The Beast and I: Volume 1

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The Beast and I: Volume 1 Page 4

by Praks, Alexia

  I licked my lips, my heart racing and my womanhood aching. It wanted me. That thing of his wanted me, and that was why it had gotten so hard, big, and warm.

  Aslan repositioned me again so that my hip was slightly raised. Then he teased me by putting the tip of his thing near my womanhood, the place where it ached.

  The moment I felt his hardness and hotness, I groaned loudly in pleasure, and when he smoothly inserted the organ into me, I cried and my body squirmed in an undisguised happiness and satisfaction. Oh, Lord, but it felt so right, and I felt filled to perfection. But then, why did I want Aslan to do something more, like moving himself? God, I didn’t know and started whimpering.

  Aslan leaned close to me, his masked face inches from me. He asked, “Does it hurt?”

  I shook my head as I wiped my tears. “No, it doesn’t hurt but…Aslan, I’m scared. This feeling… I’m scared… I don’t understand why I need more… I want more…”

  Yes, I feared these new emotions and sensations within me, taking me over, and overwhelming me. What was I going to do?

  “Shh…” Aslan whispered near my ear. “You’ll feel fulfilled soon.” Then he started moving, and I began to feel this beautiful pleasure radiating through my body.

  His thing inside me was moving, thrusting in and out of me, increasing the need and the heat within me. I cried out even more, in this delightful pleasure I had not experienced before.

  “Aslan…” I cried out his name in between groans. “Oh, Aslan…”

  As he thrust into me, my body moved with him, dancing along with him as he led me on. My mind was in a blaze of a mess as the overwhelming pleasure overtook me, driving me mindless.

  Oh, God! Oh, God! His thing was hot, hard, and ruthless inside me, and I loved it. I wanted more and more. And then I felt my body become tense and stiff, and a short moment later, this rapturous sensation poured over me, overtaking me, and I felt a release as my body relaxed. Then I found myself collapsed in exhaustion from the experience as I lay there beneath Aslan, the beast of the Forbidden Forest.

  The First Morning in the Forbidden Forest Kingdom

  When I woke, it was to the sound of birds chirping. As my eyes fluttered open, I felt something soft and warm near my hand, which was resting by my side. Curious, I raised my head just a little and saw a small white pup snuggling against me, curled up and asleep. I stared at it, loving the soft fur against my skin, and of course, that adorable face.

  The pup, who must have sensed me watching, opened its eyes and stared back at me. Then it barked cheerfully, rushed up, and came to sit on my chest.

  “Where did you come from?” I asked, stroking its fur.

  The dog replied with a series of cheerful barks and then licked my cheek in excitement.

  Who did this dog belong to? I wondered. And why was it here with me?

  Once I had managed to make the pup calm down from its excitement at meeting me, the furry canine made itself comfortable beside me again and closed its eyes, to go back to sleep, I assumed.

  I, too, rested back against the piles of pillows behind me, and said, “Where am I?”

  I curiously surveyed my surroundings, my eyes wide in awe. I was in a bedchamber, though unlike any I had ever imagined. Sure, I had always dreamed of sleeping in a soft, comfortable goose-feather bed like this one, in a room with enough space for me to breathe and enjoy. But this?

  To start off, the chamber was enormous, with glass ceiling and walls which displayed a wonderful view of the sky and exotic garden beyond, respectively. In the middle of the room was an open fireplace that currently had a fire going, the golden flame fluttering gracefully about. However, I couldn’t see any log of wood in that fire, so I assumed it must be magic.

  On the marble floor lay rugs made of fur, along with various soft cushions, no doubt filled with goose feathers, also. To me, that spot looked inviting and I could see myself curled up over there reading a book or two.

  To my right was a double door, which I assumed would lead me outside of this room. To my left was a sitting area, with a fancy sofa, chairs, and a low table, perhaps to serve a guest, I wasn’t sure since this was all very new to me.

