Fueled by Lust: Caelius (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Fueled by Lust: Caelius (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 13

by Celeste Prater

  “Oh, that’s right.”

  “What’s wrong, Caelius? You’ve been drinking too much, but this is the worst I’ve ever seen. Tell me.”

  “I’m sad.”


  “I miss Rhia, and I don’t wanna touch any more females. It makes me want to throw up.”

  “Then don’t touch them.”

  “I’m not. I told you that already.”

  “If Rhia’s your mate, why did you leave her?”

  “Because I’m not made right.”


  “I’m not made right.”

  “I know what you said, dumbass. What did it mean?”

  Chuckling, Caelius patted his friend on the chest and leaned close to his ear to tell him his secret.

  “Oh. Sorry. I’m not compat…compat…”


  “Yeah, that.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Me too.”

  “Hey, Chiron?”


  “Could you love someone that wasn’t meant to be yours?”

  “I don’t know how to answer that, amici. I’ve never been in love.”

  “It hurts. When you can’t have it, it hurts right here.” He tapped Chiron on the chest and focused on his feet again.

  “How long do we need to walk the room?”

  “Until Nikos gets back, or you get your shit together.”


  “Show me the picture of the female again, Caelius. Where did you meet her?”

  “My cooking class. She smells like jasmine and is so sweet. She’s very smart. You know how sexy that is? Her teeth are pretty, too.”

  “She has a wonderful smile. Why didn’t you tell us about her before?”

  “I was afraid someone else might try to claim her. She has the softest skin and smells so good. Another warrior would take her away from me.”

  “No, Caelius. We’d never do that to you. So, you kissed her?”

  “Yes.” He looked down when Chiron touched the necklace lying cold on his chest. “No, it didn’t heat. That was the saddest day of my life.”

  “I can imagine. So, you love her?”

  “Very much so.”

  “You know that you have to forget her, don’t you?”

  “I can’t. Her memory stays with me no matter how hard I try to pretend differently. Can we stop talking about this? My chest is starting to hurt again. Where’s Nikos?”

  “I’m right here. Get dressed, Chiron. I’ll hold him up. Hey, pick up all of his money. He’s got it scattered all over the damn room. There might be some in the hall, too.”

  Caelius smiled and grabbed Nikos’s shoulders. A half trip around the room, and he heard Chiron’s voice again.

  “Ready. Let me check the hall. I don’t see anyone by the side door. Nikos, check his pockets. We need his keys. No, wait. They’re in his hand. Here, give him back to me. You need to drive.”

  “Hell, yeah. I’ve wanted to do that since we left.”

  Caelius breathed deeply of the night air and chuckled. “Don’t hurt my car, Nikos.”

  “Wouldn’t think of it. Can you crawl in the back? Good. You look like you might be recovering. Chiron, don’t forget to latch his seatbelt.”

  Moving the big hand away, Caelius shook his head. “It’s okay. I got it. Hey, I’ve never been back here before. It’s weird.”

  “Hold on. We’re moving now. If you have to throw up, Caelius, tell me, and I’ll pull over real quick.”

  “Nah. I’m good. I think it’s already wearing off. I can see both of you now.” He heard Nikos snort.

  “About time. Damn, Caelius. What the hell were you thinking? You know we have to keep moving if we drink. Did you just sit in there and drain a whole bottle before you decided to start stumbling around?”

  “I know. It was stupid. I think I blacked out. I’m sorry.”

  They rode in silence for many moments before Chiron spoke up. “Caelius. Are you tired of it yet?”

  “Of what?”

  “Bouncing from club to club. Don’t you miss the others?”

  “Where are you going with this, Chiron?” He caught the quick glance shared with Nikos.

  “Nikos and I want to go back home. It’s not fun anymore. We’ve been gone three weeks, and it feels like forever. I miss my bed. Hell, it’s even affecting you, Caelius.”

  “It’s different with me.”

  “We know that now. You’re trying to forget what you left. We miss it.”

  “So, what are you saying?”

  “We were going to go to the next club with you, but we’ve changed our mind. Come back home with us.”

