A Year at The Cosy Cottage Café: A heart-warming feel-good read about life, love, loss, friendship and second chances

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A Year at The Cosy Cottage Café: A heart-warming feel-good read about life, love, loss, friendship and second chances Page 28

by Rachel Griffiths

  “Did you get any more information about how long Dad’s staying around? I haven’t been over there yet because I thought they needed some time to talk but I sent Mum a text today to see how she was.”

  “What did she say?”

  “That she was fine. Nothing more. So I guess I shouldn’t worry.”

  “No, Dawnie, you definitely shouldn’t worry.”

  Camilla gazed around at the festive decorations. Allie had made the interior of the café look like a winter wonderland this year with fake snow padding out the bookshelves, sparkling glitter snowflakes dangling from the wooden ceiling beams, silver tealight holders on the tables with snowflake cut outs and twinkling fairylights around the edges of the counter, the inside of the door and windows and on the tree.

  “Here you go.” Allie arrived at the table with a bottle of white wine and a bowl of shiny green olives. “Do you want more lemonade, Dawn?”

  “No thanks. I don’t want to drink too much because of the bubbles.”

  “Shall I get you something else then?”

  “No, this is fine for now, thanks.”

  “Right I’ll go and get the pizzas.”

  “I’ll give you a hand.” Camilla got up and followed Allie into the café kitchen.

  The kitchen was a small space but it was warmly lit with ceiling spotlights, making it extremely inviting, and the smells in there made Camilla’s mouth water. On the island in the middle of the kitchen were three large homemade pizzas.

  “There’s a choice between three cheese, ham, chorizo and mushroom, and spinach, ricotta and mint.”

  Camilla eyed the pizzas with their golden crusts and various toppings from the melted cheese to the succulent mushrooms and the bright green herbs freshly sprinkled over the top.

  “I can’t wait to try them all!”

  “Chris made some of his fabulous aioli too, so we’ll definitely keep the vampires away tonight. Or should I say the handsome vets?” Allie winked and Camilla shook her head.

  “There’s no need. Nothing’s happened.”

  “No? I’m not sure I believe that, Camilla. Come on, help me take these through then you can fill us in with all the wonderful details.”

  Camilla picked up a pizza and a small dish of the creamy garlic dip that Chris had made, then followed Allie though to the café. She knew she wouldn’t get away with giving them no details at all, but she’d prefer to speak to them about Tom than to have to spend the evening evading discussing her parents and their rekindled romance. Which no one other than her knew about. And which she had to keep to herself. For now at least.

  Ten minutes later, the wine had been poured and Camilla was feeling far more relaxed. Honey had regaled them with a tale about the yoga class she’d delivered the previous Sunday that one of the teachers from the local primary school had attended, leaving all the women there open mouthed with surprise.

  “There we were, in the freezing cold village hall, me at the front trying to guide my ladies into the downward dog when Dane Ackerman strode in. I thought he was lost. Not that I’m stereotyping or anything but the only man who’s come to my classes up until now is Fred Bennett, and he tends to spend the hour on a chair just doing some upper body stretches. But at eighty-seven, I’m afraid to push him because he hasn’t done yoga before. To be honest, I think Fred just likes the company.” She flicked her long multi-coloured hair over her shoulders and smiled.

  “So what did you do when Dane walked in?” Camilla asked, glad that the conversation had so far steered clear of her and Tom.

  “Smiled and asked him if he needed a mat.”

  “He’s quite cute isn’t he?” Dawn nodded. “I know him because he teaches year 6. He has quite a following amongst the single mums.”

  “I’m not surprised.” A blush spread over Honey’s cheeks. “He’s gorgeous. For a primary school teacher anyway.”

  “Did he have his own mat?” Camilla was keen to find out.

  “No. So I told the rest of my class to carry on with our regular routine then I went over to him, gave him a spare mat and asked what he wanted out of yoga.”

  “And?” Allie leaned forwards.

