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Voracious Page 6

by Jenika Snow

  But now there was Dalia, and he wanted to be as gentle as Sam, wanted to show her that he had as much softness inside him.

  “Alric.” The sweet sound of her voice clenched his heart, and warmth spread through him. Sam moved to the side, and Alric positioned his back to his chest. Dalia immediately curled into him, and he wrapped his arm around her slender shoulders. The smell of her had him closing his eyes and smiling. Sam’s scent also surrounded her, and that fact alone had his shaft harder than he had ever remembered.

  “I want to feel you inside me,” she whispered against his chest.

  “Damn, baby, I want that, too, but maybe we should just wait. I know you have to be sore.” He wanted her badly, but he didn’t want to be with her if she was in pain. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her even more.

  Sam continued to run the pads of his fingers along his side, and Alric felt the stiffening of Sam’s dick against his ass. He pressed back, tempting him to act on what they both wanted.

  “I want you, Alric.” She lifted her head from his chest and looked at him. The need coming from her was tangible.

  He claimed her mouth, sliding his tongue along hers. The feel of Sam’s hard cock along the crease of his ass spurred him on, and he couldn’t wait any longer. He gripped her leg, lifted it and placed it over his thigh. The heat of her cunt was something that had him biting her bottom lip then dragging his tongue along it to soothe the flesh.


  She sounded desperate for him, and he wasn’t going to make them suffer any longer.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I’m going to give it to you good, just like Sammy did.”

  Sliding his finger along her folds, he felt her slick with a mixture of her arousal and Sam’s cum.

  Her hips seemed to curl forward on their own, knowing exactly what he had to offer and seeking it out. He gripped his cock and moved the head along her cleft, teasing her clit then stopping at her pussy. Their kiss broke, and he stared into her eyes, wanting to see her face when he took her for the first time.

  In one swift move he tunneled into her. He was fast about it, but he made sure to be gentle. Her eyes widened at first then rolled back, a moan leaving her. She was tight, hot, and so fucking wet.

  He started pulling out and pushing in while he dropped his head and started nipping and licking at her throat. She gripped his shoulders and dug her nails into his flesh, causing a pleasurable sting of pain. He growled at the feeling, hoping she would hold him harder, dig her nails in farther so she left little indents on his skin.

  “Fuck, you feel so good.” He swiveled his hips until he felt the enflamed tissue of her G-spot. He worked his hips, dragging the head of his shaft over that area until she murmured incoherently against him.

  Sam parted his ass and ran his finger over his anus. The digit was slick and cool, and he knew he was coating his hole with the lube he’d used earlier. Just feeling Sam play with him back there had him moving closer to coming, but he needed to feel Dalia explode around him first.

  Reaching his hand around, he then smoothed his palm down the center of her back and made a slow trek south, closer to her bottom. He pushed into her hard and quick and felt the curve of her ass along his palm.

  When he slipped his finger along the crease of her cheeks she let out a breathy sigh and pushed back, lifting up and giving him better access. “One of these days, when you’re ready, I’m going to fuck you in the ass while Sammy fucks this tight little pussy.”

  Her gasp of surprise made him smile in pleasure. He slammed into her harder, and she clung to him.

  “We’re going to fuck you until you beg us to stop, until you are too sensitive to handle us, but want so much more.” He dragged his tongue along the seam of her lips. “We’re going to make you come so hard and so long you won’t be able to walk, baby.” He felt the puckered hole of her anus and ran a digit around it, gently pushing into her and feeling a slight resistance.

  “Fuck,” Sam groaned.

  “I bet you feel incredible back here, Dalia. I bet when you come your tiny asshole will squeeze my cock while your pussy milks Sam’s shaft.”

  She exploded around him, her cry being swallowed when he pressed his mouth on hers. He pumped into her harder and harder until he was so close to coming his balls drew up.

  Sam sensed his impending orgasm and pushed his finger in his ass, causing him to come so hard he roared out.

  “Fuck,” he growled as his body shook with pleasure. Her cream seeped out of her, making his thrusts easy and smooth. When he pumped his orgasm into her, made her take his cum, he pulled her closer and buried his face in her hair. His smell, as well as Sam’s, would be in her very cells.

  Sam wrapped his arm around his stomach and moved closer to him. He turned his head, and Sam met him for a kiss. There was nothing better than this moment. He had both of his mates and they were safe and content.

  Nothing would take this away from him. Nothing would get between him and his mates. He’d fucking die before he let that happen.

  Chapter Ten

  The storm waged war outside, tiny pieces of ice slamming against the glass like bullets from Mother Nature. It had been three days since Dalia’s intimate encounter with Alric and Sam. It had been three days where she had felt cherished and loved, where she had only known pleasure and safety. How she longed to stay right here, letting Sam and Alric cocoon her, but she knew that wasn’t possible.

  Clay would be coming soon. Dalia could feel it.

  Sam and Alric had wanted to venture out to get help from their pack, but she insisted they wait the storm out, because it was far too dangerous.

  Telling them they could die before they even reached the foot of the mountain and got help seemed to put some perspective into them. What would be the point of trying to get help if they died in the process?

