Colonial Offer (The Sampson Series Book 1)

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Colonial Offer (The Sampson Series Book 1) Page 13

by Lane,Lena

  The conversation had begun with a simple statement. “You are an amazing woman, Sarah.” And that’s when the fear had set in. The dragon had gone crazy, into a full spin in her belly. This could go either way. The first, a proposal, which would make things so awkward, I’ll never be able to work with him again. Or the second, a breakup, which would make my life so much easier. Although she was ashamed for not appreciating the jewel Dave really was, she had quietly prayed for the second. Her heart had begun to pound in her chest, and fight-or-flight nerves had set in her stomach. It had been hell to wait for his next words, but somehow she had, hiding her impatience.

  What he’d said next had set her free. She’d smiled gently, trying to hide her relief behind a polite expression, and nodded as he stumbled through his prepared speech. When she could take no more, Sarah had placed her hand on his forearm to stop him from continuing. At that point, she’d given him a generous and truthful smile and wished him well with the girl Sharon had thrown in his path. They had sat on the blanket and he’d shared how he’d met this woman, Anna, when she’d come into the office to drop off some papers for Sharon’s clients. Apparently, Anna was of European descent and had stunning brown eyes.

  “So, you got lost in pools of chocolate brown eyes.” Sarah joked with him, trying to lighten the mood. At this point, they’d begun to clean up and were working together to fold the blanket. “Love at first sight?” They’d been walking toward each other, holding opposite sides of the blanket, when he’d stopped at her question.

  “Tell me it wasn’t like that between us,” he’d stated solemnly as he’d closed the distance between them. He’d clasped her hands with his fingers while still holding his side of the blanket. He’d frowned with worry and looked at her earnestly, concern in his eyes.

  Sarah had sighed deeply and shrugged. It was time to admit the truth. “I think I may have a thing for Scott.” She’d smiled, a wry curve.

  “Ah.” The sound had been very telling, and Dave had smirked at her as he walked away with the blanket. “I had wondered if I was being sensitive about the time you two spent together in the house on the Fourth.”

  She’d run after him, tugging at his arm so he could see she was speaking the truth. “Nothing happened that day, I swear it.” Guilt had twisted her insides over the other times where something had happened, but there was no need to hurt this wonderful man right now. Ashamed, she had argued with herself. Oh, you’re a saint, only looking for his best interests and not your own. And then, Shut up! “He showed me the house and we talked to your father and his family, that’s it. I changed in Sharon’s old room while he waited outside.”

  He had nodded and smiled, relieved, then put the picnic things in his car. Not wanting to leave him just yet, she had linked arms with him and pulled him away from the car. They may not have been an ideal couple, but she liked Dave as a friend. They had walked for a time around the grounds, quietly chatting about Anna and the unique quirks that made her beautiful. Every time he’d brought up Scott, Sarah had been quick to dismiss him and move the conversation back to safer topics.

  Their relationship may not have been perfect for her, but Dave was really a good man and he deserved someone who’d appreciate all the goodness he had to offer. Thanks to Sharon, Dave had found Anna. And Sarah hoped they’d be very happy together, for a very long time.

  As she walked up the steps to her condo, Sarah reviewed the past couple of hours. She may have lost a potential long term mate, but she’d gained a good friend, and parting on good terms meant she’d kept a business colleague she could trust. More importantly, she was now free to pursue a blond god who made her insides quiver.


  Commissions Check

  Sampson Realty was located in the heart of the city. The location made parking difficult for those who didn’t want to spend money on a garage, but it also produced phenomenal foot traffic for the office. Sarah was sure there were plenty of people who stopped in just because they were passing by. And the floor-to-ceiling windows offered quite a nice view, she decided as she looked through them. By the front counter stood a blond god in an expensive suit, tailor-made just for him. This god was standing by the front counter speaking to his sister goddess, Sharon, also dressed brilliantly in a suit which hugged her curves to perfection. If nothing else, these two drew people in just for a flirting session.

