[06] Slade

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[06] Slade Page 11

by Teresa Gabelman

  “Hey, you can’t go over there while she’s testing,” the woman called out.

  Jill opened her eyes to see Adam heading her way. “Just let me help her get started. She’s dys—”

  “Adam.” Jill shook her head with warning.

  Adam walked over, hit a button and a screen came up with more jumbled up words. “You can do this,” he told her before walking away. “Just take your time.”

  While Adam knew she was dyslexic, he had no clue how bad it was. “Thanks,” she managed to say with a calmness she didn’t feel. She was freaking out. It was like she was back in school and being asked by the teacher to stand up and read.

  Jill didn’t know how long she sat in front of the computer. Some of the words made sense, but her dyslexia was severe and was going to prevent her from doing what she wanted most in the world. She heard the door buzz as someone came in, but she ignored it. She didn’t want to see whoever came in because her pride really couldn’t take it. Three people had come in since her, taken the test and left. She couldn’t even bring herself to look at Adam. She had hit some buttons figuring she was taking the test, but she really didn’t know.

  A chair scraped against the floor toward her. Looking over, she saw Slade turn the chair backward to straddle it. “What are you doing?” she whispered, shocked, looking back at the woman behind the desk. “You can’t be over here.”

  “Yes, I can.” Slade was looking at the computer screen as he reached over using the mouse. Then he turned around. “Can you please start this test over?”

  Watching the woman get up quickly to do what Slade asked, Jill frowned. “You know her or something?”

  “Nope, but she knows Sloan.” Slade scooted closer, still looking at the screen, then looked at her, his eyes going to her forehead with a frown. “How’s your head?”

  “Sore.” Jill sighed, “Slade, what are you doing? You can’t take the test for me.”

  His eyes searched hers before he spoke, “I’m not taking the test for you. I’m going to read the question. Give you the options for answers.”

  “How did you even know I was here?” Jill was actually relieved, despite her discomfort. She wasn’t a dumb person, but having him read to her like she was a five-year-old made her feel less than.

  “Adam,” Slade replied. “Okay, you ready?”

  She looked back at Adam who shrugged as if he didn’t care if she was pissed he called Slade or not. She gave him a smile, letting him know she was cool with it, when in reality she didn’t know what the hell she felt. Not even twelve hours ago, this handsome man was inside her and now he was sitting next to her helping her take a written driving test. Her life sure had taken a strange turn. For him to take time to turn around and come here for her almost had her tearing up, but she controlled it. She was still mad at him, so she simply nodded, afraid she would start blubbering if she opened her mouth.

  Slade gave her a small encouraging smile before looking at the screen. Then he hesitated, a funny expression crossing his face. He cleared his throat, his eyes on the screen. “What does a flashing yellow light indicate?”

  Jill’s eyes shot to his in disbelief. They then slammed back to the computer screen. Heat that had nothing to do with embarrassment flushed her body. She looked back at Slade and the heat in his eyes melted her to the chair. “Slow down,” she said quickly, her voice shaking. “Next question.” She watched as he clicked something on the computer and a new, what she figured question, popped up. Holy shit, that did not just happen. Knowing her luck, it did just happen. Her stomach clenched painfully.

  “Who has the right of way at a four-way stop?” Slade’s voice sounded deeper as he read the question and then gave the four possible answers.

  Jill answered, watching his strong hand clicking the mouse.

  On and on the questions came, as did other people taking the same test that was taking her forever to complete. Jill’s eyes kept closing as she listened to Slade’s voice. She was so tired. Even though she was part vampire, her human part needed rest and she hadn’t slept in…hell, she didn’t know when she slept last. She still had to go with Tessa to learn pole dancing. The thought made her want to vomit. Would her humiliation ever end?

  Slade bumped her as he moved the mouse around, startling her since she was half asleep. “Okay, that’s it.”

  “Did I pass?” Jill yawned and then stretched.

  “We’ll find out.” He stood, taking the chair back where he found it, and then came back, grabbing her paper. Jill still sat in the chair, her eyes staring sleepily up at him. “You need to get some rest.”

