Broken Rules

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Broken Rules Page 15

by Olivia Jake

  “No, Marco, I don’t.” she said, just above a whisper.

  “It gave me all day to think about how I was going to punish you. And it gave me oh so many reasons to punish you.”

  “Punish?” Alex squeaked.

  “Sí, por supuesto.” He grinned devilishly. “Now, enough talking. It’s time for your punishment young lady.” He sat down in the big guest chair and grinned up at her. Alex had no idea what was to come.

  “Take off all your clothes and lay yourself over my lap.” His tone so commanding, his inference clear. Alex hesitated. “Now, Alexandra. The longer the wait, the more spanks you’ll receive.” Alex felt herself flush. She’d never been spanked. Ever. Her parents never did, and no boyfriend ever tried to either. She’d heard about it being sexual, but she had no idea how or why it could be. Regardless, she was excited. She stripped quickly and then eyed his lap. Nothing had even happened yet and she was tingling with anticipation. And his expression, it alone made her wet.

  Marco patted his thighs and Alex laid herself across his lap. Once again, she felt incredibly vulnerable as she lay naked on his thighs, her breasts on the outside of his right thigh, her legs dangling, her ass in the air and her pussy exposed. And from her vantage point, she couldn’t see much other than the ground and his leg. But then she felt his hands rubbing her ass, and her worry melted away. He was gently stroking each cheek, down to the spot where they join with the thigh. He let his fingers travel to her inner thighs, but only far enough to get Alex frustrated. As he rubbed, Alex relaxed, enjoying the feel of his big, warm hands on her. Lulled into the feeling, she was shocked when he spanked her. Her whole body arched up, but he had placed one hand on the small of her back, keeping her there as if he anticipated her reaction. He immediately rubbed where he had spanked, the stinging subsiding quickly. Then he slapped the other cheek. Again rubbing it after. Then again, and again, and again. And what started out as pain and stinging started turning into a strange warmth that Alex was starting to enjoy. It hurt, but the more he spanked, the more she wanted it. It was like when he pinched her nipples, it hurt but she kept wanting it harder and harder. Alex was now arching her back pressing her ass higher as if asking for more. Her ass was on fire by now and suddenly, he stopped. Alex slumped back down onto him. She didn’t realize she had been panting. He started rubbing her ass which felt nice, but frustrating. She wanted the slaps again. Then he dipped his fingers into her and said, “Oh, Alexandra, you’re so wet, amor. Did you like that?”

  He knew the answer. And she was too embarrassed to admit that she did. So she just wiggled her bottom and he laughed. “Ok, Alexandra, stand up.” It took Alex a moment to find her footing, she was lightheaded from the spanking and from all the blood rushing to her head. But her ass was still stinging and she couldn’t believe it, but she wanted more. Marco tipped her chin up so that she was forced to look him in the eyes. “You liked that, didn’t you, Alexandra?”

  Alex just nodded, her face as flushed as her ass. Marco pinched her nipple hard. “Answer me.” Alex was starting to realize that Marco’s easy going nature was completely absent in the bedroom. He clearly needed to be in control. There really was so much more to him than met the eye.

  “Yes, Marco, I liked it. A lot.”

  “Good. Punishment is over.” He said sternly and then took her to bed and made love to her more tenderly than he had before.

  Alex couldn’t sleep all night. Everything was happening so fast with Marco. And not just that, but she let a man spank her. Even beyond that, as much as Alex liked that there was a depth to him, seeing that side to him scared her. Not that he hurt her, she wasn’t afraid of him physically. But seeing that side made it clear that as close as she felt to him, she knew that she really didn’t know him completely. Never in a million years would she have imagined his need to do that, much less actually doing it.

  She also didn’t like what it said about her. How could she enjoy that? How could she let someone do that to her?

  Alex wanted to slip out and go to her own room, but even given her feelings about what had happened, she still didn’t want to hurt him, and she knew that if she left, he would be. But she couldn’t lie there staring at the ceiling any longer. It was close to 4am, so she woke him.

