When The Right Door Opens

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When The Right Door Opens Page 12

by Catherine Micqu

  “Does he touch you? Inappropriately.”

  “Eww dad. No!” At her disgusted face, Jamie couldn't help but burst into laughter. Of course was it weird to see that his daughter's best friend seemed to be a grown man these days, and in these modern times, one could never be careful enough.

  “Dad? I think we needed this talk. But now, I am tired and exhausted and it's a school night...”

  “Say no more. It's late but let's have dinner and after that you can go to sleep.”

  “Nah. I'll skip dinner.”

  “Only this once.”

  “Okay, but you have to find Sebastian and talk to him. Believe me, he is your Mister Right.”

  “Your confidence in this matter is out of this world.” Agnes nodded and got up from the bed.

  “Daddy? I love you.” she said with a hand on the doorknob.

  “Aw, come here.” Jamie stood up and took Agnes in a tight embrace.

  “Need... air... too... tight...” Agnes joked and Jamie squeezed a little tighter before he let go of his beloved daughter with a loud groan.


  Jamie found Sebastian in the kitchen. He was sipping a hot beverage. The steam rose and Sebastian blew it away.

  “Sebastian?” Jamie asked hesitantly, but Sebastian looked up immediately, with a bright smile on his face.

  “I wanted to apologize.” he said slowly.

  “Kai was right. Agnes does have a lot of power over you.” Sebastian shook his head smilingly and gestured for Jamie to take a seat.

  “We'll talk about that when you have a teenage daughter yourself.” Jamie teased and Sebastian nodded.

  “I think, without wanting to step on your toes, I have a slight idea of how powerful Agnes can be. And Kai, well, she got him wrapped around her finger. It's good for him. He likes playing uncle for her.”

  “Listen, can I explain myself? Why I acted like I did?” Jamie asked, looking at his folded hands on the table. Sebastian took his hands and Jamie looked up.

  “No. You don't need to. What's right for me doesn't need to be right for you. I'm sorry I pushed you.” Jamie nodded and had the sudden desire to kiss Sebastian.

  “Where's Agnes?” Sebastian asked, looking at the door for good measure.

  “Bed. Kai?” Jamie asked in return. “Bowling with the guys from his team.” Sebastian got up and took his crutches. Jamie's heart sank and he had no idea what he done now, to put Sebastian to flight. At the door, Sebastian turned with a seductive smile on his face and crooked his finger. “Follow me.”

  Jamie got up so fast, that he almost became dizzy. He knew that smile, he had seen it plenty of times with different men. Only this time, he knew that he had an equal glint in his eyes too and what was going to happen would be of mutual satisfaction and desire.


  Sebastian pushed Jamie to the bed, kissing him fervently. He moaned as Jamie's experienced tongue explored his mouth, but he broke the kiss. He needed to set ground rules, as unromantic and passionless that sounded, even in his own head.

  “We need to take it slow. If I am too fast forward, stop me...” Sebastian wasn't done talking, but Jamie was done listening. Between kisses, he managed to say: “Stop talking.”

  They didn't fumble around for long, instead they went straight for the price.

  “Oh God, you feel so good.” Jamie moaned and got on his knees. Sebastian's hand caressed Jamie's hair lovingly, while Jamie began sucking him off, swallowing him deep in his throat. Sebastian moaned and had a hard time keeping his hips steady. Jamie pushed his own pants down and started fingering his hole, to make it ready for Sebastian. He was drugged with lust and need. Sebastian felt his balls tighten and pushed Jamie off of him.

  “Too much.” he panted. Jamie's lips were swollen from the sucking, looking deliciously.

