An Ill Wind

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An Ill Wind Page 13

by Monette Michaels

  Yep, Levi had a ways to go before he could fully claim Pia.

  After climbing and hiking alongside the sheriff over some of the worst terrain since Trey’s Force Recon days, Trey’d put his money on Levi winning the day … eventually.

  Pia poked Levi in the chest. “And we were getting warm and dry when we heard your arrival. We don’t need macho, know-it-all men to tell us to get out of the rain.”

  Levi pulled Pia under his arm to shelter her as a blast of wind came roaring through the canyon ahead of the storm. “Make no mistake. You are my woman, and this know-it-all man will take care of you and your mother.”

  The sheriff tipped up Pia’s chin and took her lips in a kiss that looked about as hungry and needy as the one Trey wanted to give Fee—but was afraid to in case he scared her again.

  “Well, I’d say that was pretty damn blatant,” muttered Fee as Trey gently moved her toward the opening through which Vasilov had already taken Lucia. “About damn time, too. Pia’s crazy about that man. Thinks she isn’t good enough for him. Levi has been more than patient.”

  “Some men can be patient hunters when we find the one perfect woman,” he teased as he angled his body to bear the brunt of the gusting winds. He could tease now since Fee was safely in his arms.

  Fee sniffed and looked at him from between her thick lashes. Trey winked at her and ushered her inside the cliff house. The one room dwelling was warm and cozy due to the fire the women had started. He led Fee to the far side of the room and held up a blanket he found on a pile of what looked to be bedding. He held it up high enough to give her privacy.

  “You need to get dry,” Trey said. When he didn’t hear any movement from her, he lowered the blanket and found her staring into space.

  “Get those wet clothes off,” he ordered. His voice came out rougher than he’d intended.

  Her body shaking, his little doc still managed to glare at him, her eyebrow arched imperiously. He could picture her looking just that way at an intern or nurse who’d dared to tell her what to do.

  Trey would give her a few seconds to see the reason in his command, then he’d strip her himself.

  Fee’s eyebrow relaxed. Her face went blank and she shook her head.

  Fuck me. Had he put his foot in it? Lost all the ground his patient pursuit had won him?

  When she began to unbutton her shirt, Trey let out a relieved breath.

  Fee smiled, a slight upward twist to her lips, and her dark blue-green gaze never left his. “The magic word is please,” she said in a low tone just for his ears. “But you get a pass this time, since I know you’re extremely worried about me and risked your life to come after me.”

  Dodged that bullet, asshole.

  Fee tossed each piece of wet clothing aside as she removed a total of three layers. Each of them soaking wet, dammit. When she was down to a very sexy, sheer bra that did nothing to hide her beaded nipples—

  She’s cold, fuckhead.

  —and matching panties which clearly revealed a neat vee of red curls, he groaned low in his throat. He raised the blanket up higher until he blocked out the alluring sight.

  Blanket or not, he couldn’t unsee what he’d seen. His little doc was perfection—and, dammit, had just been through hell. Before he could scare her with his lust, he’d go outside and let the cold rain dampen his totally untimely, but natural reaction to her curvy little body. A body he dreamed of making love to and cherishing every night for the last nine months.

  Cold. Traumatized. Control your lust.

  “You can look now.”

  Trey lowered the blanket and hugged it close to his chest so he wouldn’t make a bone-headed move and grab her.

  Her cheeks flushed, Fee’s lips twisted into a shy smile. She was now covered head to toe in some thermal leggings and a woven sweater Pia had quietly shoved under the blanket for her. The sweater reached her mid-thigh and was far too large for her, so it must’ve been one of Vasilov’s. Thank fuck, it hid all her curvy bits he didn’t want Levi and Vasilov to see.

  “Better?” Fee asked.

  He didn’t trust himself to talk, afraid he’d say something that would embarrass or frighten her, so he nodded.

  “Okay.” She pulled her hair out from the sweater’s neckline so it hung down her back in damp, red-gold curls. He wanted to bury his face in them and inhale her scent. “Trey?”

  “What?” He drew his gaze away from one particularly long curl that reached the part of the sweater where he knew her breasts were.