  “No. I can’t do that. I’ve made a promise to Magnificent 7, and I’m going to keep my word. Besides, the first venue is in Hollywood. You know how long I’ve wanted to see it.”

  “Suit yourself. We’re flying back tomorrow.”

  Caelius leaned forward and patted them both on the shoulder. “It’s okay. I understand.”

  Chiron turned in his seat. His eyes matched the seriousness of his voice. “You can’t drink like that again, Caelius. If you need to make your memories go away for a while, just promise that you’ll keep moving around. Can you do that for us?”

  “I promise, amici.”

  Chiron smiled. “Good. Try to be positive, my friend. Maybe you’ll find your mate in California. Touch some wrists when you get there. Maybe that’s what you need to get over Rhia. Forget her and move on.”

  Caelius leaned back and turned to look out upon the dark, unfamiliar surroundings passing quickly by his window.

  “That’s the one thing I can’t promise you, Chiron. She’s unforgettable.”

  * * * *

  Removing the key from the ignition, Rhia leaned back against the seat and stared out the windshield. She watched a pile of leaves get caught up in a soft breeze and dance idly across the darkened street. Knowing she should get moving, too, she couldn’t seem to make her hand lift. She was tired, and not from just finishing a double shift. It was a weariness that had already settled deep in her bones.

  Squeezing her eyes shut, Rhia chastised herself for trying to wear her body out just to keep her emotions from spinning in a thousand different directions. It wasn’t helping. They ran from elated, sad, anxious, and worried, to just plain confused. She missed Caelius, and that was the crux of it all.

  Forcing herself to get out of the car, Rhia navigated the busted sidewalk and eyed the bushes suspiciously. Again, Caelius flashed in her head. He’d been so cute when he’d worried for her safety. The least she could do was keep out of trouble for him. Area confirmed clear of potential attackers, she pushed inside the house. The scent of flowers immediately calmed her. Despite the ugliness of the house’s exterior, she always felt safe and comforted when the door closed behind her.

  Throwing her keys and purse on the bar, she plopped on a stool and kicked off her shoes. The flashing light on the answering machine caught her attention. As soon as she pushed the “play” button, the voice of the last person she ever expected to call came rushing to her ears. She leapt up from the seat and pressed her palm over her thundering heart.

  “Rhia…pick up…pick up…pick up. You have suuussshhh a sexy voice. I tol’ you that before, right? Wait. I’m stuck in my…shirt…better. I’m gonna go outside so I can hear you. Don’t go nowhere.”

  Rhia clamped a hand over her mouth to stop her giggles. Caelius had drunk dialed her. Her mother’s voice immediately rang in her head.

  A drunk man’s actions are a sober man’s thoughts.

  That bit of imparted knowledge just made her smile wider. Leaning closer she listened to the sounds of a door slamming closed, loud music, and then a few soft curses before his deep, silky voice, albeit a little slurred, came back on line.

  “Wait. Goin’ back in. Too loud. Okay. I’m back. Hold up. I gotta sit down. Hey, sweetness. Did you get my flowers? I hope yuh liked them.”

twirled around and smiled. She looked at the multitude of vases filled with brightly colored flowers as he proceeded to tell her how hard it had been for him to find the one with the prettiest petals and that he wished he’d brought them to her in person.

  She’d gotten a new arrangement every other day, and she was beginning to run out of flat space to put them. She hated it when she had to throw out the dying ones, but just as quickly, another delivery arrived and filled the empty slot. Her stomach knotted, knowing that she’d been minutes away from answering his call. She could have told him how much she liked them. If she hadn’t lingered in the car, she might have been in time. She frowned when the room went silent. The message had ended.

  Whirling back to the machine, she smiled when she saw there was another one about to play. His voice was more somber this time.

  “I’m sorry I went away. I must have pushed a button with my cheek. I need to tell you that you’re very special to me…but just not to my necklace. I can’t help that, and I’m sorry.”

  Rhia frowned. Damn, he was drunk. What the hell was he talking about? Her worry deepened at his next words.

