Kept by the Viking

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Kept by the Viking Page 17

by Gina Conkle

  Was it enough?

  Rurik stroked her breasts and her ribs, his brows knitting as if he worked a problem. “I will plant my seed in you.”

  Engorged flesh pulsed between her legs. She was hungry for him. Both nipples turned to pinkish nubs the more he caressed her. Her mouth opened for more air. She stared at Rurik’s mouth, pleased to see his lips parting. Her Viking protector was hungry too. The line between his brows smoothed and he looked at her. The center of his eyes, big and black, took what she offered.

  He rolled onto her and nuzzled the top curve of her breast. “You are perfect.”

  She combed her fingers through his hair, finding the leather thong at his nape and untying it. A blond curtain fell around them, blocking out the rest of the world.

  “I’m not doing anything for you,” she whispered. “You are attending me. Shouldn’t I—”

  “You don’t have to attend me.” Rurik nestled in the cradle of her hips.

  “But shouldn’t I?”

  “There are no rules, Safira.” He smiled, the uneven line of his mouth sweet. “At skemmta amuse oneself in sex. It is what we are doing.”

  “Amused? No.” She cupped his face. “Swept away. Stunned. In a magical place...”

  Her tongue and mind went lax. His cock was thick and hard on her abdomen. Low in her vision a nest of blond hair rubbed her thatch of ebon curls. The contrast of color was sensual. There was no rush. No frantic need. Rurik held himself above her, lightly stroking his length against her nether curls. Crisp, masculine leg hairs tickled her thighs. His grin was easy and kind. Gentle emotion shined from his eyes. Rurik soaked up every detail of her, his gaze touching her hair, her neck and collarbone before drifting to her mouth and her eyes.

  “You are frid kon synum, beautiful to behold, a gift to be treasured.”

  Soul-stealing words.

  Rurik was erotic, rocking his hips over hers. The friction was...enticing. She rocked back. Giving softness to get his hardness. Was that the song of men and women?

  He kissed her forehead, trailing a line of kisses down her nose until he came to her mouth. He was stealing from her. Little by little. Pillaging her with those light touches of his mouth to her lips.

  His patient kisses were full of give and take until he whispered against her mouth, “Put me inside you.”

  She licked her lips. This was the moment.

  Her heart lodged in her throat. Smooth-skinned and rigid, his cock bumped her cleft. Wetness trickled through her seam. Once he was inside her, there would be no undoing what was done. With a careful hand, she touched his manhood. Her curious fingers curled around it, finding the flesh long, thick, and fine-skinned. She set the crown in her opening.

  Ohhhhh. The carnal shock.

  “ are...” She rocked against him with the slightest nudge.

  Hardness invaded her.

  Dull, throbbing pain swelled between her legs. She tensed. A small push from him and her maidenhood was gone. Aside from the discomfort, she was no different. She blinked not really seeing. She was...stretched.

  Rurik kissed her hairline. “The pain will pass. I promise.” He braced his forearms on either side of her. “Tell me when you want to move.”

  She stroked his ribs glad they rested quietly, their bodies simply touching. This part—being together—was perfect.

  “It already hurts less.”

  Rurik’s skin beaded wherever she touched. Her fingers found small scars on his torso. There was a ridged scar on his waist that she couldn’t stop testing.

  “The work of a crazed Frisian. He attacked me while I slept,” he said, kissing her temple. “Thought I was bedding his wife.”

  “Were you?”

  His soft laugh tickled her ear. “No.”

  She found more marks on his body. When the time was right, she’d look at them in daylight and ask the tale of each one. Being with Rurik was natural. Intimate. She could see why women craved sex. Body and heart, she was bound with him and he with her. Twining her fingers in his long hair sated her. She explored him, kissing his collarbone to the dip at the base of his neck. Her toes rubbed his muscled calf. First one foot testing his corded leg and then the other. Rurik held still as if understanding she needed this. She nudged her hips against him, the bed creaked, and his length slid deeper in.

