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Fetish Page 3

by Sherri L. King

  “Are you making fun of me?” she asked, shaken.

  “No. Never think that. With you I shall always be honest. I promise that to you here and now. Believe it,” he smiled that slow honeyed smile, “for I never renege on a promise.”

  “I don’t know what I expected when I came here. And I felt guilty for it as soon as I wrote out the check. I just wanted…” she faltered.

  “You wanted love. To be loved, if but for a moment, even if you had to purchase that moment.”

  “Yes. I’m pathetic.”

  “No!” His hand was a vice now around her wrist. “Never, ever say such again in my presence. It isn’t true. You are precious and lovely and you deserve love, as do all creatures on this Earth. But you have forgotten your due, because society, popular fashion, and marketing have told you to. Aerin, listen to me now as you have never listened to another; you are beautiful.”

  She shied away, in discomfort and disbelief.

  The long fingers of his sculpted hand pulled her chin around to face him, trapping her. “You are beautiful, Aerin,” he repeated firmly. “Let me show you just how beautiful you are. Let me teach this to you, if nothing else, though you have much to learn.”

  His eyes were hypnotic, beautiful. She felt like a deer caught in the hunter’s floodlights. “I don’t want you to be a-a-a whore for m-me,” she stuttered.

  He laughed down into her face, before ducking his blue-black head to nuzzle his cool, soft lips into the curve of her neck. Chills raced like horses up and down her flesh where he touched her. “I am not a whore, no more than you are.”

  “But I paid for—”

  “Shh.” The pad of his thumb traced the fullness of her lower lip, causing it to swell and tingle, engorged with blood and arousal. His hand moved and tangled in the hair at her nape, holding her close, as his lips nuzzled her deep.

  “Speak of that no more. What you paid for was a room here in this place, for pleasure and succor if you could find it here; not the soul of any man or woman in these walls. None of us here are obligated in any way to do more than offer drinks or conversation to our patrons. I am here with you now because I choose to be. If we make the beast with two backs—and I’ll admit, even this soon, that I long for that with you—then it will be because we both choose to make it.” He moved her hand with his, lips still tickling against the pulse of her neck as he did so, and lowered it onto the hard swell at his crotch.

  She gasped and tried to pull away. He held her firm and spoke again, each word seeming to be a magical, invisible finger caressing her breasts and mons. “This is my honesty. This is my truth. I desire you. Because you are beautiful. Because you are…” his teeth scraped over her pulse and she moaned, “sweet and innocent and worthy. I desire you.”

  He let her hand go, and though she was shy, she could not immediately pull away from his erection. This was the first time in her life that she had felt such a thing. It was alien and scary but it was also devastatingly arousing.

  He pressed another kiss to her throat, hard, then pulled away. Reaching down he joined their hands, giving hers a reassuring squeeze. He straightened, his broad shoulders actually dwarfing her—for the first time in her life she felt small—and he looked back to the mirror before them. She had almost forgotten it these past few moments.

  “Tonight’s lesson will be this; watching, seeing, can bring pleasure. And there is no shame in that. None. See here, that everyone is the same in their passion. We are all equal. We are all worthy. You are no different in your worth, no matter what you might think to the contrary. So watch with me now, and learn.”

  Her eyes, burning now, rose to watch the scene unfold behind the mirror.

  Five people occupied the room. Three women, two men, all contrasting in color, shape and form. The women were curvaceous and lush, a redhead, a brunette, and a blonde. The men were as night and day, one a brunette with tightly muscled ivory skin and the other a bleached blonde, stoutly built, with a deep, creamy chocolate complexion.

  All of them were completely nude, though a few minutes before they had been in various states of undress. They were clearly enjoying themselves; uncaring, or more likely aroused, knowing that someone was watching their play. They certainly showed no shame or awkwardness in the knowledge.

  The brunette woman’s perfectly round breasts pillowed the head of the man with pale vanilla skin. She lounged, spread-legged, behind and beneath him upon a large four-poster bed. His body was cradled in the spoon of hers. The brunette’s long, well-manicured fingers played idly with his hair as she watched the motions of the redheaded woman next to them.

