Pretend I'm YoursA Fake Marriage Romance

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Pretend I'm YoursA Fake Marriage Romance Page 7

by Ella Miles

  But I’m not sure meeting her father while soaking wet was my best idea. I just needed a distraction from what she was wearing to keep everyone from thinking too hard about us. Now it seems stupid.

  “Are you going to introduce your friend and spend some time with your family at your party? Or are you just going to play, instead of handling your responsibilities, as always?” her father says.

  Larkyn takes my hand and leads me to the stairs of the pool, where she climbs out, kicking her heels off on the top step. I guess the heels don’t matter now she’s soaking wet. She doesn’t seem pissed at me for putting her in this predicament though.

  Her father starts walking into the house, and we follow. I snatch a towel off one of the chairs and wrap it around Larkyn, who gives me a curt smile and her own warning stare before we head into the house.

  Her father is now standing next to, what I presume is, her mother. Both dressed to the nines, while we are dripping on their marble floors. Shit. Stupid.

  I open my mouth to start charming her mother. I know I can at least handle that, but Larkyn squeezes my hand, and I stop. She wants to handle this. I’ll let her, as long as she includes the part where I’m her boyfriend.

  Her father eyes me again as he puts his hand around his wife, pulling her to him uncomfortably.

  “Mom, dad, this is Kade King, my boyfriend,” Larkyn says.

  Her mother smiles and her dad stiffens. I wasn’t brought here to make an ex-boyfriend jealous. I was brought here to stick it to her parents.

  I grin widely as I pull Larkyn to me and kiss her on the cheek.

  “You’ve raised a wonderful daughter, Mr. And Mrs. Veil. And you have a beautiful home.”

  “Thank you,” Mrs. Veil says.

  Larkyn’s father ignores me though and stares at his daughter. He shakes his head disappointedly, which confuses me.

  Anastasia decides to join in on the fun, with a man in tow who looks like a sad puppy following his master’s orders. They stand silently by, watching the exchange.

  Larkyn stares her father down, daring him to deny we are dating.

  “It’s nice to meet you Mr. King, but can I offer you a piece of advice?” he asks, but it isn’t a question. And he doesn’t look at me when he speaks. He looks at Larkyn.

  “Find another girl to date. Larkyn is only dating you for your money. I won’t give her any money unless she gets a grown-up job, which she can’t get without a degree. She thinks she doesn’t have to work. Work is beneath her. She’s just a spoiled, rich girl who will take everything you have without giving anything in return. She’ll live off your money until there is nothing left. Larkyn is like her mother in that way,” he says.

  I see red. I’ve never punched anyone before, but right now I want to. I’ve only known Larkyn for a short period, but I know that almost every word he spoke is untrue. She doesn’t care about my money. She wouldn’t even take it when she should have. I don’t know how smart she is. I don’t know if she will graduate or get a job after college, but I know she is fully capable of taking care of herself.

  I open my mouth to yell at the man when I realize Larkyn is ready to defend herself.

  Her mother, on the other hand, looks bored. Likes she’s heard this conversation too many times to care anymore.

  Anastasia is smiling smugly, behind her father.

  “Excuse me, I need to talk to my father. Alone,” Larkyn says, pulling out of my arms.

  I grab her hand at the last second, jerking her to me so I can taste her lips one last time, and prove to her father I am her boyfriend. That I’m not letting her go easily.

  She gets lost in our kiss, forgetting her family is here until her father clears his throat.

  She lowers herself down, after having to stand on her tiptoes to kiss me. I think I could get used to our height difference. Her body is so tiny I could easily throw her around in bed.

  She walks away confidently, without any sign of the trauma that occurred to her body.

  I’m left standing with the rest of her family. Her mother turns away to the bar to grab another drink, leaving me alone with Anastasia and her date.

  Nope, I’m not going to stay around and make conversation with this bitch.

