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Evacuation - 02

Page 15

by Phillip Tomasso

  “Problem was,” Jeremy said, “he wasn’t a rich man. Had to work. Only had so much time to dedicate to building the place. Jason and I helped as much as we could. Loved coming down here with him. He taught us not just how to build, but how to live off the land. We’d spend long weekends and holidays working here.”

  “Drove our mother crazy,” Jason said.

  “His heart gave out. Jason and I were with him. We didn’t have any way to get help, or call for an ambulance. We didn’t have cell phones then. Papa wouldn’t have allowed them even if they were around.”

  “Place didn’t even have electricity at that point,” Jeremy said.

  They weren’t far from a state park. There had to be park rangers, a main office, or a phone somewhere close. I wondered how old they were when the heart attack struck? Had to have been horrible for them.

  “He was out in the woods. Been gone, I don’t know, an hour or so?” Jeremy said.

  Jason nodded. “Sounds about right. Nothing unusual about it. I mean, we were in the wild, really. Nature. Someone’s gone for a spell; you don’t get all panicked. This wasn’t the city. I don’t know though, I guess we started to figure something might not be right and went looking for him.”

  Jeremy stood up, picked up his bowl, and silverware. “Just wasn’t right.”

  “Was nothing we could do. His skin was blue and cold. He’d been dead a while,” Jason said.

  The room fell silent. Jeremy brought his dirty dish into the kitchen, and to be alone, I presumed.

  “The land became ours And our mother’s. She wanted nothing to do with it, because she felt like the land was cursed. Our grandfather died on his way here, I guess. We didn’t know him. Just what our father told us.” Jason looked around, as if admiring the rafters and quality of the completed work. “Two generations of Terrigino men died here. Tried to tell our mother, wasn’t going to happen to Jeremy and me. We were younger, and stronger. When we finished building the place, we begged her to come see it, but she wouldn’t. Wouldn’t even look at pictures of the place. When I say she washed her hands of this land, I mean she scrubbed away even the idea of soil from under her nails.”

  “The place is absolutely breathtaking,” Allison said.

  “Thank you, dear. I appreciate that. My family appreciates that,” Jason said.

  Jeremy emerged from the kitchen. “We don’t really have anything for dessert. I’m sorry about that. I’d have made Jell-O, or something.”

  “Please, that’s all right,” Palmeri said.

  I watched Spade. He’d been as quiet as Dave and Sues during dinner. He’d eaten silently, and just seemed to be taking everything in. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust him, or know him, for that matter, but I felt like he was up to something. I just wished I knew what.

  “But, I can brew us up some coffee. Would anyone care for a cup?”

  Coffee did sound amazing. As much as I would love a cup, I didn’t want anything to hinder my sleep. There was no denying that it felt safe in here. The log cabin was like a fortress with enough weapons, and apparently food, to make anyone lower their guard and relax a little.

  Only thing that would be better than a cup of coffee is a pack of cigarettes. Still missed the one Marfione had given me, the one I’d tucked behind my ear to smoke later, but never got the chance. I’d give most anything to have that cigarette back.

  “I would love some,” Charlene said. She quickly added, “If it’s no trouble.”

  “If it were trouble, dear, I’d not have offered.”

  Spade’s jaw tensed. A ripple made its way up his cheek as if he’d ground his teeth together. I missed it. Something caused the reaction. I looked around casually; certain something was taking place that I just wasn’t seeing.

  Jeremy stood half inside the dining room, half in the kitchen, his back and shoulder kept the swinging door from swinging. “I will just--”

  Erway ran into the room. “Zombies are scratching at the windows!”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  My weapons were upstairs in the bedroom, the machete, sword and the knife.

  Everyone else seemed to have a rifle leaning against the wall behind their chair.

  “My rifle’s in the other room,” Charlene said. “Near the window.”

  She wasn’t going anywhere without me right next to her.

  Allison checked her clip and slapped it in place. “Let’s go get it,” she said.

  Jason patted the air with both hands. “Everyone, everyone, please. Please, just settle down. It happens sometimes. The smell attracts them when we cook.”

