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Voracious Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  She had seen the way they watched her: possessive, dominant. They acted territorial of her, that was clear, and she couldn’t help but feel warm toward that idea. It wasn’t like she was their property. No, she sensed they truly cared for her in the way only mates cared for each other.

  God, how I wish I could just let go and be with them in the way I want to.

  But unless Clay died she knew she could never rest or truly be happy. He’d always chase her, hunt her like prey he wanted to snuff out.

  She glanced at the two men she wanted to just let go with, and saw Alric was watching her. Had her emotions and thoughts been so strong they’d sensed them?

  Dalia couldn’t help but stare at him. And when Sam looked up at her, as well, this heat filled her. Everything about them screamed male testosterone and pure unadulterated dominance. Their raw power couldn’t be denied or hidden, and just briefly she let herself feel like nothing could touch her.

  Clay might have tried to break her, but she wasn’t ruined, and it was clear by the way she felt toward Alric and Sam.

  Her body seemed to have a mind of its own.

  Her heart sped up, and her mouth went dry. Thoughts and images of the wicked kind played in her mind. The images had her cheeks heating and her pulse racing. They were explicit, things she’d never dreamed of envisioning, but ones that were vivid and felt real.

  Feeling unsure and slightly embarrassed by her thoughts, she turned back toward the window and saw her reflection. The female who stared back at her had pink cheeks and a lust-filled expression. She was ashamed of her thoughts, disgusted with herself for even wanting these two kind and generous men the way she did. Still, she thought of those looks they gave her, ones that had her pussy tingling and her nipples hardening.

  It felt like another person controlled her, but it also felt freeing.

  She didn’t want to give that up.


  Alric kept his eyes on Dalia even after she turned and watched the snow fall. His cock was rock hard, and his heart slammed against his chest. The expression she gave him, so innocent yet filled with heat and longing, drove him mad with lust. When he lifted his gaze to Sam he saw that he, too, was staring at Dalia’s profile. Flicking his gaze down to Sam’s crotch, he saw the stiff outline of his mate’s shaft pressed against the material of his pants. Sam turned his attention to him.

  Oh yes, his lover was thinking the same thing. They both wanted Dalia so fiercely that they could have driven nails through steel with their cocks.

  He knew he needed to keep his thoughts off these erotic things. They didn’t know how long the storm was supposed to continue, but Alric couldn’t stop thinking about what Sam had said. His mate was right—one of them needed to make the trek back to the pack and get help. Although he assured himself that he and Sam could protect Dalia, he wasn’t a fool. He didn’t know what to expect from this Braylock pack or even how many of them there were. He hated asking Dalia for any more details than were necessary, because he knew it upset her.

  As if Dalia heard his thoughts, her voice filtered through the room like a beacon of light. “The storm seems fierce.” She turned and stared at them again, that need reflecting back.

  Alric set his book aside and walked to where she sat. He knelt before her, took her clasped hands in his, and brought them to his lips. Her fingers were icy cold, and a look of surprise and a touch of trepidation covered her face. Kissing the digits, he could feel his heart start to beat a fast rhythm.

  He knew what he was about to do was not appreciated at this moment, and that she needed some time to herself, but there was a fire inside him every time he saw her. It was a need that made his primal beast roar out. She was their mate, and his wolf wanted her—desperately.

  He rose up so he was face-to-face with her. Alric stared into her wide eyes and leaned in, slanting his head and pressing his lips against hers. The feeling of charged electricity traveled through him, and he shook from the intensity of it. Dalia didn’t pull away, but she also didn’t kiss him back.

  Alric could sense her fear and worry, could smell her confusion and curiosity. What he could also smell was a potent aroma of her feminine need.

  He leaned back and stared into her face, watching as she licked her lips. It took all his strength to hold back his groan of desire. That one sight alone had his cock jerking in response. He’d been hard before, but now his shaft pounded insistently, demanding to be free and buried deep within her. She might be confused by what he was doing and what she was feeling, but she was primed. The smell of her sweet, wet pussy called to him, and he could feel the tip of his shaft grow wet with pre-cum.

