Blake: A Bad Boy Romance

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Blake: A Bad Boy Romance Page 12

by Day, Laura

  He reached for the handle of the door and Ivy stood up. Should she scream? Should she call the police? She didn’t know what to do and Darryl opened the door and stepped into her office.

  “You can’t be near me. I have a restraining order against you.”

  “Ah yes. That piece of paper you have,” Darryl said with a roll of his eyes. “What are you going to do? Throw it at me?” he asked, sitting down in one of the two chairs that faced the desk. He sat back and crossed his right ankle over his left knee.

  “What do you want?” Ivy asked.

  “I want you back, love,” Darryl said with a sick smile. “I miss you. I miss your warm embrace. I miss your smile. I miss making love to you. All I can think about is being with you, being inside of you.”

  Ivy glared at him and picked up the phone, but in an instant Darryl leaned forward in his chair and pushed his thumb on the button for the receiver. “I’ll scream,” Ivy said as she glared at him.

  “And make a scene at your cushy job?” Darryl asked sitting back down. “I’m not doing anything. We’re just having a lovely chat. If you start screaming now everyone will just think you're crazy. They’ll think you're some silly girl crying wolf just because her ex came for a visit. You’re not in any danger. Why get everyone riled up?”

  “What do you want?” Ivy repeated. She glanced up at the glass. Was he right? Should she scream for help? She imagined the police pouring into her office, horrified clients watching from the waiting room. Who would give their money to a firm that regularly had police storming the business? She felt trapped and helpless and worse, she had no idea what was the right thing to do.

  “You’re dating a boxer now, is that right?” Darryl asking as he placed his hands in front of his face. He looked at her over his fingers like a movie villain and she was torn between genuine fear and the desire to roll her eyes.

  “It’s Mixed Martial Arts,” Ivy answered. She couldn’t help but think about Darryl and Blake meeting and Blake having the opportunity to take out all of his rage on Darryl. With one hit Blake could knock Darryl out and it would be so, so satisfying.

  “Ah yes, MMA: boxing’s dumber, uglier, trashier cousin,” Darryl said with a sneer. His face took on a dangerous look as he stared past Ivy, looking right through her. “Honestly, Ivy. How could you degrade yourself with someone like that? I always knew you were easy, but this is low, even for you. I heard your little game last night. You’ve turned into quite the slut since we broke up.”

  “You were listening at the door? You’re a creep and I’m not a slut. Blake and I are in a relationship, not that I have to answer to you in any way. What I do is none of your concern, ever. We are not together and we never were. Why are you doing this? You don’t want to be with me; you don’t even like me.”

  “You have so much potential, Ivy,” Darryl said. “That’s the thing about you. You’re beautiful, charming, smart, you look excellent on my arm, and with your financial knowledge my wealth would only grow. We could be perfect together Ivy and your inability to see that is baffling to me.” His body tensed and he was shouting every other word. Ivy sat perched on the edge of her chair, ready to reach for the phone at the first sign that he had gone too far. “Being with me is an opportunity for you. You could be rich. You would never have to work again. You could have me. How can you walk away from that? You don’t leave me. That’s not how this works.”

  “Darryl, you’re right.” Ivy said in a pleading voice looking into his eyes. “You are a great guy and you deserve better than me. That’s why I ended things. I want you to move on and be happy.” As she looked at him she could see her gambit wasn’t working.

  His eyes narrowed as he looked at her and he put both of his feet on the ground and rested his hands on his knees. “Do you think I’m an idiot?” He asked. “Besides, it doesn’t matter what you want. All that matters is what I want.”

  Ivy looked at him. He refused to give her an exit. He was never going to stop harassing and following her. He wasn’t doing it for any logical reason. He was crazy and he couldn’t be dealt with. How was she going to live her life with Darryl always waiting to ruin it for her?

  “Tell me what to do, Darryl. Tell me what you want,” Ivy said. “Do you really want me back?”

  “Yes,” he said. “I want you back with me forever.”

  “That’s insane,” she said fighting back tears. “That’s like something out a fairytale. You can’t make me be with you. You can’t force me into a relationship.”

  Darryl gave her a wild smile and shrugged. She looked at him hopelessly and then she saw something behind him. It was Blake. He was dressed in jeans and a sweater and he was walking back towards her office, the flash drive in his hand. Ivy stood up quickly. She had to stop this. She couldn’t let Blake and Darryl meet here. There was no way she could control either one of them.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  He was glad she called. He wanted an excuse to visit her at work and now he had a real reason. He made sure all the windows in his apartment were locked. He gave a picture of Darryl to the doorman and the landlord and told them to immediately call the police if he showed up again.

  It was a cold, wet day as Blake zipped up his jacket on the way to the car. There was a light mist in the air. It wasn’t quite cold enough for snow, but it was cold enough to be raw and unpleasant. Blake heated up his car for a moment and then drove directly to Ivy’s office, pulling onto the parking and letting himself into the building. The receptionist was with someone else when he entered, but he knew Ivy was waiting and so he breezed right past her.