  “Tell me about it.” Jill yawned again as she stood. “Better yet, tell Sloan.”

  Slade walked over, handing the paper to the woman. Jill leaned against the counter as the woman went to a computer, typing in stuff. After a few minutes, she walked to a printer.

  “Congratulations.” She handed Jill more papers. “Take this down the hall to get your temps. You have about a half an hour before they close.”

  “I passed?” That woke her up. She took the papers, looking at them, then up to Slade who was staring down at her with a pleased smile. “I passed!” Jill jumped, hugging Slade, not caring that she was still mad at him. She had passed.

  “I knew you would.” Slade hugged her tightly against him.

  Jill backed away, instantly missing his touch. “Thank you,” she said, telling herself she could be mad at him again in a few minutes. At that moment, she appreciated what he had done to help her. How he went about helping her study…well it was fucking awesome, but yeah, she was still pissed about the way it ended.

  “You’re welcome.” His knowing eyes searched her face, looking like he wanted to say more, but didn’t. “Come on, before they close.”

  Jill nodded then walked toward Adam. “I passed!” She couldn’t keep the excitement from her voice as she shook the paper at him.

  “Oh, shit,” Adam teased, looking horrified. “We need to warn everyone in the Cincinnati area.”

  Jill punched him in the stomach, but couldn’t wipe the grin off her face to give him an evil glare. “Shut up.”

  “Just kidding, Jill.” Adam grabbed her up in a brotherly hug. “I knew you could do it, but you’re still not driving my car until you have driving lessons.”

  Rolling her eyes, Jill headed down the hallway and into an almost empty room. Standing in line, she waited to be called. Adam had gone on out to his car while Slade stood with her. She noticed all the women sneaking looks at Slade. Jealously nipped at her, but then again, she couldn’t blame them. He was one hell of a handsome man. She also couldn’t blame them for looking at her as if wondering why a man like him was with someone like her.

  As nonchalantly as she could, she glanced at Slade. If she really wanted to be honest with herself, she had to wonder the same thing. Why would he want to be with someone like her? He was a doctor, while she couldn’t read. He was gorgeous and she was just…meh. Her mind swarmed a million miles an hour. Some of her happiness at passing her test evaporated into thin air. Had that stupid bitch, Alice, been right? Was she making a fool of herself over Slade? Was what they shared a…pity fuck? Ah, damn, there was nothing worse than a pity fuck, no matter how amazing it was.

  “Hey.” Slade was watching her closely. “You’re up.”

  Jill’s eyes were unfocused as she looked at him, her mind going over everything that had been happening between them. How many times had she heard him tell others that there was and never would be anything between them?

  “Jill.” The concern in his voice snapped her out of it. “Are you okay?”

  Nodding, she looked away. “Yeah,” she answered, but her mind screamed NO as she walked up to the counter, handing her papers to the pretty blonde with light blue eyes her papers. Jill knew the woman’s smile and fluttery fake eyelashes weren’t for her, but for Slade. The woman asked her a few questions, her voice low and sexy. Jill wanted nothing more than to reach over and smack the woman, but tha
t wasn’t fair. It wasn’t her fault she was beautiful and knew how to act like a woman in front of a man like Slade. Jill might as well spit and grab her junk as much as she considered how she looked in front of Slade. Would it even make a difference? Glancing down at her paint-covered, and dirty t-shirt, what little breast that filled out the t-shirt and ripped jeans, Jill knew the answer to that question. She was a hot mess.

  “Ma’am,” the woman was saying.

  Jill almost looked behind her to see who she was talking to. Ma’am? “Hmm?” Jill said, snapping out of her thoughts.

  “If you go to the chair with the blue curtain, I’ll take your picture.” She gave Jill a sad little smile.

  Ignoring what that smile might mean, Jill frowned. “Don’t I have to pay something?” What the fuck happened, did she black the hell out?

  “The gentleman took care of it.” She nodded to Slade, the sexiness back in her voice.

  Looking over at Slade, who was watching her closely as he put his wallet back in his pocket, Jill grabbed her stuff without taking her eyes off Slade. “How much was it, Slade?” Jill reached into her pocket, pulling out a small wad of bills. “I was going to pay.”

