Fueled by Lust: Caelius (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Fueled by Lust: Caelius (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 23

by Celeste Prater

  Muffled voices outside the room pulled her away from thoughts of her mannered captors. She stood and tried to calm down. Smoothing out the dirty blue T-shirt and trying to dust off her jeans just made her realize how ridiculous she looked and ramped up her angst. Screw it. Panic would only add to the mistakes she’d already made. Taking measured breaths, she dropped her arms to the side, lifted her chin, and struck a nonchalant pose when the door slid open.

  Her stance lasted for all of a second. Rhia knew her eyelids were peeled wide and her mouth was hanging open, but for the life of her, she couldn’t seem to stop. She’d thought Caelius was the best-looking man she’d ever seen, but the one that walked through the threshold gave him a good run for the money. She’d have to call a tie this time. He was very tall and wore a purple tunic with some type of insignia over his heart, tight black trousers, and boots. He was devastatingly gorgeous. His skin was lighter than Caelius’s, but he had all of the other features that identified their race. Black hair that appeared to be pulled back into a braid, square jaw, winged brows, fantastic cheekbones, muscular body, and piercing, intelligent green eyes left her speechless. The engaging smile, extended hand, and a simple hello finally snapped her out of her stupor.

  “I’m Lucien Tarquinius, Emperor of Insedivertus. I’m told your name is Rhia.” He glanced to the side and then back. “This is Eryx, my legati.”

  So caught up in her assessment of Lucien, she hadn’t even realized another one had followed him in. Of course. There didn’t appear to one average-looking Insedi in sight. This one ranked up there for top model as well. Geez! Reaching out, she allowed Lucien’s broad hand to engulf hers. The grip was gentle and for some reason it immediately calmed her. She had no doubt this man would never hurt her. She took a deep breath.

  “Yes. Rhia Brennan. It’s nice to meet you. First off, let me apologize for dropping in unannounced. I’ve got to get my curiosity under control, obviously.” Walking back to her chair, she took a seat and clasped her hands on the table.

  “Okay, grill me. I’ll tell you anything you want to know. I’ve nothing to hide. I came to see Caelius, so I guess you can start there.”

  Lucien’s brows rose slightly. He casually walked over, took a seat on the other side of the table, and just stared at her. She refused to look away. He was assessing her, and she didn’t want to come up lacking. Eventually, the corners of his lips twitched, and she released her breath. His voice was friendly and relaxed her further.

  “You remind me of someone. Yes, Caelius would be a good place to start. Since I had to order him to this post, I’m assuming he had no idea that you trailed him here. Am I correct?”


  “I must say, I’m impressed that you got by the sentries. They’re members of the elite guard. Later I’ll ask you how you accomplished that, but for now I’d like to know what you are to Caelius.”


  “Something drew you here, Rhia. You call it curiosity, but I’m of the mind that there’s much more involved.”

  “You’re right. Caelius and I were lovers…maybe we still are. I’m not entirely sure. It’s complicated. He called me while he was on the road. I became concerned and caught up with him in California. I…I saw something there that blew my mind, and I couldn’t stop until I knew the truth about him. I don’t want him to get in trouble. He had no idea that I followed him to California or here. This is all my fault.”

  Lucien nodded in understanding. “I thank you for your honesty and taking responsibility. Have no worries. Caelius isn’t in trouble. But, I would like to know what you saw.”

  Rhia huffed out a hard breath. “It was amazing. He was being attacked in a parking lot. Well, there was about a second where he was the victim, and then he promptly kicked their asses. He’s a very good fighter, in case you didn’t know. One of the guys pulled a gun. I yelled out to him, and that’s when he disappeared. I’m so glad he did that. There was no way that drunk idiot was going to miss. He would’ve died. Anyway, I had to know what he was.”

  “Thank you for warning him. That was very brave of you. Tell me, Rhia. How many witnessed this event, and were the authorities involved?”

