The Screwup: A Billionaire Fake Fiancée Romance (The Holbrook Cousins Saga Book 2)

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The Screwup: A Billionaire Fake Fiancée Romance (The Holbrook Cousins Saga Book 2) Page 19

by Alina Jacobs

  "Something to soak up all that alcohol, you mean," Carter said.

  He helped them move furniture around the rest of the afternoon.

  "We need to set up the buffet," Allie said.

  Carter grunted and moved the table where she directed.

  "The plants go around it," she told him. "We were going to have it outside, but the weather isn't cooperating, so Liz and I bought these ferns to make the space seem more intimate—"

  "I don't care," Carter said, cutting her off. "I’m here to move tables and hang stuff, not listen to your chatter."

  She snapped her mouth closed.

  Carter looked at her for a moment. He still had his dark glasses on, and Allie wanted to slide them off of his face to see what he was hiding.

  Instead she said, "Hang these white sheer drapes up, please."

  Allie thought the bridal tea was lovely. Brandy actually seemed warm and grateful as the women of various ages congratulated her and shared various tidbits on having a happy marriage.

  That warmth didn't extend as far as Allie, though.

  "So I hear Carter tossed you by the wayside," Brandy said to Allie, cornering her by the drinks table. "I knew it. He grew tired of you and how low class you are."

  "A bit rich from you, considering I have spent hours of my time planning your parties," Allie said.

  Brandy laughed. "And you did such a lovely job. But I wouldn't expect any less from someone in the service industry." She lowered her voice and put her face close to Allie's. "You don't belong here. The best you could ever do in Carter's and my world is make the drinks and clear the tables."

  The words stung, and Brandy had a triumphant look on her face when she saw Allie's reaction.

  After the party was over and Allie was cleaning up, she spun Brandy's words over and over in her mind.

  Stop thinking about Carter, she told herself. You knew that affair had an expiration date. You need to be worried about whether or not he asks his cousin to fire you.

  After all the guests had left and the caterers were packing up, Allie tried to concentrate on sweeping instead of Carter.

  "You know," Liz said as she wiped a table, "you should come with us to the Hamptons over Memorial Day weekend."

  "I really shouldn’t," Allie replied. "I need to work."

  "At the bar? No one is going to be in the city over Memorial Day weekend," Liz said.

  "I don't—"

  "I’m not asking. I'm telling you. I don't know what's going on with you and Carter, but you need to take a break from him. His family always goes to Martha's Vineyard, so this will be perfect. We can just relax and talk about… I don't know, something other than work, Brandy's wedding, or Carter."



  The bridal tea had not been Carter's finest moment. On the drive to the Holbrook estate, he had this grand vision of Allie seeing him and sobbing, saying that she had made a mistake and of course she would move back in with him.

  Her look of anger and betrayal was not what he was envisioning, however, and he was confused until he remembered his drunken statement to the cameras.

  Carter had wanted to explain, but he had been hungover and suffering from a splitting headache. He grimaced, remembering how he had snapped at her.

  Allie refused to talk to him in the office the next week, and Carter wanted to crawl out of his skin with the tension in their row of desks.

  "That's that, I guess," he said to the dogs as he paced around the penthouse.

  Memorial Day was coming up, and Holbrook Enterprises was starting summer Fridays. Carter wasn't sure how he was going to spend the long weekend. He supposed he should go visit a military cemetery or something.

  His phone rang, and he jumped, startled, and answered it.

  "Meet us at the Hamptons, Carter. We're all going to be there for the holiday weekend," his mother said.

  "Usually we go to Martha's Vineyard," he said into the phone. "That was the kids' favorite."

  "Yes, but after everything, it's nice to have a change of pace, don't you think? Your father and I will be going back and forth for the summer," Nancy said. "Please come. I barely see you."

  "I'll be there," Carter mumbled and hung up.

  "This won't be so bad," he told himself. It would be a nice break from the city and from Allie. Jack would be happy to hear that he and Allie weren't together anymore.

