The Screwup: A Billionaire Fake Fiancée Romance (The Holbrook Cousins Saga Book 2)

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The Screwup: A Billionaire Fake Fiancée Romance (The Holbrook Cousins Saga Book 2) Page 23

by Alina Jacobs

  The previous night, before dinner, Carter had brought up her being his girlfriend. Despite all her fantasies earlier in the year about Carter swooping in to rescue her from her life, now that being with him could be a reality, she didn't know how to feel about that.

  It felt right to wake up next to Carter, though, and she couldn’t deny it.

  "Get up," she said, giving him a shove. He groaned and snuggled Margot close to his chest.

  "Why is Brandy having another party?" he said, sitting up and yawning.

  His hair was tousled, and she combed her fingers through it.

  "It's the couple's shower," Allie said. "With Fernando's polo schedule, this was the only time to have it. Plus it's warm enough we can do it in the garden."

  "There better be good food and drinks."

  "Who do you think you're talking to?" she said in mock outrage as she stood up with her hands on her hips.

  After they dressed and ate a quick breakfast, Allie took Carter with her to pick up the food for the Low-Country boil.

  "The whole party is Southern themed, with a seafood boil as the main event," she explained as she and Carter loaded up the corn, sausage, potatoes, and shrimp into the truck. There were also two huge coolers of oysters. "I thought about having crawfish flown in, but didn't think it would play that well in New England."

  Carter snickered as he shut the trunk door.

  "You're going above and beyond for Brandy," he told her as he started up the car.

  "I feel bad about her bachelorette party," Allie said and chewed on her lip.

  Carter grabbed her hand. "Hey, we made it out alive, and you're okay. Brandy can stuff it."

  "Looks like a party!" Liz said as she and Ginny came out with a handcart to help them with the food.

  While Carter started the fire and set up the large pots for the boil, Allie made a vinegar-and-onion relish for the raw oysters and assembled little mason jars with banana pudding with Ginny's help. The Holbrooks' estate had a huge outdoor kitchen under an awning that connected to the pool house, so Allie could work and talk to her friends.

  As she put the finishing touches on the pitchers of cocktails, she could smell the tang and spice from the large bubbling pots.

  "I'm really impressed," Ginny said as the guests started to arrive, "and this seafood boil is really nice. It's fun and casual."

  "It's big in the South when the weather is warm," Allie said. "And people are actually eating—I'm shocked."

  The guests seemed a little miffed at the seafood boil but after a few drinks, they seemed more into it.

  "There's a lot of people here," Liz said as she walked over to her.

  "I think they're here to see the Holbrooks," Allie stated.

  "If I ever get married, you have to organize all of my stuff," Liz told her playfully.

  "Ha! Okay!" Allie said.

  "But you and Carter will probably be married before I even find someone," Liz said, frowning, and took a sip of her drink.

  "What?" Allie replied, taken aback.

  "You guys are an item," Liz told her. "You've been together since when? Thanksgiving?"

  "No, that was just—"

  "Everyone knows you two are a thing," Liz said.

  "Oh my goodness," Allie moaned. "Of course people are talking. This is horrible! I need to quit my job. I can't show my face at Holbrook Enterprises!"

  "Relax!" Liz said, giving Allie and one-armed hug. "He's going to marry you, then it will all be okay."

  "He's not going to marry me! I can't marry him! We aren't even dating."

  "You broke it off?" Liz asked, incredulous.

  "Not really, but I need to," Allie said.

  "I thought you were serious."

  "I don't know how serious it is," she admitted.

  "Well, you need to go back and make it serious. Everyone already knows, so you really need to seal the deal. If you actually break up with Carter then you'll really be in trouble. People will still think it's cute if you met as interns then became an item. If you were always just the side piece, people won't respect you. Next time he asks you out, you need to say yes and make him take you somewhere legit."

  "He won't—"

  "He will. I will make sure of it," Liz cut in. "All you have to do is say yes."