  “No. Only one, besides me, saw it happen. He was drunk off his ass and just thought Caelius got away. The others were passed out on the ground, and it was dark. No one called the cops and we got out of there very quickly.”

  “This is good. Now, tell me one more thing. Are you in love with Caelius?”

  Rhia felt her stomach flip, yet her answer was rapid and sure. “Yes.”

  Lucien slowly tapped his fingers on the table and nodded. She could tell he was working something through his mind. She couldn’t wait to find out what that was.

  “There’s someone that I would like you to meet, Rhia. I’m sure you have many questions, and I believe you should know the truth before Caelius arrives. She’s my mate, and her name is Tana. I’m confident the both of you are going to get along just fine.”

  Rhia watched Lucien get that faraway stare that she’d seen with the twins. When he glanced to the side and smiled, she looked up to see a beautiful redhead walking through the door. She had large green eyes, a wide smile, and looked nothing like the Insedi she’d seen so far. Realization slammed into her brain. Rhia spoke before she thought.

  “You’re human.”

  Plopping down in the chair next to hers, Tana reached out and patted her arm in comfort.

  “Oh, yeah, definitely human. You have that same look on your face that I did when I realized my butt was parked on an alien planet. Nice to meet you, Rhia. I’m Tana, and we have a lot to talk about.” She glanced over and gave Lucien a wink.

  “Hey, babe. How about leaving us two ladies alone for a while. I think she’s trustworthy, don’t you?”

  Looking over to Lucien, Rhia felt a flush of warmth pass through her chest. He was staring at Tana as if she’d hung the stars. It almost made her want to cry, it was so beautiful.

  “Sure, sweetness. Just call out when you’re done. I’ll be just outside the door.” He leaned over, planted a kiss on her lips hot enough to melt the walls, and rose from the chair. They stared at each other for a long moment before he reached out and traced his finger down the edge of her jaw. That deep-timbred voice held so much promise.

  “Love you, too, mellis. I’m game. Dinner in the gardens tonight sounds exciting. And yes, I’ll wear them.”

  Tana watched him follow Eryx from the room and turned back after the door slid shut. She shook her head and heaved a breathy sigh.

  “Damn, that male has the finest ass.” She leaned forward and her eyes turned serious. “If you’re wondering why he answered me the way he did, then you’re in for a treat. They can hear what we’re thinking. Don’t worry, it only happens between the Insedi, their mates, and only if they ask permission first.” She batted her hands in the air. “But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s start at the beginning.”

  Rhia didn’t know whether to laugh, hug her, or start bawling like a baby. She was finally going to get answers on the enigma that was Caelius. She quickly nodded.

  “Yes. The beginning. That’d be good.”

  “Okay, then. Have you ever heard of the last Etruscan Roman emperor? No? Well, it all started in 300 BC…”

  * * * *

  Kallon pushed the patio doors open and inhaled a lungful of fragrant night air. The breeze off the lake pushed gently against his face, and he closed his eyes to enjoy the feeling. He loved coming out here. As lovely as his home was, this deck seemed to contain a cocoon of harmony that beckoned him to join it each time he arrived. Honeysuckle grew freely along the trellis, and the water was close enough he could hear it lapping along the shore. Tonight, the moon was full and shot a bright white line across the dark water, as if pointing the way to this very spot.

  “Your home is beautiful, Kallon.”

  Glancing over his shoulder, Kallon smiled and beckoned Ulixes to come through the doorway. His features were ca
st in shadow as he hovered in the darkness of the den, a stark reminder that there was much left to do to bring him into the light.

  “Come. Sit here beside me on the swing. I’m usually enjoying this alone, so it’ll be nice to have someone to share it with. Do you have your drink?”

  Ulixes held up his wine glass and finally ventured out onto the deck. His eyes scanned the area as he moved silently over to the swing. He settled easily on the cushion, and Kallon pushed gently against the deck with his foot.