  I follow after Larkyn, so I can be near whenever she finishes talking to her father. She might need comforting after dealing with him. I thought my father was an asshole; this man is just as bad or worse.

  They dart into what I assume is an office, and Larkyn gives me a thank you, but I got this smile and wink before closing the door behind her, leaving me alone in the hallway still dripping wet.

  I really don’t know what I was thinking.

  I remove my jacket, now ruined, along with my tie, and start unbuttoning my shirt as I eavesdrop on the conversation behind the door.

  I can’t hear everything, but I do hear…

  You’re broke.

  No job.

  No degree.

  No future.

  Kade isn’t going to save you. You’re not worth the trouble.

  All words spoken by her father. He’s yelling. Her voice must be softer, calmer because I can’t hear a word she is saying.

  I sigh.

  She needs me more than I thought. She needs me more than just for tonight.

  I swallow hard, rubbing my neck, trying to figure out what to do next.

  Anastasia walks over and places her hand on my bare chest. “Too bad we never got a second chance. We were good together.”

  I frown, grab her hand, and remove it from my chest before she touches the priceless piece of jewelry that always hangs from my neck.

  “Any chance we could work out if we gave it another shot?” she asks, moving her hips side to side as she bats her eyelashes at me.

  “I thought you were here with a date?” I ask.

  “I am, and he’s great. Tall, handsome, rich. Just not as rich as you.” She says you with a raspiness to her voice meant to seduce me.

  “No.” I don’t give her any of the other words I’m thinking. I’m sick of women acting like this around me because I’m wealthy. I need to find a solution to my problem.

  She sighs. “Too bad. Oh well, make sure you and Larkyn get a good seat to my announcement.”

  “Announcement?” I ask although I remember her mentioning something about a surprise earlier.

  She nods. “We have big news we’re sharing in about fifteen minutes if father ever gets done lecturing Larkyn. I don’t know why he wastes his time talking to her. She’s never going to listen. She’s a lost cause. I don’t know why my family decided to adopt her in the first place.

  “My mother thought I needed a sister, I guess, and she didn’t want to fuck up her plastic surgery to have a second child of her own. So instead, she picked up some trash off the street and expected her to flourish in our world. Oh, well. She’s not our problem anymore.”

  Anastasia rests her hand on my bare chest again, while I burn with rage.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” I spat out.

  She grins. “Don’t even try to defend her. I know the two of you aren’t actually together. I saw her at Sebastian’s party. I heard about the car accident. This is a pity date. Nothing more. Call me when you want a real woman,” she winks before walking off, but not before I spot the flashy diamond on an important finger.


  Anastasia is going to announce she’s engaged at Larkyn’s graduation party.

  Not fucking happening.

  I stare at the door, trying to come up with a plan to ruin Anastasia’s night and make Larkyn’s.

  I grasp for the ring hanging around my neck on a gold chain, as I always do when I need comfort.

  And a solution forms. One I’m not sure if Larkyn will ever agree to. But it’s the perfect plan. One that will solve both of our problems. Women will no longer hit on me. And Larkyn will be able to show up her family and get everything she’s ever wanted. Money, security, and affection.

  I need a few t
hings. New clothes here, fast. And a diamond ring. Good thing I always carry a diamond ring with me.



  “You can’t live off your winnings as a runner! You’ll never make enough money. And don’t think I haven’t noticed you’re practically limping. Did you injure yourself again? How do you expect to be a good runner if you keep injuring yourself?” my father yells.

  I pull the towel tighter around my body, trying to hold myself back from attacking as I want. My father doesn’t know about the car accident. None of my family does. And I don’t plan on telling any of them.

  “I’ll make enough. I’m still working as a yoga instructor. I’ll be able to work more hours when classes are over next week. I’ll survive.”

  He shakes his head, hanging it low like he can’t even look at me. “You shouldn’t just get by. You should find a real job. One in the business field, after you hopefully graduate.”

  “Stop. I’m graduating in two weeks. Just stop saying that.”