  The redhead, pouting lips full and moist with excitement, crouched next to the two, and lifted her large-nippled breasts while leaning into the brunette man seductively; offering him her forbidden fruit. The man’s lips closed eagerly about first one nipple, then the other as though suckling a ripe and delicious berry.

  The blonde woman—blessed with an hourglass figure that even Marilyn Monroe would have envied—was taking the brunette man’s hard, straining dick into her mouth. The red and swollen flesh of his member disappeared and reappeared, over and over, as her head bobbed up and down with her ablutions. His cock was neither small nor large, and not as handsome as some of the cocks Aerin had seen in pornographic films, but the woman deep-throating him clearly didn’t care. She smiled happily up at the man each time the mushroom-shaped head of his prick slipped free from her glistening lips.

  The gorgeously built, mocha-skinned man watched from the sidelines, sometimes fondling the women, sometimes fondling the man, as he ham-fisted his own swollen organ. His cock was the smaller of the two in the room, but it was quite a bit more attractive than the other man’s. It took a moment for Aerin to realize it was mostly because he was shaved completely bald. His balls were tight against his body, two dark, satin-covered stones glistening like warm creamy cocoa in the soft light of the room.

  Aerin felt her pussy grow wet. Wetter.

  Because the participants of the small orgy were nude, Aerin wasn’t sure who worked at Fetish and who didn’t. The club escorts all wore black, from neck to toe, so they were relatively easy to spot in the common rooms. But here, as Violanti had mentioned earlier, these people seemed equal. Here in the room of lust and desire, there were no escorts, no patrons, only lovers. For some reason this soothed Aerin’s niggling sense of guilt, and she was grateful at least for that.

  The brunette man lying on the bed suddenly pushed his mouthful of breast away and motioned his chocolate-skinned lover closer. The dark god of a man stopped fondling himself and climbed upon the bed, straddled the brunette man’s chest, and slipped the length of his gorgeous black cock into his partner’s mouth. Aerin gasped in surprise, but could not look away from the decadent sight.

  The brunette on the bed suckled that beautiful dark cock and squeezed his hands tight around the man’s buttocks, pulling him even more intimately close. The blonde Marilyn performing fellatio upon the lounging man stopped and allowed the redhead to climb upon the man’s wetly shining penis.

  The redhead wrapped her arms around the waist of the ebony man in front of her as she impaled herself on his partner and together they undulated upon their lounging lover. They looked so exotic, she with her pale skin, he with his creamy blackness, wrapped together almost lovingly as they moved in rhythm.

  ‘Marilyn’ came around and kissed the lounging brunette woman whose breasts still pillowed the now ecstatically groaning man. The two women fondled each other’s breasts, tongues licking at each other’s mouths, hungrily. Their hair mixed in shades that echoed the skin tones of their lovers.

  Together, the group was a mass of writhing, sweating bodies awash in an ever-shifting, titillating kaleidoscope of color.

  Aerin felt hot. Her heart thundered. She’d never expected she might spend the night in this fashion, watching the most erotic peep show imaginable.

  “Do you like watching them, Aerin?”

  She couldn’t sp
eak. Could barely breathe. She nodded instead, not thinking to lie or be embarrassed in such a nakedly erotic moment, knowing that she did indeed like watching them. She liked it very much.

  “Good. I felt certain you would. Now for the next step on your journey.”

  Chapter Three

  Aerin started in surprise.

  Violanti’s eyes were hot as molten steel…completely silver now. Glittering and bright in the soft light of the room. He rose from his seat beside her, and moved behind the chaise where she could no longer see him. Aerin was too nervous to watch, to turn and openly study his movements, so she was surprised that he had found another soft, cushioned chair, which he now moved to set directly in front of her. He sat upon it, long legs reaching out until they tangled with hers.

  “Are you ready?”

  Aerin swallowed, mouth gone dry as a desert in a long drought. “R-ready for what?”

  “I told you that this night’s lesson would teach you to watch and enjoy what you see. You have said you enjoyed watching the lovers in the mirror and that is good. Now, you must discover the very real difference between having the barrier of that window between you and what you see versus not having it there at all.”