  “Because you are such a wonderful chef,” Jeremy said.

  Jason bobbed his head side-to-side, mulling over the compliment. “I suppose so. I suppose. Thing is, ain’t none of them things getting in here. I explained the windows, the bars, and the shutters. The doors are steel, and so are the door casings. They’d have to have dynamite to blast them in. Huffing and puffing won’t do shit. That, I promise you.”

  “So, what do we do?” Spade said.

  Jason looked at Jeremy. “Will the coffee be long?”

  “I’ll make it now,” he said, and went into the kitchen.

  “Coffee,” Palmeri said. “You still want coffee?”

  “Dear,” Jason said, addressing Erway, “the zombies--you look out the window?”

  “I saw them, yes.”

  “How many? Guess.”

  “Ten, twelve. It was dark,” she said.

  “If you’d like, if it will make you all feel better, follow me upstairs. Okay?” Jason got up from the table. He wiped his mouth on his napkin, dropped it over his bowl and left the room.

  We sat, staring at each other, not exactly sure what to do next.

  “Well, are you coming?” Jason said. I could see him from where I sat at the table. He had one foot on the stairs, a hand on the railing, and was leaning back to look at us in the dining room.

  Spade motioned us to move along with his rifle. Dave and Sues went first, Crystal behind them.

  “You two stay right next to me,” I said to Allison and Charlene. I made eye contact with Spade. “Something going on?”

  Spade pointed with two fingers at the kitchen, and then shushed me.

  Dammit. Something was wrong. He either knew, or sensed something that I was totally missing. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand. That was not good. Not at all.

  I led Allison and Charlene out of the kitchen, and Palmeri and Spade followed.

  Charlene snatched up her rifle by the window. “Why are we going upstairs?”

  “You’ll see,” Jason said. He was already upstairs. Charlene had practically whispered. How had he heard her?

  We climbed the stairs. I was behind Palmeri, but ahead of Alley and Charlene. Spade followed along. He kept looking back. I knew this, because I kept looking back at him. It was as if he expected Jeremy to come at him with a kitchen hatchet or something.

  I ducked into the room I’d slept in. My belt was on the chair by the bed. I strapped it on. The sword and knife already felt like a part of my body. I slipped my head under the shoulder harness, and sighed with the machete affixed to my back.

  “All set?” Allison said.

  “Don’t think I’m ever taking these off again.”

  “Think we get to keep them?” Charlene said.

  Was a good question.

  In a bedroom toward the front of the cabin, Jason had raised one of the windows. “The bars will keep the zombies out even if they managed to climb up the side of the cabin like Spiderman.”

  Leaning against the wall was rifle with a scope and a silencer screwed on to the barrel.

  “When Jeremy and I were younger, we’d come up here with .22s and shoot at beavers, woodchucks, and squirrels. Whatever was out there, you know. We’d just pull a chair up to the window and…” He aimed his rifle out through the slatted bars, and pretended to shoot. “…ping, ping, ping. Just pick off rodents. Were some great times. Truly amazing
memories. Thing is that whatever we shot, we ate. Father taught us that. So after we’d hunted, we’d go down and collect up the carcasses, gut ‘em, skin em, and bleed ‘em. Stews and jerky were two of the things we made regularly.”

  That awkward silence fell over the room once again as we watched Jason, who now seemed lost in reflection. I wanted to grab him by the shoulders and give him a shake or maybe yell in his face, What the fuck is wrong with you?

  “Okay,” Jason said. “Who’s gonna be first?”

  I jumped back. His sudden enthusiasm caught me off guard.

  Spade hadn’t moved. The guy was as tense as a statue.

  No one moved. We stood there. Waiting.

  Jason smiled. “It’s not only simple, it’s kind of fun.”

  With the rifle aimed out the window, Jason squinted. He pressed his open eye to the scope, and aimed. A moment later, he fired off two shots. Sounded like puffs of air slamming into a pillow.

  Never heard a gun with a silencer before. Had to admit. Was kind of cool.

