The Swear Jar

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by Osorio, Audra

  “Happy Birthday,” she said huskily.

  She took hold of his ears and gently covered his face with kisses. She rolled her hips towards him. He adjusted so she could feel he was aroused. Gasping, she rolled her hips again. He ran his hands along her sides until he came to her breasts. While she nibbled on his lips, he massaged and pinched her nipples. Her back arched. He put his hand between her legs and rubbed. Leaning into him, she moaned in his ear. He pulled down her slacks and underwear. He was violating the clothes rule, but she could pull them up quickly if they were interrupted.

  He held her in place with a hand on the small of her back. Finding the soft mound between her legs, he gently stroked it. Finding her aroused, he increased his stroke. She arched her back again. She was going to orgasm. Her breathing ragged, she covered her mouth to stop from crying out. She went rigid in his arms, a slight shudder going through her body. She threw her head back. She leaned forward to gasp into his ear.

  “Duncan,” she whispered. “Duncan.”

  “Shhh. We’re in a library,” he whispered back, teasing her.

  She stared at him with raw desire in her eyes. He knew she was thinking of breaking at least one, if not all of the rules. He wanted to throw her down on the floor and make love with her, but he wanted her to love him first. She reached down between his legs. He was still aroused. She massaged him over his jeans. She kissed him and flicked her tongue into his mouth. She was losing control. She put both her hands on his belt, trying to undo his buckle. She was fumbling, but she was determined. She nuzzled his neck, her breath coming in rasps. He worried she would break the rules. He intertwined his fingers with hers, gently pushing her back.

  “Meara?” he whispered. “What are you doing?”

  Snapping out of a trance, she looked confused. “I don’t know. Oh, my.”

  “Not much of a rule follower, are you?”

  “I’m sorry, Duncan.” She tried to lift herself off his lap, but he held her in place.

  “There’s nothing to be sorry for, Meara. It’s just if we keep going like this, everyone in the library will know something is going on in here.”

  “Should I go?” She sounded sad.

  “Not yet. Sit next to me. Let me hold you.” He slid her beside him and held her close.

  “I keep doing this to you. I feel terrible.”

  “I’m fine. I may not be able to leave the office for a few minutes, but I’m fine. Besides, our hour is almost up.”

  “Already?” She sniffled.

  “If you leave with tears in your eyes, everyone will think you got a bad review and I’m firing you or something. Don’t cry. It’s my birthday. You’re in my arms. We’re having dinner tonight and we’re spending the weekend together.”

  A naughty thought came into her mind. She had an idea. She wanted to please him and make him feel as good as he had made her feel. She wanted to show him she loved him even if she couldn’t say the words yet.

  “Do you have a swimsuit?” she asked shyly.

  “Yes. I do. Why?”

  She buried her face in his shirt. “Maybe you and I can enjoy a swim together later.”

  “I’ll remember to bring my swimsuit and a towel.” He wondered what was going through her mind.

  “I should go before Sherrie wonders what happened to me.”

  Holding her face, he kissed her tenderly. “Until later.”

  “Until later.” She straightened her clothes.

  Chapter Twenty

  Leaving the office, Meara heard a familiar voice. She recognized it immediately. She shook her head in disbelief. It was Russell McMahon. He was by the Circulation Desk, chatting with Tom and Lucy.

  Russell waved. “There’s the miracle worker! How are you, Miss Meara?”

  “Good afternoon, Mr. McMahon. I’m fine. I’m not sure how I’m a miracle worker.”

  “I stopped by to wish Duncan a Happy Birthday. The old dog made it another year. I heard you repainted the Youth Services Room. I couldn’t wait for next Friday. I wanted to see if you needed anything for the meeting. I’m killing three birds with one stone.”

  “Mr. Phillips is in his office if you would like to speak with him. And as far as the reorganizing of the Youth Services Room, it was a group effort. The staff and their spouses helped to change the room. That’s how a team works. And thank you for your concern, Mr. McMahon, but we have everything for the meeting.” Her tone was politely dripping with icicles.

