[06] Slade

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[06] Slade Page 6

by Teresa Gabelman

  “Why?” Jill’s voice held the same shock her eyes relayed.

  “Because I’m going to help you pass,” Slade replied, not exactly understanding what she was asking. He stretched his legs out trying to get comfortable in the little chair, but it was no use. The chair wasn’t made for his large frame. Standing up, he walked toward the bed. “Scoot over.”

  Jill did, still looking at him as he sat on her bed, leaning against the bedframe. “No, I meant why did you research dyslexia?”

  Slade was looking through the book to see where to start when she questioned him. Looking up, his eyes met hers and he felt a protective need to grab her, just to let her know she wasn’t alone. If he didn’t know anything at all about her and her past with her family, he could still read the loneliness in her eyes and it hit him hard. He was attracted to her in ways that he had never been attracted to another woman, but he wasn’t ready to admit that to anyone, even to himself.

  “I was bored,” his reply was serious, but his wink told another story. When she smiled, he felt as if he could conquer anything. Her smile was womanly with a mix of innocence and the innocence was what scared the hell out of him. He was way too jaded to do innocent. Shaking his head, he picked up the book. “Time’s running out. If we get this tonight, you can do your written test tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow?” Jill moved and sat cross-legged on the end of the bed, facing Slade.

  “Yeah, tomorrow.” Slade started to say more, but Jill’s door flew open and had him on alert.

  “Hey you don’t have to take that test.” Steve burst into her room then stopped, his eyes widening at seeing Slade on her bed. “Ah, damn, my bad. I didn’t know you guys were…well, you know.” He turned around quickly.

  “Slade is helping me study for the driving test.” Jill rolled her eyes at Steve, who turned to peek over his shoulder.

  “Oh, well ah…” Steve turned back around, his eyes going back and forth between the two.

  “Steve, what the hell do you want?” Slade glared at him, not moving an inch from his position on the bed.

  Snapping his head back to Slade, he raised his index finger before reaching into his back pocket. Pulling out a driver’s license, he handed it to Jill. “Problem solved.”

  Jill stared at the driver’s license then back to Steve. “Ah, this isn’t me.” Jill looked back at the license. “Who is this, Steve?”

  “Maria Hernandez,” Steve replied, looking proud of himself. “I got a deal on it.”

  Slade waved his hand, wanting to see the license. Jill handed it over and Slade stared down at a Mexican woman who was at least ten years older than Jill and looked nothing like her. “Jill isn’t Mexican.”

  “No.” Steve frowned, then gave a nod as if he just solved the world’s problems. “But she’s got dark hair.”

  Slade flicked the license back at Steve. “No.”

  “Ah, man.” Steve caught the license, looking down at it. “I mean, it looks something like her. In a dark nightclub, no one would know the difference. Those guys don’t check that close.” He held the license up, looking from it to Jill.

  “And if she gets pulled over by the cops?” Slade questioned, wanting to smack the kid upside the head, but in a weird way, he was trying to help Jill and that showed he cared.

  Steve thought for a minute, then put the fake license back in his pocket. “Guess I wasn’t thinking about that since I had mine to get into bars,” Steve sighed. “I just know you have a hard time reading and wanted to help.”

  “Who told you that?” Jill frowned, shifting nervously on the bed.

  “Adam.” Steve walked over to sit next to Slade on the bed, but stopped half bent when Slade growled. Giving a nervous smile, Steve walked back over to where he had been. “He said you have Dys…ah…”

  “Dyslexia,” Jill finished for him, her voice tinged with a nervous edge. “And does anyone else know?”

  “No, I mean I haven’t said anything to anyone,” Steve replied, shaking his head. “And I won’t and I know Adam won’t either.”

  “Sloan can’t know.” Jill bit her lower lip. “Or Jax. None of them can know.”

  “Chill, Jill.” Steve snorted at his rhyme. “Your secret is safe with me.”

  “It better be or I’ll kick your ass,” Jill warned, giving him a glare.

  “Hey! Trust me…babe.” Steve pointed at himself, then grinned at the look Jill threw his way at being called babe. “So you guys need help? I’m an excellent driver.”