  “Alexandra, what’s wrong? Are you ok? What is it?” he asked groggily. Once his eyes focused, he could see she was wide awake. “Alexandra?”

  “Marco, I’ve been awake all night trying to process what happened, and I can’t. I wanted to just leave and go to my room, but I knew that would upset you. So, I need to know, why did you do that?”

  She could see the wheels turning, trying to process what she was saying. He looked so confused. “Mi amor, do what?”

  Alex was shocked. Was this so commonplace to him that he didn’t even know what she was talking about? “The spanking. Why did you spank me? Why did you want to punish me?”

  “But Alexandra, you enjoyed it.” He said, still clearly confused.

  “That’s something else entirely. I need to know why you did it. It wasn’t just playing.”

  Marco ran his hands through his hair, rubbed his eyes and sat up. He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry if I hurt you, Corazon.” He said with regret.

  “You didn’t hurt me, Marco. Please, just tell me why.”

  He shook his head, “Dios, Alexandra. I, I like being in control. And I always have been, in my life, until I got into the industry.” He paused again and took a deep breath. “Everything about what I do now is giving up control. Directors direct me. Agents tell me where to go, what contracts to sign. Photographers tell me how to pose,” he paused and smiled at her. “And then yesterday, you asked me to lie, and I understand why, but once again I was doing something that someone else wanted me to do.”

  “So you took it out on me?” she asked softly.

  “It’s not like that. I would never hit a woman. I would never, ever hurt a woman.”

  “But you wanted to punish me because I asked you to do something you didn’t want to do. That’s not a terribly mature way to handle things.”

  He looked down and then back up to her eyes, “No, no it’s not.”

  “The other night, when I tied you up, did you like that?” he asked and Alex nodded. “Do you know why?” he asked sincerely.

  “I, I don’t know. I guess part of it was just that it was naughty.” Alex blushed and looked down. “Part of it was that I knew I was safe, but I liked giving up control to you. I, for once, I didn’t have to call the shots or make the decisions. I guess I knew you’d take care of me, and, well, I can’t say that I feel that safe with that many people that I’d let them do that.”

  He smiled a lopsided smile, “I’m glad you feel safe with me, Corazon.” He reached over and stroked her cheek. “But, just like you enjoyed giving up control to me, I enjoyed taking it. It’s just two sides to the same coin.” Alex nodded. It did make sense.

  “But I hate to think that I scared you, or that I made you doubt my intentions. I don’t ever want that.” He took her hands in his and then said, “thank you for not running away. Thank you for staying to talk about it.” Alex smiled and then yawned.

  “You really didn’t sleep all night? Oh, Alexandra, that just makes me want to punish you all over for waiting all night to talk to me.” He said sexily and she laughed.

  “Marco! Punishment is not the answer to everything!” she said while laughing.

  “I know, amor. But you did like it. Your body did at least.” He rolled towards her, reaching for her and pulling her to him. “Now, let me at least make it up to you. I can’t give you back your sleep, but I can give you other things.” he said sexily as he leaned in and started nibbling on her neck. Alex wasn’t sure if she was being weak, or if what he had said really did make sense. Intellectually, it did. But as his hands and mouth started working their magic on her body, she stopped thinking and took him up on his offer, and let him make it up to her over and over again.

  Alex finally
drifted off to sleep, only to wake to the sound of the shower. When Marco came out, he smiled tenderly at her and leaned over to kiss her forehead. “I’m glad you got at least a little sleep, mi amor.”

  Alex yawned and he laughed. “I think I might just go back to sleep. I have the day to myself after all.” She said, which brought on a frown from Marco.

  “Once again, I am going to be doing something I don’t want to, Alexandra.”

  “And it’s not my fault, Marco. Tiffany’s here to do a story on you. It makes sense she wants to spend the day with you.”

  He nodded, “I know. But it doesn’t mean I have to like it.” He sat down on the bed and took her hands in his.

  “This is our last night here together. I am telling Tiffany that she has me until late afternoon, but after that, I’m spending it with my family. I’ll come pick you up at 4. Then we’ll go to the house.”