  “I don’t care if I have to die sooner. I love you, Rhia. I’m just not made right. Don’t think bad things. I’m sorry. Wait. I don’t like doing this when I can’t see your beautiful eyes. I’m gonna find your picture so I can see you when I tell…” The message ended.

  Heart flipping somersaults in her chest, Rhia felt like crying when there wasn’t another message on the machine. Quickly, she recalled the number he’d dialed from and entered it into her cell. She called it several times, which only resulted in a repeated message that the box was full.

  “Think, Rhia. Think.” Eyes widening with a thought, she dug through her purse and finally found the number to Heat Seekers. Minutes later, she was listening to a deep voice with the same lilting accent as Caelius’s give a pleasant introduction to the club over the sound of loud music.

  “Yes. Hi. Uh. I’m looking for Caelius. Is he there tonight? I really need to speak with him.” She felt her eyes widen in expectation when the voice didn’t respond for many moments. The music sounded as if it was moving further into the distance before it completely disappeared. She was surprised when another voice, deeper and less friendly, came on the line.

  “Who is this?”

  Chapter 15

  “Oh! I’m sorry. My name’s Rhia. I’m in…I was in a cooking class with Caelius. I haven’t seen him for several weeks and was worried about him. He just left a message on my answering machine. I tried to call him back, but his box is full. Could you let him know that I’ve called?” She was surprised by his pleasant chuckle.

  “My apologies, Rhia. I’m Petrus. We must be cautious sometimes. Caelius is on a road tour. I’m not sure of the exact date of his return. You said that he contacted you?”

  Disappointment sat like a stone in the middle of her stomach. She took a deep breath. “Yes. He sounded upset, and…uh…I was just concerned.”

  “Of course. I appreciate you trying to locate him. That was very kind of you. Would you like to leave a message in case he calls in?”

  “No. That’s okay. I’ve bothered you enough. I’ll keep trying his phone. Maybe he’ll call back. Thanks.”

  “Sure. Say, will you ask that he call me if you hear from him again?”

  “Yes. I will.”

  “Thanks, Rhia. Have a nice night.”

  “You, too.”

  Pacing the room, Rhia bounced one crazy thought after another through her brain and finally settled on one. She wasn’t going to fool herself any longer. She wanted to see him, and it sounded like he was just as confused as she was. Rhia punched a number into her phone.

  “Hi, Scott. No, I’m fine. Yes, I’m home. Uh, I know I promised that I’d work up until I started classes, but I need to take off this next week. I know. I’m sorry. Give Zoe a call. She mentioned that she needed more hours. I’m sure she can fill in for me. No, that’s okay. I’m fine. I need to check on a friend, so I’ll be traveling. Yeah, that’s right. In the morning. Of course. I’ll let you know as soon as I get back. I will. Thanks for understanding, Scott. Okay. You, too. Night.”

  Heart thundering, Rhia realized it was from excitement at being so daring. She’d forgotten what it was like to just drop everything and take a chance. It was exhilarating. Running into the bedroom, she fired up her laptop and looked for the cheapest flights to Los Angeles. Flight booked, rental car reserved for her arrival, and tickets bought for the next Magnificent 7 Male Revue show, Rhia double checked her bank account and sighed in relief. She had more than enough for the impromptu trip. She’d have to pick up more students to cover it, but there was time.

  Hours later she lay in bed and tried unsuccessfully to fall sleep. Caelius’s handsome face kept drifting through her mind, and she smiled into the darkness.

  “Get ready, mister. I know exactly where you’re going to be tomorrow night. We’re due for a long talk when I catch up with you. Don’t think I missed that part where you said you loved me.”

  * * * *

  Rhia peeked out the window when she heard the honk of a horn. Sweet! She’d been pacing the living room long enough to watch the shadows being chased away by the rising sun. That glorious sound rang sweetly of freedom.

  Giddy with excitement, she flew out the door and dragged her small suitcase down the stairs. One wheel didn’t work correctly, but the other was giving its best. Inhaling the early morning air, she didn’t think the day could get any better. She halted in the middle of the yard and stared at her car. What the hell? Both tires on the passenger’s side were flat. Blinking a few times, she burst out laughing.