  “I don’t think—”

  He leaned forward, bringing their faces close, so close that she could almost taste the sweet sugar of his breath on her mouth. “You don’t have to think. You’ve only to see, to watch.”

  He leaned back once more and sighed softly. That long breath was incredibly titillating, reaching down to echo in Aerin’s womb. His hands moved, slowly caressing himself, moving down his well-muscled chest, to his flat abdomen, then at long last to the button of his pants.

  It was then that Aerin fully realized what he intended. The blush in her cheeks intensified until she thought her skin would burst into flames, but no force on Earth could have made her look away from those long fingers of his as they opened the button and fly.

  “The mirror protects you, Aerin. From yourself more than from the lovers. With the mirror for a barrier, you don’t feel a need to guard your reaction or arousal. But without that mirror, you would feel naked, exposed. You would not let yourself get lost in the show.”

  He was right. Aerin trembled.

  His pants were undone. With one hand he pulled his shirt up high upon his belly, revealing a smooth expanse of rigid, muscled flesh. The other hand slowly delved into the open fabric at his crotch.

  “I will show you that you needn’t ever hide your reaction, your arousal, your enjoyment, be there a mirror or no. Never hide behind a wall, Aerin, real or metaphorical. There is no joy in hiding. Be open to the world. Be open to your lovers. There is no greater eroticism than the show of honest emotion.”

  His hand cupped the bulge of his arousal and lifted. Aerin’s breath caught. The pants gaped wide and the full length of his cock was revealed to her starving gaze. It was dusky, smooth, and long. So thick and wide Aerin knew she’d never be able to wrap her hand around it if she were to try.

  A tracery of blue veins decorated it, thin and delicate, there just beneath the velvet skin. It looked heavy and hard, curving slightly to the right upon his stomach beneath the hand he still held cupped around its base. The crown was large, but not so large that it was fatter than the thickest part of him. It had a swooping, round ridge that led up to the hole upon the very crest.

  A small drop of clear, glistening liquid wept from the hole and slowly trailed down over the fat head.

  Aerin’s eyes followed it, hypnotized.

  “Watch me, Aerin. Be not shy. Never that, not with me. As you watch me, I will watch you. Show me your desire. Show me your need and I will show you mine.”

  Aerin watched, riveted, as his hand cupped that heavy flesh more firmly, as it began to move up and down in a pistoning motion. The crown wept its glistening tears and his hands captured them, swirled them upon the shaft, using it for lubrication.

  “Do you like what you see, Lady?” His voice was a hoarse, soft whisper.

  “Yes,” she answered him in kind, and it was the truth, but so much more than that. She was enthralled, her body a humming throb of sharp arousal that offered no surcease. The wicked knife’s edge of that arousal cut her deep and made her body ache with unrequited longing. Her thighs trembled and her weeping pussy juices soaked through the cloth of her panties.

  His eyes were hooded now, showing the barest slit of color, glittering once more with those ever changing hues. His lashes were long, spiky, and black as the darkest, moonless night. They veiled his eyes and brushed his high cheekbones, teasing Aerin, affording her only brief glimpses of the fire of his gaze.

  “Will you touch yourself, as I do?” he asked huskily.

  “I can’t,” she moaned. Her lips were dry and she licked them. Violanti’s eyes saw it all and burned ever more brightly.

  His lashes rose, his gaze was piercing, demanding. “You can.”

  “No. You can’t ask me to—”

  “Then I am no longer asking. I am telling you. Touch yourself as I do. Feel no shame in it, Aerin, feel no shyness. I want to see you. I need to see you.”

  At last she found the strength to look away. But there was no safety in that gesture, for behind him was the scene of the lovers, still at play, in the world beyond the mirror. “I can’t. I won’t. It’s too soon.” She hated herself for her cowardice, but it wouldn’t change the fact that she simply couldn’t fondle herself openly before this man.

  A puff of impatient breath exploded from his tight lips. “Very well then. I’ll not push you. Tonight. But there will come a time, soon, when you will do as I bid. As I beg. As I demand. Now. Watch. And learn that there is no shame in wanting, in need, or in sharing either of those things.”

