Tempting the Biker: (A Love Struck Bad Boys Romance)

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Tempting the Biker: (A Love Struck Bad Boys Romance) Page 4

by Amber Burns

  “Don’t ever leave me again,” he growled harshly, the possessiveness in his voice leaving her trembling.

  “Never, I’ll never leave you,” she cried out.

  Chris reached for her hair, turning her head to face him, “Promise. Swear to me, because you are mine.”

  Her scalp ached as he yanked on the roots of her hair, but the pain was lost in the sensation of being claimed as his own.

  “I’m yours Chris, nobody will ever take me away from you again.”

  He released her head and lifted her to reach for her clit, rubbing firm circles over the little nub of hard flesh. She moaned against him, her head thrown against his shoulder. Brittany came within seconds, on her knees on his stairs. She giggled as she felt liquid run down her inner thighs, and with the tightening of her muscles, and through her giggles Chris let go and felt his own orgasm wash over him like the waves of the ocean.

  They both fell forward sated, and Brittany could see the puddle on the floor below them through the stairs. When she stood there were markings from the metal on her knees, her neck ached and her legs trembled. Chris helped her upright, guided her to the bathroom and as they walked he smacked her butt.

  “I could get used to having you around Miss McAndrews…”

  Chapter 9

  The music in the club thumped in her ears as Brittany rubbed her body seductively against Chris. His hands were on her hips, and his lips on her neck. She drew her hands through her hair, raising her arms above her head as she moved. They were out together to celebrate her twenty-first birthday, and when she looked across the dance floor in the flashing dim light, Brittany could see Rachel gyrating against the current guy she was seeing. It happened to be a friend of Chris’s, and the arrangement had worked to all their benefit. Brittany caught Rachel’s eye across the floor, and the girls waved at each other. She took Chris’s hand and led him to the bar.

  “Let’s get a drink,” She said, breathless.

  She watched Rachel grab Lex, and the four of them met there, and while the girls giggled together, the men looked around, scanning the club. Chris liked to keep Brittany safe, and both he and Lex constantly made sure there was no trouble about.

  They danced and drank, and with her head spinning, Brittany followed Chris out to the waiting cab much later that night, teetering on the high heels of her Louboutin’s. She collapsed against him in the back seat, but was overcome with lust as he ran his fingers up and down her inner thigh just below her mini-skirt. Chris had awakened in her an animalistic enjoyment of sex, the total opposite of her virginal state prior to meeting him.

  In the elevator to his apartment he held her pressed between his body and the wall, kissing her while he ran his hands up and down the length of her tightly toned and athletic body. He squeezed her firm breasts, biting her lip when she sighed into his mouth, and tasted the tequila on her breath. Brittany gripped his back through the cotton of his shirt.

  “I want you to turn me around right here in this elevator, raise my skirt, and pull my panties aside. You know what I want you to do after that Christopher?” She murmured in his neck.

  He raised his head to look at her.

  “Hmm, what could you possibly want me to do after I pull your panties aside I wonder… Do tell Brittany,” he said, a chuckle in his voice.

  She raised herself closer to his ear, “Fuck me, right here where there’s a chance people could walk in on us.”

  Goose bumps broke out along his arms as she ran her nails down toward his hands.

  “That does sound like rather a thrilling idea.”

  Chris’s hands were on her hips in an instant as he spun her to face the wall, and she gasped when he grabbed a thick handful of her hair.

  “You like the idea of being taken like this? Pressed face-first into a wall, with my hands on you, feeling me pull your underwear out of the way.”

  Brittany felt the heat pool in her pelvis, he knew how much she enjoyed his rough handling, and her eyes closed as he ran a hand between her thighs, spreading her legs. She nodded.

  “Yes please…”

  She felt him step away, and the elevator came to a grinding halt, the lights flickering. She heard his zipper and the rustling of her lover freeing his member. Chris grunted as he thrust into her easily, she was slippery with arousal and arched her back into his movement. They had no time for leisure, and he held her down, reaching around to run his fingers over her clit. Brittany trembled in his grip and her legs started shaking. Chris didn’t stop moving as she came, her muscles tightening around him. He came, and pulled the condom from his still-hard cock, knotting it and stuffing it in his pocket. After giving his hands a cursory wipe on his jeans, he watched Brittany straighten herself out, and then got the elevator going again. They stumbled into the apartment, Brittany giggling like a school-girl, and Chris following her with an indulgent smile on his face.

  They had now been dating for just over a year, and though she had turned down his asking her to move in with him a few months before, he wanted to ask her again. They were spending most evenings together, and Chris had managed to get to a friendly ceasefire with her parents. Ann and Adam knew he would protect Brittany with his life if it came to that, and they trusted him. As he put his keys in the bowl on the kitchen counter he exhaled loudly, he had a lunch date with Brittany’s father the following day while she was at University, and he was a little nervous.