  After the shower was over, Allie cleaned up. As Carter worked near her, she periodically snuck looks at him. She didn't want to be forward and ask him to ask her out—that seemed weird. She didn't want him to think she was trying to snag him. She knew he didn't like that, and she also had too much dignity and respect for Carter to guilt him into being with her for her career.

  Her phone beeped. She wondered if it was Bryce. That was another complication that could blow up into something career and relationship ending.

  "What are you thinking about?" Carter asked her with a smile. She felt butterflies as she saw the dimple in his cheek.


  He looked around then came over to her and wrapped his arms around her.

  "You work too much," he said, kissing her.

  "I have to."

  "Not necessarily," he said, nibbling her collarbone. "You could find a great guy, marry him, and have a ginormous wedding."

  "I don't want a big wedding," she told him seriously. "I just want what comes after. A lovely house, stability, a partner, a teammate."

  He smiled at her softly.

  "Let me take you out, somewhere nice."

  She took a deep breath and said, "Okay."

  "Yeah?" Carter's face lit up in the light from the dying fire.

  "Yes," she said.



  Carter was thrilled that Allie had agreed to go out on a date with him. And she actually seemed excited about it. Maybe Stacy was just making up stuff to mess with him.

  A few nights after the couple's shower, Carter showed up at Allie's door. He was wearing a nice suit and even had flowers.

  He thought Allie seemed skittish as she opened the door a crack then opened it fully to let him in. He chalked it up to nerves as he kissed her in the doorway.

  "You're not ready," he said.

  "I just have to put my dress on."

  "I didn't know you owned anything except for your bartending clothes and your business casual wear," he said as he put the flowers in the sink.

  "I bought it for work events," she said.

  He helped her do up the zipper on the formfitting black dress, casually running his hand over the bare skin on her back as the zipper closed over it.

  Her phone buzzed on the bookshelf, and he thought he felt her tense up.

  "Expecting bad news?"

  "No, it just surprised me is all."

  Allie seemed on edge, and he wondered if he had anything to do with it.

  "Look," he said, turning her around to face him. "I don't know what's going on with you, but I just want to have a good time with you tonight. I'm not going to lie—I want something more than a casual relationship, but I can understand if you want to slow down."

  She turned away from him. "You’ve never really treated me like a real girlfriend."

  "That's not—"

  "Sex in the storage room, paying me to pretend to be your lover. Maybe we started out on the wrong foot and we will never be able to fix it."

  Carter shook his head. "We can always fix it. We're both alive. You have a job now, a really good one." He took a deep breath. "Let's try."

  "I don't—"

  "I'm not saying you have to be my girlfriend," he said, trying to contain his frustration. "I'm just saying that I want to take you out. On a date—a real one. I have reservations someplace fancy, I'll give you a kiss when I drop you off after walking you to your door, and then I'll leave. Let me do this for you."

  "All right, all right," she said and smiled at him. "Take me out on the town, Mr. Holbrook."

  Carter whooped and jumped up, banging his head on the low ceiling.

  "Ow!" he said as Allie inspected his head.
He leaned into the feel of her fingers softly running over his scalp. He gave a little shiver as her nails ran lightly over his face.

  "I think you're fine," she said and slipped on a pair of heels. "Where are we going?"

  "I hope you like sushi," he said as he handed Allie her purse.

  "I do."

  "When did you have it in North Carolina?" he asked.

  "I've been living in New York City for months," she retorted as Carter helped her into the waiting car. "I've eaten sushi."

  "I don't think you’ve had this sushi," he said as they drove to the restaurant.

  Allie seemed impressed when they pulled up.

  "This is the best sushi restaurant in New York City," Carter said, opening the door for Allie.

  Carter saw Allie visibly relax as soon as they entered the restaurant. The décor was contemporary Japan, with clean lines and rich woods. The restaurant was filled with other elegant, well-dressed people.