  “What’s the matter, Bertha? You get jealous that I’m not taking you? You know full well you’d die twenty miles outside of Austin. Sorry, you’re not ruining this for me. Get over it.”

  Glancing back to the cab, she smiled at the driver standing at the back of the vehicle while he gave her a particularly odd look. He reminded her of Mr. Bartlett from the pastry shop. He always came in with his elderly wife and shared a piece of pecan pie with her. They were so cute. She gestured back to her car.

  “We have a strange relationship. It’s sort of a love-hate one to be exact.” He grinned, placed her bag in the trunk, and opened the door for her.

  “I hear you. I’d tell you the horror stories on this one, but he’d likely throw a rod if I revealed his secrets.”

  Rhia laughed and crawled into the back. “No, let’s not go there. Despite Bertha’s best try, I’m in a good mood, and I plan on staying there. Airport, please. American Airlines, Gate 50.”

  * * * *

  Kallon looked up when he heard the chime for the main entrance to the dating service sound. He glanced over to Cato and raised his brows in question.

  “It’s Maxim. He’s got something to tell me.”


  Kallon pursed his lips and tried to give his best scowl as soon as Maxim shoved through the second door and into Cato’s lair.

  “Maxim, where were you last night? You were supposed to meet me at Red Shed Tavern. Pool night, remember? I’m getting rusty since Caelius isn’t around. It’s rude to stand me up and not answer my mind-calls. Meranda was disappointed that she didn’t get to see you.” He was surprised to see Maxim’s cheeks flush. That was a first.

  “I had a date. I forgot about the pool game. Sorry. I’ll make it up to you, doc. And before either of you ask, it was a total bust. Cato, you have to fix your program. That female was nothing close to what I wanted. I’m just glad the necklace didn’t bite.”

  Shrugging, Cato gave him a sympathetic face. “Sorry, cuz. I can only match up by what I’m given. She may view herself in total contradiction to reality. This has plagued more warriors than you know. We have to rely on their truthfulness. So what happened? How off was it?”

  Plopping onto the couch, Maxim snorted. “First of all, she looked nothing like her picture. That didn’t bother me in the least.
However, it immediately made me question her honesty. Maybe you can start cross referencing to their driver’s license or something?”

  Cato nodded. “Done.”

  “I could’ve forgiven that one instance, but she knew nothing about cars, didn’t like Bruce Willis, and she certainly wasn’t a good listener. I think I got about six sentences in, and those weren’t even complete ones. That female could talk. It wouldn’t have been so bad, but she had absolutely nothing to say worth repeating. I don’t know the people she works with, so all of her stories were like white noise.”

  Cato chuckled. “Then why did you kiss her? Just to get her to shut up?”

  Kallon laughed, and Maxim rolled his eyes.

  “Ha ha. No. It was an accident. I was walking—” Cato held his palm up to stop the story. This was such typical play between the two, Kallon just sat back and waited for the punch line.

  “You tripped and fell on her lips? How does that happen?”

  “No, you ass. I accidently touched her wrist. I held her arm as we walked up the steps to the restaurant. Why do females wear shoes that they can fall off of? No, don’t answer that. It was just an observation. Anyway, she turned to say something to me and her wrist slipped into my hand. I was disappointed at first until I spent more time with her. Do you want to know what the final killer was?”

  Cato’s eyes widened. “Please, do tell.”

  Maxim leaned forward. His face was as serious as he’d seen it when they’d spoken in the galley aboard the Prometheus. As usual, any thought of that ship made his gut clench.

  “She ordered a BLT.”

  Cato frowned. “So? I thought you loved that sandwich.”

  Shaking his head, Maxim flopped back on the couch and crossed his arms.

  “I do. That’s the problem. She asked the waitress to ‘hold the bacon.’ Can you believe that? The entire concept of that sandwich revolves around bacon, and she doesn’t like it. I’m not shitting you. Why did she order a lettuce and tomato sandwich? What the hell is that about? She ordered a freaking salad between bread slices. That was the last line crossed for me. Any female of mine has got to love bacon. I don’t care if the necklace knocks my dick in the dirt, she must love bacon. Feel me?”


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