  When Alric stared at his other mate, he could see the desire clearly reflected in Samuel’s expression. He turned his attention back to Dalia and lifted his hand to cup her cheek. As he ran his thumb over the swell of her full bottom lip, he couldn’t help the need that arose inside him. The wolf in him wanted to claim its mate, wanted to mark her so every male would know that she was loved, protected and cherished.

  He wanted every male to know she was theirs.

  It was true, they had met under unfortunate circumstances a short while ago, but Alric wanted this and so did both of his mates.


  Dalia felt the need to be with these two males rise up so strongly inside her. It was as if she’d lost her breath. Here she was, wondering about how she would make it through the next day, but beside that need was a stronger one … one that had images of Alric and Sam naked before her.

  Alric knelt before her, stunning her, having warmth move through her. He started kissing her, touching her.

  She was pregnant with another male’s child, albeit not by choice, but that didn’t matter. Protectively shielding her abdomen with her hands, she wondered how they could find her attractive. She knew she must appear rundown and tired, and to other males she’d look like “used goods”. Although her belly wasn’t large, there was still a small swelling that reminded them of that.

  Shifters were notorious for their possessiveness and jealousy of the ones they wanted. Yet here were two wolf shifting males showing her kindness and affection, even desire. She stared into Alric’s eyes and could tell that he didn’t care about her background.

  He just wanted her.

  Dalia lifted her gaze when she saw movement and saw Sam walk over to them. Her pulse quickened as she watched his massive body move, his muscles and sinew flexing under his golden skin. Alric moved to the side but kept his hand on her cheek. The movement of his thumb along her bottom lip calmed her. When Sam knelt beside Alric, and they both stared at her, she finally found her voice.

  “How can you want me?” The words came out, but they were nothing more than a meager whisper. After what seemed like forever, Alric cleared his throat before dropping his hand from her face.

  “Dalia.” He placed both hands on her legs, and the heavy weight went a long way in easing the troubled emotions she felt inside—emotions that rumbled through her like a dark and impending storm.

  All she could think about was their bodies covering hers, all three of them naked, hot and sweaty. She knew it wasn’t logical to have such ease around them because of what she’d gone through in her life with Clay, but it was as if being with Alric and Sam erased that. Being with them made her feel … whole.

  “We will protect you and the baby,” Sam said softly.

  “We will always protect our mate,” Alric said, finally saying what all of them knew.

  Never had she known the sensations of gentleness and compassion, and maybe because Sam and Alric gave them to her so freely, she couldn’t help but be drawn to them.

  “You’re our mate, Dalia,” Sam said. “And the baby you carry is ours to protect, to love, and to nourish.”

  “I know we are mates, felt it as soon as I saw you, but you two are already mated. How can this be?” Dalia looked between the two of them.

  “You’ve been so locked away from your heritage,” Sam said with a
nger in his voice. “Although it’s rare, a triad mating does happen.”

  Her head spun, and she placed a hand on her belly.

  “Males wouldn’t take kindly to their mate being with another’s child.” She saw twin expressions of dark anger cover their faces.

  “You are ours, Dalia,” Alric said with determination.

  “This child is ours,” Sam said.

  Strength poured into her.

  Alric and Sam showed her how they were everything Clay wasn’t. She wanted to believe that she was the mate of these two extraordinary males, but fear held her back, like a chain around her body and heart.

  But she didn’t want to be afraid of having a life and being happy. And she knew, even after this short time, she could have that with Alric and Sam.

  Alric and Sam placed their hands on her rounded belly. Tears welled in her eyes, but she forced them back.

  “You are our mate. It can’t be altered or changed, Dalia. It matters not that the child within your womb isn’t from mine or Sam’s body. It grows inside you, and therefore it is ours.” Alric sounded determined, and it was hard for her not to believe what he said.