  After they were seated at a small table, Carter explained, "There's no menu. The chef makes what he wants to make, and you eat it."

  "Sounds like an adventure," Allie said, smiling at him as the waiters brought out their drinks, after which came a parade of sushi, each piece more perfect than the last.

  "It's almost like art. It's too pretty to eat," Allie said.

  "I know," Carter said, picking up her piece with his chopsticks and feeding it to her. "But it's so good!"

  They lingered in the restaurant after they were finished. For the first time since he'd decided that he couldn't live without Allie, he felt as if they had finally had one perfect evening that he hadn't managed to screw up.

  He realized he might have jinxed it when they walked out of the restaurant and were confronted with several paparazzi yelling questions and taking pictures.

  "Who is the lucky lady?" they asked. "Is that Allie?"

  Carter thought about what Grant had said, how he needed to make things official with Allie.

  He hugged Allie close to him and smiled for the cameras.

  "Yes, this is Allie, my dream girl and one of the best analysts you'll ever meet."

  "Where'd you meet her?" one reporter called out.

  "We were interns together, and now she's technically my boss."

  He smiled and winked, and the reporters laughed.

  "I love smart, strong women," Carter continued, "I don't want some simpering little girl; I want a partner. I would say, actually, that I want an equal, but Allie is so far above me I might as well be a quivering worm under her expensive shoe." He kissed her, and the cameras flashed.

  "What on earth," she exclaimed once they were safely in the car on the way back to her apartment.

  "What? We're dating now. Besides, I can't let your reputation get ruined."

  Her face went slack. Oops.

  Carter, what the hell.

  "Liz told you to do this!" she cried.

  "No," he said. "Actually Grant did."

  That was probably the wrong answer because her eyes widened in shock.

  "I don't see what the problem is," Carter exploded. "I meant what I said to the reporters. You're too good for me, and I know that, but I still want you. Stop pushing me away!"

  "I don't want you to feel obligated," she said in a small voice.

  Carter wanted to kick himself. He grabbed her hands and caressed her fingers.

  "Believe me, Allie," he said. "That is the last thing on my mind."



  True to his word, Carter only gave her a rather chaste kiss outside of her apartment then left. She hadn't really wanted him to go, especially not when she received a cryptic text message from Bryce.

  I like that dress you wore tonight

  Too bad that Holbrook didn't appreciate it

  Oh well

  His days are numbered

  She would have felt better if Carter were in the apartment with her, she thought. She had a gun, but Bryce was a trained marine, and he could probably easily overpower her with planning and simple raw strength.

  Carter remained sweet to her the next few days as well. She was getting antsy. Their relationship had never been that, for all that she yearned for the handsome boyfriend, the nice dinners, and the expensive flowers.

  Her small apartment was overflowing with the large bouquets he brought her every evening before he took her to a nice restaurant or upscale bar.

  It all contributed to her general feeling of unease when they drove to the Holbrook estate the next weekend for Harris's birthday.

  "You seem jittery," Carter remarked.

  "Just going to meet your parents."

  "You’ve met my parents."

  "Yes, but that was more on a professional level. This is like a family gathering."

  Carter gave her an odd look. "You were at Thanksgiving."

  "That didn't count," Allie countered. "I was your fake fiancée."

  As soon as she and Carter walked into the parlor, Stacy ran over and kissed Carter on the mouth.

  "Stop it!" Allie hissed, dragging her old roommate off of Carter, who wiped his mouth.

  Stacy giggled.

  "Don't crush her spirit," Harris said, coming over to them.

  Allie could smell the alcohol wafting off of him. Stacy bounced around, squealing. Allie gritted her teeth. She couldn't believe her old roommate. Stacy was wearing tall stilettos and a very short, very revealing dress. Allie had made a concerted effort to dress modestly for dinner, yet here was Stacy, showing absolutely no class.

  Nancy smiled appreciatively when she saw Allie. "You look so gorgeous with your hair pulled back from your face," she remarked. "I would kill to have a chin and cheekbones like yours."