  Then there was this bed I was currently in. To say it was large was an understatement. First off, it was heart-shaped. Then there were the ornate four posters and panel, beautifully designed, along with the curtains, which were half drawn. Truth be told, I felt like I was drowning in it, which to me wasn’t a bad thing. Having slept on a small, hard bed in a dingy room in the basement all my life, this was certainly a lovely change.

  Despite that I still couldn’t believe I had woken up to find myself in such a beautiful, luxurious bedchamber, I wondered how in heaven had I even gotten here in the first place?

  I flicked through my mind, trying to recollect what had happened yesterday. Of course, I remembered the village people making me a sacrificial pawn to the beast to attain wealth and prosperity. God, how could I forget, especially with the way they had treated me? It had been a death sentence to me.

  I rifled through my mind some more. Yes, that was right. I remembered trying to escape the beast, only to be caught—or rather saved—by him instead, when I had fallen from the cliff during my attempted escape. Then I had begged him to spare my life, to which he had easily agreed. And then…

  I blushed profusely. The cuddling! That was right. He had cuddled me last night and…

  Suddenly, my body felt hot, especially my womanhood, which was twitching in an aching way.

  Oh, God, just thinking about last night made me burn hot with that new sense of need.

  What had that blasted beast done to me? He must have put some sort of magical spell on me, I was sure of it. I mean, no human being would have those sorts of emotions. No human being would lose their sense of logic and thinking like what had happened to me last night.

  Yes, Aslan the Beast must have cast a curse on me for sure, to bind me to him. God, he must be that lonely. He must have wanted me to become attached to him, as I had been attached to Mother.

  Despite that I felt rather sorry for him, and understood his reasoning, I said, “Blasted beast! I won’t let you put a spell on me. I’ll find myself a cure.” I even nodded my head to affirm my conviction. After all, I didn’t want to experience those engulfing feelings again. It was just too overwhelming, those sensations. I had felt strange, especially when he had put his big, rock-hard thing inside me. I had felt fulfilled, yet, it was too overpowering for me to handle, and I just didn’t know what to think or do. I had been lost and confused and just frightened of the experience.

  I dismissed the thought of last night from my mind, gently removed the pup from my chest, and placed it on the side of the bed. Then I shifted and pulled the blanket away from me, intending to get out.

  The moment I did so, I realized that I was naked. I sighed. That was right, my flimsy garment had been ripped to pieces by none other than the beast himself last night, and now, I had nothing to wear.

  God, was I supposed to stay here naked all day? Everyday? I wondered. Surely, I needed clothing?

  I thought about raiding the room to see if there were any closets filled with garments that I could perhaps borrow for the time being. I was about to do that when there were a few knocks at the door.

  I stared at it for a moment in surprise. Who could that be? Aslan?

  The thought of the beast made my heart pound hard in my chest and my cheeks blushed profusely again. Suddenly, I remembered the way his warm hands touched and stroked my body, and a soft groan escaped my lips.

  I shook my head. No. No. Stop thinking about that blasted beast and his strange cuddling style.

  I cleared my throat and said, “Come in.”

  A moment later, the door creaked open, and I waited tensely to see Aslan walk in through the door. But of course, it wasn’t Aslan. It was a woman and she was dressed in a black outfit of long sleeves and skirt with a white apron tied at the front, around her waist. Around her neck was a
light blue scarf tied in the form of a bow, while on her head was a maid’s mobcap that covered her bound hair.

  I watched her in surprise as she came to stand at the end of the bed before me. She curtsied low, which confused me. God, I seemed to be confused a lot these days. Then again, a lot had happened to me.

  “Good morning, my lady,” she said. “I see that you’re up. Are you hungry, my lady? If so, then I will prepare breakfast for you. Or perhaps you prefer to bathe first?”

  She waited expectantly for me to reply. But, of course, I couldn’t give her any answer, as confused as I was at the current situation I found myself in. I mean how could I, when all I could do was to stare at her ears. She had cat ears.

  She must have noticed me staring and started giggling, with amusement, no doubt. Once she had managed to stop, she asked, “Have you never seen a cat-person before, my lady?”

