In Chains

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In Chains Page 14

by K. L. Thorne

  “Hi, Haros,” she eventually answered. Her voice shook with nerves, though she tried her best to control them.

  “You’re back already? How long have I been out?” He cleared his throat.

  “A few hours, I suppose?”

  There was an awkward pause.

  “So, uh, how was the party?”

  “It was alright.” Sivelle took a long swig straight from the wine bottle.

  “Good, glad to hear it.”

  There was another, longer pause.

  “Sorry, I’ve got be honest – I’m not used to making small talk whilst blindfolded and chained to a bed. This is uncharted territory for me.” Haros laughed.

  “It’s most definitely uncharted for me as well!”

  Sivelle smiled, despite her nervousness. Her demon’s smart mouth never failed to help put her at ease, even in such strange circumstances.

  “If you wanted this, you could have just asked, you know,” he continued. “Actually, you probably wouldn’t have even needed to ask. Giving me the eye would have been more than enough encouragement. You didn’t need to chain me up.”

  “I’m… I’m just a little hesitant, that’s all. It makes me feel better knowing I’m in full control,” Sivelle admitted, and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She might as well begin as she meant to go on, with honesty.

  “Then just ask me to take my time? I’m not a monster.”

  Sivelle set the wine bottle aside and tiptoed to the foot of the bed.

  “Then again, this is quite exciting. I’m interested to see what exactly you have planned for me.” Haros grinned.

  Even with half his face covered by a blindfold, that smile still made Sivelle’s legs weak. The memory of his kiss came flooding back to her in an instant. Without him able to judge her, she took in his body unabashed. He really was a sight to behold with his arms bound and all those hard planes of muscle stretched out before her. Sivelle itched to touch him.

  She hopped onto the mattress beside him and Haros flinched with surprise. Sivelle held her breath and they both sat in silence for a moment.

  “Are you just going to sit there and look at me all night?” Haros smirked. “Because I want this blindfold off so I can join in, if that’s the case. What are you wearing right now?”

  “Not much,” Sivelle replied casually, ignoring her heart hammering in her chest.

  “Yeah? I’d like to see that.”

  Sivelle bravely walked forwards on her knees and clambered on top of him, placing one leg either side of his body. The princess watched Haros’s strong arms flex against the hold the cuffs had on him.

  “So, turns out this blindfolded and bound thing is seriously frustrating. Fuck, what I wouldn’t give for my hands right now.”

  With a smug smile, Sivelle sat her bottom down gently into his lap. Haros sighed and shifted himself beneath her.

  “Alright, now we’re talking. That’s a bit better.”

  Sivelle nibbled her lip nervously. She and Haros sat in silence once more. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, Haros interjected.

  “Don’t just sit there – kiss me or something. The ball’s in your court, sweetheart. You’re in charge, remember?”

  Sivelle scowled, and though she realised the demon was goading her, she gave in. She leant in to press her mouth against his, tucking her hair over her shoulder.

  She took the demon’s head in her hands and led the kiss as best she could. Sivelle was sure she lacked the skill and finesse Haros must be used to, but she was determined to be the most improved at the very least.

  She paid close attention to Haros’s kiss and attempted to mirror his mouth with her own. The demon grunted at her, a delightfully masculine sound, which served only to spur her on. When he opened his mouth to her, she boldly dipped her tongue into him, inviting another firm, passionate kiss like the one they had shared on the balcony. This time there would be no intrusion from Mivian. Her stomach flipped over with excited anticipation.

  “You’ve never done this before, have you?” Haros asked between kisses, his voice deep and coarse.

  “Oh no! Does it show? Is it terrible?” Sivelle cried, sitting up suddenly.

  “No, not at all. That’s not what I meant,” Haros growled. “Get back down here.”

  Sivelle cautiously lowered her face back to his, and he kissed her again.

  “Then what did you mean?”

  “I just wondered how far you wanted to go with all this tonight.”

  Almost to prove his intent, Haros ground his hips up against her and Sivelle faltered, feeling a distinct, unmistakeable hardness press against her bottom.