  “Don’t worry, Ulixes. There isn’t anyone around for miles. I bought several lots on either side so I could have total privacy here. Should anyone be brave enough to venture through my woods, the motion sensors will give them away. You can speak your mind, and only nature will know your secrets.”

  Soon, their seat swung lazily back and forth, lulling them into a peaceful rhythm. When he saw that Ulixes’s shoulders weren’t up against his ears any longer, he knew it was time to continue what they had left behind at the hanger. He hoped that the male would be as forthcoming as he had been before. Barriers were easier to construct than to tear away. Kallon took a sip of his wine and began.

  “You promised me a story, Ulixes. Are you ready to continue it?” He was surprised at how fast Ulixes responded.

  “Yes. I need to do this, but I was loath to spoil the peacefulness of this place.”

  Kallon patted him on the thigh. “It’ll still be here when you’re done. Go on.” Ulixes took a sip of his wine and remained quiet for a few moments. Eventually he spoke, almost in a whisper.

  “I first met Basilius two years ago. I’d been part of the ground troop regiment for years, but had never seen him. We’d been prepared for battle since the day the announcement came that Insedivertus had called war upon us. The troops were becoming increasingly restless. The king appeared to favor his air brigade, so we were just left to fight amongst ourselves or die of boredom. The only time we really became excited about anything was when the season changed and spring was upon us.

  “The imperial court would hold events every year to pit soldier against soldier in order to establish the royal security echelon. My regiment had finally been called to attend. Only fifteen would advance and win open positions close to the king. That should’ve been my first clue. It was reasonable that higher-ranking soldiers would retire or perish on the battlefield, but when that many required replacement each year, it was a clear sign of trouble.” Kallon watched the imperceptible shake of his head before his chest rose on a deep breath and he continued.

  “Like his father, Basilius presided over the games and personally made his selections at the end of three days. We were not only challenged physically, but also mentally. Strategy and stealth events quickly separated the average troop rank from the potential leaders. I was called to the podium first. It was the only time in my adult life that I had felt wanted and special. When he later named me his second-in-command, I was overjoyed to have greater access to him.” Ulixes exhaled heavily and shrugged.

  “You have to understand, Kallon. Basilius was completely different back then. He was warm and friendly to those that he kept close. There was still an air of superiority about him, yet many times he would reveal parts of his character that I found endearing. He could be humorous, even teasing at times. We were alone in the great hall one evening, and I watched a sadness pass across his features that I’d never seen before. He would always become melancholy as the night drew near, but never to that level. It was then that I learned of his tragic childhood.” Ulixes’s gaze drifted toward the woods and out into the darkness of the night. A slight frown marred his brow, as if he were hearing the past calling him to return.

  “To this day, I am still amazed that he shared it at all. He spoke of his mother’s repeated abuse. She hated his father with a great passion. I would come to learn from one of the kitchen matrons that Basilius may have been conceived from rape. The king required an heir, and she continuously refused him. Basilius bore a close resemblance to the king and she would spend much time antagonizing him without the king’s knowledge. From the time he was old enough to understand language, she repeatedly told him he was worthless and that she’d wished he’d never been born. It got much worse after his father’s death.” Kallon watched Ulixes’s fingers tangle into the bottom hem of his shirt, twisting the material as he continued to reveal the genesis of a mad king.

  “These were words I was familiar with, and my heart went out to him. In my mind, there was no one closer to me than he was. I determined that only he could really know my soul because he’d experienced that mind-numbing, excruciating rejection from a parent. When he revealed that she’d locked him within his room each night without the aid of candle for years, my heart broke. I would sit with him until he fell asleep, and assured that his chamber remained well-lit and free from the darkness. It was beyond tragic, and I was amazed that he was still able to function, much less rule a kingdom.” Kallon watched Ulixes’s throat work on a hard swallow. He took a quick sip of his wine before his deep voice sounded again.

