The Beast and I: Volume 1

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The Beast and I: Volume 1 Page 6

by Praks, Alexia

  I ate some more as I eyed him with interest. He was just sitting there in that lazy yet graceful posture of his, watching me. Why did he like to watch me so much?

  Once I’d finished the toast, I said, “You’re fattening me up so you can eat me, eh? A fleshy girl is more delicious than a skinny one like me?”

  He snorted. “I like my girl with a bit of meat on her bones when I…cuddle her,” he said.

  I felt butterflies in my tummy when he said that, and I blushed. I reached out for a delicious-looking piece of date scone this time. Again, I applied butter and jam on it, and the moment I bit into it, I shut my eyes in bliss. It was just so delicious.

  After swallowing, I said, “Then you’ll have to wait until I gain weight, won’t you, to cuddle me.” I smiled cheekily, thinking how smart I was with my words. “You should find another willing participant in your cuddling diversion, since it’ll take a while for me to fatten up to your liking.”

  “I agree that it will take you a while,” he said easily, gazing at me with those beautiful leafy-green eyes of his. I noted there were glints of amusement also, which didn’t sit well with me. “Though I’m not prepared to wait that long.”

  I poured myself some tea and sipped to my heart’s content. When I was done, I said, “Then it’s best you find another willing applicant.”

  He chuckled, and then said, “But I’m not interested in another applicant. I’m interested in you, darling Lilly.”

  So, I was darling Lilly now, was I?

  “You are my prize, after all,” he continued. “And as I have said before, it’s been a long time since anyone as enchanting as you has caught my interest.”

  That got my attention. Not the fact that he said I was enchanting, because I knew I wasn’t, but the fact that he said it had been a long time. I had heard that he was over thousands of years old, but I wanted to know exactly how many thousands?

  “How old are you?” I asked directly.

  A roar of laughter erupted from deep within his chest, and I was mesmerized. I suddenly realized that this magical beast with a demonic mask had a very easygoing attitude. He just took everything in his stride, and indeed, life seemed to be going smoothly for him. Well, except for the fact that he was a beast and wore that frightful mask. Then again, he currently had a human body, so…

  When he calmed down, he said, “I’m three thousand years old, sweetheart. Are you afraid I’m too old for you?”

  I shook my head. “Does age really matter?”

  I couldn’t tell what his expression was when he heard my answer, though I sensed a change in his behavior. He was suddenly serious as he said, “Lilly, come over here.”

  I bit my lower lip, wondering what was going on and what he wanted. When I didn’t move, he reached his palm out for me, indicating that I had no choice in the matter.

  “Why?” I couldn’t help asking.

  “I would like to cuddle you now,” he said bluntly.

  “But I’m not fat enough for you, yet,” I retorted, hoping he’d change his mind.

  His tone dark, he said clearly and firmly, “Lilly, I’m in the mood for a cuddling and I’m not particularly concerned about the lack of fat on your body. I like you the way you are. I’m merely concerned about your health, as it looks like you’ve been starved.”

  I blinked. Aslan was concerned about my health?

  “Oh,” I voiced. “I…”

  I had no idea what to say to that.

  “Now, come here,” he commanded gently.

  I noted the firmness of his order and reluctantly got up from my seat and moved over to his side. When I was about to sit down beside him, he caught me by the waist and made me sit on his lap instead.

  The moment I felt him against me, my body warmed and this delicious sensation was rushing through my body again. Not to mention my heart; it was pounding furiously inside my chest.

  He was stroking my arm now, as he said, “The gown does look nice on you. I believe gold, silver, and gemstones suits you well, too.”

  Gold, silver, and gemstones. They had plenty of that here, didn’t they? Especially where we had been last night.

  Aslan peeled my sleeve down my shoulder now and I just knew he was going to cuddle my breasts again, which would surely bring havoc to my emotions, and I didn’t want that. At least not now, so early in the morning.