  Air hissed through her mouth. Pleasure rippled through her body.

  This was potent, moving with him.

  “I like this,” she announced, getting his grunt in return.

  Silky hardness rocked back and forth inside her. Rurik was in the air she breathed, the scent of leather and soap and forest. Lust was a fever the more they swayed together. Sloppy, wet noises came. Her lashes drooped heavily. Drums throbbed in the distance. She matched Rurik’s thrusts with hungry pushes of her own. The rhythm between them quickened.

  Her breath was ragged. Wildness thrummed from the crux of her body.

  His hands framed her face. “Look at me.”

  She got lost in his eyes locked on her—eyes telling her We were meant to be.

  Her lips opened wide, but Rurik eased their pace. He plied her body with unhurried strokes. In and out. In and out.

  “Take this slow,” he chided. “Savor it.”

  “I...can’t,” she moaned.

  One hand gripped his hair at the back of his head, the other tunneled in rich fur. Breasts shoved high, mouth gaping, she pumped faster. Bed ropes squeaked frantic music. Chest hair crinkled against her nipples. Rurik’s breath was hot on her neck. Sucking. Kissing. Sucking. All while his cock slid with perfect, measured control until...

  She wrapped both legs around his waist. He was in deep.

  Rurik groaned against her neck, a sound that vibrated all the way to delicate flesh between her legs. His whiskered cheek brushed her breast bone. He spoke Viking words against her skin, words she didn’t know.

  Dark, claiming, needful words by the feel.

  She was hot. Everywhere. Base words were on her tongue. The Viking would plant his seed inside her, and she wanted it. Pulsing, wild need coiled tighter between her legs. Her thighs quaked. Tremors rattled her limbs.

  Rurik’s hoarse cries shattered her. His pleasure was hers.

  Brilliant and blissful, she cried out too.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Fur and fine linen grazed her skin. She drifted in a half world, comfort surrounding her, footsteps pattering in the room...she was home in her bed. Savta was coming with the old nursemaid, Judith, to attend her with a warm bath and—

  Slap! “Wake up.”

  Safira pushed up on her elbows, black hair veiling her eyes, an imposing, fully dressed Viking filling her vision. She rubbed her bare bottom and fell back onto the glorious bed. What was it with Rurik and her bottom? The mattress dipped. A gentle hand brushed hair off her face.

  She yawned behind her hand. “It’s too early.”

  “It’s nearly noon, sweeting.” His voice was rich with mirth.

  “I ache everywhere.”

  Oh, but the tingling soreness between her legs was unique.

  Rurik reclined beside her, propped up on one elbow, one leg crossed over the other. “Your first night in a goose-down bed after days of riding hard and nights sleeping on the ground. Your body is adjusting.”

  “I am used to soft beds,” she mumbled into her pillow.

  “I know.”

  Plush furs and goose-down beds were not what the Viking had been bred on. He wasn’t in possession of the land, and she was much closer to the divide of wealth and privilege that separated them.

  “I didn’t mean that to, to...”

  “To point out the differences between us.” Blue eyes pinned her. There was gentleness in their depths.

  She tucked the bed cloth under her chin. None of this was fa
ir. Rurik was the beast of burden delivering her safely home, but he’d changed her forever. The dull throb between her legs, her sun-burnished skin, the Viking words rolling off her tongue. Outward changes all of them. The inward invigorated her. Thrilled her. Desire and emotion curled soft as silk with Rurik. Being with him was freeing. She’d taken charge of herself and her body, made the choice of which man she’d give herself to. The bed’s aroma proved that.

  Last night she’d touched her cleft and sniffed her fingers. Her life was the smells she catalogued. Rurik’s seed had smelled salty to her sweetness. He didn’t laugh when she’d told him she wanted to learn his scent. Instead, her Viking lover had pulled her close.

  Her last thought before drifting off to sleep was to drink deeply of the nights she had left with Rurik. Really, they didn’t need much sleep.

  Now who is the greedy one?