  “No.” Slade stared at Steve, a small tick in his jaw. Steve calling Jill babe made him want to kick the shithead through a wall so it was best he leave and soon.

  At first, Steve looked confused at the refusal of his help, but then a slow knowing grin spread across his face. “Ah, okay. I get it.” He winked at Slade. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”

  “Obviously, I do,” Slade murmured, wondering if Steve would walk out of the room in one piece. The kid’s mouth just kept going and going.

  “You kids have fun.” He winked again at Slade.

  “Why do you keep winking?” Jill frowned. “You got a problem or something?”

  Steve laughed. “Slade knows, don’t ya, bro?” He winked again.

  Yeah, he was going to have to kick the kid’s ass. “Get the fuck out of here before I throw your ass out.” Slade started to stand.

  A comical look of horror flashed across Steve’s face as he turned to head out the door; instead, he ran into it since it was still halfway open from when he flew into the room. “Ahhh…dammit.” Steve grabbed his forehead. “Son of a bitch.” He continued his cursing, holding his forehead while stumbling out the door.

  “Shut the door!” Slade ordered loudly as Steve disappeared.

  Steve reappeared, not looking at either of them, but moved his hand to close the door and a large red bump stood out on his forehead.

  Once the door closed, Slade glanced at Jill who had her hand across her mouth, her eyes squinting in laughter. Slade’s deep laughter filled the room and Jill’s soon followed.

  “He means well,” Jill smiled.

  “He’s a pain in the ass.” Slade growled, but with a grin as he opened the book once again.

  “So am I,” Jill countered, eyeing Slade under lowered lashes.

  Slade looked up from the book, his eyes meeting hers. “Yes, you are.”


  Jill did her best to concentrate, but how in the hell was that possible with Slade lounging on her bed as if he belonged there. She had worked up enough nerve to lie across the end of the bed, her head resting on her hand as her eyes feasted on the large Warrior who read the questions and answers to the test she had to take tomorrow.

  “What’s the answer?” Slade looked at her from over the book, his golden eyes intense, yet they held a lazy appeal that was sexy as hell.

  Shit, what’s the question? Jill had no clue; she was too busy staring at him. “Ah, I don’t know.”

  “Yes, you do,” he answered, dropping the book to his lap, her eyes followed and she wished they hadn’t. Damn, he was one hell of a man.

  She had to get her mind back on track and off Slade. “No, I really don’t.”

  “Did you even hear the question?” Slade frowned. “Because you have answered this question correctly every time I’ve asked.”

  Shaking her head, she frowned back. “Sorry, I didn’t hear it.”

  “Then why didn’t you say that?” Slade studied her hard, too hard.

  What was she to say to that? ‘I was too busy looking at your sexy eyes and listening to your voice’, or maybe, ‘the bulge in your pants is just too distracting’.’ Yeah, she was screwed. “I don’t know.” She finally came out with that intelligent response.

  “Jill, you have to pass this test tomorrow or Sloan is going to have my ass.” Slade leaned away from the headboard to stare down at her. “What’s the problem?”

  Sitting up quickly, Jill tucked her legs up underneath her and looked him s
quare in the eyes. “Maybe Jax is right. Maybe I’m not cut out to be a Warrior.”

  “Jax is a dumbass,” Slade hissed, then reached out, cupping her chin to lift her face to his. “And you really don’t mean that, do you?”

  Searching his eyes, she shook her head. “No, but—”

  “Listen, Jill.”

  The way he said her name made her sigh and when she did, she saw understanding cross his face. Dammit, what the hell was wrong with her? She might as well slobber all over him, that would be less evident.

  “If I didn’t have confidence that you could do this, I wouldn’t be wasting my time. I know you have confidence that you can do it so I know that’s not the problem. You had a rough-ass day and then everything that piled up on you after that is more than a lot of people can take, but I still don’t think that’s the problem.” He let go of her chin, but didn’t lean back. “So I suggest you come clean with what’s going on.”