  Tom and Lucy backed away from Meara and Russell. Her dislike of Russell was evident. Her loyalty to the library made them proud. Yet there was no need to be in the line of fire. Sitting on the loveseat in his office, Duncan heard Russell’s voice. Shaking his head, Duncan stood by the office door. He listened to the exchange between Meara and Russell. He appreciated hearing the thinly veiled disdain in her voice.

  “Russell? Are you harassing my staff?” Duncan came forward.

  “Duncan! Happy Birthday! I was in the area and decided to drop by. Meara explained how she rallied the troops. Mind if I borrow her to give me a tour?”

  Duncan looked from Russell to Meara. She was sneering at Russell. Duncan was surprised by her uncharacteristic scorn. When Russell turned to Meara, she smiled politely.

  “That’s up to Miss Meara. If she has the time, she’s free to show you around. While I appreciate Miss Meara saying it was a group effort, she was indeed the one who rallied the troops to get the job done. We’re a team here and Miss Meara is an essential member of that team.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Phillips. I enjoy working here with my friends. I would be happy to extend professional courtesy to Mr. McMahon by showing him the Room.” She could sound haughty when she wanted.

  “Lead the way, lovely lady,” Russell said, winking at Duncan.

  “He has a nasty habit of turning up like a bad penny,” said Tom, when they were gone.

  Duncan watched Russell follow Meara. Lucy watched Duncan. Tom stood with his arms crossed.

  “I could take him outside and beat him up, if you want me to, Duncan,” Tom said.

  “I think Meara can handle that herself,” Lucy said.

  Duncan strained to hear what Russell was saying to Meara. He couldn’t make out specific words. He could hear Russell laughing. Sherrie stood by the Youth Services Desk with her arms folded across her chest. Duncan watched Sherrie. She was frowning. At one point, she held her hand over her mouth, trying not to laugh. Russell’s laughter ceased and it was quiet. Duncan fought the urge to walk over there. Sherrie was rearranging papers on the desk, trying to act like she wasn’t keeping an eye on Russell. Suddenly, Sherrie looked shocked. Lucy put her hand on Duncan’s arm.

  “You don’t know what’s going on over there. It might not be what you think. Give Meara some credit,” Lucy said.

  Meara and Russell returned to the Youth Services Desk. Sherrie smiled wanly at him. Meara patted him on the back gently. He touched Meara’s arm and headed back to the Circulation Desk. He had the biggest grin on his face as he practically skipped back to Duncan.

  “Duncan, it was good to see you for your birthday. I hope you have as good a day as I’m having. I’ll see you next week!” Russell waved goodbye.

  Duncan snapped out of the daze. His head whipped down to see Sherrie following Meara into the office. Sherrie was throwing her hands up in exasperation. He wanted to know what Russell had said to Meara. He followed Russell into the entryway space between the two sets of doors.

  “Russell? What’s going on? What did you say to Miss Meara?” he asked casually.

  “I’m not sure it’s any of your business, Duncan. Or is it? Besides, what’s a little friendly competition between libraries? I’m serious about hiring Meara. I’m sorry if that makes you feel a little helpless. I’m sure you have something to offer Meara I don’t have. Or do you?”

  Duncan snapped. “Russell, if you think I’m going to let you take away the best thing that has ever happened to me without a fight, you’re sorely mistaken.”

  Russell pounced. “Happened to YOU? Not happened to the library? Thanks for the warning about mixing of personal and professional. Take care, Duncan. You might be thinking things that aren’t true. Maybe you need to heed your own advice. Miss Meara is a passionate librarian. She may not wait around. Someone might take her away from you. I mean from your library. Goodbye, Duncan.”

  Tom and Lucy stood at the Circulation Desk, listening to the two men. When Duncan followed Russell, Tom phoned Sherrie and Meara to come down. They all heard the exchange between Duncan and Russell. Meara went to intervene.

  Sherrie grabbed her. “No way, let them fight it out.”

  “What the hell are they fighting about?”

  “You, Meara. Don’t you get it?”

  “No, I don’t. What the hell is going on?”