  “Your turn.” She looked him up and down. “Strip … please. See? Magic word.” She grinned cheekily. “Can’t have my rescuer get sick. I can’t get us out of here.” Her voice was husky and fierce.

  His cock got hard at the protectiveness in her feminine ferocity.

  Down, boy.

  Trey also got off on the fact that Fee relied on him to get her to safety despite the fact that Price and Levi could do so equally as well.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Trey dropped the blanket he’d used to keep the other men from seeing her change. He began shucking off his clothes, adding them to the soggy pile she’d made.

  Some day, their clothes would be a mixed pile on the floor of what would be their bedroom in his Sanctuary home, the one he built with her in mind. He’d take her to their bed and make love to her and then shield her with his body as they slept.

  “Trey! Geez Louise. Wait—” Fee coughed as she picked up the blanket he’d dropped and tried to hold it in front of him. When she realized she couldn’t block the view of his whole body as easily as he had hers, she covered the lower half and snarled over her shoulder, “Don’t anyone look over here.”

  Price, who stood off to the side of the fireplace with a cup of what smelled like coffee in his hand, laughed. “Jesus, sis, no one wants to see Trey’s naked junk.”

  Trey shot Price a fulminating look that shut his buddy up, then turned back to Fee, who stood less than a foot away. He extended a now-bare arm and swept that taunting strand of red-gold hair back over her shoulder.

  “Sweetheart,” he murmured. “They aren’t looking. Other than Price, the rest are dealing with their own clothing.” He lowered his arm and finished stripping down to his military-style boxer briefs. He found the room warm enough, so he merely pulled on a pair of sweat pants from his pack. “Gimme the blanket. We’ll sit on it.”

  Fee handed him the heavily woven blanket.

  Trey spread it on the ground a bit closer to the fire. He placed his back to the mountain wall that made up the rear of the dwelling and then pulled Fee onto his lap. He needed to hold her, plus he didn’t want her sitting on a hard floor.

  His heart rejoiced when she sighed and snuggled against his bare chest. Her warm breath touched the underside of his jaw. One of her hands rested over his heart.

  “You’re so warm,” she said, “and surprisingly comfortable, even with all those muscles.” She patted his pecs. It was all he could do to stifle the groan her touch evoked. His cock was fully erect and pushing against the back of her thighs.

  If they’d been alone and their relationship was further along, he’d turn her to face him. She’d straddle his thighs. He’d release his erection and make love to her.

  But now was neither the time nor place.

  Plus, the next steps in their fledgling relationship were all under her control. He’d make sure to stress that point again once he got her the fuck out of Mexico and safely back to the States—that being in Idaho and not fucking New Mexico.

  Price, Keely, and the whole of SSI had his back on Fee moving to Idaho. He prayed she’d agree to make the move to the small satellite clinic located between Elk City and Sanctuary. SSI had made a generous donation to the medical center in Grangeville so the rural clinic could be reopened.

  Pushing aside images of how Fee would look, her long golden-red curls framing her naked breasts, as she rode him, he focused on checking her arms and legs for sprains or breaks. “Does this hurt?” he asked as he cradled on
e particularly bruised and scraped wrist in one hand.

  “Trey…” She placed her free hand on his cheek and stroked him. “I’m fine. No breaks. No sprains. Am I sore? Yes”—he inhaled sharply at her admission— “but nothing time and rest won’t help.”

  He nodded and finally checked out their shelter. He hummed his approval. Vasilov had picked and prepared for the escape well.

  Price caught Trey’s eye and his friend’s next words proved they thought a lot alike. “This seems to be a good place to hide out until we can get the chopper in to pick up the gals.”

  “The gals? Why not pick up all of us?” Fee straightened on Trey’s lap and looked from her brother to Trey. “You’re not staying here. When we go, we all go.”

  Pia and Lucia nodded, but kept silent.

  “Sis…” Price began, his tone so condescending that Trey wanted to punch him.

  Before Trey could shut down what was an unnecessary line of discussion since no final decision had been made on how they’d all get out of Madera—Fee beat him to it.