  “He said that because he’s sustained so many rugby injures over the years, he’s really stiff and gets a lot of aches and pains, and his GP said that yoga might help with flexibility.”

  “Ooh! So are you going to help him?”

  “Of course. I told him that he could take part in Sunday’s session but that he might struggle as they’re all quite experienced now. However, I could give him some personal tuition.”

  “You didn’t?” Dawn giggled.

  “I did.”

  “When do you start?”

  “After Christmas. He’s going to come along to group when he can but I said I’ll design him a personalised routine to help him loosen up.”

  “Do you fancy him?” Camilla sipped her wine.

  “Nah… he’s over six-foot tall, built like a wall of muscle and has the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen. Add to that the broken nose and the scar on his lip that I just want to lick and I have no attraction to him what-so-ever.”

  Camilla and Dawn rolled their eyes at each other and Allie groaned. “He sounds horrendous. How come I haven’t seen him then?”

  “He only started after October half-term when one of the older teachers went off long-term sick. They don’t think he’ll be back so Mr Ackerman could be round here permanently.” Dawn shifted in her seat. “I have a foot under my rib today and it’s so uncomfortable.”

  “I remember that. Jordan was forever kicking my ribs and I swear I was black and blue by the time I gave birth.”

  Camilla shivered. “I don’t know how you can stand it. I’d go mad if I had another person in my belly.”

  “You might not, you know.” Dawn ran her hands over her rounded stomach. “Even with swollen ankles, veins in places you didn’t know you had them and the over all discomfort, it’s still a very special time.”

  “I’ll take your word for it. I’m just glad I have niece and a nephew and another on the way to dote on.” Camilla picked up the wine bottle and poured more into Allie’s glass then Honey’s, then her own.

  “Anyway, Camilla, weren’t you going to tell us about the gorgeous vet?” Allie raised her eyebrows.

  “Was I?”

  “Yes, what’s been going on with you?” Honey asked. “You never did tell us about the Halloween Party and evaded the questions so many times that I thought perhaps you hadn’t even gone but you didn’t want to admit it.”

  Camilla shook her head. She’d have to tell them something now or this could go on for years.

  “Well I told Allie about it the other day when I bumped into her. I’ve avoided telling you all because it was so embarrassing but basically…”

  Five minutes into her story and her sister and friends were laughing so much she thought Dawn might actually pop. Honey had fallen off her chair once and Allie was giggling even though she’d heard the story already.

  “Have you seen him since?” Honey asked.

  “Yesterday. I bumped into him in the morning and he asked me to meet for a drink. He said he was embarrassed about what had happened.”

  “I told you he would be.” Allie nodded. “My cats are always embarrassing me. Look at what happened with poor deceased Wallace when Luna got hold of him.”

  Dawn shuddered. “Poor Wallace.”

  Camilla squeezed her shoulder, knowing that her sister still missed her first little guinea pig, in spite of the fact that Wallace’s replacement was absolutely adorable, as were her babies.

  “Anyway, we had a drink then I went back to his cottage and had dinner.”

  “Ooh! I wish you’d told me about this yesterday, Camilla. It would’ve take my mind off worrying about Mum and Dad and I could’ve been wondering what you were doing with Tom Stone instead.”

  “Dawn, I know you and it would’ve given you something else to worry about. Besides, there was nothing to tell.
We had dinner, he walked me home, that was it.”

  “What no kisses?” Dawn pouted.


  “Camilla, are you blushing?” Allie pointed at her cheeks.

  “Well one kiss… a peck that I initiated after he walked me home. But that’s it. We’re friends and he’s very nice and sweet and I fancy him and… oh shit, I really do. I fancy him like mad.” She stared at the other women and they stared back. “What am I going to do? This isn’t supposed to happen to me!”

  “Camilla this is a good thing. This is life.” Allie reached across the table and took her hand. “Remember how you encouraged me when Chris was back in town? You told me to go for it. You said it was high time I enjoyed life and let myself be happy. The same applies to you.”