  As he rounded the corner he could see Ivy talking to someone in her office. But something in her expression and her mannerisms struck him. She was sitting straight up in her chair; she looked tense and a little afraid. The man she was talking to had blond hair, just like Darryl.

  Was she with Darryl? Was that psycho in the room with her right then and there? Blake sped up his step and he didn’t pause to knock. He wrenched open her door and took two steps into the office.

  It was Darryl, looking up at Blake with a smug smile on his face.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Blake asked.

  “Oh, we’re just a couple of old lovers catching up,” Darryl said with a shrug.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” Blake said. “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.” He clenched and unclenched his fist. His vision was blurry at the edges and he wasn’t sure how he was keeping up this air of civility. He felt like a barely controlled animal. Anything could set have set him off at that moment.

  “Really? Here at Ivy’s place of work? At the job that she loves. You really want to make a fuss here?” His voice was preening and weak and Blake couldn’t believe this was the guy who left those terrifying messages; the stuffed animal, the messages. He seemed so mincing and delicate in person.

  “I don’t care where we are,” Blake said and he watched as a twitch passed over Darryl’s face. Blake could tell his line had spooked the other man. Maybe Darryl wasn’t so untouchable after all. “Were you at my apartment last night?” Blake asked, taking a step towards Darryl. “Were you lurking outside my door, listening to the two of us and writing pathetic messages on my door? Too cowardly to knock and say those things to my face, is that it? You scared, Darryl?”

  “Of you?” Darryl asked. “The bastard son of some whorish court recorder? Please, you’re nothing to me. You barely exist.”

  “I wonder if you’d say the same thing after I crushed your face with my fist,” Blake answered.

  “You’re going to attack me? That’s a felony. Although you do look like you would fit right in at prison.”

  “You left threatening messages on my door last night. No jury in the world would convict me of anything if I kicked your ass after you did something as psycho as that.”

  “What are you talking about?” Darryl asked. “I was at home with my girlfriend all night last night. We stayed in drank wine and watched televi
sion. You can call and ask her yourself if you would like.”

  “You’re lying. Who else would have done it?”

  “Oh, no one certainly,” Darryl answered. “But that’s not how our legal system works. You have to prove I did it and you can’t. I have a solid alibi and I can promise you, you will not find my fingerprints anywhere on your property.”

  Blake’s body was thrumming with electricity. He could feel every inch of his skin and he was painfully aware of how tense he was. He wanted to crush this man. He wanted to punch his face in, break his nose, make him cry. He hated him more than he had ever hated anyone ever before. He had never been so angry or so frustrated.

  “Why don’t you take a seat?” Darryl offered, waving his hand towards the empty chair next to him.

  “I don’t need a legal reason to kick your ass,” Blake said as he remained standing. “I don’t need to worry about hiding my actions. I don’t care if I get caught. It’ll all be worth it for the opportunity to destroy that smug face of yours.”

  “Blake, stop it,” Ivy pleaded, she stood up at her desk and looked at him. “He’s not worth you getting in trouble and going to jail. He’s not worth it.”

  “Really? Just a few moments ago you were telling me you didn’t deserve me, isn’t that right?” Darryl asked.

  Blake’s head whipped over to Ivy. Not that he believed Darryl, he knew there would be a reason for Ivy to say that. He wanted to know what it was and why she had been bothering to talk to this creep at all.

  “Fuck off,” Ivy spit at him. “Leave now. I’m calling the police.” She picked up the phone and quickly dialed Detective Diaz’s phone number.

  Darryl rolled his eyes. “Always with the police. When will you realize the futility of that reaction. They can’t do anything to help you and neither can your little brute over here.”

  Without even realizing it Blake slipped into a fighting stance. His knees slightly bent his feet and shoulder’s width apart.

  “Maria,” Ivy said into the phone, “he’s at my office right now. Okay. Thank you. The police are on their way,” Ivy said looking at Darryl. “You should leave now.”

  “But I haven't said what I came here to say,” Darryl said, his eyes flicking between Ivy and Blake.

  “We don’t want to hear it,” Blake said. He was struggling to contain himself. He wanted to hit this man. He wanted to hit him again and again and again and he was running out of reasons not to.

  “This,” Darryl said, wagging his finger between Blake and Ivy, “is disgusting. The two of you being in a relationship together. Your own stepbrother, Ivy. That’s practically incest. It’s disgusting. You’ve really hit a new low.”

  Blake’s blood ran cold. He looked over at Ivy’s pale face and forced himself to calm down. He couldn't get into a fight at her job. He couldn’t ruin her life like this. He could get Darryl later. Not yet, not here, but soon.

  “Shut up,” Blake said. “Stop talking. No one cares what you think. So go. Leave now.”

  “Or what?” Darryl asked, cocking his head to the side.

  “I’ll break every bone in your face,” Blake answered.