  By the time Chris got upstairs Brittany was spread-eagled across the bed snoring softly, still fully dressed. He undressed and then slipped off her shoes, skirt and raised her torso to take off her top. She was dead to the world, and completely unaware of him. He switched off lights and when he fell into bed she turned over and curled into his side.

  Chapter 10

  “Thank you again for having lunch with me Adam,” Chris said, picking up his cutlery and tucking into the large pear and Gorgonzola salad in front of him.

  Adam shrugged, “It’s a pleasure, quite frankly I would happily escape from that office to come and have one of these burgers any given day.”

  The other man reached for the double Brie and bacon burger.

  Chris laughed, “Your wife better not hear of this! She’ll kill me if I’m the cause of a cholesterol bomb happening.” He picked up his beer and wiped his mouth. “I actually wanted to ask you something specific today,” He continued, and cleared his throat. “I am perhaps being old-fashioned here, and that might shock you, given your judgment of me, based on appearances…”

  He trailed off.

  Adam stared at the man who shared a table with him, the tattoo’s up and down his left arm, across what he could see of his left chest. He disapproved of the long hair brushing the shoulders too. Adam was a corporate lawyer and Chris owned a restaurant, and there was a twenty year age difference between them too. He took a deep breath, with a big suspicion of what was coming.

  It took a few minutes for Chris to gather the words together.

  “I would like your blessing to propose to Brittany. Would you give me that?”

  He watched Adam closely. The older man rubbed his face.“

  Wow, I thought you were going to do that, about two seconds ago the revelation struck. Chris, you and I haven’t walked the smoothest path, and we did get off to a bad start, but you have kept Brit in school, you have kept her safe, and she loves you.”

  The statement took Chris off-guard.

  “You think she loves me?”

  Adam smiled at him then, a smile that reached all the way to his eyes.

  “She does, even if she hasn’t said so. I know my little girl well enough to be able to tell that much.” He drank a mouthful of his water, “So, yes, I give you my blessing to propose to Brittany, and I truly wish you both all the happiness in the world.”

  They clinked, his glass against Chris’s beer bottle.

  “Here’s to planning the perfect proposal.”

  Adam hesitated as he stood to leave.

  “May I make a sugg
estion?” He asked.

  Chris nodded, “Of course.”

  The older man looked excited when he said, “She has a favorite place out in Long Island where we always used to go for breakfast, you could take her there one Sunday, it would be special to her, I think.”

  A sudden idea formed in Chris’s mind.

  “Hey, why don’t we all go there together? I know how much it would mean to her if you, her whole family were there. She misses you when she is with me, and she feels torn when she is with you, she loves us all. I know it’s different, but she’s unique.”

  He knew he had done the right thing when Adam reached over and pulled him into a hug, then stepped back awkwardly.

  “You’re a good man. Thank you.”

  Chris got the details for a little place called ‘McGee’s’ in Long Island, and made a reservation for all of them, including Rachel and Lex. He made it for the Sunday coming, and notified Brittany’s father. He then went home, and while he had the apartment to himself, opened the wall safe hidden from view by the casual placing of an old Biker’s color, leather wall hanging. He took out a small velvet box and dusted it, and when he opened it, took out the solitaire diamond nestled inside.

  He had sneakily measured Brittany’s finger a few weeks ago, and this would fit perfectly. He had to be sure she never ever stumbled across the rest of the items in the safe though. It contained his past life, pictures of a small boy with a dark-haired woman. With a heavy heart Chris locked the safe again and kept the ring out.

  Maria had been his wife five years ago, and he had thought his life would end when he lost her and Callum in fights with rival gangs back in Los Angeles. He had decided at their funeral that he would turn his life around, and now, having Brittany, such a good, clean person to be with, he finally felt that life was coming back to normal. Nobody here in New York knew about his past, a friend had helped him bury the prison time under a pseudonym, and for that he was grateful. He was sure Adam would have dissected his past by now, and if he’d found anything, he would have made it known.

  It was Friday evening and he had taken the night off, also asking Brit to stay over at her parents’ until Saturday. He would pick her up after lunch. She had a lot of studying to do, and they generally got a little distracted around each other… With thoughts of her beautiful eyes and soft lips on his mind, he fell asleep.

  Chapter 11

  When Chris fetched Brittany on Saturday, he climbed off the bike to knock on the door to her parent’s house. The door was flung open before he got there though, and Ann threw her arms around his neck.

  “Oh, I am so excited! I can’t wait for tomorrow!” She whispered in his ear.

  He hushed her, “Careful, she’ll hear you…”

  He released her as Brittany came flouncing down the stairs, long hair bouncing in a ponytail behind her head.

  “Hello beautiful, you look chipper,” he said, kissing her.

  She grinned.

  “Well, I am sober this time!” She exclaimed, quickly looking around as her mother walked away shaking her head.

  “Let’s go, I’ve been looking forward to seeing you,” she said, more softly this time.

