Broken Rules

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Broken Rules Page 7

by Olivia Jake

  At one point, being the no-nonsense woman that she was, Patricia asked Jesús why he had so many tattoos. The table got quiet, sensing this was a taboo subject. In fact, even Alex had never asked him fearing what she might hear. But she, and the rest of the table was surprised when, after he looked down, then shrugged and answered, “When I got most of them, I didn’t like who I was, and I guess I was trying to hide myself from the rest of the world.” He shrugged and then added, “or turn me into someone I wasn’t.” Everyone at the table stopped, no one was expecting such a sincere response from the, until then, mostly silent Jesús.

  But Patricia wasn’t one to be deterred, “Do you regret having them?”

  Jesús smiled and shrugged again, “They’re part of who I am now. A lot of them are from a past that isn’t me anymore, but you can’t erase your past. I just happen to be reminded of that every day.” He held out his arms as a way of showing the visual reminders. Patricia seemed satisfied and nodded.

  The Teresa chimed in and said softly, “I like the way they look.” Giving a shy smile which made Jesús smile and Marco frown. Lydia suggested they clear the plates and get coffee going for dessert. Alex tried to stifle a yawn, but wasn’t very successful. Marco saw it and leaned over “Eres, cansada, Corazon?”

  Alex nodded, “It’s been a really long day.” And smiled softly.

  “Mama, I’m going to take Alexandra and Jesús back to the hotel. We’ve had a long day and we’re going to be working tomorrow. I’ll be back soon.” Alex shot him a look of thanks, and then she and Jesús said their thanks for the dinner and bid everyone good night.

  When they got to the hotel, Marco insisted on helping Alex with her luggage to her room. She and Jesús had rooms next to each other in the small, plantation-style hotel. They both had balconies and views of the water, and while modest, the rooms were clean and quaint.

  It was clear that Marco wasn’t going to be saying goodbye to Alex in the hallway as he physically walked her luggage into her room. For the first time since meeting, they were alone together and Alex was suddenly very aware of this fact. Marco put down the last piece of equipment and then walked over to Alex. She was about to say something, when he smiled and said, “This is the first time I’ve had you all to myself, Alexandra.”

  “That’s because we’re working together, Marco.” Alex smiled back, tilting her head to look up at him as he was now just inches from her.

  “Si, Corazon, I know that. But I’d like to be doing more than just working together,” he said as he traced his hand down her cheek, along her collarbone and down her shoulder, “Wouldn’t you?” he asked seemingly rhetorically as he brushed her hair back and leaned down to kiss her neck. Alex inhaled sharply when his lips touched her neck and she could feel him smile, “Is that a yes?” he chuckled.

  Alex pulled back and said in a breathy pant, “No, Marco. That’s not a yes.” Which wasn’t even convincing to her.

  “Porque no, Corazon?” he asked, walking her backwards, his hands brushing her hair off her face. When Alex’s back hit the wall, he leaned down again and pressed his whole body against hers, she sighed, he felt so good she instinctively lifted her hands up to his shoulders and looked up to him as he leaned down and this time kissed her on the lips. She couldn’t help but open her lips and let him in. He pulled her closer to him with one hand around her back and the other grabbing the back of her hair as their kiss became more and more passionate. They started devouring each other, his rough stubble rubbing against her lips, their tongues lapping at each other, their lips moving in unison like they couldn’t get enough. At 37, Alex had been with enough men to know that even just kissing Marco was different. Was it him? Was it his ‘technique’? Whatever it was, Alex had never before felt her body respond this way, this immediately, to any other man. Yet in her mind, she knew she shouldn’t be doing this.

  Finally, Alex pulled back, and panting said, “Marco,” he started nibbling at her neck as she tried to talk, “Marco, we can’t do this.” He bit her neck and she moaned loudly, pressing herself into him harder, feeling his erection through his pants.

  “Why not, mi amor?” he asked softly against her neck.

