Making Peace

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Making Peace Page 20

by Fiona McCallum

  ‘No. I explained where I was going and what I was doing, but they were too excited about their sleepover to show any interest.’

  ‘Well there you go, then,’ Hannah said. ‘I’m sure you’ve done the right thing. And I’m certain there will be other openings they can attend when they’re a bit bigger and understand the significance of the occasion and the need to behave.’

  ‘Here we are, champagne for two,’ Roger said, appearing beside them.

  ‘Thank you,’ they said in unison as they each accepted a tall glass.

  ‘Would you excuse me, I need to keep a watch out for Zoe.’

  ‘Of course,’ Hannah said.

  ‘No problem at all,’ Sam said.

  ‘This champagne is rather good,’ Hannah said, after taking a sip.

  ‘Yes. Oh. My. God,’ Sam suddenly said. Hannah turned to follow her gaze. Rob and Adrian had just come in. Hannah could practically see the blood draining from Sam’s face as she stared at Rob, who was walking towards them. Uh-oh, she thought.

  ‘Oh, Rob, thank you for coming. It means so much to me,’ Sam said as she threw her arms around him.

  Hannah breathed a sigh of relief.

  ‘I can’t believe you didn’t tell me,’ Sam said, looking from Rob to Hannah and back again.

  ‘I only found out this morning when he turned up,’ Hannah said, feeling enormous gratitude to Rob for his foresight in preventing her from having to lie.

  ‘Yes, don’t be annoyed with Hann. It was all me. I decided it was a risk worth taking,’ Rob said.

  ‘If I’d known, you could have helped me choose what to wear. I was freaking out.’

  ‘Oh. Well you clearly did okay. You look amazing.’

  ‘Thanks. It really is good to see you, Rob,’ Sam said.

  ‘I’m glad. It’s great to see you too.’

  ‘The boys will be so disappointed to have missed you, though,’ she said, her face clouding.

  ‘I’ll see them. I’m here for a week.’

  Sam beamed. ‘Really?’

  Rob nodded. ‘Yup.’

  ‘Oh, you’ve made my night! I don’t care now if no one else turns up and nothing sells,’ she declared.

  ‘Yeah, right,’ Rob and Hannah said together.

  ‘Well, okay, maybe just a bit.’

  ‘You’ve done an incredible job, Sammy. I’m so proud of you,’ Rob said, glancing around him.

  Suddenly Roger appeared beside them with a decidedly nervous young woman in tow.

  ‘Sam, Hannah, I’d like to introduce you to Zoe.’

  ‘Lovely to meet you,’ Hannah said, holding out her hand.

  Sam followed suit and said, ‘Yes, lovely to meet you. I think your paintings are really wonderful.’

  ‘Thanks. And I think your sculptures are incredible,’ Zoe said, looking instantly more at ease.

  A man appeared with a tray holding a selection of drinks. Rob and Zoe each took a glass of sparkling wine.

  ‘Here’s cheers to a great night,’ Rob said, to which they all agreed and clinked glasses. Another young man came over with a tray of food.

  ‘Mini vegetarian pizza, beef with horseradish mayonnaise on cucumber rounds and mushrooms stuffed with creamy egg,’ he explained.

  ‘Oh, yum,’ Sam said, and took a mini pizza. Hannah was pleased Sam’s nerves had eased enough for her to be interested in food.

  At that moment Jasmine arrived and pulled Hannah, Sam and then Rob into hugs. And then it was Craig’s turn.

  Gradually the room filled up with people and the sound of exuberant chatter.

  Over Craig’s shoulder Hannah could see the front door. She didn’t stop her mouth from dropping open in time. Is that …? Oh, my god, it is. Brad!

  Hannah almost gasped at seeing the man she’d had dinner with at The Windsor Hotel all those months ago – a time when she’d been struggling to put herself and her life back together. It seemed so strange to see him here. She felt her heart leap and swell and found herself moving forward towards him.

  ‘Hannah. Wow. Hello.’ He remembered my name? Well, you remembered his, silly. Good point.

  ‘Brad. What are you doing here?’ she said, a little breathlessly.

  ‘I could ask you the same question,’ he said with a laugh. ‘I’ll have you know, I’m quite the art connoisseur. Seriously, though, I did a story on Roger’s gallery when it first opened and we hit it off. So, now I come along to most of his exhibition openings. Just call me rent-a-crowd!’ he said, grinning.

  Oh, that smile, Hannah thought, feeling herself melt a little.