  He helped her onto the bike behind him, and they both slipped on helmets. He pulled off, but they didn’t immediately go to his place, he took her to a car dealership instead. Brittany frowned when he pulled up in front of the Volvo dealership.

  “What’s this?”

  He shrugged, “I know the fact I ride a bike makes your parents uneasy, and gives them one more reason to worry about you, so I thought we could come and look around.”

  He led her into the building and straight to a C30, one of the older, yet still ‘younger person’ type of cars the brand made. She stopped with her hands on her hips.

  “You’ve thought this through Chris Baxter! You already know which car you want!” She accused, her eyes narrowed, but laughter on her voice.

  Chris smiled, “Caught, I’ve actually already bought one, but wanted to see your reaction… Forgive me?”

  She reached up, hugging him, her arms around his neck.

  “Of course, on one condition though,” and she gave his bike a lascivious glance through the windows, “We have to give the Ducati a decent farewell if I’m not going to be a regular on it anymore…”

  He felt himself harden against her, and waved off the sales assistant, taking her hand and leading her back to the bike.

  “As you wish.”

  They pulled into the underground parking as the sun fell below the horizon, and Chris turned into a secluded corner Brittany hadn’t seen before, stopping the bike and swinging his leg off in one smooth movement. Brittany looked around, the rough walls enclosed two sides of the space, and shade-netting hung from the industrial steel pipes against the ceiling.

  “What is this place?” She asked, getting off and moving to stand behind the big bike.

  Chris walked up behind her. “It’s part of my storage area where nobody ever comes, fit for a goodbye to the bike, no?”

  Brittany nodded, “It makes me feel… Vulnerable.”

  Chris stroked her back, she wore a soft cashmere sweater and jeans that hugged her tightly, and when his hands ran over the curve of her butt, he felt the muscles tense. She arched her back in front of him, and he reached up to pull the elastic from her hair, letting the golden curls cascade down her back to the curve of her waist. He pushed the thick mass aside, kissing and nipping at the pale skin of her neck with sharp teeth.

  She sighed and pushed her body back against him, and Chris slid his arms around her small frame, unbuttoning and unzipping her jeans. He raised her sweater and pinched her nipples, hardening when he heard her little squeaks at the mild pain. She gasped when he took her breasts in his hands, gripping tightly and lifting them, raising her to her toes on the sneakers she wore.

  He pulled the jeans just below her pert buttocks, following suit with her lacy little G-string, and pushed her forward. She looked completely wanton, bent over the back of a monster-bike, jeans and panties sitting below the perky butt, sweater pulled up above her breasts, her hair wild around her face. Now she turned her face to him, biting her lip.

  Chris growled and while she watched he unzipped his own jeans, his iron-hard cock springing from against his belly, “You look like the most taboo kind of porn, standing there like that,” He said, rolling on the condom he took from his pocket. Brittany’s legs trembled when he stood behind her, lifted her hips with his hands and entered her. She groaned at the invasion, not fully prepared for the size of him.

  “Oh, ow, slowly please. You’re big, and I’m not totally ready…” she breathed hard, gripping the seat of the bike.

  He watched the length of his cock disappear into her body, listened to the moans she uttered, and he exhaled slowly. He hoped fucking this woman would always do this to him. He leaned over her and teased her breasts, lowering the lace cups of her bra, and pulling gently on her nipples one at a time. She alternately arched and rounded her back under him, and pushed into him, now moving her hips against his. He heard a movement out in the garage and stopped moving for a moment.

  “Shh. There’s someone outside,” He whispered.

  She shook her head, “Don’t stop, please, not now.”

  Chris smiled, she was so absorbed in her pleasure. He raised her against him, so that she barely rested her hands on the bike, and used a hand to gag her. She sighed into his fingers, and made small movements against him. Chris kept his thrusts long and slow, and with one hand gagging her, he manipulated her clit with the other.

  She moaned, and the movement outside stopped, he quickened his movements, and as Brittany came, falling forward over the bike, he grabbed her hips. He let go and with two hard thrusts he felt his own release wash over him.

  When Chris looked up, pulling from Brittany’s body, Rachel stood in the entrance wide-eyed.

  “Um, I heard noises, I’m sorry!” She said, blushing, and ran off.

Moments later he heard the elevator. Brittany pulled her pants back on and fell about in a fit of giggles.

  “Oh crap! That was so funny, did you see her face!”

  Chris rolled his eyes, breakfast the next morning would not be awkward at all…

  Chapter 12

  He had not told Brittany of the plans to have breakfast the next morning, and had to resist very hard the urge to tell her where they were going and exactly why, as well as who they were meeting. She bounced with excitement in the car next to him. It had been delivered the previous day, and still smelled of brand new leather.

  “You will see soon enough where we are going, relax!” He said, feeling old for a moment in the face of such excitement and enthusiasm.


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