  “Shut it, Price,” she snarled. “I’m not six-years-old any longer. Don’t talk to me like that.”

  “You tell him, sweetheart.” Trey brushed a kiss over her cheek. “But before you and Price have a sibling brawl, let me say, we’ll make the decision on how to get the fuck out of here and who will go tomorrow. The decision will be based on the weather conditions and where all the bad actors are and what they’re doing.”

  Fee looked at Price who wasn’t happy, but was smart enough to keep his opinions and any anger he felt at Trey’s statement to himself. “That makes sense.” She then turned her blue-green gaze on him. “And, of course, all of us get to weigh in on the final course of action, right?”

  Trey would remember to tell DJ she’d been correct; the women hadn’t wanted to be seen as helpless victims, but as partners in their escape.

  “Trey…” Price’s growl drew a pissed-off look from Fee.

  Trey had all he could do not to laugh when his little doc stuck her tongue out at her brother who stiffened and snarled, “Pest.”

  “Fee, look at me.” Trey waited until Fee turned away from the stare-down the two siblings engaged in. “We’ve basically invaded a foreign country with an armed military helicopter and other weapons, without obtaining permission in advance. That could be considered an act of war. Ren and I will have to deal with the diplomatic heat if we end up killing Mexican citizens to get you out of here.” And so far, they’d managed to avoid any deaths.

  “I understand, but—”

  “Sweetheart, I realize you feel out of control right now and want some say in what happens next. But consider how I’d feel if after all this effort, I failed to keep you safe?” He cupped her face and gently rubbed his thumb over her bruised cheek. “My main objective, my fucking only objective, was to get you and Pia—and now Vasilov and Lucia—to safety. Me, Price, and Levi can go to ground, evade, and find our own way out, because we have that training. So, if I make the call to evacuate you women and Vasilov, that’s my call and no one else’s. Understood?”

  Fee worried her lower lip with her teeth, then let it go and nodded. “Yes, it’s your call. I trust you, Trey. I didn’t even think about how you got into Mexico. I’m sorry for all the trouble.”

  “Baby, you did nothing wrong,” Trey placed a light kiss on the lip she’d abused.

  “Fee, your man is correct.” Vasilov rubbed his fiancee’s stomach almost absentmindedly.“The fault is with men like El Hacha and Chavez. They are animals.” He looked at Trey, then Price, and finally Levi. “If the helicopter comes in under fire and can only get the women out, then that is what will happen.”

  “Anton, no,” Lucia cried.

  “Shh, dushenka. You know my training. I can also evade the enemy and live off the land.” He stared Trey in the eye. “I have Russian special forces training. I did not mislead you earlier about the boat. I am more familiar with land operations. But that is for later discussion. Now, it is my medical opinion, we should eat, drink warm fluids, and rest. Tomorrow will bring new challenges. Fee, do I need to examine your injuries?”

  “No, I’m fine,” she said.

  Trey growled. “Your hands aren’t. They need to be cleaned and bandaged. I’ll check her over, Anton.” He didn’t want any other man to touch her. “If I think she needs a doctor, I’ll shout out.”

  Fee slapped a hand on his chest. “I said I’m fine.”

  A wracking cough gave lie to her assertion.

  “You sound like you’re catching a cold. So you’re not fine.” Trey picked up her hand and kissed the tips of her dirty and scraped fingers. “Plus your hands need care. So, you’ll sit there and let me.”

  “Bossy much?” Fee had a mulish look on her face.

  She was cute when she was feisty. Trey liked feisty. He leaned in and took her lips in a much-tamer kiss than he’d like. “Yep. After I’m done treating your wounds, you’ll get something warm in your belly and take some ibuprofen for all the aches and pains. Then we’ll take Anton’s advice and lie down—and you’ll sleep in my arms.”

  Tension tightened Trey’s throat until he thought he’d choke as Fee stared at him. He could almost see her mind consider and reject several responses to his dictates. She was quiet for so long, her expression, so blank, he worried he’d moved too far too fast again.