  “Russell wants you to work for him. Duncan’s willing to fight him for you. I think they’re done. Here comes Duncan.”

  His face was red. He didn’t notice them standing at the Circulation Desk. He slammed his office door. They stood silently, bewildered. Meara released herself from Sherrie’s grip and knocked on his office door.

  He growled. “Not now.”

  “Yes, now. I’m coming in.”

  He sat at his desk with his head in his hands. Looking up, he saw her frowning. Her face was full of concern.

  “Do you want to explain what just happened?”

  “Not really.”

  “I insist.”

  “I won’t stand in your way, Meara. If you want to work with Russell, I can understand. A bigger library, more money, more responsibility, and a younger man.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? Are you out of your mind? Where the hell is this coming from? Help me here. You were standing at the Circulation Desk. I gave Mr. McMahon the tour and then I went to talk to Sherrie. He left and you were yelling at him. I’m confused.” She threw up her hands.

  “I couldn’t hear what you two were saying so I watched Sherrie. First she frowned, then she laughed and then she was shocked. Did he ask you to work for him? Did he ask you out?”

  “So you got pissed off by watching Sherrie? She knows I can’t stand him. He gets on my nerves. I hate the way he teases you. That’s why she was frowning. I got annoyed with his cloying attitude, so I mimed sticking my finger down my throat. That’s why she laughed. Yes, he asked me to work for him. I told him no. I told him he was an idiot for waiting this long to fill the position. I stuck my finger in his face and told him it was a shame he couldn’t get his act together for the sake of the children in his community. He pushed my buttons and my temper got the better of me. I’m sorry. I know he’s your colleague and I should have shown some restraint.”

  “Then what happened? Russell said he was having a very good day.”

  “I’m not sure what he means. He was probably trying to get you worked up which he obviously did. After I rejected his job offer, he asked me out to lunch, socially, not professionally. I told him I wouldn’t go out with him either way. I told him I’m seeing someone. I have a boyfriend.”

  He stood up. “You told him you have a boyfriend?”

  She blushed. “Yes, I did. It’s true, isn’t it? It’s not official, but it’s what you are. Or am I wrong?”

  He held her hands. “Russell was acting to cover his disappointment. He was baiting me. Did you tell him I was your boyfriend?”

  “No. I don’t know what Russell thinks. What was that about not standing in my way? What the heck are you talking about?”

  “I don’t have as much to offer you as Russell does.” He hung his head.

  “Let’s get something straight right now. I’m happy here professionally, end of story. And as far as any romantic interest in Russell, no way. He’s not boyfriend material. And sure as hell, he’s no Duncan Phillips.”

  He cradled her face. “I’m your boyfriend?”

  “Yes, if you want to be. Are you my boyfriend?” The butterflies were rioting in her stomach.


  She wanted to tell him she loved him. She was so afraid. She wanted to take the leap while she could be brave. Her mind screamed no, but her heart told her yes. She shyly looked into his eyes. She got lost in those eyes and everything made sense. She was safe.

  “Good because there’s something else I want to tell you. I love you,” she whispered.

  His face lit up as he squeezed her close. “Meara! You do? I wasn’t sure how you felt. I wanted to wait until I knew you were feeling the same way. I didn’t want to push you. I love you too.”

  He lifted her chin so he could see her face. She looked relieved he had said it too. He had been right to wait for her to say it first. Grinning mischievously, he kissed her deeply.

  “Did you think we would make out if I didn’t care about you? You’re sexy as hell, yes, but I do have some self-respect, you know.” She sounded haughty again.

  “I still owe you a spanking.” He growled.

  “I’d like to see you try, mister.” She giggled.

  Rubbing her back, he nuzzled her neck. “That giggle. Do you know how many cold showers I’ve had since meeting you?”

  “I’m sorry. I was planning on relieving your tension in the pool tonight.” She bowed her head.

  “You were, were you? I have a lot of tension. Any chance we could go somewhere and explore some tension-releasing techniques?” He hoped he hadn’t gone too far.

  He didn’t want to frighten her and rush things, but losing his temper and finding out she loved him had made him bold. He desired her. He wanted to make love with her. He wanted her to be his.