  “Get on the bed.” Jamie growled. “Lie on the back. I hope you have lube and condoms...” Sebastian reached out to a drawer and Jamie found everything he needed. To Sebastian's surprise, Jamie put the condom on his cock and lubed it up, then he straddled Sebastian and slowly lowered his body over Sebastian's waiting tool. Sebastian gasped, when he entered Jamie for the first time and Jamie let his head fall back in bliss. His eyes were closed, his mouth was partly open and his body was covered in a thin sheen of sweat. Once he felt Sebastian fully inside of him, he stopped and let the feeling flow inside his body. “You are gorgeous.” Jamie mumbled and started kissing Sebastian. Slowly he started making love, moving deliberately gently and taking his time to kiss and nibble at Sebastian, whose moans were intoxicating. “I'm not going to last much longer. Touch yourself! I want to come with you.” Sebastian gasped and shifted a bit for Jamie to gain easier access to his rock hard cock. They moaned and groaned in unison. Words were spoken, but they held no importance, nor were they coherent. “Oh my... oh Jamie...” With a shudder, Sebastian came violently into the condom. The throbbing of his meat combined with the look on his face, made Jamie join him and spill his seed over his hand and Sebastian's body.

  Tremors shook Sebastian and Jamie collapsed on top of him. Gently, he pulled himself off and disposed of the condom in a tissue. Jamie cuddled close to Sebastian and started drawing circles in the drying cum on Sebastian's stomach.

  “Don't say a word.” Sebastian warned Jamie and he started to laugh.

  “What?” Jamie feigned shock.

  “I know you. You are going to ruin the mood with something sappy or inappropriate.” Sebastian teased.

  “I just wanted to say that this was the first and the best make up sex I ever had. It almost makes me think that we should fight more.”

  “See, that's what I meant. This was our first time having sex and you talk about fighting and making up...”

  “You could kiss me to shut me up.” was Jamie's suggestion and Sebastian eagerly obliged.

  The rest of the night was spend making love in various positions, with of course taking good care to reduce the load on Sebastian's knee as much as possible.

  They formed a bond that night, stronger than the one they had had before and deeper than each had ever experienced in their lives prior to meeting each other.

  ~~Chapter 11~~

  “Do you have a suit?” Jamie asked Sebastian out of the blue, while they were brushing their teeth together in the bathroom. Sebastian arched his eyebrow, looking at Jamie through the mirror.

  “I only ever see you in sweatpants or jeans, it's a legitimate question.” Jamie shrugged and didn't look up when he spit out his toothpaste.

  “Of course I own a suit. Why should I wear one at home though?” Sebastian wondered and Jamie didn't reply. Instead, he dried his face and went to the kitchen, ignoring his lover calling after him.

  Jamie set the table for four and made breakfast. He got coffee brewing and started making the batter for chocolate chip pancakes. Absentmindedly, he started to hum a song while baking pancake after pancake. Something about it always calmed him, soothed him. Agnes sneaked into the kitchen and put her arms around her happy father. She felt him tense, but then he turned in her arms and smiled lovingly at her.

  “I'm making your favorites.” Jamie said and kissed her head, before turning his attention back to the skillet and letting his face drop once again.

  “Why are you so happy?” Agnes asked, loving to see her father smiling like this.

  “Can you keep a secret?” Jamie asked her conspiratorially. Agnes turned to the door to check if no one was coming down the stairs and then nodded eagerly.

  “I can too, princess.” Jamie chuckled and Agnes went to the table and sat down crossing her arms in front of her chest. “Not fair.”

  “I know. But can't your old man be happy for a change. Look, the sun is shining, the trees are starting to blossom and I have a beautiful boyfriend. And let's not forget my daughter.” Jamie winked at her and set a plate in front of her. Agnes couldn't help but crack a smile. Jamie sighed and turned around, closed his eyes for a brief moment and counted to ten, before opening
them, his fake smile in place again.

  “Still, you keep secrets.”

  “You'll know all in good time.” Jamie reassured her and greeted Kai, who came in and sat down next to Agnes. Kai earned himself an angry glare, when he started to pick at her pancakes. Kai simply yawned noisily and stretched his arms above his head. Jamie was relieved when the attention was lifted off of him.