  “For two years, I was the closest to Basilius, and there were moments that I caught him gazing at me in ways that brought back memories of my friend. I knew better than to ever reveal my proclivity. I never saw that he took anyone to his bed. Sometimes, after I had left his chamber, I could hear him taking his pleasure alone. Had I been wrong as to his desires, I would have faced immediate death. I loved him from afar, content to let him dictate my life as long as I could be near him. I became so enamored of him, that I ignored what was happening around me. Senators were missing, cousins exiled, and household staff summarily dismissed for the smallest infractions. He was falling deeper into his madness, and I was oblivious to the truth. To this very moment in time I still cannot forgive myself for the role I played in the Filia’s capture. I was so stupid.” Kallon couldn’t hold his tongue any longer.

  “No. Don’t you see, Ulixes? Had it been anyone else that sat at Basilius’s side, the Filia and the Trejani may very well be dead. You were strong enough to break through the hold he had on you to finally see the truth. It had to be you, Ulixes. The same as it had to be Basilius that placed his body in front of yours that day on Glaxon 8. We never know what path our lives will take, only what final decisions we must make when a crucial turning point presents itself. That is what matters.” Ulixes shook his head and refused to look at him.

  “I’m weak, Kallon. I believe this is what ails me the most. I can forgive myself for not seeing the path laid out only in the mind of a mad man, but each horror that I’ve seen will not go away. My mind holds it close and replays it until I fear I’ll go insane.” He set his wine glass aside and lifted his hands. Kallon could see them tremble before he clasped them tightly in his lap.

  “I need to stay away from someone as pure as you. Your heart is wide and your mind clear. I’ll only sully whatever might happen between us. I can’t do that to you. I won’t survive if I destroy you, too.”

  Chapter 27

  Kallon tried to keep from spilling nonsensical words of love. Now was not the time to paint a picture of a relationship that would have no angst or misunderstandings. It simply wasn’t true. This male needed to clear his eyes and see the reality of what was right before him. Right now, he needed to be a doctor, not Ulixes’s future lover. This was his own crucial turning point, and he needed to tread it wisely. He chose to ignore the defeatism that had spilled from his mate’s lips.

  “Do your hands shake as violently as they did before our encounter in the hangar, Ulixes?” He watched him stretch his fingers wide again and lift them up. His brows drew together.

  “No. They tremble, but not as much.”

  “Have you heard the term ‘posttraumatic stress disorder’? This is an Earth term. On our world, we call it Traumatica Accentus—the Traumatic Stress.”

  “No. But I can guess the meaning.”

  “What you’ve experienced has been building for years, Ulixes. Long before you ever met Basiliu
s. He was a temporary bandage to your earlier suffering. You’ve never spoken to anyone of your friend’s death or the rejection of your father, have you?”


  “Is this the first time that you’ve verbalized your time with Basilius?”

  “Yes. I think I see where you’re going with this. The longer that I kept the memories buried, the more power they had over me.”


  “Then why do I still tremble? I’ve told you everything.”

  Kallon set his glass aside and turned on the seat to face him. “Because now that they’re standing in front of you, and you can clearly see the horrific nature of what you endured, you’ve yet to tell them that you’re pissed that they ever held you for that long.” He was extremely pleased to hear Ulixes’s chuckle.

  “I have to speak to my demons?”

  “Yes. That’s an excellent way to state it. They’re demons and must be sent away.”

  “What would I say?”

  “It depends. Let’s look at the incident with your father in the barn. Did you kill your friend?”

  Ulixes’s eyes widened and his answer was quick.


  “Did your father kill your friend?”

  “Yes, but he wouldn’t have if I’d never brought him to my home. I instigated moving further with the sex. I should have left him alone.”

  “Ulixes, do you really believe that? You’re willing to take the blame for your father’s actions? So you really do believe you killed him?”

  “Uh…no, my father killed him. I’m confused.”

  “Don’t you see, sweets? You’ve blamed yourself for the outcome of what began as consensual relations between two friends. Do you think that having sex with your friend was bad and should be punished?”


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