder then slipped a bit in his mouth as quickly as I could. Once I saddled him, I led him out of his stall and around the back side of the stable.

  I walked as quickly as I could without drawing attention to myself. As the laughter and music from the crowd grew quieter, my confidence began to grow. I was actually going to get out of there, I thought as every step I took brought me closer to the exit.

  Just before I reached the bridge, I stopped and turned to Samson. “This is it boy. Here we go.”

  I pulled myself up onto his back and immediately his hooves began clopping across the bridge. I was so eager to reach the other side, I had to fight my impulse to make Samson run—it would be too loud. Most everyone was intoxicated and distracted with the festivities, but I couldn’t risk someone hearing us.

  I walked Samson off the bridge, onto the road. His steps were silent in the loose dirt. Once we entered the wooded area, we would start running until we made it to the garden. I looked behind me one last time to make sure that I wasn’t being followed, and almost lost my balance when Samson came to a sudden stop.


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