  “Because, we’re working together.” She tried to emphasize the word ‘working’ but all she got out of him was an, “mmmhmm” as he continued biting her neck finding that sensitive spot that sent shivers all throughout her body. He trailed up her neck and back to her mouth and started kissing her again, while his hand moved around to her front, under her shirt and up to her breast. He slid his hand under her bra and found her nipple, which he started playing with, making Alex moan even louder. She grabbed onto him feeling his body beneath her hands. After shooting him without his shirt, she knew that he was all muscle, but seeing it and feeling it were two completely different things. The man felt like a god, and it was only his back that she had her hands on. She knew the rest of him would feel just as good. Better.

  “Mmmm, you like that, mi amor?” he asked as he kissed her and continued to play with her nipple.

  “Marco,” she said and then he pinched harder eliciting yet another uncontrollable moan, though she was able to whisper, “you have to stop,” he pulled back, looking down at her, smiling that mischievous smile but keeping her nipple in his hand.

  “Stop what, mi amor? This?” as he pinched harder eliciting another gasp from Alex, “Or this?” as he ground his erection into her, making her pant, “Or this?” and he leaned down and bit her neck sending more sensation throughout her entire body.

  “All of it.” She somehow managed to say and lightly push him away. He looked down at her, removing his hand from under her shirt. Alex took a moment to regain her breath as she looked down and ran her hand through her hair, and said, “I’m sorry, Marco, I never should have let this happen.” She said, still panting.

  “Why not, Alexandra?” he asked as he reached out to her. She held her hand up.

  “Please, Marco. We’re working together. And I’m already having such a hard time saying no to you, if you keep pressing, I’m going to give in and I can’t do that, not with you.”

  His sweet smile faded and he looked hurt and insulted, “Why not with me?”

  “Aside from our working relationship and the fact that it would be incredibly unprofessional, because, you’re, um, an actor.” Alex looked down sheepishly.

  Marco laughed, “You don’t want to be with me because I’m an actor?” Alex looked up and nodded. “You’re serious, aren’t you?” She nodded again, biting her lip, feeling like an ass.

  “Wow, Alexandra. I’m disappointed. Not because of this,” he motioned with his arms to the two of them and what they’d been doing. “But because you think so little of me.” Alex started to open her mouth to explain but he continued, “I may “act” but it’s something I do, it’s not who I am.” He paused, and looked genuinely insulted and worse, disappointed in her, “I’m sorry that you can’t see that.”

  He walked to the door and turned around and said, “I’ll be here at 10am to pick you and Jesús up. Good night, Alexandra.” And with that, he turned around and walked out. Alex couldn’t help but think she had just made two colossal mistakes: the first, letting him kiss her. The second, letting him go.


  It took Alex a long time to fall asleep. She couldn’t stop thinking about what she and Marco did, and how good it felt. She had been so sure in her mind that she couldn’t be with him, but the way her body responded to his touch, she wondered if she had been wrong about him, about lumping him in with other actors. As she lay there, she replayed in her mind their brief make-out session and started touching herself. As she brought her hand up to her breast she remembered his hand there, and as she brought her other hand down to her clit, she could only imagine what he would be like, what his mouth would be like there. She knew how good he felt just kissing her lips and her neck. The way he moved, she knew that if she let him do more it would be so good. Twice now, she had felt how big he
was through his pants. She imagined that big cock of his inside of her as she played with herself until she finally came, lulling her into what would be a fitful night’s sleep.

  Alex woke early and decided to go for a run along the beach. Running always helped clear her mind, and in such a beautiful setting, she was looking forward to using her muscles to help push out the events of the day before. So much had happened, when she thought about it, the incident with Marco was really the least of it. After being afraid her entire life of getting on a small plane, she did just that, with the help of Jesús of course, but she got on and faced a fear she never before thought she’d be able to face. That plane ride was a huge step forward and Alex was proud of her accomplishment. That didn’t mean she was looking forward to getting back on another small plane to get home, but that was days away and she would cross that bridge later.