  I mutely shook my head in the negative, my eyes still on her, fascinated.

  She looked thoughtful for a moment. “Well, you are from the other side of the realm, after all. So your knowledge of our world is very limited. You see, my lady, we of the Aurora Realm are unique kinds of beings.”

  I nodded in agreement. Yes, I could see that, especially since she had cat ears. Of course, this didn’t surprise me, considering that Aslan was a beast despite he looked human to me, after all, and this was his world, which was fantastical to say the least.

  I said, “I see.”

  Unique beings indeed. Suddenly, I wanted to know more about this world; that was, if it was safe for me to do so. I mean, I didn’t want to get eaten or killed if there were more creatures like Aslan roaming about the place looking for girls like me to devour. No, not devour, cuddle. Aslan wanted cuddles. And I sure hoped he was the only one who wanted to do that sort of thing, especially to me.

  The woman must have seen the spark in my eyes because she was chuckling away cheerfully. She said, “I would love to tell you the tales of our world, but I’m sure you’re keener on cleaning yourself up and having some breakfast? My lord did mention that you are a little too skinny for his liking, so I’m expected to fatten you up with our very delicious cuisine.”

  My lord? I cocked my head to one side, wondering who that was.

  She must have understood my silent query because she said, “My lord Aslan, The Forbidden Forest King.”

  I blinked. Aslan the Beast was The Forbidden Forest King? He was a king?

  The maid chuckled again at my look of surprise. She said, “There are many things you do not know, I see.” Seeing me nodding my head, she continued, “I’m sure you will have much joy in learning, then?”

  “Yes,” I said. “I love learning new things.”

  “By the way, my name is Ria,” she said. “From today onward, I will be your personal maid.”

  I could only stare at her. I had a personal maid? I couldn’t believe it. Only yesterday evening, I had been sure I was going to die by the claws of the beast. And now? Now I was residing in an enormous, elegant bedchamber and sleeping on a goose-feather bed, plus, standing before me was my personal maid, who had cat ears. What had the world come to? It was surely unbelievable.

  I thought that since she had introduced herself, then I also must return the favor. I licked my lips and said, “My name is Lilly.”

  Ria nodded with a smile. “Nice to meet you, my lady Lilly.” She curtsied again, as if to a queen.

  I felt rather out of place, having someone curtsey to me. I was used to the housekeeper and maids back in the village either giving me the disgusted look or the glare, but never a smile or curtsey.

  I unconsciously reached out with my hand and stroked the pup beside me, who in turn begged me to pat him even more.

  Ria chuckled. “I see Winter has taken a liking to you.”

  I shifted my eyes to the dog, and said, “Winter?”

  Ria nodded. “That’s his name, because my lord found him in winter a year ago. And since his fur is as white as snow, he named him Winter.”

  I smiled. Of course, I agreed that the name suited the dog perfectly.

  “I see,” I said, and then lapsed into silence, wondering what I was supposed to do next. I mean, I wasn’t used to this sort of thing, especially with Ria standing there patiently waiting for me to direct her as to what I wanted done.

  Suddenly, my tummy growled loudly, and I blushed in embarrassment.

  Ria giggled. “I see you’re hungry. Then I shall prepare you your breakfast.”

  “No, wait,” I said as I moved over and tried to get out of the bed. But of course, the thing was huge, so I found that I had to work quite a bit just to get to the end.

  Ria said, “What is it, my lady?”

  “I need a bath first,” I said. “And err…clothes. I’m, err…I’m naked. I mean I didn’t bring any clothes with me.”

  I rolled my eyes at my own silly words. Good lord, how was it even possible for me to think about bringing along clothes when I was being beaten and then sacrificed? Indeed, I didn’t even have many clothes with me back in the village. What little I had in my room in the basement was barely anything to consider valuable.

  “Of course, my lady, I’ll prepare a bath for you right away,” Ria said. “And don’t worry about clothes.” She smiled brightly, and then even gave me a wink.

  It didn’t take her long to prepare my bath, because a few moments later I found myself in a huge bathing chamber, which was directly next door to the bedchamber.