  “Put your money away. The Council pays.” Slade moved toward the chair where the woman waited behind a camera.

  “Oh, you carry the Council’s wallet?” Jill frowned as she passed him to flop into the metal chair. When the woman told her to smile, Jill wanted to punch her. Instead, she just tilted her head giving her a ‘take the fucking picture’ look and the woman did…quickly.

  “It will be just a few minutes,” the woman stated, not to Jill, but Slade.

  When Jill snorted and walked away, Slade thanked the woman and followed Jill, who was leaning up against the wall. She had her head tilted back and eyes closed.

  “I think you might have a concussion.” Slade’s voice washed over her tired body.

  “Nah, just tired.” Jill still didn’t open her eyes. “Need sleep.”

  “Jill about before…” Slade sighed.

  Now, that popped Jill’s eyes wide open. Was he seriously going to do this here? Break it to her in the damn DMV that…that…oh, hell, no!

  “If you are talking about me shooting you in the ass, then talk away, but if you are talking about anything else, I don’t want to hear it.” The look on his face indicated that it wasn’t her shooting him in the ass that he had been referring to. Jill’s eyes narrowed at him as the woman called her name. Snapping her mouth shut, she marched over to get her temporary license.

  The woman was staring at Slade, not her, with a longing Jill totally understood. Welcome to my world, she wanted to shout at the woman, but didn’t. Instead, she leaned over whispering to the woman who smiled so brightly Jill almost squinted. The woman hurriedly wrote something down on a small piece of paper, handing it to Jill. Turning, Jill marched back to Slade. Before he could tell her it just wouldn’t work out with them, she’d give him an out.

  “There is nothing about before that we need to talk about.” She slapped him in the chest with the money she still held in her hand along with the woman’s phone number, and then gave him a push, which didn’t budge him an inch. “I’ll make it easy for you.” Without another word, she slammed out the door.

  She didn’t look back, because if she had, she would have been terrified at the look on Slade’s face.

  Chapter 11

  Jax walked up to Caroline’s house, or actually her parents’ house, and rang the doorbell. He could hear people talking, and then the door opened.

  “What are you doing here?” Sid looked behind Jax. “Has something happened?” He grabbed his phone out of his back pocket, checking his messages.

  “I’m picking up Caroline,” Jax responded, wondering how this conversation was going to go.

  “Why?” Sid frowned, putting his phone back in his pocket.

  “Are you her father?” Jax’s smartass question was met with narrowed eyes.

  “No, but her father will ask the same damn question,” Sid shot back.

  “Can you tell her I’m here?” Jax really didn’t want to have an argument with Sid, so he decided to play nice.

  “I probably would if she was here.” Sid stepped aside. “Come on in.”

  Jax walked through the door into the house. Lana spotted him. “Hi Jax.” She walked up, looking from him to Sid. “Has something happened?”

  Before Jax could answer, Sid stepped in. “No, he’s here to pick up Caroline.”

  “Why?” Lana frowned, looking almost identical to Sid. It was actually scary.

  “I’m taking her out to dinner.” Jax absolutely hated to answer to anyone, but he figured this was her sister. Actually, he was kind of surprised Caroline hadn’t said anything.

  “Oh, okay.” Lana looked a little confused. “Let me call her.”

  Sid and Jax made small talk about Warrior business while Lana was calling Caroline.

  “That’s weird.” Lana tapped her phone to her chin nervously. “It went straight to voicemail. Are you sure it was tonight? She never said anything to me about it,” she asked Jax with hope.

  He took his phone out and dialed. “Yes, it was tonight.” He put the phone to his ear. “I texted her to make sure we were still on.” He clicked his phone off when, as Lana said, it went straight to voicemail.

  “When did you and my sister start dating?” Lana’s tone was worried and curious.

  Jax just stared at her before answering. “It’s dinner, Lana. Try again,” Jax said, nodding toward her phone, a bad feeling nagging at him. Caroline didn’t seem like the type to stand anyone up. He watched Lana as she did try again, but she pulled the phone away without having a conversation.