  “Fine. I’ll accept you are graduating with a degree you will never use. What good is that? You have the skills, but won’t use them? You’ll be homeless or live off a man!”

  I narrow my eyes. He has no idea what I want. He has no idea who I am or what my plans are.

  “I won’t be homeless or live off a man! I will make enough money to feed myself and put a roof over my head. That’s all that matters. I don’t care about money. I want to make a difference in people’s lives.” And I do, I just haven’t figured out how I’m going to make a difference yet or what I want to do. All I know is I like running and helping other people stay fit. But I know it won’t be sustainable to do forever.

  “You can’t make a difference without money. Charities, foundations run on money. So work hard at a big corporation, make your money, then start something like everyone else.”

  “No, I don’t want to work at a big corporation.”

  Dad throws his hands up. We’ve had this same argument thousands of times before. I thought tonight with Kade on my arm he might stop. He might let me enjoy the night, but it made no difference.

  He walks over to the bar and pours himself a drink as always. This is how he handles things. He drinks.

  I won’t stay another second and watch him drink his problems away. Drink me away.

  I’m done.

  I turn and storm out the door without a goodbye. The door swings open so hard it bounces back a little.

  I expect Kade to be standing right outside the door waiting, but I don’t see him. If he’s with Anastasia, I’ll chew him out too.

  I turn down the hallway, and the AC hits my still soaking wet body. When I find him, I’ll have him take me back to my apartment. I tried to make this day better, but it’s impossible to do. If I don’t find Kade soon, I’ll call an Uber to take me home. I may not be able to afford it, but this is one of the few times I need to make an exception and figure it out because I can’t stand being here for another minute. I have sixty-seconds to find Kade, and then I’m out of here.

  I glance up and see Kade walking down the hallway toward me. He’s not wet. He’s changed clothes and is now wearing an even more dashing suit. This one is a dark blue and makes his grin shine. And he’s holding something sparkly draped over his forearm.

  I smile when I see him. Bringing him here may have been a horrible way for him to pay me back, but at least I got to spend some time with a great guy. I thought he was an asshole just like his brother, but he genuinely is a nice guy, even if he does date around too much. Maybe I’ve at least gained a friend out of all of this.

  His arms wrap around my body when we meet, and his lips come down on mine. Passionately, not holding back, like I’ve been gone for days instead of minutes. His kiss is desperate for more, and as my lips part, I realize I never want him to stop kissing me. I didn’t think it was possible for a man’s kiss to ruin all other kisses for me. I’ve been kissed plenty of times, and they all had the same effect on me because they were pretty much all the same.

  Kade’s kisses, though, awaken parts of my body I didn’t know existed. I feel everything. Excitement. Passion. Need. Ache. All of it. And I want what his kisses promise.

  Then, I remember this is fake. He’s kissing me because he’s doing me a favor. Someone must be watching if he’s kissing me.

  He gently stops the kiss, his thumb tracing across my lips that are parted and useless after he devoured them.

  “Your father was watching,” he says, answering my unasked question.

  I nod. I knew that’s why Kade kissed me, but I just wish once he’d kiss me because he wants to. I don’t need more than that, but I need to know on some level this was as real for him as it is beginning to be for me. I can’t separate the pretend from how he makes my body feel. Which is very, very real.

  He pushes the silky white fabric into my hands.

  “What’s this?” I ask.

  He smirks, and puts his hands in his pockets, trying to act innocent. “Your new dress.”

  I stare at the beautiful white dress, decorated with gray lace and sparkles. I run the fabric through my hands, and it feels as good as it looks. It’s meant to be worn, but I could just as easily use the heavenly fabric as a blanket in bed it’s so soft.

  “No, I just want to go home.”

  He narrows his eyes, determined as he grins at me. “I don’t have time to argue with your stubbornness. I know today hasn’t been perfect, but I have a plan to make it a whole heck of a lot better. We don’t have a lot of time; I spilled wine on Anastasia’s dress, but I know as soon as she’s changed she will be ready to make whatever stupid announcement she’s making. So hurry, and get changed.”