  Clutching the bedsheet around my naked body, I stared in awe at my surroundings, of the marble floor and wall, and of course, the pool that resided in the center of the room. It had steam rising, which told me that the water was hot. Compared to the main bathing chamber back in the village, this was so much grander.

  The pool water looked so inviting that I simply wanted to dip myself in. But of course, Ria’s amused chuckling drew my attention to her.

  “Have you never seen a bathing chamber before, my lady?”

  I shook my head. “Not one this grand, at least,” I admitted.

  Ria said, “But this is small and it’s your personal one.”

  I blinked. “Excuse me? This is my what?”

  “This is your personal bathing chamber, my lady. That is to mean that only you can use it.”

  I was shocked. I had my own bathing chamber? Good lord, it’d been a blessing if I had the chance to clean myself once every month back in the village, but now?

  Now I had my own bathing chamber and I could…

  I couldn’t help myself and asked, “Does that mean I can bathe more often? Like once a week perhaps?”

  Ria simply stared at me for a moment and then chuckled again. She was obviously amused, again. Was I too innocent? I wondered.

  She said, “You can bathe as often as you want, my lady. Though it would be best if you bathe once a day at least, as that is our culture. My lord would bathe twice a day, in fact. Once in the morning and once before retiring at night.”

  I was even more shocked now. “Twice a day?”

  She nodded. “The morning bath freshens you up for the day’s work, while the night cleanses away dirt and grime as well as relaxes your body and mind before retiring for bed.”

  “I see,” I said, fascinated and, of course, more than a little interested in taking baths twice a day. Although I had to admit that I was worried about another aspect, too.

  I asked, “But what about labor? And firewood? It’ll be a lot of work for the maids?”

  Ria cocked her head to one side and looked thoughtful for a moment. “We don’t use labor in that department, my lady. Water for the whole kingdom is run by a magic system invented by his lordship and his comrades many centuries ago. The bathing pool runs from a hot spring.”

  “Hot spring?” I asked, captivated by the new words.

  Ria grinned. “Your pool is hot spring water, my lady, and is meant to be very good for your skin and vitality as a whole.”

  “Where did it come from?” I
asked, my eyes bright.

  Ria giggled. “As for that, it would be best if you ask Lord Aslan himself, since he was one of the men who invented the system. Now, how about we get you cleaned and freshened up for the day?”

  So, I had to ask Aslan if I wanted to know more about this kingdom and its system, then?

  I nodded in agreement, and Ria happily showed me how to clean my teeth with this device I had never seen or used before. It had a handle with hairy bristles at the tip, and on top of that tip, Ria applied a white paste that smelled absolutely refreshing.

  “It’s to keep your teeth clean and healthy, my lady. We do it twice a day also, once in the morning and once at night,” she explained.

  I nodded in understanding, and once I started brushing my teeth as Ria had demonstrated to me, I grinned in surprise. The paste tasted like the mint herbs back in the village. As I brushed, it formed a foam, covering my mouth and lips, which made me giggle in amusement as I stared at myself in the mirror. Once I spit everything out and rinsed my mouth with water, as Ria instructed, I suddenly felt so much more refreshed and thought that I couldn’t wait to brush my teeth again that night.

  Once we were done with that, Ria told me to first wash my body under the “shower” before going into the pool.

  “Shower?” I asked, looking around me and wondering what the word shower was.

  Ria directed me toward the glass cubicle in the corner of the chamber. Curious, I got in, and after Ria gently pulled the bedsheet away from my body, she then turned a small tool that resided against the wall—and out came sprinkles of water.

  “Oh!” I gasped in awe. “It’s raining hot water, Ria!”

  Ria laughed. “You’re so cute, my lady. It’s just a shower.”

  “Shower,” I said the word lovingly as I savored the feeling of water on my skin. Ria then handed me a soft spongy material with some clear potion she called “shower gel” on it and told me to wash my body with that. I did, and the moment it touched my skin foam formed and I smiled. It smelled beautiful, too, like spring flowers.


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