  Instantly, I reacted by moving myself and buried my face against his massive chest. In doing so, my breasts were out of his reach as I was hiding them, protecting them with my arms. I had to admit that my quick reaction was smart indeed. Besides, I knew I’d be fine because of the new panties and bra I had on, protecting me from his molestation.

  Aslan chuckled and said, “Are you getting clingy on me now, eh?”

  I didn’t reply because then I’d have to move back to talk and I didn’t want to do that. So, silent I stayed.

  I felt Aslan’s chin on the top of my head, and a moment later, I felt him gathering my long hair and resting the bunch to one side. I blinked, wondering what he was up to. Then, I felt my gown becoming undone from the back, which was followed by my bra.

  Oh, no! I drew back, but it was too late. Aslan had already pulled my gown down to my waist and my bra away, and to be sure, I wasn’t happy about that.

  I muttered in displeasure, “I just got dressed, you know.”

  Aslan chuckled as he gathered me to him again, one hand about the back of my neck and the other already cupping my bare breast. He said, “Like I said, clothes are a hindrance.”

  I sighed in resignation. “I supposed you really want to cuddle me now?”

  “Very much so, sweetheart,” he replied.

  “Then you might as well get it over and done with. Afterward, you aren’t allowed to touch me for today, all right?”

  He was laughing at my demand. “We’ll see what we can do about that,” he said, as he pulled the rest of my gown down my legs.

  In a mere moment, I would have been completely naked again; if he hadn’t happened to have left my panties alone. Then he began cuddling me; his hands were slow and gentle this time as compared to last night. I wondered if it was his thing to start off paying so much attention to my breasts. Now, he was fondling and stroking them, his fingers and thumb rolling and nipping at my nipples. The more he teased me there, the more my body grew hot. Oh, God, I was melting against him again, and my womanhood was aching for his attention, too, which I didn’t want. It seemed I couldn’t control my body anymore, as I had predicted.

  I reclined against him, resting my back against his chest with my head on his shoulder as he continued to roll and squeeze my nipples between his fingers and thumbs. Groan after groan escaped my lips as my body writhed beneath his touches.

  “Aslan,” I whispered his name softly under my breath. “Oh, Aslan…”

  “Hmm?” He turned his attention to me. “Does it feel good, darling?”

  I nodded my head without thinking. Well, I just couldn’t think anymore, that was for sure.

  Suddenly, he applied more pressure on my flesh, and I whimpered. Then he became rough and I cried his name out louder.

  “Aslan!” I said breathlessly.

  “Fuck!” he said darkly. “Your skin is so soft. I wish I could taste you. You look so fucking delicious.”

  Me? He wanted to taste me? I looked delicious?

  Suddenly, I was frightened. Was he going to eat me up?

  I panicked, as tears began to brew in my eyes, from both the fear and the pain he had given me on my breasts and nipples. Suddenly, he moved his hand to cup my womanhood and I yelped at the contact. Despite having the panties to protect me there, it wasn’t enough. I still felt the touch of his skin against my flesh, which was overwhelming, to say the least. I couldn’t control myself and scrambled out of his arms. Snatching the gown from the floor, I ran over to the other side of the room.

  Behind me, I heard Aslan said, “Fuck!” under his breath, and a moment later, I felt his presence coming after me
. Once again, there was no sound of his footsteps.

  Still in a panic attack, I took a sneak peek over my shoulder to see where he was. The moment I saw him right behind me, marching after me, I gasped in fright, especially because of the mask.

  I was behind the bed now, hiding and clutching the gown in front of me, partially hiding my nakedness.

  Aslan said, “Come here, Lilly,” he commanded, as he came after me.

  When I noted him close, I raced around the back of the bed to the side instead.

  “Lilly!” he said firmly. “Come here.”

  I shook my head as my heart raced. When he was inches from me, I climbed onto the bed. My intention was to run across it to the other side, but then Aslan caught my ankle. He did a gentle tug and I found myself losing my balance, and I fell onto the bed with a puff.

  Sprawled there on the very soft goose-feather bed, Aslan pulled me to him, and once I was close, he pinned me there, with him on top and his thigh between my legs. Oh, Lord, but I could feel his muscular flesh against my womanhood and it was doing the oddest things to me.