  Alex was touched, knowing how close he was to them, that he wanted her to be part of that sacred time. She nodded and smiled. “Ok, amor, be good. I’ll be back by 4. Text me if anything changes.”

  Alex couldn’t help but say a little too enthusiastically, “Have fun with Tiffany!”

  Marco shot her a sexy smile, “And you wonder why I want to punish you?”


  Alex fell back asleep. Once she awoke, she went back to her room to change into running gear and then went for a long run. By the time she got back and cleaned up, it was already noon. She walked down to a nearby restaurant for a light lunch and then did some work back at her hotel room. She had already seen so much of the island, she realized that there was one thing she really wanted to do, one thing that she had experienced here that she hadn’t in years, and that was, she wanted to go spend more time with Lydia and Patricia. In the short time that she had spent with them, she felt mothered in a way that she hadn’t in so long. So she texted Marco to ask if he thought it would be ok with them if she went to the house without him. He said they would love her company, so she spent the rest of the afternoon with the Flores matriarchs.

  When he walked in, he saw Alex by the stove with Lydia. She was wearing an apron and tasting some sauce from a big pot. Alex held out the wooden spoon to Lydia who tasted it and smiled, “very, very good, Alexandra! Just a little more salt and spice…” she continued muttering as she turned away. Marco was touched to see Alex so comfortable with his mom, such a normal, domestic scene so far removed from everything he had come to know in Hollywood. He grinned from ear to ear and walked straight to Alex, wrapping her in a big hug.

  “Hi honey, I’m home.” He whispered in her ear as he lifted her off the ground, making Alex’s heart pound, spreading a feeling of warmth and love throughout her body.

  He put her down so that he could kiss his mother and grandmother hello. Then he said, “Mama, can I steal Alexandra for a moment?”

  “Of course, of course, the sauce needs to simmer for a while. Go, go…” she waved them off and Marco held his hand out, which Alex took, following him out to the patio.

  Once outside, Marco bent down and lifted Alex again into a tight hug and just held her there, breathing in her hair, holding her tightly. They stayed like that for at least a minute, not saying a word, just hugging. When he set her down, he looked down into her eyes while pushing the little wisps of hair that had fallen out of the ponytail, back behind her ears. He just stared at her and smiled a lopsided smile. But when he spoke, he looked pained.

  “I missed you so much today, Alexandra. And the more I missed you, dios, the more I wanted to come back here and take you to the hotel and do all kinds of things to you.”

  Once again, Alex was seeing a new side to him. She had seen him upset before, but this, this was something new, like he was fighting with himself.

  Alex asked softly, “Things that would scare me?” And even as she asked it, she could feel tingling deep down in her belly.

  Marco bit his lip and shook his head, “Alexandra, all day I’m with this woman who is asking me so many personal questions, questions she has no right asking. And all day I hold it in, and put on a good show. And all I can think about is coming back to you and ravishing you, feeling you, touching you.” He shook his head again, “all the interest in me, this article, none of it’s real. It’s all so superficial, so fleeting. You’re real. My family is real. But I, this industry has brought out a side of me…” he didn’t finish his sentence.

  He shook his head, leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Come, let’s go help my mother with dinner.” Obviously, he was done talking, and Alex wasn’t even sure what to say anyway.

  Marco was quieter than usual during dinner. He kept a hand on Alex’s thigh or held her hand in his as much as he could throughout the meal. After the third time of his mother asking him what was wrong, he finally said, “I’m just sad that this is our last night together, that’s all, mama. Coming home has brought up a lot of emotions for me. And I’m just tired... It’s been a long day, too many questions about my personal life. I’ve already given so much of myself to these people, and they just want more and more. It’s never enough it seems.”

  “You can’t stay longer, just relax?” Lydia asked. Alex knew how difficult it was to understand the stresses he was under. It all looked so glamorous on the outside, but she knew what the industry could do to people. She understood what he was talking about when he said they just keep taking and taking. Of course, she never experienced it first hand, but she had witnessed it. She knew it took a strong person to keep a level head amidst it all.