  He was already that excited from just kissing? Sivelle fought against a smug smile.

  “I’m not sure,” she replied honestly.

  “Alright, well, what are you interested in trying?”

  Sivelle sat back a little, pausing for a moment to digest Haros’s question.

  “I’m not sure about that either. How would I know? I’ve never done something like this before.”

  “What sorts of things do you think about when you’re alone?”

  Sivelle felt her face heat up. “You mean…?”

  “Touching yourself, yeah.” He laughed breathlessly.

  “Well, I mean, I, uh. That’s, um…”

  “Don’t tell me you don’t even do that?” Haros asked, his brows raised incredulously over the blindfold.

  “W-well, it’s complicated!” Sivelle spluttered. “I’ve tried, once or twice, but—”

  “Wow, you really are new to all of this then… And I mean that in a good way, before you get all defensive. It’s such a turn-on knowing you’ve never done this with anyone before me.”

  A dark spot caught Sivelle’s eye. On the under-side of his bicep, Haros had a small, intricate tattoo. It appeared to be an ancient-looking symbol. She ran the pad of her finger across it curiously.

  “What’s this?”

  “It’s a hex mark,” Haros replied.

  “A hex mark? That doesn’t sound good.”

  “I paid a pretty penny for it, that much I can tell you. The mark renders me infertile. It’s not permanent but you can rest assured that whilst I have it on my skin, I won’t be able to impregnate you.” He grinned.

  “I didn’t realise that was even possible…” Sivelle muttered.

  “It’s very possible, trust me.”

  Sivelle paused. How much sex was the demon getting back in Banesteppe that required him to have a tattoo like that? Was he even single? Did he have some poor demon woman fretting for his safety back at home? She felt concern bubbling in her chest.

  Obviously sensing her hesitation, Haros curled his hips up against her once more.

  “You alright, sweetheart?”

  “Do you have anyone special waiting for you back in Banesteppe, Haros?” she asked quietly.

  “No, I don’t. The mark isn’t for that reason, Princess. It’s just a security measure.”

  “Do you find yourself requiring a ‘security measure’ a lot?” Sivelle replied frostily as her jealousy flared wildly out of control.

  “From time to time, I won’t lie. I’m hoping this is going to turn out to be one of them.”

  “You want to have sex with me, then?”

  “More than anything… As long as it’s what you want,” Haros grated, rubbing himself against her again. “Why don’t I tell you about some of the things I’d like to do, and you can let me know if any of them take your fancy? So to speak.”

  Sivelle smiled and lowered her mouth to his once more, kissing him passionately. Haros took her lower lip between his teeth and it took Sivelle a few moments to realise the gasp she had heard was her own.

  “Give me your neck,” Haros huffed, and Sivelle eagerly shifted towards him.

  Her eyelids fluttered closed as he trailed hot, wet kisses down her throat. She grasped fistfuls of the sheets either side of him.

  “Thinking about you, about the things I’d like to
do to you, is all I’ve done since I met you. The list is endless,” Haros snarled against her skin.

  As his mouth made its way to her collarbone, Sivelle pushed herself forwards further still. She barely held back a whimper as Haros kissed her chest, just like he had done on the balcony.

  There was one vital difference. This time, she wasn’t protected by her dress. The demon’s hot mouth nestled between her breasts as he kissed all over. Sivelle sighed as he took one of the peaks into his mouth through the silk of her camisole.

  He latched onto her, his saliva wetting through the thin material, and the princess jolted, surprised when she felt his attentions rouse a reaction between her legs.

  The aching was familiar and she was instantly reminded of all the times she had read and re-read that stray romance novel of Lori’s. She bitterly regretted having been unable to find it in her sister’s bedroom.

  Her thoughts flickered to one scene in particular, in the last chapter, where the hero had kissed his heroine ‘betwixt her thighs’, as only lovers do. It was her favourite.

  Sivelle shuddered. She could ask Haros to do that for her. Her curiosity could finally be sated this night. Would it be as she had imagined? She whimpered; heated thoughts combined with the demon’s suckling on her had arousal blooming between her legs already.