  “You think you stumbled upon us by chance?” Sam shook his head, “No, you were meant to be here. We were meant to find you and care for you and the baby. Please, Dalia, let us into your heart.”

  God, now she was crying.

  “We know it’s hard to trust after what has happened to you, but we promise that we will do everything we can to make you whole again.” Alric rose on his knees and pressed his lips against hers. When he pulled back Sam was there to take his place, kissing her, loving her.

  “Doesn’t this seem crazy?”

  They both smiled at her.

  “It seems so fucking right,” Alric said.

  “We both know how fast this may seem. Hell, just a short time ago it was only Alric and I.” Sam swept his tongue along the seam of her lips, and she opened her mouth on instinct, not caring about anything but being here with these males.

  He tasted so good, they both did.

  He speared his hands into her hair and tilted her head to the side, deepening the kiss. After long drugging seconds Sam finally pulled back, but kept his hands in her hair.

  “We promise to go slow, and to follow your lead. You hold the power, Dalia.”

  She looked at Alric when he spoke. Alric slid his lips along the side of her neck, and she couldn’t help but surrender to the pleasure. She closed her eyes and tilted her head to the side. Tendrils of fire licked up her spine, and she felt her nipples tighten in response. Her life had been one of pain and fear, but here she sat, her body wet and her heart filled with hope.

  Uttering an unintelligible sound, Dalia submitted to the two men in front of her, knowing that what was about to happen could very well be her destruction because her heart was already invested.

  Chapter Seven

  Alric helped Dalia to stand and pulled her into his warm embrace. The heat of Sam’s body seeped into her back. Dalia closed her eyes and absorbed the sensation of these two wolf shifters caging her in. She felt only pleasure, only need.

  It felt right to be with them. Maybe it was selfish for her to feel these things because of what was going on, but she couldn’t help it and didn’t want this to stop.

  Alric moved a step closer until his warm breath tickled her cheek. Dalia inhaled deeply, wanting to imprint their scents inside of her forever. She closed her eyes just as Sam ran his fingers along the back of her arms. Chills raced up her spine, and her skin prickled with awareness.

  How could she not want to be with these two?

  How could she not want them inside her, showing her she could feel good?

  Sam now had his hands on her hips. He pulled her back toward him, and the stiff outline of his cock pressed against her ass. Her pussy became even more saturated, and her clit throbbed. Dalia stared into Alric’s eyes, and her heart stopped when he lowered his head. She knew what was about to happen, knew that as soon as his lips pressed against hers the strength she wanted to hold onto would vanish.

  The feel of Sam’s lips on the back of her neck sent tingles throughout her whole body.

  “I love the way you taste,” Sam said, his words muffled and husky with arousal. “I won’t get enough of you.” He ran his tongue over the pulse point right below her ear, and she shivered.

  Before she could say anything in response, if she could have even found her voice, Alric latched his mouth onto hers. He cupped each side of her face and tilted his head farther so the kiss deepened. She moaned into his mouth and pressed her ass back, loving how Sam’s hard cock jerked with need. Both males growled in approval, the sound so primal and demanding that she felt completely feminine in their embrace.

  As one unit they moved back until she felt the warmth of the fire grow hotter and surround her. Alric broke the kiss, and they both panted as they stared into each other’s eyes.

  “Are you sure you want this, want us to go further?” Alric asked.

  She could only nod.

  “Because once we start we can’t stop,” Sam said against her nape.

  “I don’t want this to stop.” And she didn’t.

  She was turned around so quickly that her belly did a flip and her mind grew hazy. When she stared into Sam’s face she swore she saw a raging inferno behind his eyes. He picked up where Alric had left off. Sam had a fierce passion that burned within him, and it left Dalia breathless with achy need.

  When Alric stepped away, she shivered. She didn’t break the kiss with Sam, but there was a strong desire inside her to know where Alric was, to know why he’d left what they were doing.