  She could leave, ensure they were safe if Clay came after her, but she couldn’t risk the baby, not in this storm. She’d barely been alive when she’d gotten to their cabin.

  The wind howled outside, and Dalia placed her hand on the glass, feeling the iciness of the storm seep into her body. The weather continued its destructive path through the area, covering everything in a blanket of white. There had to be numerous feet of snow already on the ground. The blizzard had only relented for a few hours at a time, and each time it returned with a vengeance.

  A fire roared in the hearth, and the smell of garlic and rosemary filled the cabin. Sam and Alric insisted on cooking her dinner, insisted on taking care of her. With her they were so attentive, so thorough.

  It was hard not to just let go and accept all of this, and to not let anything come between them.

  But that wasn’t her reality.

  She turned her attention toward the two males that had changed her so much and in such a short time. Alric stood over the stove stirring the sauce while Sam washed the vegetables for the salad at the sink. Just watching the two of them, so masculine and virile, do something so domestic brought a smile to her face and warmth to her chest. As if they both sensed her gaze, they faced her. Alric had a bit of sauce on his chin, and Dalia couldn’t help but laugh. Sam wiped his hands on his apron, and looked at Alric.

  “Something funny?” Alric stood there with one eyebrow raised. Sam had his hands on his hips and scowled at her, but she didn’t miss how his lips twitched in suppressed amusement.

  “No.” She feigned a serious expression and stood. Dalia moved into the kitchen and stopped a few feet from them. She raised a brow. “There’s nothing funny about you two cooking.” She couldn’t stop from smiling then.

  They looked at each other again.

  “No, baby girl?” Sam smirked.

  “Of course not. You wearing an apron isn’t funny as hell.” God, when was the last time she’d felt so light?


  Sam stared at the apron then back at her.

  “And Alric has sauce on his chin.” She reached out and wiped the sauce off with her finger
. She brought it to her mouth and sucked it off. The flavor was heady, and mixed with the masculinity that was all Alric.

  When she stared into both of their faces she no longer saw the hint of humor reflected back. Now they both held heated expressions that had nothing to do with dinner or the topic they were just discussing.

  Their expressions were those of carnal hunger.

  For her.

  “You two are insatiable.” Her throat tightened as her desire rose.

  “We’re only insatiable for you, baby. And of course each other.” Sam smirked, which was just a lift at the corner of his mouth. “But it’ll only ever be us, baby.”

  It was so sexy, and she instantly became wet.

  Alric walked around the counter and buried his head in the crook of her neck, inhaling deeply. Sam moved behind her, lifted her hair from her neck, and kissed her nape. Being sandwiched between them had her feeling wholly feminine and instantly aroused.

  “Don’t worry, baby.” Alric’s warm breath tickled her flesh, and she shivered in their arms. She could feel both of their erections pressing against her belly and lower back. “We’ll make sure to feed our mate before we ravish her.”

  “Suddenly I’m not hungry.” Her statement was a breathy moan. She heard them chuckle and felt the vibrations throughout her whole body. They may have not known each other for very long, but whatever connected them was strong and undeniable.

  How could she question something that felt so right?

  Before they could respond something loud and heavy slammed against the front door. She instantly felt Alric and Sam tense. They placed their bodies in front of hers, and the temperature in the air dropped.

  Whoever or whatever was on the other side of that wood was dangerous enough that Alric and Sam felt the need to shield her.

  Had Clay found her already? If so hell had just come to this cabin.

  Chapter Eleven

  Alric moved toward the door while Sam stayed with Dalia. He kept his body in front of her, one of his arms behind him so he gripped her waist. She held onto him, her heart pounding as she watched Alric move closer and closer toward the door.

  She hated being afraid, hated that her life had been reduced to this shit.

  This was the day she’d feared, the day she had been dreading. Was it Clay on the other side? Or maybe one of his men that was like a lapdog, waiting for orders?

  Sam sensed her unease and gripped her tighter. She wanted to bury her face against him, wish away all the horrible things that could be on the other side of the door, but she couldn’t force herself to do that.

  Before he opened the door Alric stopped and looked at them. Silent communication passed between them. He turned, gripped the handle and opened it. The blast of snow and wind that entered the house took her breath away, but Sam blocked her from the onslaught.

  She looked over Sam’s arm and saw a figure cloaked in black standing on the other side, his head bent low and a hood covering his face. His arm was propped in the frame, seeming to hold him up. A second passed. Then the stranger lifted his head and stared at Alric, then at and Sam, and finally at her.

  He held their gazes for so long she found herself glancing away, the awkwardness and an uncomfortable feeling settling deep in her belly. She had never seen him before, but there was something haunting about the way he stared at her.

  Sam and Alric must have sensed it, too, because Sam pushed her behind his broad back even more.

  “Please, I ask for refuge from the storm.” His voice was deep and sent a chill down her spine.

  And before anyone could say anything the man came inside. The door was shut to stem off the onslaught of the storm, but she kept her focus on the man.

  The room immediately warmed, but the tension and silence were deafening.

  “What’s your name?” Alric asked in a hard tone.