  “It’s been quite a lot of talk from you, Blake,” Darryl said. “Quite a lot of empty talk from your stepbrother here, Ivy. What are people going to think? How are you going to explain it? Can’t you image the things people will say.”

  “No one will care,” Ivy countered. “We’re both adults and we weren't raised together. We were together in high school and now we’re getting back together. It’s not a big deal.”

  “You can’t possible be that naïve,” Darryl said. “People are going to care. They’re going to whisper about you and gossip when your back is turned. It’s disgusting. I’m just trying to give you a warning, Ivy. That’s why I’m here. I’m risking jail time to give you a warning. Aren’t I a good friend?”

  “You’re crazy,” Ivy said.

  “Well at least I’m not dating my stepbrother,” he spit.

  “Let’s go outside,” Blake said through clenched teeth. His entire body was numb with rage. It felt like he was floating above his own body. He was waiting for the moment when he could finally land a punch on Darryl.

  “No,” Darryl said. “I’d rather wait here for the police.”

  He felt like a wolf with a rabbit right in front of him. He wanted to launch himself at the other man. He was barely holding himself back. Every muscle in his body was screaming at him to hit and kick, but he had to stop himself. Why was he stopping himself? Ivy, he was doing it for Ivy. He needed to hold himself back for her.

  “Something wrong, Blake?” Darryl asked. “Aren’t you worried about how the press will perceive this direction? Blake, the redneck fighter in love with his stepsister. I’m sure the fans will be flocking towards you. Is she really worth ruining your life? Maybe it would be best if you just left her to me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Go away,” Blake said. “Leave now, or you’ll regret it.”

  Ivy could see how tense he was. He looked like he was about to snap while Darryl lounged in the chair like nothing was happening. It was frustrating and Ivy knew Darryl was acting like that on purpose. He was trying to provoke Blake into hitting him.

  “Ignore him, Blake,” she said, coming out from around her desk and walking over to him. She ignored Darryl, pretending he didn’t even exist. She went to Blake and put her hand on his chest and her other around his back; she looked up into his eyes until he finally looked down at her. “He’s trying to provoke you, ignore him,” Ivy said. She slowly pushed him back and away from Darryl. In the last few minutes Blake had inched closer without realizing it. She could feel his heart beating in his chest beneath her hand. “I love you,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. Only Blake could hear her. “I love you and I hate him and we just have to ignore him until he goes away. The police will be here any minute and he’ll be arrested. We can charge him for violating his restraining order. But you can’t touch him.”

  She stared up at him as he finally relaxed and looked down at her with a nod. His hands came around her and she closed her eyes and relaxed. The police would be here soon and Darryl would be led away in handcuffs. This was his second offense; he might actually see jail time. Ivy would finally be able to relax. Maybe jail would put some fear into him and he would finally stop harassing her.

  “What are you two whispering about over there,” Darryl asked lazily from his chair.

  “Why are you still here?” Ivy demanded turning to look at him.

  “Because if I leave, Brutus there is going to smash my face in. He said so himself.”

  “You don’t have to leave for me to do that,” Blake called over Ivy’s shoulder.

  “If I leave, you won’t know why I came. I have something I want to tell you, Ivy dear,” Darryl said. He turned to look at them a smile snaking across his face. He looked dangerous at that moment.

  Ivy’s stomach dropped; what was it now? What new horror was he visiting upon her?

  “We don’t care,” Blake answered.

  “Yes, you do. It involves you, too, Blake,” he said, stretching out the name. “I um...I did something very naughty.” He smiled over at them and waited for a moment before continuing. “I like your apartment, Blake. It has a lovely view. It also has incompetent security. All it took was an empty pizza box to get into your building. I picked the lock in under a minute and then I was inside. I like the layout. It’s classier than I expected.”

  “You were in my house?” Blake demanded.

  “Oh yes, more than once,” Darryl said with a nod. “I left a camera in your bedroom...”

  Ivy felt herself get lightheaded; she leaned heavily against Blake. The other night. They had made love over his dresser. Had Darryl seen that? Did he have it recorded right now?

  “That was quite a show you put on the other night.”

  Ivy felt him leave her arms but she was numb and powerless to stop him. He knew what he was doing. He
took two confident steps towards Darryl. Ivy recognized the sudden fear in the other man’s eyes as Blake grabbed Darryl by the collar. He reared his fist back and aimed at the center of the other man’s nose and then punched him right in the center of his face. Ivy heard the bone crack and saw Darryl’s head snap back as she screamed at Blake to stop.

  Blake’s fist came back bloody as he finally let go of Darryl’s collar and the other man fell back in his chair, blood pooling on his face and dripping down onto the floor. He was crying and holding his face and gasping for breath as the police appeared at the door.

  No! Ivy thought to herself as she looked at the scene before her. She had been so close, but then...the video. She couldn’t think; she couldn’t move. The police were racing into the room and they were holding back Blake as if he were the dangerous one.


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