  “No man has ever been inside you. It’s been driving me crazy, thinking about how hot and wet and tight you’re going to be,” Haros growled, swapping his mouth from one nipple to the other.

  “That night I gave you a massage,” he continued, his voice muffled around her breast. “I wanted to get you relaxed, to touch you all over before eventually sliding my oiled fingers between your thighs and over your flesh until I found your sweet spot.”

  Sivelle sat up, tugged her silk camisole off over her head and threw it haphazardly away across the room. She leant forwards, eager for Haros to continue.

  He moaned and enveloped a sensitive nipple with his mouth. Sivelle’s brows knitted together. How could someone’s mouth be so hot? His kiss was scalding, leaving her flesh tingling and raw in its wake.

  “What next?” she panted.

  “I’d tease you for as long as you could stand it. Once you were dripping, swollen and begging for me to make you come, I’d get those pretty legs back by your ears—” Haros swapped his mouth to the other breast once more and swirled his tongue around the peak. “Open that pretty little quim up to me and—”

  “Kiss it,” Sivelle gasped. The words fell from her mouth before she could stop them. She felt Haros’s mouth curve into a smile around her flesh.

  “Sounds like someone does have an idea of what they’d like, after all. Is that what you’d like me to do? Kiss you until you come?”

  Sivelle squeezed her eyes shut and nodded.

  “If you’re nodding, I can’t see you – remember?”

  “Yes! Yes, I want that,” she whimpered.

  “I’d fucking love to, sweetheart, but you’re going to have to bring that sweet little honey pot to me… Unless you’re feeling brave and would like to unchain me?” His arms tugged against his restraints once more.

  Sivelle rolled away and hastily pulled her kickers off, throwing them in the same direction as the silk vest. Her eyes locked on the intimidating bulge in Haros’s underwear. Deep down, at the back of her mind, Sivelle’s reservations screamed at her. She ignored them. Her arousal sky-rocketed just looking at the semi-naked demon laid out before her.

  “How do I, um…?” she whispered and leant in for another delicious kiss. Her bare breasts pressed against Haros’s muscular chest, exciting her further.

  “Lady’s choice. As long as I can get my mouth on you, I’m not fussed.” Haros grinned.

  Sivelle awkwardly clambered on top of him once more. She knew it was ridiculous but despite the demon’s blindfold, she felt shy with her body bared. Sivelle span around and backed herself towards Haros’s face.

  Though the demon arched to meet her eagerly, Sivelle hesitated just out of his reach.

  Haros huffed impatiently. “I want my fucking hands! Sivelle, sweetheart, don’t over-think it… Just a bit closer.”

  Holding her breath, the princess shuffled back an inch on her knees and steadily brought her exposed flesh into contact with him.

  Haros groaned and snaked his hot, wet tongue against her. Sivelle gasped and jolted, lifting her hips out of his reach once more.

  “Come on now, don’t be a tease,” Haros hissed.

  Sivelle watched in wonder as his body responded to hers and the hard column of flesh twitched beneath the material of his undergarments. She obediently lowered her nethers to his mouth once more.

  This time, it was her turn to moan. It was far more intense than she had been expecting. Her thighs trembled either side of Haros’s head and her hips jerked every time he brushed his tongue gently against her sensitive flesh, but she held steady.

  “That’s it, good girl,” he groaned and pushed his tongue deeper as he explored her.

  Sivelle released a shaky breath and curled her toes. The sensitivity dulled with every swipe of his tongue, replaced with waves of pleasure.

  Without ever realising, Sivelle began to subtly rock her hips into the demon’s kiss and he matched her impatience with bolder swirls of his tongue against her. It was better than she had ever imagined it would be. The princess allowed her head to flop forwards, her long hair falling around her like a curtain.

  The grunts and hums from Haros just served to push her on further. Every appreciative groan had Sivelle gasping for air.

  A needy cry escaped her as her desire continued to build. Her sex clenched and her stomach fluttered with excitement. Though she had never experienced anything remotely like this before, she instinctively understood what she was pushing her body towards. She needed more.