  Trey was ready to retract the sleeping-in-his-arms bit when Fee took one deep breath, then another, and finally nodded. She pulled her hand from his and traced his beard-shadowed jaw with a dirty, abraded finger. “I trust you, Trey, even when you’re being all high-and-mighty. I wouldn’t have made the dinner date if I didn’t. So I’ll let you take care of me.”

  His tension evaporated with her words, her touch. “Thank you, Fee.” He covered her hand with his and held it to his face. “I won’t abuse your trust in me … ever.”

  “I know.” She touched her forehead to his chin. “I know.”


  March 25th, just before dawn

  Fee woke slowly. Warmth surrounded her. Memories of the previous day’s ordeal flooded her first waking thoughts, but the one thought hovering above all others was—she was safe. Trey was here. He’d come for her, fought the terrain … the elements, and would’ve fought every single cartel soldier to free her.

  He was a hero—her hero.

  Smiling sleepily, she coughed several times. Her throat hurt … burned. She sniffled. Damn congestion and the drainage it caused.

  Crap, her pretend cold was now real. She couldn’t afford to be sick right now, but was too tired to worry about it. And when it came right down to it, there wasn’t really anything she could do about it anyway.

  So, instead, she snuggled into the living, breathing warmth which had sheltered her throughout the long night from the chilly, damp air. Her eyes flew open as she registered she was no longer being cuddled, spoon-fashion against Trey, but was now lying on top of him. Her head, on his chest. One arm rested on his shoulder and the other curved at his lean waist. Her legs lay on top of his. His arms encircled her body, one hand on her back and the other cupping her ass.

  Fee wiggled to see if she could move off him, but his arms tightened even as he slept. She didn’t want to wake him. Plus, she really didn’t want to move. She was still chilled and Trey was better than a furnace. Amazingly, his hard, muscular body was also a very comfortable bed. She could get used to sleeping on top of this man.

  Thata girl.

  Fee nuzzled his chest, now covered in the dry T-shirt he’d donned before they’d gone to sleep. Distracted, and maybe even a bit delirious, she wondered what it would feel like to lie on top of him, naked skin to naked skin. A frisson of sexual excitement swept through her and had her clenching her thighs together and her pussy dampening at the image in her mind. Taking a deep, calming breath, she let her body relax onto his and allowed his unique male scent, all mountain fresh and male musk with a hint of some citrus, to soothe her back into a d

  A few or maybe it was many seconds later—Trey’s nearness tended to blur all sense of time—his morning wood prodded her stomach, then jerked between them.

  Startled, she struggled to get off him. Not because she was afraid, she wasn’t—well, not much. Her prior sexual experience had been either disappointing with big-egoed men with small dicks or brutally violent courtesy of Adam-fucking-Stall.

  While Trey had more than enough self-confidence, he wasn’t conceited or violent or small-dicked. In fact, from what she’d seen outlined by his much-washed sweats the previous evening and felt against her now, his cock was larger than most men’s penises she’d seen while training to be a doctor. And she’d seen a lot of penises … from flaccid to chemically induced erect. Emergency rooms had a lot of penis emergencies primarily due to adolescent male stupidity and violence.

  Mostly, she wanted to move, because she didn’t want him to be uncomfortable when he couldn’t do anything to relieve the pressure.

  “Stay.” Trey’s voice was deeper than normal and really rough, more like the purr of a contented lion than anything.

  “I have to be hurting … you.” There was no way she was going to say “your cock” out loud. The others were even now stirring awake and might overhear.

  “You’re not.” His voice was a rumbling vibration felt along every inch of her skin and down to her bones.

  Fee clenched her thighs again against the throbbing from her clit into her vagina. So far lying on top of Trey was the most sexually exciting experience of her life. Yeah, that said a lot about her former sexual partners. Pathetic.

  “But…” she croaked, her voice breaking into a hacking cough that made her chest hurt.

  Shit, shit, shit. She couldn’t be sick, not now. She buried her face in the crook of Trey’s neck, not allowing the tears gathering in her eyes to fall.

  “Just stay put, little doc.” Trey stroked her back in soothing circles. “The rest of the day is coming far too soon. In a bit, we’ll have to make some tough decisions. So rest while you can.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head.


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