  Neither noticed Sarah hesitating by the door, staring at Scott for a second before going inside, but she needed the extra time to settle her nerves. She wondered if she’d ever get used to this man and hoped not. The weeks since Fourth of July had passed in a blur and each moment together had just brought them closer. It was a fun thrill, like riding a roller coaster, every time she saw him. The dragon would dance as her belly would knot, her heart would speed up, and a warmth would spread through her. That feeling of falling, tumbling into an adventure, of losing control. Holy crap, I think I’m in love with him. Sarah blinked nervously, felt her body and face flush, felt the nerves become anxiety as she stared at him. The dragon’s dance became a somersault. Time slowed before stopping altogether. Her hand still held the door handle but she couldn’t make herself pull it, to walk inside, to face him.

  Sarah’s breathing became shallow and she almost spun around to run away, but just then, Scott turned and caught her looking. Again, she blinked nervously. Scott’s surprise was evident as he did a double take, but the warm smile he gave her was welcoming. Immediately, he walked toward the door, forcing her hand; she had no choice but to open it and walk through.

  “Sarah, it’s good to see you.” His voice warmed her like hot chocolate on a cold night. It was deep and husky, the kind of voice that melted her soul. Actually, the only voice that melted her soul and made her quiver.

  He placed his hand on her shoulder before bending down to kiss her. Their lips met and the warmth she already felt turned to molten lava, its explosion of heat weakening her. She gripped his lapels and held on.

  “Ah-hum.” Sharon’s voice broke through the haze. “Thanks for the nice show, but if you’re going to continue with this PDA, I’m going to need an I-Love-You-Bucket. Cause you’re going to make me sick.”

  They pulled apart, and Sarah could’ve kicked Sharon for the interruption. She still felt the want, no, the need for more.

  “Not our fault you’re a prude,” Scott called out over Sarah’s head, holding her close and wrapping his arms around her, his hands resting low on her back. She released his jacket to hug his waist, inhaling the musky scent that was uniquely his. Soap, aftershave, whatever it was, she loved it.

  As much as she wanted to spend the rest of the afternoon within his strong arms, Sarah had to shake that desire off and force herself to focus and step back. Even though Scott made her forget everything else but him, she’d come on business. She released him, though it was the opposite of what she really wanted to do. Thankfully, he also let her go. “Hi, Sharon,” she said. Addressing her next comment to both of them, Sarah continued, “I’m here for the commissions check.”

  “You didn’t need to come in person,” Scott said putting his arm around her shoulders, “but I’m glad you did.” They walked side by side to the large mahogany counter where Sharon still stood.

  “Scott,” Sarah said, turning and stepping out from under his arm. She took a deep breath for courage before she continued but she needed him to go away. Just a little bit. “I can’t think with you so close.” The words were out and the blush rose. She sighed. “You, Mr. Sampson, need to stay over there.” Sternly, she pointed to a random open area away from the counter. She glanced at him, and saw the hint of a smile on his lips and wicked mischief in his eyes.

  “Whatever you want, honey.” He inclined his head in capitulation and took three steps back.

  The words made her flush even more, bringing memories of kisses and climaxes. She gave him a severe look, a non-verbal command to keep him quiet.

  Still far too close but much better, nevertheless


  Exotic Siren

  An exotic siren, Scott thought as he looked at the beauty speaking to his sister. Thick waves of dark hair cascaded down her back, stopping just before the bubble butt he wanted to grab. He noticed how she kept stealing glances his way. Still far too innocent, especially after everything they’d done. He’d have to remedy that.

  That might take some time. The realization came but didn’t deter him since another quickly followed: That’s all right. I have all the time in the world.

  Funny thing, that last one. When it came to women, Scott had never thought beyond an upcoming date. But as he stood there, impatiently waiting for Sarah and Sharon to finish conducting their business, he found himself contemplating next week, next month. Hell, he might even plan for next year. He imagined her cold hands come winter and warming her up with a sizzling kiss. Maybe by a fireplace.