  Palmeri was at the window. “Headshots. Nice.”

  “Want a turn?” Jason offered her the rifle.

  Palmeri shook her head. “I’m good.”

  Crystal stepped forward. “I’ll give it a shot,” she said, and laughed. “No pun intended.”

  “Ah, but a funny one at that,” Jason said, and handed her the rifle. “Here you are, dear.”

  Crystal aimed and fired. “Huh. Got ‘em.”

  “Nice shooting, nice.” Jason clapped.

  Crystal took three more shots. “Okay, yeah, this is fun.”

  There was nothing fun about it. My stomach rolled. Killing the things to survive was one thing, but making a game out of it, a mockery of what we were against, seemed wrong. They had been people.

  My ex-wife had been staring at photos of our kids. She was a zombie, but she somehow held onto to some part of her that still possibly felt or thought of being loved.

  The others didn’t know this. I hadn’t found the right time to share some of my suspicions.

  “Who’s next?” Crystal said, holding the rifle out to anyone.

  Charlene took a step.

  I grabbed her wrist. Didn’t want it obvious to everyone that I was stopping her.

  She caught on, stepped back, stood next to me, and stayed still.

  Jason took the rifle, offering it to Spade. “How about you? Not much of a challenge for someone of your skill and training, I’m sure. But, just the same, might feel good getting out some of that pent up anger.”

  “And what makes you think I’m angry?” Spade said.

  “In today’s world, soldier, who among us isn’t angry?”

  “Coffee’s ready,” Jeremy called up to us.

  Jason and Spade seemed locked in a staring contest, neither moving a muscle.

  Jason gave in first. He aimed it out the window. Five quick shots fired. “Hmm. There we are.”

  He lowered the rifle and leaned it against the wall.

  “Coffee is ready,” Jason said. He wove his way between us and left the room.

  “We’re getting out of here,” Spade said. “In the morning. You all get some sleep tonight. I’ll keep watch.”

  “Watch over what?” Sues said. “You heard them. No way can zombies get in here.”

  Spade sucked in a deep breath. “Isn’t zombies I’m worried about tonight.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  I showered before bed. Stood under the spray for as long as I thought allowed. Others wanted in, so I did not want to use all the hot water. Easily could have, but I refrained. The smell of shampoo and Irish Spring soap was in and of itself, invigorating. The dried dirt took serious scrubbing to remove. I had to keep swiping my foot to clear mud from over the tub drain.

  After toweling off, I took advantage of the situation, and found an unused razor and shaving cream. Always hated shaving, always. On that night, I reveled in it, enjoying each pass of the blades over my skin. Splashing hot water on my face afterwards, felt both comforting and soothing.

  Someone knocked on the door. The moment was chased away.

  “Dad, you take longer than me!” Char stepped into the bathroom as I left with a towel wrapped around my waist. “And don’t walk around like that. No one wants to see your chest hair, geesh!”

  I raised my eyebrows as she closed the door, and went to the bedroom Allison, Charlene and I would share for the night. In the few short steps I took from one door to the next, I’ll admit I was fooled.

  Caught believing this was normal. Like we were on a vacation. The three of us staying over at some bed and breakfast in the Thousand Islands. In the morning, we’d fish, and walk to town for ice cream.

  The illusion didn’t immediately vanish. When I walked into the bedroom, Allison was there, smiling.

  “Jason brought you a change of clothes. That dress shirt, and vest coat. Gave you a pair of jeans, too,” Allison said.

  “That was thoughtful.”

  “Guess, we don’t have long. Shut that door, drop that towel and get over here,” she said. Demanding. I loved it.

  “Good thing, I don’t think it will take long,” I said. Never one to disobey orders, I did as instructed.

  # # #

  Monday, November 2nd -- 0913

  “Rise and shine.”

  I opened my eyes, expecting either Allison or Charlene to be the one waking me. “Spade?”

  “Brothers have been up since dawn. Got bacon on a griddle, scrambling up eggs. Jeremy’s making biscuits. They wanted to me to come wake everyone up,” he said.