  It was early summer, but it was already hot. He decided to drive and loaded the dogs in their carriers into one of the sports cars his uncle kept in the tower's garage.

  "This will be fun," he told the animals. "Margot, you've never even seen the ocean." Ginny had sent him a hat and a little shade tent for the dogs plus life vests for both should they want to go in the water.

  "We're having a clam bake Monday," his mother told Carter after greeting him when he arrived. He let the dogs out to sniff around the house then changed into shorts and running shoes.

  "I’m going for a run," he told her. "I haven't been in the Hamptons in years, I think."

  "It's turned into a party scene," she said. "Don't get yourself into any trouble. I don't want any sowing of wild oats or anything like that. Look what happened to your uncle Walter."

  Carter gave her a mock salute then took off at a good pace past the upscale cottages with fancy cars parked in front. As he ran past the perfectly kept gardens, he had to admit it was nice to be outside of the confines of the city.

  Several miles later, sweaty and hot, he headed down a pathway to the beach, hoping to catch some of the breeze.

  He tensed up when he saw a woman's figure.

  "Allie?" he said, slowing down when he saw her. She looked at him, a large straw hat perched on her head and oversized sunglasses obscuring half of her face. She was wearing a bikini under a mesh cover-up. He could see her nipples outlined under the fabric, and he immediately grew hard.

  "Hi, Carter," she said and chewed her bottom lip when she noticed his obvious erection.

  Endorphins were pumping through his system after the run. He could tell Allie was looking at his bare chest, and Carter angled himself so that he would glisten in the sunlight and struck a pose.

  Allie laughed, and Carter felt all the tension of the last week run out of him. Smiling broadly, Carter crushed her to his chest.

  "You're sweaty," she mumbled.

  He knew he should have a conversation with her, maybe apologize and explain what had happened, but sex would be easier, and hey, maybe they could put all of this behind them and things could just go back to how they were.

  He kissed her. She tasted like mimosas, and he smiled against her mouth.

  "I like your hat," he said, pulling off his sunglasses and tossing them aside.

  "I like your… everything," she replied, running her hand down his chest.

  There was a small boathouse to the side of the path, and Carter guided her to it and pulled her inside after looking around to make sure they weren't being watched.

  "Does this remind you of the print closet?" he asked jokingly.

  "That is not going to turn me on," she told him.

  "What about this?" he said as he pulled down the bikini she was wearing.

  She was warm from the sun, and it was suddenly all he could do to control himself. He wanted her to want him. He wanted her to regret ever saying she was thinking about leaving him.

  He kissed her and teased her, and she tipped her head back, allowing him to kiss her throat. He hooked a finger under her swimsuit, undid the bow, and let it fall down to the floor.

  Then she was naked underneath the mesh cover-up. Seeing the hint of skin and a nipple nudging through the fabric, Carter felt his mouth go dry, and he just wanted to fall to his knees in front of her.

  Allie gasped as he let his hands run over her, catching in the mesh and letting it pull against her.

  "I have to say," she said, "I really did miss this."

  "The twice-a-day schedule was a good stress reliever, wasn't it?" he said w
ith a grin.

  Then Carter grabbed her hips and pulled her close to him, hooking one leg around his waist, He pulled down his shorts, and she rolled her hips against his erect member. He couldn't wait any longer and slipped into her. Moaning, she tipped her head back, and finally he could fuck her, the sounds of the waves lapping outside surrounding them as he and Allie created their own rhythm.

  It was boiling hot in the beach shed. Allie's face was flushed, and Carter felt as if he were about to pass out. He was panting, the sweat dripping off of his face onto Allie's skin. When he finally felt the explosion of pleasure flow over him, he sensed Allie's body shudder, then she sagged against him, trembling and clinging to him.

  He kissed her and traced his nose in the sweat beading on her face.

  "Gross," she said and turned to gather her clothes, almost falling over.