  “Where did you have in mind?” she whispered.

  “My house?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “When?” Her heart was pounding.

  “Now. We’re talking about the same thing, aren’t we?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She felt faint.

  “Let’s go now.” Smirking, he pushed her out his office door.

  Blushing, Meara walked past Tom, Lucy and Sherrie, silently shaking her head. Duncan exited his office and locked the door. He turned to the trio at the Circulation Desk. He looked extremely happy.

  “We’re leaving now. I’m taking my girlfriend home. I mean out. I mean we won’t be back,” he grinned.

  Meara returned. “Sherrie, can you lock up for me?”

  Sherrie nodded, speechless. Duncan took Meara’s hand and led her out to the parking lot. There was silence in the library as they tried to process the situation.

  “What just happened?” asked Lucy, breaking the awkward silence.

  “You’re about to lose the bet,” Tom chuckled.

  “They’re boyfriend and girlfriend now?” asked Sherrie.

  “It’s about time. I was growing old watching them dance around each other,” said Tom.

  “In a strange way, I’m glad Russell showed up today,” said Lucy.

  “Happy birthday, Duncan. Lucky guy. Or he soon will be,” Tom said solemnly.

  “Tom!” said Lucy and Sherrie together.

  Duncan and Meara walked hand in hand to the parking lot. He asked her to follow him to his house. He drove carefully, watching for her in the rearview mirror. After they pulled into the driveway, he went to her Jeep and helped her out. They walked hand in hand up the path to the front porch.

  She asked, “Is it all right to park there? I don’t know if you want the neighbors to see a strange car in your driveway.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t care what the neighbors think. It’s fine right there.”

  He led her to the front porch where he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her deeply. He nibbled her upper lip. He pushed her up against the front door.

  She giggled. “You really don’t care what the neighbors think.”

  “I’m sure they wouldn’t believe it anyway. Welcome to my home. Can I give you a quick tour?” he asked as he opened the door.

  “Of course. I’d like that,” she replied, still breathless.
  He led her to the living room. There were several framed pictures on a table. She asked him to name the people for her.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “These are the boys when they were younger. This is Andrew and this is Sean. This is Andrew now with his wife Lisa and my grandson, John. This is Sean a few years ago. And this is Brenda.”

  She picked up Brenda’s picture while he stood behind her. “She’s beautiful. I can see why you love her.”

  He felt an ache in his chest. She had said love in the present tense. It was true, he loved Brenda, but he loved Meara too. It hadn’t seemed complicated when he first realized he loved Meara, but now he worried she wouldn’t appreciate sharing him with Brenda.

  “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. To come here.” He grimaced.

  “Why? Brenda will always be a part of your life. You can’t hide from it. I would never ask you to put her away. Loving her makes it possible for you to love me. I’m so grateful to her for that.”

  He felt another ache. Meara understood. She truly understood. He realized how lucky he was to have met her. There was no one else like her. And she loved him. He slipped his arms around her waist and buried his face in her hair.

  “Thank you for understanding.” His eyes teared up.

  She put Brenda’s picture down and faced him. “I love you, Duncan.”

  “I love you, Meara,” he whispered.

  He led her into a simple and neat kitchen. Meara thought it was strange the kitchen lacked personal touches. He led her into the family room. It had a dark brown sectional couch. He sat and pulled her down next to him.

  “May I ask you something?”

  “Of course.”

  “This house looks more like a bachelor pad than a family home. Where are all the homey touches?”

  “Before she died, Brenda had us remove her things. My daughter-in-law redecorated the house, on Brenda’s instruction. I didn’t have much say in the matter. Lisa doesn’t know I kept some of Brenda’s things. If she found out, she’d get rid of them.”

  “That’s terrible! I’m sorry, Duncan. I know Brenda meant well. That wasn’t fair to you. You aren’t the type to sweep away the memories of the past. We all need time to heal and having little reminders around you sometimes helps. Picking at the wound helps it to heal. Ignoring it won’t help. It’ll only get infected and ugly. Not the best description, but you get the idea.”


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