  “I’m sorry to intrude, but I was hunting before the storm came through. It caught me off guard. I have been hiking for the last hour before I finally saw the lights from your cabin.”

  Dalia felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on end.

  “I ask for a short reprieve in your home if you allow it. Just until the storm eases up again.” He pushed his hood down. His hair was dark and fell to his shoulders. A jagged scar ran from his eyebrow to his chin. He was a wolf, that much was clear by the smell of him, but there was an underlying odor that tickled her nose.

  Alric glanced over at them, and Sam’s grip tightened on her for a moment before he turned around and started leading her toward the back bedroom. When the door of the room the three of them shared was shut, Sam turned and looked at her.

  “We want you to stay in here until that wolf leaves. Just to be on the safe side.” Sam ran a hand over his short hair and sighed. “The storm should let up soon, and then he’s out. Until then Alric and I would feel more comfortable if you weren’t around him since he is unknown to us.”

  That was fine with her. The stink of his inner wolf had been strong. “I didn’t like the feeling he gave me anyway.”

  “I know, baby. We felt there was something off about him, but the storm is fierce right now and sending him out there would mean his death.” Sam sounded strong, powerful. “But we are watching him. We won’t let anyone hurt you, least of all a drifter.”

  The sound of Alric’s deep voice penetrated the walls, but she couldn’t hear what he said.

  “I’ll bring you in some dinner.”

  Dalia smelled of both Sam and Alric. It was a comforting aroma that had her smiling. The room they shared was large, with dark wood and masculine colors. The bed was big and easily fitted the three of them, especially when there were bouts of late night sex. Even thinking about them had her aroused. It was a constant ache inside her that would not be sated.

  The door opened a moment later, and Alric walked in. “Sam and I are taking turns staying out there with him.” He held a tray with a plate of food on it for her. He set it on the dresser and sat down beside her on the bed.

  “If I didn’t know any better I’d think you guys are trying to fatten me up.”

  Alric took her hand in his and brought it to his mouth. “You need to keep a healthy weight, especially for the baby.”

  Her gaze dropped to her belly, and she covered it with her free hand again, rubbing it in small circles. “How do you two feel about me carrying another male’s child?”

  She really hadn’t meant to ask the question, but as of late that was all she had thought about. Alric held her gaze, not saying anything for so long that she started to grow uneasy with what his answer was going to be.

  “Dalia,” he glanced down then lifted his eyes back to her. “I won’t lie and say Sam and I are pleased that you carry another wolf’s young.”

  Her heart plummeted to the ground, and she fought back her tears.

  “Oh, no, sweetheart. Please, you misunderstand what I’m saying.” He brushed a tear away that she hadn’t realized had slipped free. “The fact that a bastard raped you and the child growing inside you is the result infuriates us.”

  His words had her speechless. “You barely know me, but you love me and my baby.”

  The sigh that came from him seemed loud in the room. “You’re ours, Dalia. Our animals know that they have found their mate, and the emotions are hard and strong. There is no denying that we love you, because you are ours.” He placed a hand on her belly. “And this baby is ours.” His smile was soft. “When I realized Sam was my mate I loved him right from the beginning. There was no other for me after that.”

  Her heart jumped at the words.

  “And as soon as we saw you we knew you were ours. We loved you from the very beginning, Dalia,” Alric said again. “I won’t say this isn’t happening fast, because it is, but when you find something that you know without a doubt is meant to be yours forever, the rest just falls into place.”

  The sincerity of their words cut right into her heart. She felt an undeniable connection with the two
of them, but was it love? She had never known the emotion and didn’t know if what she felt was that. Just the thought of them not with her left a hole in her heart.

  Did love cause that kind of pain?

  “It’s okay, Dalia. We aren’t going anywhere. What we have is something that doesn’t happen every day. Sammy and I have an infinite amount of patience and know that when you are ready you will feel just as strongly as we do for you.” He kissed her hand again and stood. “You need to eat before the food gets cold, though.” He smiled—all straight white teeth.

  She felt his gaze on her. Alric watched her, his expression soft. “Aren’t you going to eat, too?” she asked.

  “Once I know you’ve had your fill I will. There is plenty so don’t worry.” He brushed her cheek with his thumb, and she felt her flesh heat.

  Since first meeting them Dalia had felt like Alric was the more aggressive male of the two. Whereas Sam seemed to be more compassionate and in tune with his gentler side, Alric’s alpha male roared through from the very beginning. But right now he seemed so soft toward her, so attentive to her needs.

  Would she ever get used to being treated like this?

  Chapter Twelve

  Something had woken Dalia up, but as she lay in the dark she couldn’t hear anything. The feeling of dread crept inside her until she felt on the verge of a full-blown panic attack. She reached out, searching for Sam. After dinner Alric had switched places with him. They had lain on the bed together, his big arms wrapped around her. One of them was always with her, and she hadn’t felt more love than she did when she was with them.

  She hadn’t seen the wolf shifter again, the one who had said his name was Jackson Holler of the Holler pack. They hadn’t heard of his pack before, but that didn’t mean anything. There were so many shifter packs in Colorado and the surrounding states that keeping up with all of them was impossible.


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