  “I’m worried,” Lana frowned.

  “Worried about what?” Lana’s mom walked into the entranceway, noticing Jax. “Oh, hello.”

  “Ms. Fitzpatrick,” Jax nodded, figuring that’s who this beautiful older woman was.

  “Mom, have you talked to Caroline?” Jax knew Lana purposely took the worry out of her voice so not to upset her mother.

  “I talked to her at lunch today.” Melanie Fitzpatrick smiled, looking at each of them, and then frowned. “Why? What’s happened?”

  “Because she was supposed to have dinner with Jax tonight.” Lana’s face once again bloomed with worry. “She never said anything about it to me and she would never not show up.”

  “She said she had to stop at the apartment to pick up a few things after work.” Her mother’s eyes widened. “You don’t think Rod…”

  “No, I’m sure she’s fine and lost track of time,” Lana replied, but her eyes clearly indicated when she looked at Sid that she didn’t believe that for a minute.

  Jax watched Lana’s reactions, reading her like a book. He and Sid made eye contact. “What’s the address? I can stop by and see if she’s there.”

  “We’ll go with you.” Lana went to grab her stuff. “Just keep dinner warm, Mom. We’ll be right back.”

  “You be careful and call me.” Her mother stood, wringing her hands. “Your father is picking up Jamie from soccer practice and should be home any minute.”

  “It’s fine, Mom.” Lana gave her mom a reassuring smile. “She probably got caught up in doing something and forgot to turn her phone off silent. You know how she is about that.”

  Her mom nodded, but didn’t seem to believe it.

  As they walked out the door, Jax headed for his car. “I’ll follow you guys.”

  “It’s just about five minutes from here,” Lana said, half running toward her car.

  Jax had driven his car instead of his bike for his dinner date with Caroline. Pulling out behind Sid and Lana, Jax’s bad feeling began to grind at his gut, and his gut was usually not wrong. His finger tapped the steering wheel. Sid drove, running a few red lights in less populated areas, with Jax right behind him. Finally, they pulled into a nice apartment complex, weaving through different lanes until before pulling up in front of a row of a

  “Is that her car?” Jax asked, once Sid and Lana joined him on the sidewalk. When Lana nodded, Jax took off. “Which apartment?”

  “104.” Lana hurried up beside him. Once at the door, she pounded loudly. “Caroline?” she called out.

  “Don’t you have a set of keys?” Jax asked impatiently.

  “Rod hated me,” Lana replied, knocking again, and then tried the doorknob, which was locked. “This is only the second time I’ve been here.”

  Jax didn’t like hearing that at all. He looked at Sid. “You wanna do it or should I?”

  Sid moved Lana out of the way before lifting his foot and kicking the door in. Jax and Sid plowed into the apartment ready for anything, Lana coming in behind them.

  “Dammit!” Lana looked around, the apartment was in shambles. Sid pushed her back as they slowly made their way deeper into the dark apartment.

  A noise down the short hallway drew their attention. Jax held his finger up as he crept that way, cocking his head listening closely. Sid and Lana were close behind him.

  Without any warning at all, Caroline jumped into the hall with an iron skillet in her hand swinging with everything she had. “You son of a bitch!”

  Jax caught the skillet before it made contact with his head. “Caroline!” he shouted as she fought him in panic mode. “It’s Jax.”

  She looked up, her eyes focusing with realization. The skillet dropped from her fingers, hitting the floor with a loud bang. His eyes searched her face and a rage so deep flashed throughout his body. Her eye was swollen with the beginnings of a bruise coloring her pale cheek. He tilted her chin up, looking at her neck, which had markings of a perfect choke grip. Her lip quivered, but she tilted her head, putting on a strong front. “I’m fine.” She glanced behind him to see Sid and Lana. “You just scared me.”

  He knew that to be true, feeling the shaking in her body. “Where is he?” Jax’s tone was deadly and meant business.

  Caroline looked away, her strong front crumbling. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “The fuck it don’t.” Jax turned her face toward him again. “Are you hurt anywhere else?”


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