  "We went to a swingers party last weekend. Didn't we, sweetheart?" Harris said, pulling Stacy onto his lap, and gave her a smooch on the lips.

  Allie put the present from her and Carter on the table with the others, then she headed over to the small bar cart and made herself a drink. She had the feeling she was going to need it that night.

  "I hope you made enough for two," Carter muttered to her as he took a sip from her cup.

  Dinner was quite the affair. Carter's whole family was there, though none of them seemed too pleased about it.

  They ate mussels along with a light pasta dish. As the dessert of individual tiramisus was served, Nancy stood up and raised a glass.

  "We are celebrating the Holbrook patriarch's seventy-fifth birthday, and we're so glad he is with us."

  "Thank you, Nancy," Harris said, standing up. "This is the best family a man could hope for. And I hope we can make it a little bigger." Then he slowly bent down on one knee. "Stacy, my love, will you marry me?"

  "No!" Jack yelled as Stacy jumped up and down and started crying. "You cannot keep doing this. We're going to cut you off. Walter, tell him we're cutting him off if he marries her."

  Walter sighed, knocked back his drink, and said, "Dad!"

  Harris was too busy sucking face with Stacy to acknowledge his son.

  "Harris!" Walter said sharply. "This is unseemly."

  "You can't tell me what to do," Harris countered as Stacy took out her phone, and they posed for pictures.

  "No, but I can cut you off," Walter threatened.

  "No, you can't," Stacy said. "We'll just go to the media and tell them how awful America's favorite billionaire is being to his poor elderly father."

  "Stacy," Allie hissed, appalled at the whole display. "This is stupid. Why can't you find someone your own age?"

  "Stop acting like you aren't doing the same thing!" she screeched. "You stole Carter from me!"

  She minced across the room in her high heels and flung herself at Allie, nails swiping at her face. Allie grabbed Stacy's arm and twisted it around her back.

  "Stop it, Stacy," she warned.

  Jack turned his ire on Carter. "You've been involved with this tramp as well?"

  "What? No!" Carter yelled. "I can't believe you always think the worst of me
." He threw down his napkin and said to Allie, "We're leaving." Then he grabbed her and Margot and threw their bags into the car.

  "We just got here," Allie complained.

  "I'm not staying another minute in the same house as him," Carter said. She didn't press the issue because Carter seemed so upset.

  Her phone beeped, and Carter almost wrecked the car when he jerked his head to glare at her.

  "Who is that?" he demanded.

  Allie looked at the phone. It was Bryce. "It's just Liz," she lied and put the phone on silent.

  Carter didn't say anything more and drove white knuckled back to New York City.

  When she was safely in her apartment, only then did she dare to open the messages on her phone.

  Bryce had sent her videos of him fucking various women and a message telling her, "You'll be next." There was also a long, vile message on her voicemail that she could only stomach partially listening to.

  She was scared of how his behavior had escalated. But she didn't want to bother the Holbrooks with it. They had Carter's problems and Harris's problems to deal with. She could handle this, right?

  Besides, Bryce couldn't be that dangerous, could he?



  "What have I done wrong?" Carter complained.

  Grant and Kate had left the birthday dinner shortly after he and Allie had left, and now the two cousins sat on the balcony of the penthouse.

  "Why is Allie treating me like this? What did I do?" He didn't bring up Stacy's accusations that Allie was back with her old boyfriend, but the idea plagued his thoughts.

  "It's probably something you haven't done," Grant replied.

  "But I’m trying!"

  "Try harder."

  "I took her for nice meals. I bought her flowers. My father doesn't think that Allie and I should be together. Maybe he was right," Carter whined.

  "I'm tired of hearing you use that as an excuse," Grant snapped. "So what? Maybe he was right, but from where I'm standing, you haven't put in any sort of effort. At all. You've just been coasting, and Allie doesn't seem like the type to tolerate coasters."


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