  Marco shook his head, “No, when we get back, I have to go on a publicity tour with Kimberly Cook, my costar, promoting the film. I leave the day after I return.” This was the first that Alex had heard of it and she knew that she visibly stiffened. She also knew she really had no right to feel jealous or worried. What did she and Marco have together? A few days? But all her fears about actors started bubbling up to the surface. He would be travelling with another woman, and even though Alex knew what a bitch she was, she couldn’t help but feel jealousy wash over her. Not just jealousy of him spending time with Kimberly, but the idea that in every town there would probably be women just throwing themselves at him. Of course, that could happen anywhere, including if he were staying put in LA. But rational thought was going by the wayside as Alex’s mind started working overtime.

  Alex was so lost in her thoughts, it must have been clear that this news hit her hard. Marco leaned over and whispered, “don’t, Alexandra.” Alex flinched, snapping out of her mind. But, unlike Marco, she wasn’t an actor. She couldn’t pretend the way he could. And she wasn’t in the mood for him telling her what to do. It was one thing in the bedroom, but something else entirely sitting there with his family.

  Alex took a deep breath and then excused herself to the bathroom. This was not how she wanted her last night with them to end. Once safely inside the bathroom she sat on the toilet and bit her lip as hard as she could to stop herself from crying, but to no avail. All she could do was let the tears come, which they did, as she silently shook. Sitting there, she knew that it wasn’t just jealousy bringing on these tears. She had become attached. She was going to miss Marco after being with him for such a concentrated amount of time, when they got back, there would be nothing. Alex knew what it was like to miss people. She still missed her parents, even all these years later.

  After a couple of minutes, the tears stopped, and Alex did her best to clean herself up before she went back out. She tried to put on a brave face, she even tried smiling, but the minute she did, she felt the tears prick her eyes again. Damn it. She did not want to be that woman. She really, really didn’t. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself before she turned the corner back into the dining room. She felt all eyes on her as she slinked back into her chair. Naturally, Patricia didn’t hold back.

  “Alexandra, what is it? Why have you been crying?”

  Great, just great. “I’m just sad to be leaving too, and nervous about tomorrow’s
flight… and like Marco said, it’s been a long few days, I think maybe I’m just tired.” She doubted anyone was buying this, not that all of that wasn’t the truth. It just wasn’t the whole truth.

  “Let’s get you back to the hotel, amor.” Marco said as he scooted his chair back. Alex nodded. When she got up, so did Jesús.

  Before they left the table, Alex turned to his mother and grandmother and said, “Lydia, Patricia, girls, I cannot thank you enough for everything. This is the first time since I was a teenager that I felt mothered and cared for in only the way that women can care for each other.” She paused, “I’m sorry I’m being so emotional, but this trip has been more than just a photoshoot, so much more.” She paused again, looking at Marco and giving him a soft smile. Then she turned back to the matriarchs. “Marco is a lucky man to have such strong women to lean on. It’s truly been an honor to spend time with you all and to get to know you. Please accept my, and Jesús’ thanks for all of your hospitality, and for welcoming us into your lives and your home. It’s been a very special time for both of us.”

  Alex walked over to Lydia and gave her a tight hug, then all the girls. Lastly, she hugged Patricia. She was afraid to squeeze too hard at first, but the minute Patricia got her hands on her she pulled her so tight to her small soft frame that Alex felt like if she stayed in her arms, she would be safe forever. She whispered in her ear, “He is a good man, Alexandra. I know you know that. I see the way he looks at you. It’s like the sun rises and sets on you. Trust me. Trust him. Trust your heart. Do not let Hollywood get in the way of what you feel inside.” Alex nodded, knowing if she uttered a word, the tears would start flowing again.

  Marco took time to say his goodbyes to everyone. Alex noticed that Jesus and Teresa were absent, she guessed they were outside on the patio saying their own goodbyes to each other. Eventually, they came back in, small smiles on both of their faces, Teresa’s lip gloss no where to be found on her lips, but traces of it on Jesús’. Alex had to stifle a smile.


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