  She sat looking at him, wondering what Nicole, Tessa, Pam or Lana would do. Did they come right out and tell their Warrior they had the hots for them. This was new territory for her. Her eyes roamed from his golden stare to his neck with the large vein pulsing…bite me…to his wide shoulders, chest and even down…

  “If you don’t stop looking at me like that…” Slade’s voice had grown harsh and deep. When her eyes shot to his, they had grown darker.

  “Like what?” Jill asked innocently, even though she knew exactly how she had been looking at him. She couldn’t help it. He was too handsome for his own good, and dammit, it wasn’t fair. How was she supposed to look at him? Hell, she had even caught the other women glancing his way when they already have handsome Warriors who adore them.

  He cocked his eyebrow at her, his grin curved his full lips. “Probably the same way I’m looking at you.”

  Okay, that confused her. He had made it clear to her and everyone else, there was and would never be anything between them, yet he was flirting with her. She was going to go insane soon and it was going to be all his fault. Not being able to sit still, Jill rolled off her knees and stood up, and then pointed at him. “You’re driving me crazy.”

  “Good, because fair is fair.” Slade kept his relaxed position on the bed, which only irritated her more.

  “What does that mean? Fair is fair?” Jill threw her hands up, and then dropped them to the top of her head. “There is nothing fair about any of this. Okay?”

  When he didn’t say anything to that, but sat staring at her with that grin still in place, she dropped her hands to her sides, clenching her fists.

  “What do you find amusing, Slade?” Jill’s voice remained mostly calm, but her insides were going crazy, making her want to jump out of her own skin. “That the poor little half-breed wannabe Warrior can’t even remember a question you asked because she was too busy staring at you wondering what it would be like to be kissed, and not just a little kiss, but kissed by you? Is that amusing to you? I’m screwed, so I’m not amused. You can have any woman out there, but for me there is not a man compared to you anywhere in this fucked-up world; so yeah, I’m screwed because I don’t want any other man. I want you. Have wanted you since that first day you pulled Jeff off me and I turned to see you. Do you know how hard it is to be around someone you want so badly when all they do daily is remind me and everyone else there will never be anything between us? Well, it’s harder than anything any one of the Warriors could throw at me during this damn initiation.”

  Jill stood in the middle of the room after her little rant, wondering where in the hell that came from and why the hell she let it spew from her mouth. Her gaze met Slade’s and she wished she could suck every word right back into her stupid mouth. She had never seen him look more intense than he did at the moment, and his grin was absolutely gone.

  “There. It’s out in the open and nothing is left unsaid. Now you can go spread the word to the other Warriors and laugh at my expense, but no one can say I’m a coward for not saying what I feel.” Jill tilted her head and when he still didn’t say anything, just stared at her with that intense glare, she turned toward the door. “I’ll leave you to stew on that…while I go kill myself,” she whispered the last part, not really caring if he heard her or not.

  Before she could open the door, his large hand appeared above her head keeping the door closed with his strength. Jill kept her face toward the door. She may not be a coward for saying what she said—stupid maybe, not a coward. No, the coward part came when it was time to face him.

  “Turn around.” It was a harsh demand that sent shivers down her spine in an erotic way. “Now!” he growled.

  Jill did, but kept her eyes closed. She felt him all around her, his energy and power suffocating. Taking a deep breath, his unique smell hit her senses, making her shiver.

  “Open your eyes and look at me, Jill.” Slade’s demand sounded far away. Slowly, she opened her eyes, bringing them up at a leisurely pace devouring his hard chest, thick corded neck, strong square jawline, full kissable lips, perfect nose and finally to his sexy eyes that were dark and searching.

  “I didn’t—” she whispered, but his words stopped her.

  “Shut up.” His demand cleared her foggy mind.

  “Don’t tell me to shut—” Her words were cut short as he slammed his mouth down on hers. Jill had been kissed, but never like this. Slade took total control with his mouth, tongue and body. He took her breath as he ravaged her with his lips. Suddenly afraid this would be the only kiss she would get from this Warrior, she sprang into action, kissing him back with the force of a woman starved for attention, his attention…only his.