  Immediately, memories of Oak Hill came to him, of the fireplace in the living room, but more importantly, that leather couch. The image made him smile.

  “No takers on Oak Hill yet, huh?” Sarah’s words gave voice to his thoughts, surprising him. Scott wondered if she was reading his mind, though she looked innocent enough; she didn’t blush or blink. Simply curious, he mused. Those gorgeous eyes drifted to him and all he wanted was to see them filled with passion.

  “Nothing yet,” he responded simply. He had his hands in his pockets and he rocked back on his heels.

  “I’m really surprised,” Sarah continued while putting a folder in her large bag. “The place is perfect.” Turning to Sharon, she said, “You did a fantastic job with the color choices and the staging.” To both, she said, “And the location is perfect. Close to everything, yet so private.” Her eyes met Scott’s for a quick second before she looked away, the color climbing her cheeks.

  Ah, there’s the blush. Scott knew she was thinking of their time together, too. Three quick blinks as she picked up her phone, avoiding eye contact with him.

  “You could always take it off our hands,” Sharon said absently, fidgeting with folders and completely oblivious to the drama unfolding between the two people in her presence.

  Sarah laughed lightly and the color faded some. “I would. It’s really perfect. The only problem is that it’s made for a large family. And alas, it’s just me.” She grabbed her bag and looked at him, hesitating.

  “May I come closer now?” He asked jokingly, still rocking on his heels, his hands still in his pockets.

  Her gaze took on a distant look, and he wondered what thoughts were running through her mind. “Yes,” Sarah finally said with a reluctant smile. She put the bag back down onto the counter.

  “Hey, if you two are going to start with the PDA again, I’m running for cover.” Sharon took one look at them and didn’t wait for a response. Walking quickly toward her office, she said over her shoulder with a wave, “It was nice to see you, Sarah. Have a great day.” Then she closed the office door as soon as she was through it.

  In seconds, Scott was pulling Sarah close and wrapping his arms around her again, his fingers low on her back, brushing the swell of her ass. He was very tempted to grab it, to squeeze it, to pull her so close, she could feel how his body reacted to hers. But damn if he hadn’t asked for the floor-to-ceiling windows.

  “No big family, huh?” He swayed as he held her, rocking her, and she held on to his shoulders lightly.

  “Nope, just me.” She wasn’t looking at him, staring instead at his throat.

  “You can have some of mine. I have enough to fill the Colosseum.” Scott rocked her again, this time a little bit faster, forcing her to hold him a little tighter. “Would you like a big family, Sarah?”

  A quick look up before her gaze returned to its former resting place. “I’ve been alone so long, I don’t know. I wouldn’t know what to do.”

  The silence grew and still she avoided looking at him, continuing to stare at his throat instead. “Did I miss a spot shaving?”

  “What?” She looked up at him, frowning.

  “Finally,” he said. “Why are you avoiding eye contact with me?” And off she goes. Three rapid blinks and back to the throat.

  “I’m not doing that,” she lied.

  Although he was curious as to what she was thinking, he wasn’t going to pursue it if she didn’t want to talk about it. Instead, he said, “Have dinner with me tonight.” He tilted her backward slightly, holding her in a dance pose that forced her to wrap her arms around his neck. Not that there was any chance that he would drop her, but he did enjoy her arms around him, pulling him close, close enough for a kiss.

  “Only if you promise not to drop me,” she said tensely, gripping him.

  “I’d never drop you.” Rather than pulling her up, he tilted her back further. “When you fall for me, it’ll be on your own.” And then, he kissed her.


  He Knows

  The panic only lasted for half a second. Only long enough for her to process his words before any and all logical thought was beyond Sarah’s ability. She held onto him as he ravaged her mouth with his lips, his tongue, and even his teeth, as he took small nibbles at her lips. Over and over again, their lips separated only to come together again, breaking just to gasp in some air.