  ‘It’s so good to see you,’ Brad continued. ‘I’ve often thought of you, wondering how you’re doing. Come here, let me give you a hug.’

  Oh, yes, please. ‘Me too,’ she said, holding on and feeling that she never wanted to let go as she breathed in his comforting scent. Oh how good he felt. He still gave the best hug in the world. Even now when she was in such a different, better place.

  ‘Okay. So, you now,’ he said when they had separated.


  ‘How do you come to be here?’

  ‘Oh. Well, Sam’s my best friend – one of the artists.’

  ‘She’s actually my agent,’ Sam said, appearing beside Hannah. ‘Sam Barrow,’ she said, holding out her hand.

  ‘Brad Thomas. Wonderful to meet you.’

  ‘Brad Thomas? Why is your name familiar? Have we met?’

  ‘No, I don’t think so.’

  ‘Brad and I met at The Windsor last year,’ Hannah said.

  ‘Oh! You’re that Brad!’

  ‘I suppose I am,’ Brad said, looking amused.

  ‘I’ve heard all about you. It’s great to put a face to the story,’ Sam said.

  Hannah blushed and looked to the floor for any potential opening up and swallowing properties.

  ‘Agent, eh? That’s great. How exciting,’ Brad said, beaming.

  ‘Yes. Actually, let me know if you want to interview Sam sometime,’ Hannah said, leaping into business mode and taking a card out of her bag.

  ‘Okay. Maybe I will,’ he said, handing her one of his own cards. ‘And maybe you’d like to catch up for coffee sometime?’

  ‘Oh. Are you in Melbourne for a while, then?’ Hannah asked.

  ‘I’m a permanent fixture now.’

  ‘Right. Okay, great.’ At that moment Hannah looked up and noticed Pete standing just inside the front door and glancing around as if he were lost. ‘Excuse me,’ she said to Brad, and rushed to Pete’s side.

  ‘You made it!’ she said, kissing him on the lips, which she noted seemed to startle him a little. ‘I’m so glad you’re here. How was your trip back?’

  ‘Long, but thankfully uneventful. But I could use a drink. And, oh, I smell food. I’m famished,’ he said, touching her arm and moving past her. Hannah looked after him feeling a little perplexed. What just happened? Did he just give me the brush-off?

  She pushed it aside. There were people coming in – maybe he didn’t want to block the doorway. Or maybe he wasn’t comfortable in such a large crowd.

  By seven o’clock the gallery was so tightly packed the wait staff were having trouble getting through and Hannah began to worry about the safety of Sam’s fragile sculptures. Suddenly a different noise crept over the babble of voices, gradually becoming louder as the crowd quietened.

  Roger was tapping his glass with a spoon. ‘Bit of shush, thanks, everyone,’ he said. ‘Thank you all for coming along to the opening of our exhibition, titled Life. Standing beside me on my left is our ceramicist, Samantha Barrow. And on my right is our abstract painter, Zoe Raven. I’m sure you’ll agree that their work certainly doesn’t show them to be debut artists having their first exhibition.’ He paused as cheering, whooping and whistling erupted and waited it out for a few moments.

  ‘I look forward to proudly telling the world that they got their start at this gallery. Because I believe both of these artists are going to set the international art scene on f
ire – you mark my words. So, please enjoy their work – make a purchase or two – partake in a few drinks and some of the wonderful food. But before we go back to our mingling, I believe our artists would like to say something. Sam?’

  ‘I’d just like to thank Roger for this wonderful opportunity,’ Sam began, her voice a little shaky. She paused and took a breath before continuing. ‘It means so much to be given a chance and be believed in by someone other than well-meaning family and friends.’ Zoe nodded her agreement while a titter of laughter made its way around the room. ‘I’d also really like to thank my best friend and agent, Hannah, and Rob who have always been a huge support. Thank you all for coming along. Some really special friends have travelled a very long way to be here,’ she said, looking at Rob and then Adrian and Raelene, ‘and for that I’m truly humbled and grateful. Thank you, again, so much,’ she said, choking up. Roger stepped back so Sam could pass Zoe the microphone.

  ‘Yes, thank you,’ Zoe said. ‘I can’t say it better than Samantha has. Unfortunately, being from London and relatively new to Melbourne has meant a lot of my friends and family couldn’t be here. So, huge thanks again to Roger, Sam and Hannah and their family and friends for welcoming me with open arms and making this such an amazing night.’ She turned and blew Sam a kiss as the applause erupted around them.