  He leaned his head back upon the chair. The line of his chin and throat was an expanse of beautiful, corded muscle in a smooth sheath of bronze skin. That skin glistened in the soft light of the room, so different from the flesh of any man Aerin had ever seen. It had a hypnotic lure all its own, she could hardly think to look away from it, from that column of throat and neck which sloped into broad shoulders.

  She both hoped and feared that he might remove his shirt. That all that naked skin, revealed at once, would be a sight to devil her dreams for the rest of her life. It would be such sinful decadence, the sight of him nude. And oh how she wanted that.

  Skin and sin—such meaningful words, both imbued with the power to drive a woman mad with lust.

  At last she managed to look down, down, past the strong throat, past the broad shoulders, down the long torso…to the place she was most eager to see.

  That beautiful weapon—that gorgeous cock—disappeared and reappeared inside his stroking fist. Over and over in that wondrous rhythm. Pump, pump, pump. Thrust, thrust, thrust. Aerin’s heart was soon echoing this rhythm, playing its own sweet song of arousal.

  His hips bucked. Once. Twice. His cock was swollen ever larger, ever harder, the head blushed a dark, dark rouge. Like lipstick. Aerin wanted to kiss it. Her mouth actually hurt with the intensity of that desire. She licked her lips.

  “That will come later, Aerin,” he seemed to read her mind. “For now, just watch.”

  She did. In the back of her mind, she realized their breaths had synchronized. Their breathing escalated with the faster motions of his hand and his hips. His testicles were hard, drawn tight beneath his wide cock. The large round weight of them were suddenly straining for the ultimate release, with an impatience that was readily apparent in the quickening pace of Violanti’s fists.

  It seemed he gripped himself even tighter. Aerin saw his jaw bulge as he gritted his teeth. His eyelashes were fluttering, his eyes gazing into hers one moment, and then rolling wildly the next, like some maddened animal. His back bowed in the chair, his hips bucked and undulated. He was close…so very close to the edge of his climax.

  Aerin felt that edge as if she, too, were joining him there. Tiny pulsing heartbeats washed through her breasts an
d mons. Her clit was a swollen throb at the apex of her pussy, which was so flooded with moisture it should have shocked her. Aerin had never been so wet, so aroused. Not ever, not like this. And without even touching herself…it was incredible.

  “Watch me, Aerin,” he moaned in a straining whisper. “Look and see me, Lady, see me come for your pleasure.”

  How could she have looked away in such a powerful moment? There was no force in heaven or hell that could have pulled her gaze away as he thrust mightily upwards in his chair. His cock bobbed as his hand moved lightning quick up and down the length. His balls trembled. And then he came.

  With a deep, tortured groan wrenched up from the depths of him, Violanti’s eyes squeezed shut. His lips pursed tightly, then moued around another groan. His body shuddered and his cock swelled. Pulsed. His hand paused, gripping tightly. A thick, creamy white eruption of fluid spurted up over his fist and onto his stomach.

  Aerin moaned. He groaned its echo and another eruption spilled free from his swollen cock.

  His hand started moving again, his hips bucking against the uncontrollable force that milked him of his ecstasy. His pants had fallen to his knees with his movements, and so he spread his legs wider, bucked harder into his hand. Aerin saw the dark shadows that led beneath his sac as he moved. Her eyes burned. So did her pussy.

  She would have given anything in that moment for the courage to climb atop his heaving body. But she couldn’t even find enough courage to touch herself before him, let alone ride him. This failing tore at her heart, but did nothing to free her from the longing—the fever—that gripped her.

  Another spurt of come flew onto his stomach, and then he subsided. His hand still moved, but more slowly now upon that red and glistening shaft. The scent of him—cinnamon and almond and musky man—assailed her, drowned her. She wondered if he would taste as good as he smelled and grew pleasantly dizzy with the thought.

  Her eyes followed his other hand as it rose and rubbed that wonderful cream onto his stomach and up higher, pushing the shirt out of the way as he did. His olive-toned, hairless chest peeked out at her and she moaned again. Small amounts of glistening semen still wept from his cock as he continued to gently stroke himself, but he didn’t seem to mind. He was covered with the shine of his sex from chest to cock and appeared to enjoy it completely.


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