  Haros sped his motions up and Sivelle arched her body back against him, forcing him to focus his attentions where she wanted it.

  Her sex ached and the pleasure continued to grow. She gazed hungrily at the demon’s hard cock. What he was doing for her felt amazing, more so than she would have thought. Was she brave enough to return the favour? She licked her lips, unsure of how to even start.

  Haros chose that exact moment to lean forwards and suckle her swollen flesh gently into his mouth. Sivelle’s elbows nearly buckled. Her brows knitted and her mouth fell open into a silent scream before she clenched her jaw.

  “Oh!” she hissed through her teeth as her pleasure peaked. Her entire body shuddered as the force of her orgasm began to rip through her. A soft moan escaped her every time her inner muscles clenched and released in rhythmical waves. Haros lapped at her slowly, savouring her pleasure.

  When the orgasm had finally subsided, Sivelle jerked her sensitive flesh away from Haros’s mouth and scrambled to the foot of the bed, her limbs heavy. She sat with her feet curled beneath her, panting hard and shaking from the aftershocks.

  Haros didn’t speak. She watched his wide chest rising and falling as he caught his breath, and her eyes trailed back to the firm bulge nestled beneath his undergarments.

  Sivelle pressed her lips together nervously, but crawled forwards. Haros startled as she reached out to trail her fingertips curiously up its length.

  “Don’t tease me, Sivelle,” he growled warningly.

  Face to face with Haros’s manhood, a memory crept to the forefront of her consciousness. She recalled a conversation she, Lori and Faye had had a few years ago.

  Lori had been meeting in secret with a handsome waiter who had been hired to serve at Faye’s eighteenth birthday party. One evening, Lori had returned to their chambers with an interesting dilemma. Whilst she and the waiter had been fooling around, he had tried to persuade her to take him into her mouth. Lori had declined in no uncertain terms, but had come to her sisters for reassurance.

  At the time, both Sivelle and Faye had agreed that it was a ridiculous thing to be asked, but now, for the first time in years, that waiter's sug
gestion was coming back to haunt Sivelle.

  She eyed the glorious demon laid out before her. Should she take him into her mouth? According to Lori, the waiter had seemed very keen on the whole idea, but that didn't mean Haros would feel the same.

  Sivelle reached forwards and hooked her fingers beneath the waistband of Haros’s undergarments.

  Chapter Eleven

  This was it. After all the near-death experiences and close-calls he’d had in his military life, Haros was going to meet his untimely end at the hand – or mouth – of a virgin faerie princess.

  The demon balled his fists tightly, straining against his manacles. What had started as titillating had quickly transformed into mind-blowingly frustrating.

  The princess hesitated with her fingers curled over the edge of his waistband. Haros sighed and shifted impatiently.

  “My dick is going to hate me for saying this, but don’t feel like you have to do anything you don’t want to, Sivelle.”

  “I think I want to, I’m just not sure how…” she trailed off.

  Haros barely kept from laughing but he held back, knowing his delight would be misconstrued by the princess as condescending. He didn’t want to risk ruining such a delicate moment. He would never forgive himself for missing the opportunity.

  “Alright, well you’re not going to get far whilst I’m still clothed.”

  Sivelle scoffed. “I know that much. I’m just… Working up to it.”

  Haros knew he shouldn’t bait her. He should be kind to her, let her take her time, but alas, most of his blood was mysteriously absent from his brain. It was a familiar physical state that never failed to get him into trouble.

  “See, this is why you shouldn’t have tied me up. I’m more experienced than you. I could have—"

  Sivelle growled at him and yanked his underwear down with more force than was strictly necessary. Though taken by surprise, Haros lifted his hips obediently for her.

  “I can do this,” she said, but her voice shook, betraying her nerves.

  I am a bad, bad man…

  “Go on then, sweetheart.”

  He felt Sivelle hesitantly grasp his shaft in her hand and it took all of his control to keep from bucking his hips up into her. He waited, frozen with anticipation, as he felt the princess lean in closer, closer…


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