  ‘That was perfect, all you needed,’ Hannah said, hugging Sam. ‘Well done.’

  ‘Thanks. I’m so glad it’s over,’ Sam said, letting out a loud breath.

  ‘Well, you can forget all about it now and go and enjoy yourself.’

  ‘You know, I can even see a few red dots on my things. Phew for that.’

  ‘Sam, please, of course they’re going to sell – they’re incredible. Oh, hang on, there’s Henry and Louise Peace.’ Hannah returned Henry’s wave. ‘I just want to go and make sure they feel welcome, and see if I can introduce them to Brad Thomas. Where’s he gone?’ she said, looking around.

  ‘What a coincidence that he’s here – you haven’t been in touch since, have you?’ Sam asked.

  ‘No. I had no idea he’d be here.’

  ‘He’s a bit dishy.’

  ‘Sammy, you sound like Auntie Beth. Anyway, he’s married, remember?’

  ‘Is he still? As you well know, a lot can happen in a week, let alone several months.’

  ‘Doesn’t matter, I’m seeing Pete. The vet, remember?’

  ‘Is he here?’ Sam asked, looking around again. ‘I haven’t seen him.’

  ‘Yes, he’s here. I saw him briefly earlier.’

  ‘Oh, there he is,’ Sam said. ‘He’s looking our way.’

  ‘I’d better go and see him. But, oh, damn, Henry and Louise look like they’re leaving. I think now Henry was actually waving goodbye before,’ Hannah said.

  ‘Go,’ Sam said, seeing the indecision and slight anguish on Hannah’s face. ‘I met Henry and Louise earlier. I’ll go and see Pete. He might like getting a personal tour by one of the soon-tobe-famous artists,’ Sam said with a cheeky grin and a wink.

  ‘Thanks. Tell him I’ll be there soon,’ Hannah said, and rushed over to the far side of the room.

  ‘Henry, Louise, it’s wonderful to see you. Thank you for making the effort,’ Hannah said. Instead of having her proffered hand accepted, she was a little surprised to be hugged, first by Louise and then Henry.

  ‘Thank you so much for the invitation. We’ve had a lovely time, we really have,’ Louise said, now holding both of Hannah’s hands and looking at her intently.

  ‘But you’re not going so soon, are you? We haven’t had the chance to catch up properly.’

  ‘We’re going to get a meal – not that the food here isn’t wonderful. It really is, but …’

  ‘It’s okay. You don’t need to explain. Go and enjoy yourselves,’ Hannah said.

  ‘It has been a truly enjoyable evening,’ Henry said.

  ‘Thanks again,’ Louise said, giving Hannah another hug. ‘You’ve no idea how much you’ve helped,’ she whispered. ‘I’ll call you and tell you all about it.’

  ‘Oh, good. Okay. Yes, please do.’

  Hannah beamed after them as they left with their arms around each other. She had the overwhelming urge to rub her hands together and say, ‘Well, my work here is done.’

  Damn, though, I didn’t get to introduce them to Brad. God. Poor Pete – she’d barely spoken two words to him all evening, either. Oh well, he was a big boy. She was suddenly exhausted and desperate to take the weight off her feet. It didn’t help to see out of the corner of her eye Raelene, Adrian, Beth and Rob occupying the ottomans. Next to them was Brad. Hannah got out her phone and snapped several sneaky photos through the crowd. And as she did a thought struck her: Has anyone else been taking photos? She didn’t remember seeing a dedicated photographer walking around or notice any flashes going off. She quickly snapped a few more shots.

  ‘Don’t worry, Craig and I have taken heaps of photos,’ Jasmine said, appearing beside Hannah. ‘We figured you might have been too busy to take any.’

  ‘Thanks so much. People are starting to leave and I’ve only just thought of it. I’m sure Roger has had someone roving about, but whoever it is has been very good at being inconspicuous, because I didn’t see them. Or perhaps I’ve just been too distracted to notice.’

  ‘It’s been a great evening,’ Craig said, ‘you should be very proud.’

  ‘It’s been all Sam and Zoe and Roger’s doing. I’m feeling very proud of Sam. Craig, see that guy over there, next to Rob?’ she said, nodding towards the ottomans. ‘That’s Brad Thomas. He’s a freelance journalist. I’m going to try and meet with him to see if he can give us – well, you, your business – some free publicity or at least give some hints on how to get some.’