  “Focus on what’s happening right now, baby. Don’t worry about Alric. He’s coming right back,” Sam murmured against her lips.

  Dalia melted into him and let herself feel what was happening between her and Sam. As they continued to kiss, Sam touched her all over. He seemed to stroke every part of her, igniting a lust that she’d never felt before. It was then, as she was wrapped up in the sensations and feeling what Sam conjured within her, that Alric slowly pulled her pants down.

  She didn’t stiffen, didn’t even pull away from Sam. In fact, she opened her mouth wider and wrapped her arms around Sam’s neck. A deep groan sounded from the back of Sam’s throat, and she felt a flare of satisfaction well inside her. Sam broke the kiss, and Alric moved away from her. She suddenly felt so lost without the heat of their bodies cocooning her.

  Alric took a step forward, taking Sam’s place now. He ran his finger down the bridge of her nose. Dalia sighed in contentment. Even the simplest of touches from them awakened a deep need in her.

  “You were ours before we even knew you were alive. Let us see what you look like. Let us revel in how gorgeous you are, in how much you’re ours.”

  She opened her eyes and stared into Alric’s. A hot stab of emotion pierced her heart. Nodding, she lifted her arms, and Alric removed her shirt. She didn’t wear a bra, and when the slightly chilled air touched her bare breasts, she felt her nipples harden in response. Alric pushed her panties off her body, and just those little touches had her pussy cream sliding down her inner thighs.

  When she was completely nude, Alric stepped back, and the two of them had their fill of running their gazes up and down her body. Her hands shook, and her breathing grew erratic. Being nervous was only a small sliver of how she felt.

  How did they perceive her?

  Did they like how she looked?

  “God, you’re so fucking beautiful,” Sam said, and she felt her heart jump in her throat.

  “So fucking gorgeous, Dalia.”

  She looked at Alric then.

  They started undoing their shirts and pants, and a wave of dizziness washed through her.

  Naked male bodies were something she was familiar with, given the fact that the pack she had grown up in didn’t much care for modesty. But staring at Sam and Alric, naked and impossibly hard in front of her, pushed away a
ny notion of what she knew a male body should look like.

  Powerful and rippling muscles lay just beneath the surface of golden skin. When she dipped her gaze to the monsters between their thighs, she knew her eyes had widened in response. The feel of their erections beneath their pants had led her to believe they were large, but seeing them had her speechless.

  They were thick and long with bulbous heads a shade darker than the rest of their shafts. Long, thick veins lined the smooth flesh, and she was surprised when her mouth watered for a taste. She’d never felt such desire before.

  Alric’s cock appeared slightly longer, but Sam’s was thicker. She couldn’t help but imagine the two of them together intimately. She could see the image clearly in her mind—two sweaty male bodies pressed together, thrusting and moaning as they came in unison.

  Oh God. Dalia was so ready for them.

  “Come here, baby.” Sam’s voice was commanding, yet gentle.

  Dalia stepped closer until she could feel their heat penetrating her pores. Sam wrapped his arms around her, bringing her flush with him so she felt every dip, hollow and outline of his impressive, muscular form. His huge, thick, and long cock nestled between her thighs, the base hitting her clit and causing her to bite her lip to stem off the groan of pleasure. She didn’t want foreplay. She didn’t want any more touches and kisses.

  She wanted to feel them inside of her.

  “I want you both, now.”

  Neither of them responded right away. With Sam’s arms still around her waist, he walked them a step backward and eased her down onto the soft rug. When her back met the lushness, Dalia couldn’t help but feel slightly uncomfortable. She instinctively covered her breasts, but Sam and Alric were right there, gently coaxing her to show them her body.

  Dalia wondered what they thought of her naked body. They had said she was beautiful, but still, after years of mental and physical abuse, she couldn’t help but feel unattractive. When he traced his finger down the valley between her breasts her skin puckered and goosebumps formed.


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