  She also realized while running, that she owed Marco an apology. She shouldn’t have let it get as far as it did, but she didn’t owe him an apology for that. She knew that it took two to tango. She needed to apologize for insulting him, for assuming he was like other actors when everything she had seen so far told her he wasn’t. She just hoped he was mature enough not to let it affect the rest of the shoot. And, if he wasn’t, well, Alex would have learned a very important lesson. What was done was done. She wasn’t going to beat herself up over it.

  When Alex finished showering and dressing, she couldn’t believe how nervous she was waiting for Marco. She wanted to apologize to him immediately, and was ready to do just that when there was a knock at her door at 9:45. She opened it only to see Jesús standing there, her disappointment evident on her face, “What’s wrong, Alex?” he asked. She smiled, feeling badly. She didn’t want to insult him too, as she shook her head and replied, “Nothing, nothing. How’d you sleep, Jesús? You ready for today?” He looked at her knowing something was up, but didn’t press it. He nodded and said, “Um, yeah, I’m ready.” They discussed briefly what equipment they’d bring agreed to wait down in the lobby for Marco. As Alex opened her door to walk out, she turned around to ask Jesús a question and walked right into Marco.

  “Good morning, Alexandra, Jesús.” He eyed them suspiciously as Jesús was grabbing bags out of Alex’s room.

  “Um, hi, Marco.” Alex said, feeling her face flush as she looked up into his blue eyes thinking it should be criminal to have eyes that color. It wasn’t fair, to be able to disarm people with just a look. Jesús followed with the equipment and the three of them walked in silence for a little bit until they got out of the hotel and to the car. Marco unlocked it and opened the back, but Alex hated the tension. “Jesús, can you load the equipment, I need to talk with Marco for a minute. We’ll be right back.” Jesús shot her a look that he didn’t approve, but she didn’t care. She looked up to Marco and asked, “Can we…?” He took a deep breath and nodded, then held his hand out so that they could go back in the hotel lobby for some privacy away from Jesús.

  Alex was surprised at how her heart was beating. She knew she was flushed, but it was out of embarrassment and nervousness more than arousal, this time. Marco was cool, distant, and she understood why. But she also realized very quickly how much she missed his light-hearted humor and flirting. She knew she couldn’t have it both ways but hoped there might be some middle ground.

  “Marco, I want to apologize to you for what I said last night. I made some assumptions about you that weren’t fair. I’m sorry if I insulted you.”

  “Thank you for apologizing, Alexandra. And I’m sorry for pushing you.” he smiled a bit sheepishly. Upon seeing that, Alex exhaled and he chuckled.

  “I think, this morning, just now, I just got a taste of cold Marco.” Alex said. And again, the minute she did she knew it came out all wrong. She blushed immediately and he laughed.

  “I tried to give you a taste of hot Marco last night, Alexandra.” And they both laughed. Then his voice and look went pure sexy and sultry, “And if you keep talking like that, about tasting me, ay dios, it’s going to be very hard not to end up back where we were last night.”

  “I’ll try to choose my words more carefully.” She said more breathlessly than she would have liked.

  “No, querida, I like it when you say what you feel, it’s more fun that way.” He winked.

  “Friends, then?” Alex held out her hand. He took it, but instead of shaking it, he brought it to his lips and kissed it.

  “On one condition.” He paused and she raised her eyebrows. “That you don’t assume I’m like all the other actors you’ve met. Trust me, Alexandra, I’ll prove you wrong.”

  “And once you do, once you prove me wrong? Then what?” Alex really didn’t know where this breathy voice was coming from, but the effect he had on her was something she couldn’t remember ever feeling.

  He laughed at her question. “Well, then, Corazon, if you like, you’ll get a taste of hot, cold, sweet, spicy and every other flavor that I offer.”

  “31 flavors of Marco?” she flirted back.

  “Tsk-tsk, Alexandra! Now how can you get mad at me when you shamelessly flirt like that?” he was smiling and they were both having fun.