  “Why are you running away?” he asked, his voice dark, and I knew he was irritated.

  I licked my lower lip as I tried to avoid his intense gaze on my face. I said meekly, “Because you said I looked delicious and that you want to taste me.”

  He said bluntly, “You do look delicious and, fuck, I do want to taste you.”

  I didn’t miss the frustrated tone in his voice.

  Once again, I panicked and I flicked my gaze to him. I said, “But you agreed to spare my life and you even crossed your heart and hoped to die if you were to hurt me. Besides, aren’t you afraid of dying? I mean you did swear it on your life.”

  God, I knew I sounded childish, bringing that up, but I couldn’t help myself. My life was on the line, after all.

  Aslan stared at me for a moment, and as miraculous as it may seem, he started laughing. He was laughing so hard that I could feel his chest rumbling above me. When he stopped, he said, as though in amusement, “You’re still young and innocent, aren’t you, sweet Lilly.”

  Well, of course I was still young. I was only eighteen years old, after all.

  “You don’t have much experience of the world, do you?” he asked.

  I had to admit that I hadn’t.

  I shook my head in the negative. I said, “I was locked up in the basement with my mother, you know. I wasn’t free until, well…last night when…” I sighed, tears brewing in my eyes.

  I felt Aslan’s wiping the tears away from my cheeks as I sensed this change in the atmosphere; there was darkness emerging from within him that scared me.

  “Why were you locked up?” he asked darkly.

  So, he was curious about my life, was he?

  I said, “I’m not sure. It was just the way things were. I had been locked up in the basement since I was a child. Mother died when I was fourteen, and now, here I am. I didn’t know that I was supposed to be a sacrificial pawn for you until yesterday.” I chuckled sadly. “I mean, I did try to escape. I’m not that weak, you know.” Well, at least I didn’t want him to think that I was a weak person.

  Aslan wrapped his hand around the back of my head and hugged me tight. Oddly enough, he was very gentle, and I savored the beautiful moment, basking in his warmth and strength. A moment later, he released me, and as he moved back and straightened, he said, “I have work to do. Behave yourself, won’t you?”

  I blinked as I wiped tears from my cheeks. He wasn’t going to eat me?

  Deliriously happy, I nodded my head. I even gave him a delighted smile as I said, “I promise to behave, Aslan.” And silently I added, As long as you don’t eat me.

  “I’ll see you tonight then,” he said, which of course, caused my heart to skip a beat. I surely hoped that there wouldn’t be any more cuddling, nor mention of eating me up.

  He continued, “If you’re bored, there’s the library. You did say you read, didn’t you?”

  I nodded furiously. “Yes, I read.”

  He chuckled at my show of eagerness. “Ask Ria to show you around the castle.”

  I sat up quickly as I held the gown over my body. I asked, “I can do that?”

  He nodded. Suddenly, he leaned toward me, his masked face inches from me. He stared at me for a moment, looking deeply into my eyes, which made my heart race. Then I heard him sigh.

  “Fuck! I’d kiss you if only I could.”

  Just as suddenly, he drew back and then walked away and out the door, leaving me to wonder what he meant.

  Kiss. He had said that he’d kiss me if only he could. Did he want to comfort me like Mother used to comfort me when I was down…by kissing me on the forehead? Was it because he felt sorry for me after he had heard about my past? I didn’t know, but I did know that he could never kiss me if he didn’t remove his mask.

  * * *

  I was just pulling my gown back on when a few knocks came at the door. “My lady?” It was Ria’s voice.

  I said, “Come in, Ria.”

  The door cracked open and Ria bustled in.

  “My lady, what are you doing?” she asked.

  I raised my head and smiled sheepishly. “Buttoning up.”

  The maid came and expertly took over the task. Of course, I was a little surprised she didn’t ask me why my gown was undone in the first place. I wondered if she already suspected that Aslan had something to do with it.

  “It’s an odd design, isn’t it?” she said. “To have buttons at the back when one can’t do it themselves.”