  “We have few days left together, Rurik. Let us not waste them.”

  “So you say.” His hand slid under the sheet.

  Warm fingers feathered her thigh. Her legs fell open as Rurik traced a barely there touch on her nether curls. Arousal was a ribbon unfurling. It was hard to think with him teasing her. He had much experience in this. She had none. This was natural for him, but the shock—softened by pleasure—was still with her.

  Far from the jarl’s longhouse, a hammer struck wood. Sun shined through the open shutters, and a dove landed there, cooing. Their room smelled of sex and summer. She had given herself to Rurik, something that could never be taken back, and she craved more. His hand shifted under the linen, the sight as stirring as what he did beneath it. He parted her seam of flesh ever so carefully, sending ripples of expectation across her body. Her skin beaded. She clutched the cloth tighter with both hands.

  How easy it was to trust him.

  “Safira.” Rurik’s voice was intimate. “You are mine to keep. I’m claiming you as I will claim the land.”

  Rurik strummed damp skin. Gentle and adept. The wet, snicking sounds enticed her. The pleasure he gave was easy and mind-muddling. Her tongue was stuck.

  Wait. He was keeping her?

  “Wha...” She breathed harder.

  Last night before the feast... What if I don’t give you back, Safira? What if I keep you forever?

  How could she have not taken him seriously? Rurik said nothing lightly.

  She clamped a hand on his linen-covered wrist, her voice pitching louder. “You mean to keep a possession?”

  “As a partner,” he corrected.

  “My Norse is not as good as yours, but to keep means belonging in your tongue and in mine, property bought and sold.” She sat up fast. To her dismay, her body squirmed at the loss of his touch.

  “You will be by my side, the same as when we journeyed here.” Rurik stayed stretched out on the bed, his hand propping up his head. “You can help build up my holding.”

  “A holding you do not have.”

  Blond brows arched. “Does being with me require land?”

  “—” She shook with wrongness of this. How dare he make this about his status.

  “Did you not say to me when we slept in the Arelaune Forest that you felt happy and free?” Rurik traced the indent of her waist down to her hip.

  She snatched up rumpled sheets and held them to her chest. “Yes.”

  “Then what is the problem?”

  Images of Ellisif reclining on this bed, a former visitor when the room belonged to Ademar, flashed in her head. Was he suggesting she live like Ellisif? Last night she’d cozied up to Bjorn. The shield maiden could come and go as she pleased. Those were her choices. Not Safira’s. She’d been bred on a steady diet of possible husbands since she first came into womanhood. The freedom to choose the man she was with was one thing, to have a stream of men was another.

  “The problem is, Viking, you do not love me. You want me. You like me, but you have not uttered a single word of...of love.”

  “I’d wager your Lombard prince never did,” he said, rolling off the bed. “Nor will he.”

  Her lips pressed a pained line. He was imposing in black, long hair combed severely back and tied at the nape. The monks were coming. Rurik probably tried to look tame but the effect was savage with every bold angle of his face showing. The missing chunk of his ear did too.

  “You do not know my future, Viking. You cannot say who will or will not love me.”

  “Love is an idea, but it isn’t what matters to you. Status and wealth does.”

  The wooden wall bit her back. Did status and wealth matter most? Or freedom and love? Until she was taken, love was a dreamed-of ideal, a hope she’d pinned on her future husband. Of all things, the gift of love seemed the rarest to grasp.

  “What are you suggesting? That I live like Ellisif, spending my time with you until, until we are done with each other?”

  Rurik’s gaze roved over her bare leg on jumbled furs before reaching her face. “Who said I was suggesting?”

  Her jaw dropped. Take first, ask later. “You...are, are—”

  “An odious swine? A Viking beast?”

  “You would make me a frilla?”

  “A fylgikonur. A mistress,” he said as a matter of fact. “We made a trade, a bargain in Sothram’s outpost. It is not finished.”

  “Because you say so?”

  His head cocked arrogantly. “Yes.”