  Finally, he straightened them up, and he pulled back a bit. With both hands, he gently brushed her hair with his fingers and caressed her cheeks, then held onto her face. The look he gave her was intense. “My place tonight. Seven.” His voice was harsh, demanding, and his eyes challenged her to refuse.

  What else could she do but agree? He wanted her there but more importantly, she wanted to be there. “Okay.” She nodded for emphasis.

  Scott sealed the date with a kiss, this one far more calm and tender, a promise. “I’ll text you the address.”

  “Okay,” she said again, completely at a loss for words. He released her altogether and she grabbed her bag in a daze. With a quick glance in his direction, she walked out the door.


  Overnight Bag?

  It was too much. Sarah was being bombarded with emotions, most prominently by love and fear. They were fighting for her attention and she had to shake them off. For a time, she’d gotten lost in her work, but now she had no distractions. Six o’clock. A half hour to get dressed, and apply makeup, and a half hour to drive to Scott’s.

  Standing by the bathroom sink, she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her hair was still slightly wet from her shower and she couldn’t decide whether to leave it down or put it up. She let it go for now and focused on her makeup, instead. She might not know what to do about her hair, or Scott for that matter, but at least she knew what color lipstick would look best for tonight. As she was putting it on, Jackie walked by the open door and did a double take.

  “Whoa, where are you going, dressed like that?” She’d spun around to stare through the open doorway.

  “I’m having dinner with Scott.” Sarah answered without shifting her gaze to her roommate. She knew she looked stunning. She’d selected her outfit very carefully. Bold red and formfitting, the halter dress hugged her curves, its deep neckline putting it over the top. She was not so confident as to wear this out in public, but for him… Well, he made her feel sexy and she knew he’d like this.

  “You’re going out in that?!”

  The shock in Jackie’s voice worried Sarah. She turned to face her, eyes blinking with apprehension. “Is it too much?” Before Jackie was able to respond, she continued. “Oh, my God, it’s too much. I need to change.” She almost bulldozed Jackie to get back to her room, but Jackie stood her ground, putting her hand on Sarah’s shoulder to stop her.

  “No, no, no,” Jackie said quickly, “you look gorgeous.” Sarah didn’t speak, but she did stop trying to run and change. “Really, you do.” Jackie eyed her from head to toe. “You look good enough to eat, if you know what I mean.” She winked. “Where are you going?”

Just his place. For dinner.” Sarah shrugged.

  Jackie laughed, a sultry laugh. “You should pack an overnight bag, sweetie, because you are not coming home tonight.”

  “Wait, what?” Sarah said, frowning. No one had said anything about staying there overnight.

  “Sweetie, look at you.” Jackie motioned to her dress. “You are beautiful—no, gorgeous. There is no way that man is letting you go tonight.”

  “Jackie…” Sarah began, then stopped. Dare she say it aloud? Never before had she been in love with someone. The sensation was unnerving. She felt completely out of control, vulnerable. This was not supposed to happen. She was supposed to have some fun and let him go when the time came. But could she do that? Could she let him go without her heart breaking into a thousand pieces? Leaving her shattered?

  “What?” Jackie’s tone was gentle, caring. “Spill it.”

  Spill it. It was easy for her to say. It wasn’t her world that had spun into unfamiliar territory. She wasn’t the one whose heart was pounding, whose stomach had turned into a full dragon battle. “I think I’m in love with him.” Sarah whispered the words, as if saying them too loudly might cause the world to end. Certainly her world would crash around her. He had changed everything, and she just didn’t know how to proceed.

  Jackie smiled. “Is that all?” She hugged Sarah soothingly. “Sweetie, that’s been obvious for a while now. It’s okay.” Jackie rubbed Sarah’s back in small, comforting circles. “You loved him yesterday and you were just fine. Things will be fine today, too.”


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