  Sebastian came into the kitchen, still limping, but without his crutches. A few days ago, his physiotherapist had given him the okay to try and walk without support for short distances, longer distances required his old cane. In a few more weeks, the splint would come finally off too, Sebastian looked anxiously forward to that day. He sat at the table and Jamie sat a plate of pancakes in front of him and placed a tender kiss in his hair. They had breakfast, like they had every morning and after that, their usual routines began.

  Agnes got ready for school and hastened past her father, barely having time to kiss him goodbye, before she jumped into Kai's car and was gone for the day. Jamie caught himself thinking that she was hiding something, too. Maybe it was nothing, but he had a hunch and that hunch had to do with a male name (Jordan) that Agnes used a lot recently. He had a feeling that his little princess had a crush on a boy.


  Jamie had taken up his morning runs again, after Agnes started to tease him about being out of shape. Of course he wasn't, but Agnes already liked to tease him about his age and his graying hair, it was only a matter of time until she picked up on his newest sore spot. Jamie never would admit it, but he was very vain and he wanted to look his best for Sebastian. Sebastian – who had turned out to be the perfect match for him. Together they started to get to know each other. And as long as Sebastian avoided the topic of Jamie's father, everything was going smoothly between them. Well almost – another topic that always brought on tension was money, and Sebastian pushing Jamie to take up studying again. Jamie was still waiting for an official answer from the local college, but he had been assured that it would only be a formality and that he would be able to finish his last semesters and to finally become an architect. Sebastian was mesmerized when he discovered Jamie's drawing talent, something he had kept under wraps for a long time and only by chance, Sebastian had found out about it. His sketchbooks were full of buildings and landscapes and occasionally, but rarely, there was a portrait of Agnes and Sebastian. Sebastian wanted to support his talent and since he was already paying for Agnes's education, he insisted on paying for Jamie's too. Jamie didn't like being dependent on the generosity of others, but this time, Sebastian didn't let go until he finally had his will.

  Jamie was grateful for everything Sebastian did and that he wanted to share his life and money with him, but it still made him uncomfortable. Sebastian on the other hand insisted that once Jamie had earned his bachelor and subsequently his master's degree in home architecture, Jamie would build them their dream house.

  Sebastian was looking into finding a new job too. He still had a contract to write one more book with a publishing house and he played with an idea about what to write, but he didn't dare to ask permission to use this person's life for his book. Of course, he was thinking about Jamie and writing down his story, but he was wary to ask about it. The other option would be to become a ballet teacher. He had the chance to live in a city that had a very famous ballet school and the dean was practically begging Sebastian to come and teach for them. He still needed time to think it through. He loved dancing, it was his life, but he wanted to do the dancing, not watching and instructing some talentless youngsters living his dream. Of course he knew that he was very judgmental towards his 'maybe-future-students', and still, the decision was not an easy one to make. Sebastian hadn't told Jamie about the job offer, he didn't even tell Kai about it, he needed time to sort through his thoughts alone, at least until he knew which way his final answer would incline.


  Jamie sat on the last steps of the stairs and tied his running shoes. Sebastian watched him, his arms crossed in front of his chest, taking in the sculpted body of his boyfriend. After the disaster with his ex-husband, he had almost lost hope to find another man to share his life with, but despite, or maybe just because, of all their differences, they were a perfect match. Sebastian admired how Jamie was able to adjust to his new life and embrace the changes. But something seemed to be still bothering him. He had his brows furrowed and was much more eager to go for his run than he had been the last days. In two hours though, Jamie would be home again, sweaty and smelly and Sebastian's thought went somewhere else.

  Jamie got up and pushed his phone into his pocket, the headset dangling down his leg. “I love it when you look at me like that. Keep that thought.” Jamie kissed Sebastian passionately, running his hands over his back and down to his ass. He gave it a teasing squeeze before he slipped out of the door, with Sebastian still grinning and touching his lips absentmindedly. Jamie knew exactly what effect he had on Sebastian and it was an incredible turn on for him.