  She’d struck a bargain with him in one bed of furs. Last night she’d sealed her fate in another—in this very bed when she gave herself to him. Rurik’s tender side was gone. Back was the rough leader of men, the low-born warrior fighting his way for something better. She was his prize. Not a single Viking in Rouen would help her because she was the foreign woman with Rurik, the valued warrior of great renown whose service the jarl coveted. The Christians were doubtful too. Longsword was their overlord. None would defy him.

  “You... We have enjoyed each other, but my wayward tongue would soon grow tiresome.”

  He chuckled at her attempts to reason with him. “I will be the judge of what I find tiresome.”

  “If you thought me outspoken when I told you I was a thrall, think how much worse I will be.” She paused, checking the effect of her words.

  Rurik hooked a thumb in his belt, his eyes hooded. It was dangerous when he was quiet.

  She hugged linens and fur tighter. “Men do not like when a woman challenges them. She might outshine him.”

  “I like the way you shine.”

  Her legs went slack. Rurik. He knew how to make the complex...simple.

  “I’m proposing a journey of equals,” he explained. “I bask in your glow. You bask in mine. Together, we can build something great.”

  His words didn’t make sense. Rurik gained more by returning her to her family than keeping her.

  “But the gold?” she blurted out, immediately regretting it. Now who made her a prize?

  A knock at the door followed. Rurik opened it, and Gyda’s face appeared. The thrall’s shy voice was too quiet to hear. Rurik opened the door wider and she entered, a ewer of water in hand.

  “Good morning, Lady,” she chirped sweetly, and set her burden on the table.

  “The monks have arrived. Get dressed,” Rurik ordered. “I want you seated with me.”

  With that pronouncement given, he exited the room. Strong footfalls echoed in the high-ceilinged hallway. She heard him push aside the loose-weave leather curtain, and the leather’s decisive slap on wood when it fell back into place. He didn’t seem very happy for a man on his way to getting what he wanted.

  Safira didn’t budge. Her mind reeled with this new twist. Gyda scurried around the chamber, picking up last night’s discarded clothes off the floor. Rurik’s things sat in a corner. His well-used shield. The basinet helmet with its dinged nose guard. The sword in its sheath, leaning against t
he wall. All his worldly possessions. No. The Viking counted her as part and parcel of what he owned. He might say she would stand beside him, but his tone brooked no argument. His word was final. In his eyes, she was his to keep.

  Gyda examined a tear in Safira’s silk underdress. “You had a busy night.” The thrall tossed the silk over her shoulder and poured water into the basin. “Come, you must prepare for the day. You are expected.”


  Had she given up one yoke only to put on another?

  Gyda tested the rip, her smile sweet. “I can mend this, Lady, but you will not be able to wear it today because there is much weaving to be done. If you like, I will ask Astrid if there is another in the jarl’s treasured goods.”

  Treasured goods. It’s what Safira was. If she went to Astrid, what wise words would the ambut give to a woman who claimed her destiny only to find herself claimed in return?

  Safira scrambled awkwardly off the bed. Her bare feet touched cool, wooden planks. “Please ask if there is another.”

  The thrall spun to leave, saffron silk floating behind her.


  The young woman halted at the door. “Yes, Lady?”

  “Bring needle and thread to me. I will mend the underdress.”

  She couldn’t name the reason why it was important that she do it. She’d stitched tapestries with Savta. Simple mending was a similar skill. It would give her time to think.

  Her mind ticked as she dipped Rurik’s soap and a cloth in the basin of water. Another dove landed beside the first where the shutters opened. Two men ambled through the jarl’s far-off grain fields, bending low, plucking what must be weeds and stuffing them in baskets slung over their shoulders.

  Did Rurik mean for her to grow old in this pagan land? As his fylgikonur?

  He sat with holy men while she washed away remnants of his seed. Last night was her choice. But the future? Dragging the cloth over her skin, she was certain of one thing. She’d matched the Viking in a game of wit and will, and she’d won.


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