  I nodded. “Yes, it is. Err, Ria, would you mind showing me around the castle? Aslan said I could ask you.”

  At this, Ria seemed rather excited at the prospect of being my guide. She said, “It’ll be my pleasure, my lady.”

  I turned my attention to Winter and asked, “Would you like to come along as well?”

  The dog, who was currently lying comfortably on the bed, looked at me for a moment and then snuggled his face against the cushion and closed his eyes. I grinned. It looked like Winter preferred to take a nap instead.

  I said, “Just you and me, then, Ria.”

  Ria chuckled in response, and it wasn’t long after that she led me out the door and took me around the castle, telling me where everything was. The corridor, as expected, was huge with high, ornate ceilings and beautiful chandeliers and wall-light fixtures. Along those walls, too, were various paintings of sceneries and nature, pets, towns, villages, buildings, and people with animal ears as well as various creatures I had only seen in books, such as elves, fairies, angels, and even demons and devils. Oddly enough, I hadn’t seen one portrait of Aslan. This was Aslan’s castle, wasn’t it? So…why weren’t there any paintings of him around?

  Ria showed me the main dining hall next, and the décor was once again very elegant and grand. There was a dining table and perhaps fifty-odd chairs, and of course, the paintings on the walls, which were mostly of scenery again. Ria then showed me the ballroom, followed by the various rooms for receiving guests: such as the parlor and sitting room, which were all very tasteful. The kitchen was next, and the moment I stepped foot into that area, I was greeted with a hive of activity. People with animal ears were busy with their work, preparing fruits, vegetables, meats, and various other ingredients. The chefs were cooking something that smelled divine, though honest to God, I couldn’t see fire anywhere that cooking could be done, like the kitchen back in the village.

  Cooking for the elite of the manor on the other side of the realm was a mammoth task, requiring a considerable number of people and labor, especially when they had special occasions or any guests around. Here, I suspected, they were using a sort of magic system, the same as with their hot spring water for bathing, as Ria had explained. Of course, I couldn’t help myself and stared hard at what was beneath those pots. I noted a faint red glow on what looked like a bench made of metal, so I assumed those were a sort of fire that cooked the food inside the pot.

shifted my attention to the chefs now and noted that they were dressed in white uniforms with a white hat, which were of varied heights. Perhaps the height indicated their rank? The kitchen helpers, on the other hand, had on black uniforms, and both male and female wore trousers. They also had red scarfs around their neck, which I assumed were to display that they were from the kitchen department.

  “Are they preparing lunch?” I asked Ria curiously, shifting my attention yet again to the various ingredients on the table. There were certainly a lot of them, and I was fascinated.

  Ria nodded. “Yes, they are, my lady.”

  I nodded in understanding. It seemed like there was a lot of work to be done, and I wondered how many people this kitchen was feeding. Come to think of it, I wondered how many people were residing within the castle.

  Once again, I was curious as to what was being concocted, because lord, the smell was just too tempting, especially for a girl like me who had been starved most of her life. I had come in without thinking, and the moment they saw me, most stopped what they were doing and simply stared.

  Very conscious of drawing so much attention to myself, I smiled nervously and said, “Hello, what are you cooking today?”

  The woman with elf-like ears, ones that I had seen in books, with the tallest white hat grinned at me and said, “We’re baking buns, my lady.” Then she came over to me and asked, “You’re the girl from the other side, no?”

  I didn’t miss the fact that this woman with elf ears didn’t look that old either, with bright eyes and smile. Then again, Aslan was some three thousand years old, so everyone here, Ria included, could be old compared to us humans from the other side of the realm.

  I nodded my head in the affirmative, which caused the chef to clap her hands together and chuckle in delight.

  “Then I’m glad,” she said. “Finally, the other side of the realm has bestowed us a beauty. No wonder Lord Aslan is smitten and is in such a fine mood. Of course, not that he was ever in a bad mood, mind you, my dear. Then again, he was horrible some two thousand years ago, just after the apocalypse. Well, it was partially his fault, too, so…”


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