  ‘Listen to you, always thinking, keeping all the balls in the air all the time,’ Craig said, looking bemused. ‘But, seriously, Hann, that’s a great idea. Let me know how you go and if you need me.’

  ‘Who does he write for? The name’s familiar,’ Jasmine said, frowning.

  ‘I have no idea. I know him from having dinner with him while I was staying at The Windsor.’

  ‘Oh. Wow!’ Jasmine turned and stared at Hannah, then looked back at Brad. ‘The one that gives great hugs?’

  ‘The very one,’ Hannah said, looking over to him. When he turned, caught her eye and smiled broadly, she felt her stomach flip again.

  ‘I’m clearly missing something here. Anyone care to fill me in?’ Craig asked, looking genuinely perplexed.

  ‘Later, darling,’ Jasmine said, and patted him on the arm.

  ‘Pete has bought my piece Man’s Best Friend. How exciting is that?’ Sam said, suddenly appearing with her arm tucked through Pete’s.

  ‘Wonderful. Craig, Jasmine, this is Pete Shaw. Pete, Craig is my boss.’

  ‘Ah. Great to meet you,’ Pete said, putting out his hand.

  ‘Likewise,’ Craig and Jasmine said in unison.

  Gradually the crowd thinned and only Hannah, Sam, Rob, Raelene, Adrian, Beth and Brad remained. Hannah couldn’t see Pete when she looked around. She felt a little bad about neglecting him.

  ‘I’m absolutely shattered,’ Beth said.

  ‘I’m not far off not being able to stand up anymore myself,’ Raelene said. There was a chorus of agreement.

  ‘Well, I’d better get going,’ Brad said. ‘Is anyone in need of a ride? I’m heading south-west.’

  ‘I think we’re all good, thanks,’ Hannah said.

  ‘Okay then. Let me know about catching up,’ he said, kissed her on the cheek and left.

  ‘Hannah, are you okay to take Adrian, Raelene and Beth home? I’m going to drive Sam home,’ Rob said.

  ‘No problem at all,’ Hannah said.

  ‘Hopefully we’ll get the chance to catch up again before I head back,’ he said as he hugged Hannah.

  ‘Don’t stress. You focus on Sam and the boys. And enjoy. If we don’t catch up, I’ll understand. We can always Skype,’
Hannah said.


  ‘Well, that looked like a huge success all round to me,’ Beth said in the car and on their way home.

  ‘Yes, I think there were red dots on most pieces.’

  ‘What a great night,’ Adrian said. ‘I’m so glad we came.’

  ‘That Henry and Louise Peace were nice,’ Raelene said. ‘It’s such a shame they’ve been so badly affected by the accident too. It’s really sad. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, just like Tristan and Daphne and Daniel. So tragic.’

  ‘I’m glad you got to meet them,’ Hannah said. ‘I meant to introduce you.’

  ‘Your lovely Craig took care of it. Aren’t they a nice couple – Craig and Jasmine?’

  ‘They are,’ Hannah agreed. ‘I’m so glad you’re here,’ she said smiling into the rear-vision mirror to her parents-in-law. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘Thank you for such a wonderful evening, and for being you,’ Adrian said, reaching forward and giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze.

  ‘Goodness, I really am completely done in,’ Raelene said, as they turned into Hannah and Beth’s street.

  ‘I’m not sure I’ll be able to carry you, darling heart,’ Adrian said. ‘I can barely carry myself,’ he added.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  The Sunday after the exhibition opening had been quiet for Hannah. She’d stayed in bed late cuddling with the cats and then whiled away the day with a book. When she’d phoned Beth to check on her and her guests, she’d been a little relieved to hear that they were also taking it easy. They’d shared a laugh about how no one could even be bothered making their way across the street.

  On Monday Hannah found herself still functioning a little slowly. She emailed Brad to tee up a meeting, rang Beth and invited them all to come over for dinner and then retreated into the kitchen to take her time putting together a lasagne. She thought about inviting Sam, Rob and the boys, but decided to leave them be. Sam had sent her a text thanking her again for everything and for encouraging Rob to come back for the opening. Clearly Rob had now told her that part of it. Hannah wondered how it was going between them, and how the boys were feeling and reacting to having their dad home.

  She was just finishing putting together garlic bread when the doorbell rang. She frowned slightly as she checked her watch on her way out of the kitchen. Beth, Raelene and Adrian were on-time people, sometimes a little early, but never half an hour early.


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