  “No. No, it’s different. I mean… he’s just so nice. But I’m not.”

  She hung her head as thoughts swirled through her mind.

  “What do you mean you’re not nice? Of course you are.” Dawn took Camilla’s other hand. “You’re the loveliest big sister in the world and you have such a warm heart.”

  “But I’ve never let a man get close. In fact, I’ve pushed them away and even hurt them. What if I hurt Tom? He lives round here and it could be awful… disastrous. I can’t allow myself to get close to him.”

  “Of course you can. And you won’t hurt him.” Dawn squeezed her hand.

  Camilla thought of her parents and how her father had run away and how much he had hurt her mother, Dawn and her. But he’d come back and he had reasons for what he’d done, reasons that kind of made sense, even if they didn’t completely excuse his behaviour.

  “I might. And I don’t want to.”

  “Camilla, it’s okay to be afraid. Love is about taking chances and not all relationships work out but you owe it to yourself to give this a chance if you really like him.” Allie released her hand then raised her wine glass. “To taking chances on love because let’s be honest ladies, it’s bloody well worth it!”

  They all clinked their glasses then drank.

  “It’s very early days yet anyway and I don’t actually know what Tom wants or if he likes me that much. I’ll take it a day at a time.”

  “That’s all you can do.” Allie nodded. “That’s all any of us can do.”


  The next three days flew past as Camilla worked, visited Dawn’s to spend time with Laura, James, Lulu, Wallace and Wallace’s offspring, and tried to keep herself from texting Tom. Which she failed to resist, of course, but she tried to keep the texts light-hearted and amusing. With her travelling into London and Tom’s long hours at the surgery, there was no chance of bumping into him unless she went walking early in the morning, and she was so tired that she convinced herself to stay in bed until a reasonable hour each day.

  She’d also been trying not to worry too much about her parents and their situation. Hoping she was doing the right thing, she’d kept what she’d seen from Dawn, and she put her faith in her parents to tell Dawn that they were getting back together when they were ready. She knew they were going round to Dawn’s for a cuppa that morning but hadn’t heard anything, so assumed it all went well and that Dawn wasn’t suspicious about their rekindled love affair. Although Camilla now wondered how Dawn would react anyway. She’d been so much happier since Rick had quit his City job to work from home that she didn’t seem to get fazed by things anymore. It was as if accepting her third pregnancy, and finding out that her husband loved her as much as when they got together, had released her from anxiety and Camilla loved seeing her far more relaxed. So perhaps Dawn would just take it all in her stride once she did find out. Camilla was also hoping it would work out for Jackie and Laurence, because if it did then life would be easier for all of them. Camilla would feel less responsibility on her own shoulders and that would be very nice indeed.

  Friday afternoon arrived and Camilla was itching to see Tom again. She wondered if he felt the same. She’d arranged to meet Allie, Chris and Honey at The Red Fox for the pub quiz that evening, and decided to ask Tom if he’d like to join them. After all, it wasn’t really like asking him out on a date, because there would be other people there, but she could ask him if he wanted to be on their team.

  She sent a text at four thirty-five then waited.

  And waited.

  At four fifty-five her mobile buzzed.

  Hi Camilla,

  Thanks so much for inviting me but I’ve already agreed to go with Dane. He’s new to Heatherlea too and I bumped into him on my run yesterday. We could meet you there though? Two doesn’t make a team, after all.

  Tom X

  She replied.

  Okay, great. See you around seven. X

  Then she sent a text to Honey.

  Dane will be at pub with Tom. On our team! X

  Her mobile buzzed again.

  Yes I know. I’m looking forward to it. Tom X

  Camilla groaned. She’d accidentally sent the message as a group text, including Tom and Honey. The darned touch screen buttons were so close together and she didn’t always take her time when sending messages.

  When her mobile buzzed again, she was afraid to look. But she had to.

  Yay! Both our lucky nights then! Honey XX

  Another buzz.

  Tom X

  And another buzz.