  I stare down at the gorgeous dress I would love to squeeze my body into. I know it would make me feel beautiful, and I need that right now.

  “How did you get a dress so fast?”

  He shrugs. “I have a friend in the fashion industry. He owes me plenty of favors, and was able to get a dress here quickly.”

  I try to think of the cons of changing into the dress. It means I’ll have to stay, for at least a little while. I’ll have to listen to Anastasia announce her engagement. I saw the ring. I know that’s what she’s planning. But if I have to listen to her steal the spotlight away from me, then I should at least do it feeling beautiful instead of like a wet mop.

  “Fine. I’ll change, and give you fifteen minutes to make this better. Then, we are leaving. Deal?”

  He cocks his head to the side and smiles brightly. “Deal.”

  I rush into one of the spare bedrooms and change into the dress. It fits me better than any item of clothing I’ve ever worn. I don’t know how Kade was able to get a dress here that is not only my size but tailored to my body.

  I ring out my hair, letting my wet hair curl however it is going to curl. And I apply a little lipstick I find of my mother’s in the adjoining bathroom.

  I step back and stare at myself in the mirror. I look a little like a bride in the white dress. But I don’t care. I love how I look. I look like a beautiful woman, instead of a girl playing dress up. I might even stay until the party ends to enjoy the dress longer.

  I step back into the hallway where Kade is pacing back and forth. He freezes when he sees me, and his mouth drops open. And I swear I see his cock harden in his pants. Maybe it’s just my wild imagination, but I like to think I’m the one causing his package to grow.

  “What do you think?” I ask, twirling around like a little girl.

  His hands reach my waist as I spin, and he stops me. His eyes rake up and down my body.


  I lick my lips wanting another kiss but knowing I’m not going to get one. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a man call me beautiful before. And it feels damn good.

  He tucks his hand gently around my neck and under my hair, staring intensely into my eyes before his lips press firmly against mine. I don’t think about why he’s kissing me. I don’t search fo
r anyone lurking in the hallway that might be the reason for the kiss. I just exist in a world where Kade King is kissing me because I don’t want to ever live in any other world.

  He stops, grinning against my lips. “That kiss was because I couldn’t not kiss someone as beautiful as you.”

  My heart dances and my legs turn to mush as my body begins dropping to the floor. He holds me up like I’m a rag doll.

  He grins wider, showing off his dimples beneath his five o’clock shadow that is beginning to form.

  “I’d carry you, but then I’d take away from everyone getting to see how gorgeous you are in your dress.”

  I swallow and force my legs to work so I can stand. My legs are strong, muscular. Even if my ankle is in constant agony, my legs should be able to hold me up. I shouldn’t need to rely on Kade to hold me up. But when I’m around him, my body forgets how to do anything other than kiss. I’m surprised I can still breathe without a constant reminder.

  His hands slowly move down my side until he finds my hand and interlinks our hands.

  “Come on, now for step two of my brilliant plan.”

  I laugh. “I’ll be the judge of your plan after this is all over.”

  He shrugs. “How am I doing so far?”

  We step outside to the patio near the gardens where everyone gathered. They stop talking and stare at us when we step out looking like a bride and groom on their wedding day. I know I won’t ever look this good again, even on my wedding day, so I better enjoy this. There is no telling how much money this dress costs. Thousands of dollars at least.

  “Pretty good,” I say weakly, not sure how I feel about being the center of attention.

  “My daughter and her date finally decided to join us,” my father says, and everyone chuckles.

  He raises his champagne glass as Kade and I am given our own champagne glasses by the waiter to match everyone else outside.

  “I’d like to make a quick toast to my daughter Larkyn. To her new life after graduation. May she find her way, and not back under my roof.”

  The last part earns him chuckles, and everyone clinks their glasses as they drink to his toast. I’ve suddenly lost my ability to want to drink.


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