  “You get any sleep?” I said.

  Allison sat up, while Charlene rolled away from us, pulling blankets over her head.

  “Not a wink,” he said, and winked. Ironic.

  “Hey, man, what’s going on here?” I said.

  Charlene lowered the blanket and looked at us.

  “Oh, they are up. Hurry down or everything will get cold.” Jason leaned in the open doorway. “I’ll wake the others.”

  “Just follow my lead,” Spade said, in a whisper.

  I nodded.

  We got out of bed, about to leave the room, when I stopped and strapped on my weapons. Allison and Charlene grabbed their rifles and handguns.

  “Wonder if they have holsters. Tucking this Glock in my waistband, not so comfy,” Charlene said.

  “Stay close, you two,” I said.

  “What’s wrong here,” Charlene said.

  “I don’t know but I feel it. Spade does, too.” I took in a breath and sighed. “After we eat, though, I am going to go out back. I am going to bury Cash--”

  “I want to help,” Charlene said.

  “Me, too. We should do it together,” Allison said.

  I pursed my lips, hoping it resembled a humbled smile. “Okay. That’s a good idea. Together.”

  We walked out of the room. The aroma wafting up from the kitchen was immediate. “Bacon,” Charlene said.

  “Poor Erway,” Allison said.

  “I’ll eat the eggs, I guess.” Erway startled us.

  I spun around. “Scared me.”

  “Sorry about that. How’d you guys sleep?”

  “Well,” Allison said.

  “And that’s everyone.” Jason closed bedroom doors as he passed them.

  “Good morning, everyone.” Crystal scratched at a mop of hair. “Where’s Elysia?”

  “Palmeri?” Erway said. “She went down earlier. She did not sleep well. Tossed and turned all night.”

  “Didn’t bother me,” Crystal said.

  “Kept me up,” Erway said.

  We went down the stairs. Our Bed & Breakfast had a home cooked meal waiting, and I’d just bet a day full of activities!

  I needed to keep my head on straight. Couldn’t allow myself to be sucked into this Never Never Land the Terrigino brothers created.

  We took the same seats around the large table. Erway joined us, fitting in on a folding chair at a corner by where Jason
sat. The spread took up a lot of the center of the table. There were even two jugs of orange juice, and one of milk. Two oil lamps burned at either end. Gave the whole room a rather relaxing ambiance.

  Never Never Land was damned appealing. No doubt about it.

  “So,” Jason said as he reached for a piece of crisp bacon. “What are your plans?”

  The question was vague, and was not seemingly directed at anyone in particular. “I would like permission to borrow shovels so I can bury my son,” I said.

  No one moved.

  “Of course,” Jason said. “If you would like, we have a tree out back. Provides lot’s of shade in the summer months. It’s tall, strong. You are more than welcome to use the ground around it, if you’d like.”

  “That sounds wonderful. Thank you, I appreciate it,” I said.

  He smiled. “Of course. And Jeremy and I would like some volunteers.”

  Spade cocked his head to one side. “Volunteers?”

  “Need a small hunting party. Dinner doesn’t grow on trees. However,” he held up a finger, “it can often be found running along the branches.”

  I heard Jeremy laugh from the kitchen. The door swung open. “Biscuits are just out of the oven. Hot, hot, hot. You can cut ‘em open and lay a slab of butter in there. It should melt without spreading it. In my opinion, they are so good that they don’t even require butter, but that’s just me.”

  The biscuits looked and smelled amazing.

  My plate contained fluffy scrambled eggs, strips of bacon and toast. I could not pass on the biscuits though. Figured, we might not be here long, so I might as well fill my belly. Could be a while before we eat like this again, if ever.

  With a glance around the table, it seemed like I wasn’t the only one thinking this way, with the exception of the Terrigino brothers. They didn’t pile food onto their plates. They knew where the next meal was coming from. It was right in the fridge in the next room.

  “I’d be happy to give you a hand, replenishing the food we’ve eaten,” Spade said.


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