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GhostlyPersuasion Page 22

by Dena Garson

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Standing at the top of the cliffs, looking out onto the ocean, Katie watched the timeless battle. The water surged and broke against the rock and sand time and time again, relentless in its assault. But the beaches and the rocky cliffs refused to relinquish their hold.

  Despite the pounding of the surf, the area was peaceful. And beautiful.

  Katie could well see why her mother had loved it here.

  She leaned back, silently asking Seamus to hold her. Without fail, his arms wrapped around her and he placed a kiss on top of her head.

  Finally she turned around and whispered, “Okay. Let’s go down.”

  He didn’t need to say a word, just placed a gentle kiss on her lips. Katie smiled at him, thankful he was there with her.

  Together they found the rocky path Riona had told her about. The one leading down to the beach below the cliffs.

  Waves lapped at their bare feet as they walked along the water’s edge, looking for a spot that felt right to Katie. She slowed then stopped along a patch of beach that lay almost in the shadow of the highest part of the cliff. It was far enough back the water didn’t rush upon the sand, but was still damp from the last high tide.

  Katie looked at Seamus. “Here, I think.”

  He nodded then stepped to the side, upwind, giving her space.

  “You don’t have to stay if you’re uncomfortable. I know Riona said it’s not a spell, but I will understand if you don’t want to be around when I do this,” Katie said for the fifth or sixth time.

  “I want to stay.”

  “Thank you,” she said then focused her attention on the instructions and the blessing Riona had made her memorize.

  Katie held the container with her mother’s ashes in her hands.

  “Blessings to the water before us.” Katie turned and faced the cliffs. “Blessings to the land below our feet.” She turned so she was facing the water again then raised the container up to the sky. “Blessings to the sky above.”

  She positioned the container in front of her but away from her body then spoke the words Riona had given her.

  A daughter thought lost

  Returns home at long last

  She found love at the wrong time

  But never erased it from her past

  What she couldn’t have in life

  Let her find now amassed

  Katie opened the lid on the container then poured out the contents, letting the wind carry her mother’s remains away. Once the container was empty she reached for Seamus’ hand and watched as the cloud of ash floated in the air and down the beach.

  Before the cloud disappeared from view, the wind changed direction and blew the ashes back in their direction. The cloud twisted and appeared to form a more defined line then headed to where they stood.

  Seamus stepped in front of Katie as if to protect her. Instead of hitting them, the stream dipped to the ground and circled around then spiraled upward. It hovered above their heads for a moment then sifted to the ground in front of them.

  As the ashes settled, they formed a new shape… The shape of a woman.

  Katie gasped. “Mom?” she whispered.

  “My Katie Bird,” the figure said.

  Seamus slipped his arm around Katie’s waist, offering his silent support.

  “Thank you for bringing me home again. I’m sorry your journey has been so difficult.”

  “Is it really you?” Katie reached her hand out to the smoky figure, unsure what to believe.

  “Your homage to the elements and our connection to Tullamore has allowed me a chance to talk with you. For just a moment.”

  Katie could barely see around the tears pooled in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about your father,” her mother’s figure told her.

  “I know why you didn’t,” Katie said.

  “I believe had he known about you, he would have loved you as much as I did.”

  Katie nodded through her tears.

  “I wish I could stay for the wedding,” the figure said as it dissipated.

  Seamus mumbled, “We haven’t talked—”

  Katie looked up at Seamus and smiled. “I do too, Mom.”

  The figure faded more. “I must go. Connor waits for me.”

  “Connor?” Seamus asked.

  Katie and Seamus turned to look where the figure was pointing. High on the cliffs they saw a man standing near the edge.

  In her heart, Katie knew who he was, but when she turned to ask, her mother’s figure faded away. On the wind, she heard her say, “Name the baby after your father, Seamus. He will be pleased.”

  As they watched, her mother’s spirit appeared on the cliff. The couple embraced like lovers who had been apart for far too long. They shared a kiss then her mother looked down at them and waved. Finally the couple turned and walked away from the cliff, their arms still around each other.

  Katie knew when they climbed to the top of the cliffs, they wouldn’t find anyone there.

  “Are you all right?” Seamus asked.

  “Yeah.” Katie wiped the tears away and smiled. “So you got to meet Mom after all.” She sniffed. “Sort of.”

  “Did she really say what I thought she said about my da?” he asked hesitantly.

  “I’m afraid so.” Katie watched Seamus’ expression, trying to gauge what he was feeling.

  Seamus put his hand on her belly. “Do you think she’s right?”

  “Mom had a way of knowing things,” she said quietly.

  Katie saw Seamus’ throat move as he swallowed hard. “I never thought—”

  “Are you okay with the idea of a baby?” she asked. “I mean, if it turns out to be true. Because we don’t know for sure or anything.”

  “Okay?” he asked. “I would be more than okay, Little Katie. I would be honored for you to be the mother of my child. Or children if we were so blessed as to have more.”

  Tears pooled in Katie’s eyes again.

  Seamus pulled her closer. “I would be doubly honored if you would marry me.”

  Katie thought her heart would explode with happiness but her mind cautioned her with two lingering doubts. “Are you sure you don’t want to wait until we find out for sure? I mean about the baby?” She shrugged. “Besides, you’ve just returned to the land of the living, I’m sure you’ll want to explore it a bit before you settle down with a wife and kid.”

  “I want to marry you, Little Katie, whether you are carrying my child or not.” He took both her hands in his and pulled them up to his lips. He held her gaze as he kissed the backs. “I’ve waited more than three hundred years to find the woman I wanted to be with and I’m not about to let her go now.”

  The last of her doubts washed away with the tears that rolled down Katie’s cheek. “Then yes. I will marry you.”

  Seamus crushed Katie against him and took possession of her lips. Just as he possessed her heart.

  About Dena Garson

  Dena Garson loves to read romance—the hotter the better. When one of her BFFs said “one of us should be writing this stuff”, she took up the challenge. If she isn’t writing, she’s designing jewelry but somehow she still manages to make it into the office on a regular basis.

  Dena welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email addresses on her author bio page at

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  Also by Dena Garson

  Cherie’s Silk

  Down to Business

  Risky Business

  Working It All Out

  Print books by Dena Garson

  Wedded Bliss anthology

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing

  Ghostly Persuasion

  ISBN 978141994727


  Ghostly Persuasion Copyright © 2013 Dena Garson

  Edited by Beverly Horne

  Cover design by Syneca

  Cover photography by, Matt Gibson/

  Electronic book publication July 2013

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