  Slade grabbed her jaw in a tight grip, pulling away, his breathing harsh. “I’ve wanted you, against my will, from the first moment I saw you. You have haunted me, but I’m warning you, Jillian, once you are mine, it will be body and soul. Do you understand me?”

  Did she? Did she understand? Her nod said one thing, but her eyes reflected the uncertainty of his words.

  “Fuck!” Slade pulled away, but didn’t let her go. He looked above her head, taking deep breaths. “I don’t think you are ready for a man like me.” He laid his chin on top of her head. “I may ask too much of you, need too much from you.”

  Wishing she could see his face, Jill pulled back. “No one has ever needed anything from me, Slade. I need to be needed.” She drew in a shaky breath. “I need you.”

  “Do you know what dominance is, Jill?” His glanced down at her, his eyes still searching for something Jill prayed she could give him.

  Understanding finally evaded her brain. “Yes, I do…” She looked into his eyes, then with a small smile added, “Sir.” She may not be able to read, but she loved books and listened to audios anytime she could find the time and thank God, for that and Cherise Sinclair.

  His growl at her response sent sensations through her body almost scaring her with the intensity. “I’m very demanding behind closed doors,” Slade warned, his breath hot against her face.

  “Are you trying to scare me off?” Jill asked, her hand grasping his shirt in an attempt to show him it wasn’t working.

  “Yes, I am.” Slade cursed again managing to pull out of her grip, but kept his eyes on her, looking torn.

  “You either want me or you don’t, Slade.” Jill stood there, terrified of what he was going to see if he looked too hard.

  “Oh, there is no doubt I want you, Jill.” He grabbed her hand placing it on his hard cock that was pressing to be free. He bent down, tilting his head to see her better. “Does that scare you?”

  “No, it doesn’t.” She pressed her hand harder against him as she tilted her head mocking him. “Does that scare you?”

  Slade totally pulled away as if her touch burned him. “You’re playing with things you don’t understand.”

  “No, actually, you’re the one playing, Warrior.” Jill knew without a doubt he could walk out that door right now, but her mind and body couldn’t take much more. She was either going to g
o insane or up in flames; hell, she might do both. “I said what I had to say, even as embarrassing as it was, but I fucking said it. Now, it’s your turn.”

  When he remained silent, the tick in his jaw beat a frantic pulse as he glared at her.

  Taking off her shirt, she threw it at him. He just stood as it hit his chest and fell to the floor. The only thing that moved was his eyes as they caressed her body. “And I repeat…you either want me or you don’t.” Inside, she prayed he wanted her. If not, she was pretty confident she would die. His silence might kill her anyway. “Say something, dammit!”

  Her words seemed to snap him out of it. “Fuck!” With a curse, he made his way past her toward the door. Jill watched, her heart sinking to her stomach as angry tears threatened to explode from her eyes.

  “You bastard,” Jill’s words quivered as she turned her back on him. She couldn’t stand seeing him walk out the door. She grabbed the nearest object ready to throw it at the closed door, but stopped when she heard the loud sound of the lock clicking.

  “Let’s get one thing straight, Jillian.” Slade’s deep voice washed over her like a caress. Whenever he used her full name, her insides shook. “If you ever threaten to kill yourself, even in a teasing manner or call me names again, I will blister your ass.”

  Only turning her head, she peeked over her shoulder. Her eyes going from the lock to him, something inside her that she didn’t know existed came to the surface, a sexy half-grin formed on her lips. “Promise?” Even her voice sounded different to her own ears. She knew without a doubt she was playing with fire. As he grabbed her pulling her to him, her body became supersensitive, her skin and insides felt electrified. This had to be what heaven felt like.

  Chapter 7

  When Lana and Sid started whispering to each other, Caroline knew it was time to go. After a great night of hanging with her sister and the other girls watching Gladiators on television and in real life, so to speak, it was time for her to go. Smiling, she watched the way her sister reacted to Sid. She had never seen Lana so happy with a man, and Sid, what could she say about him other than he openly adored her twin sister and the family loved him, as did she.


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