  Oh no! Is this a group text? Camilla!!!! Read them before you send them. Honey Xx

  Camilla placed her mobile on the arm of her sofa and lay back. Oh well, at least there was no danger of Tom being ignorant of how much she liked him. If her behaviour the other evening hadn’t given her away, that was.

  Now all she had to do was to find something to wear that would say casual and attractive without screaming I want you in my life. But I don’t want to commit. Well at least I don’t think I do but, hey, you know some romance would be nice…

  She went upstairs and opened her wardrobe door. At least if she narrowed it down to four or five outfits now, it would save her time later on. She laid a few blouses and jumpers on the bed then opened her drawers and pulled out some of her jeans. The advantage of earning a good income and being single and childless meant that she had plenty to choose from when it came to clothes, shoes and bags. Her disposable income was hers and her alone, so she could buy herself whatever she wanted. Although sometimes, after a shopping spree, it would have been nice to come home and show someone, to have someone approve of what she’d bought, rather than just doing her own mini fashion show for her plants.

  Camilla shook her head. She was getting soft and she blamed her parents and their love revival. She was getting carried away and it would have to stop. Tom probably wasn’t even as good looking, intelligent, funny or kind as she thought; she’d probably built him up in her mind since Monday and when she saw him tonight in the pub, she’d be disappointed. Then she’d laugh and get on with her life without giving the vet a second thought.

  Yes, that’s how it would be.

  Wouldn’t it?

  “Wow!” Camilla’s jaw dropped as Honey patted her arm furiously. They were sitting in the corner of the pub near the fireplace with Allie and Chris, and Honey had just drawn her attention to the fact that Tom and Dane had arrived. “Do you see that, Camilla? They’re gorgeous.”

  Camilla forced her mouth closed then dragged her eyes from Tom’s handsome face.

  “I see them.” She met Honey’s eyes and they both burst into laughter.

  “What’re you two giggling about?” Allie asked.

  “Look.” Honey nodded at the bar.

  “Oh yum.” Allie smiled.

  “Excuse me, darling… ahem.” Chris nudged Allie and she turned back to him.

  “Sorry, my love. Just approving the girls’ choices. I only have eyes for you, of course.”

  “You’d better.” Chris kissed Allie softly, his eyes full of her.

  “You two are so in love.” Camilla smiled.

  “You will be soon, no doubt.” Allie covered her mouth with her h
and then muttered, “They’re coming over.”

  Camilla straightened in her chair and licked her lips while Honey gathered her colourful hair over one shoulder and played with the ends nonchalantly.

  “Evening.” Tom smiled at everyone then his gaze lingered on Camilla. “Does anyone want a drink?”

  “Yes please,” Camilla raised her empty wine glass. “I’ll come and give you a hand.”


  Camilla stood up while Tom took a list of drinks then she walked to the bar with him. Dane had taken the seat next to Chris, which meant that he was opposite Honey, and they’d been speaking like old friends as Camilla and Tom walked away.

  The quiz turned out to be great fun and Camilla laughed, joked and whispered as her team wrote their answers down to each question in turn. Tom had a broad scientific knowledge, Chris had a wealth of knowledge about the latest bestsellers in the crime fiction chart and Dane knew lots about political history. Allie knew all about baking and maths and Honey answered the art history questions and the sport ones. As for Camilla, she answered when she knew something that no one else did, but on the whole she just enjoyed listening and watching as her friends had a good time.

  She was also enjoying being able to sit so close to Tom, to watch him as he thought about the answers and encouraged their teammates. He was kind, caring and attentive and made an effort to include everyone, even trying to coax them into answering questions they found challenging. The more time she spent with him, the more impressed she was.

  When the final question had been asked, their answer sheets were collected in and they were told that the results would be announced in thirty minutes.

  “Time for another round then?” Chris asked.

  “Oh go on then.” Allie stood up and they took the empties to the bar.

  “That was great fun.” Tom turned to Camilla. “We have a good team here.”

  Camilla nodded. “Might even win.”


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