  Carter steadied her, looked around outside, and then pulled her with him to the water. The ocean was cool, and it washed away the sweat and the heat and made the signs of their lovemaking disappear.

  "This is nice," Allie said, floating on her back.

  "Almost makes you want to stay here forever, doesn't it," he replied, looking up at the single solitary cloud in the sky.

  "I suppose."

  That wasn't the answer he wanted to hear.

  "So that’s it?" he said finally.

  "What's it?" she asked, crouching in the shallow water. "You announced on national TV that we were done. Excuse me for believing you."

  "What do you want me to do?" Carter demanded, standing up in the surf.

  "I don't need some dramatic declaration or a song and dance. Just be yourself. You're enough for me."

  She stood up and kissed his cheek.

  He didn't think she meant it, though. When was he ever enough?



  Allie had been looking forward to the Hamptons. She had heard so much about it, mainly from the various TV shows Stacy liked to watch.

  Liz's family's house was gorgeous. It was a large cottage style with a lush garden in front surrounded by a low stone wall.

  Eric and Ginny had been there to greet them when they arrived.

  "Our parents aren't here yet. They're coming in tomorrow," Eric had explained as he and Liz gave her a tour of the house. There was a large, bright kitchen and a library that had huge windows looking out onto the back garden.

  After a lunch of salads made from vegetables and fruits from the garden, Allie had changed and gone for a walk on the beach. On her way back to the house, she had been surprised by Carter.

  It was a nice surprise, she thought, floating in the warm ocean. It was fairly clear, nothing like the brackish water near Les DesChamps. She surreptitiously checked the birth control implant in her arm. She was sure his family would kill her if Carter got her pregnant.

  "Hey, Ginny," Carter said as he and Allie, reclothed, walked up the deck stairs.

  Allie hoped they hadn't seen anything. Ginny smirked at her and bumped her hip. Liz gave her a thumbs-up, so they probably knew what had been going on. Allie tried not to blush.

  "Grant and Kate are on their way from the airport," Eric said, waving his phone around. "We were going to walk over to the Holbrooks' house to see them."

  Allie slipped on her shoes and something less revealing, then off they went.

  "It's so hot," Liz complained.

  "Not as bad as North Carolina," Allie said.

  She and Carter snickered.

  "We're laughing because it was so horribly awful there," Carter explained to their friends.

  "So you have the bachelor party all planned out?" Eric asked Carter.

  "What? I’m not supposed to be doing that."

  "Yes, you are," Liz said. "You’re the best man."

  "No, I'm not!"

  "It's been decreed."

  Allie smiled at the comical look on Carter's face.

  "Allie's already started planning for you," Liz told him.

  "Oh, thank God," he said and threw an arm around Allie's shoulder. "You always come through for me. Where are we going?"

  "For the bachelorette weekend," Allie said, "the girls are going to Miami. Salsa dancing, warm weather, the beach, nice hotels, great food—it will perfect. I even have a yacht booked for us. For the guys, Fernando's uncle has a luxury yacht that you guys will be on the whole weekend. At the end, we'll all meet up for a nice meal. It's symbolic—a meeting of the friend groups."

  "Except none of us are actually friends," Eric said.

  "Try to be nice," Ginny told her husband.

  Grant and Kate arrived as they walked up to the house. Eric and Carter helped them with their bags, and they all went inside, out of the heat, and hugged.

  "Hi, Gus," Grant said, greeting the excited dog as he jumped all over them. "Did you have a good time? You look well taken care of."

  Kate gave Allie a hug. "I can't thank you enough for helping Liz with Brandy. You're a life saver, especially since I really didn’t want to do it!"

  "Not a problem," Allie said as she rummaged in the fridge for some refreshments and started making mojitos. "I couldn't leave Liz all by herself!"

  As everyone dug into the food, Gus sat politely off to the side. Grant and Kate each took a bite, then they both simultaneously looked up from their food.

  "What’s wrong with Gus?" Grant asked after a moment.