  Jamie put the ear-buds in place and began his run. It was a beautiful day, but like almost every day for a week now, he didn't give the landscape too much attention. Instead, his thoughts went back to his father. He had started to call him when he was alone at home and talk to his father. It was still private for him. After all the drama, he wanted to clear the situation on his own, without Sebastian or Agnes at his side to tell him which way to go. Their talks had been awkward at first. The men knew that they were basically talking to strangers and the only bond they shared was their name and their blood. And maybe some distant memories of the past.

  Their first calls were brief and filled with basic information. Jamie wanted to give his father the opportunity to get to know the man he had become, but it was hard for him to keep the accusations to a minimum. Soon they were out of shallow talk though and his father asked the crucial question. “What have you been doing? How did you manage so well for yourself?” Jamie had been furious and he had screamed at his father, while his whole story spilled out of him. Every detail spilled out of him, until he fell down onto the sofa exhausted and grateful for being alone at the hours of those calls. His father hadn't said a word. Jamie heard deep breathing and even a few sniffles, before Brady McCarrick whispered hoarsely. “I'm sorry, son.” And the call was disconnected. Jamie had allowed himself to fall apart for a brief amount of time, shedding his tears of frustration and sadness under the warming shower spray.

  Once he heard Sebastian entering the bathroom and when he felt the cold air enter the shower stall, he put on a mask of indifference. Everything was supposed to be just like every other day. Jamie was surprised at how eager and needing Sebastian appeared to be exactly that day and how he ignored Jamie's red rimmed eyes. What Sebastian did to him however, was more than he could have done, asking about his day and investigating about it. He took charge and successfully took Jamie's thoughts away from his father, if only for a short time. This morning, Jamie tried to avoid Sebastian's eyes and busied himself with other things. He didn't want to lie to him, he simply wasn't ready to share it all just yet.


  Lying in bed that afternoon, Jamie had his head on Sebastian's chest, listening to his heartbeat. It was one of the most soothing sounds he came across recently. Sebastian ran his fingers through Jamie's hair, like he was combing his soul and Jamie didn't want to pretend anymore. He wanted the burden off his chest and he knew that his strongest confidant and his best friend was lying underneath him.

  “I talked to him. Several times. Told him everything. The truth. My father, I mean.” Jamie waited for Sebastian's reaction. He didn't make a sound, but the brushing of his hair had stopped, just a tiny moment, but long enough to pick up on it. “He disconnected the call yesterday. I didn't dare calling him again today. I think he was shocked and didn't know what to do. And I... I wasn't very sensitive. I was just so furious when he asked me about how I did it to manage so well and... it simply spilled out of me. The hurt. The anxiety. The frust
ration. Everything. Say something! Please.” Sebastian was surprised, but proud and weighing his words carefully, because he didn't want to sound condescending.

  “I'm proud of you. Very much so. I knew something was wrong yesterday when I stepped into the shower with you. Now I know what it was. Thank you for trusting me with it.” Jamie shuffled until he rested his upper body's weight on his elbow.

  “Really?” Jamie asked, stunned. He had been waiting for a lecture, but instead Sebastian was nothing but supportive.

  “Of course.”

  “I asked you about a suit this morning. Do you remember that?” Sebastian nodded. His heart started to beat faster and he was anticipating what was coming next.

  Jamie thought this moment would be as good as any to ask his question. He took Sebastian's hand and kissed his knuckles, before locking eyes.

  “Would you mind going to the cemetery with me and Agnes tomorrow? My dad told me where my mom is buried and I want to say my final good-byes. With you at my side. My dad and I, we had this all planned out and I am not sure if he will show up after... but I want to go anyway.”

  Sebastian's heart sank a bit and he released a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding, but he nodded his head. What had possessed him to think Jamie would be asking that crucial other question was beyond him, but he couldn't deny that he had been hoping for it. Instead, he would support Jamie when he wanted – no, needed, to grieve at his mother's grave.


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