  “Oh, I have shame, don’t you worry.” She blushed again. “Come on, let’s go shoot before I get myself into any more trouble.”

  “Ok, Corazon, but first,” he took her hand again and looked into her eyes and said, “thank you for apologizing. Truly. I don’t want you to think I’m like other actors. You’ll see, you’ll see what’s inside here,” and he pulled her hand to his heart.

  “You’re welcome,” she said sincerely, and then chuckled, and said chidingly, “but Marco, I know a line when I hear one!”

  He laughed and said, “But that was a good one, si?” he winked, grabbed her hand and led her out, “Ok, vamanos.” He kept her hand in his and they walked out of the hotel hand in hand. Alex couldn’t help but enjoy the feel of his strong hand guiding her through the building and out to the car. And as inappropriate as it was holding hands with him, there was something about it that felt so comfortable and so right, she didn’t pull away until they reached the car. Marco, ever the gentleman, opened her door for her, waited for her to get in and then closed it, then walked around to the driver’s side, got in, turned the engine over and said, “Let’s go take some pictures!” Alex chuckled wondering who this good-natured adonis actor was next to her, but she had a feeling that over the next few days, she was going to find out.


  Alex was glad she had apologized and cleared the air. It was very hard not to enjoy Marco’s humor and flirting. However, she reminded herself that there was an intensity and a seriousness to him as well. The way he turned cold and hard the night before, when he felt insulted, proved to Alex that there was much more to him than met the eye. As a photographer, her goal was to capture who he was beyond the pretty face. There was no question that he was going to look good in any photoshoot. But to capture more, to convey the essence of a person or a moment or a place, that’s what Alex strove for, and without resolution between the two of them, she knew she wouldn’t be able to ask for that. On shoots like these, editorial shoots, she felt like she was trying to not just capture an image, but to expose a person’s soul. Of course, for many of the people she shot, there wasn’t much of a soul to see. But she was getting the sense that there was more to Marco than met the eye. She wondered if she discounted him partly because of his looks, because damn, he was drop dead gorgeous. It was hard not to be disarmed by what was on the outside. But then she reminded herself of all the publicity she had seen on him, at clubs, on the town, a different girl on his arm each night. Seeing his abuela slap him upside his head was hard to reconcile with his party boy image she had heard about. Stop it Alex. It doesn’t matter if he’s a party boy or a momma’s boy. You’re here to shoot him. Period.

  “Corazon, what is it?” Marco asked, reaching over and stroking her cheek with his right hand, left hand on the steering wheel.

Huh?” Alex asked.

  “You were shaking your head, like you were having a conversation, but just with yourself.” He flashed a grin. God, that grin was deadly. “You disagreed, but I’m not sure who with.” He winked at her.

  So he was gorgeous and a mind-reader? Oh, Alex was in trouble. How could someone so pretty be so damn perceptive, she wondered.

  She laughed a light laugh and said, “Just shaking the cobwebs out. Trying to figure out the shoot, that’s all.”

  He looked at her and clearly didn’t believe a word she said as he raised his eyebrows and shook his head. “So that’s how it’s going to be, Corazon? Lies? Conmigo?” Marco asked as he continued to stroke her cheek.

  Jesús piped up just then, “Pendejo, you do know I’m back here, right?”

  Oh this was not good, Jesús calling Marco a word that ranged from stupid to mother-f-er. Marco chuckled but it was a tight laugh, “Did you really just call me that, Jesús?” before Jesus could answer, Marco continued, “In my town, in my car, on my shoot? Si alguien es el pendejo, es tu.” Damn, the testosterone was flaring again. Alex really had never dealt with two boys in their 20s both trying to assert their dominance and place. With her crew, the pecking order was always clear, Jesús was always her first assistant, everyone else was below him. The difference here wasn’t just the hierarchy though, it was that Marco was blatantly coming on to Alex, right in front of Jesús. And in all the time that Alex knew Jesús, she realized, he never saw her like this, like a woman. She understood that in his mind, he was protecting her.


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