  Carter snickered. "Allie’s been giving him some home training. He’s very polite now. He heels. He walks nicely on a leash. He even knows some tricks."

  "What tricks?" Grant demanded.

  Allie whistled to Gus. The dog sat in front of her. She gave two short whistles, and Gus stood at attention. She hit her thigh, and Gus followed her around the room as if he were glued to her calf. Then Allie had him sit, lie down, roll over, and fetch. Ginny and Liz applauded lightly.

  "I’m impressed," Grant said, noticed his fork was still hovering in midair, and set it down.

  Carter stole a bite of food off of his cousin's plate and asked Allie, "So what else are we doing on the bachelor party?"

  "What bachelor party?" Grant asked.

  "Fernando's," Eric said, giving Allie a thumbs-up when he tasted the drink she put in front of him.

  "Not happening," Grant said.

  "All of Kate's old flames in one bachelor weekend. What could go wrong?" Carter said.

  "Go," Kate ordered her husband. "Brandy is driving me crazy."

  "You have to be a groomsman," Allie said. "Brandy is quote 'expecting all the Holbrook boys,' end quote."

  "Someone will need to inform Mark," Carter said with a laugh. "The whole weekend is going to suck since we're stuck on a boat the entire time apparently."

  "You're going fishing, and you'll have nice food on the boat. Maybe you can find an island or something to disembark on."

  "You planned a whole detailed weekend for your friends, and you didn't do it for mine!" he complained.

  "If you want to do something besides the yacht, then you need to plan it," Allie snapped at Carter.

  Nancy and Jack returned a little later. Harris came in behind them, followed by Stacy.

  "Who is that?" Kate whispered to Allie as Stacy went over to Carter, her breasts bouncy in the barely there crop top.

  "Carter," Stacy purred, plastering herself to him.

  Harris laughed. "Isn't she great?"

  Their friends looked on, bemused, as Allie pulled Stacy off of Carter and scowled at her.

  "Is this your…?"

  Allie could tell Grant didn't want to say the words sugar baby. Allie seethed. She couldn't believe Stacy was here, trying to ingratiate herself into the Holbrook family.

  Visibly uncomfortable, Liz grabbed Allie and announced, "We'll see you all tomorrow at the charity polo match," as she, Ginny, and Eric packed up their things and shot out of the house.



  Breakfast the next morning was tense. Walter had arrived in the middle of the night, as shock
ed as everyone else to see Stacy there.

  While they ate, Stacy tried playing footsie with Carter at the table. He ignored her until he felt her bare foot slide up his thigh.

  Carter scooted his chair back. He couldn't believe that his family had given Allie such a hard time, and now here was Stacy, clearly being trashier than Allie had ever been, and they were all just going to pretend it was normal.

  Carter and Grant helped clear the table in silence, then they all dispersed.

  "Polo match this afternoon," Nancy reminded them as they left. "It's for charity. We're raising money for veterans on account of it being Memorial Day weekend. I expect all of you to be there, and dress nicely."

  While Carter changed, he heard Grant shut himself away in his room.

  "How is he?" Carter asked Kate.

  "I think he's still sad and upset about his friends who were killed in action," she said in a worried tone.

  Carter nodded. "I never had friends die in combat, but I knew several people who killed themselves later. It's hard. You always feel guilty."

  "He hasn't been sleeping," Kate said. "I’m hoping maybe I can convince him to take a nap."

  Gus was jumping around her. She picked him up, and he gave a short bark and wriggled out of her arms.

  "I'll take him out," Carter offered. "Margot needs some fresh air too."

  After leashing up the dogs, Carter was almost dragged out onto the beach by the corgi. Margot was a bit more hesitant. She didn't seem to really like the sand, but when her feet touched the warm saltwater, she seemed to relax a little bit.

  "I'll have to keep an eye on you and make sure you aren't swept away," he said to the small dog.

  She barked, and he looked up and saw Allie was jogging on the beach. Carter pulled the dogs into a run behind him and fell in beside her.

  "Can I help you?" she said finally.


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