Quote Sources
Policarpa Salavarrieta
“I may be a woman”: Molano, Una y mil muertes
Teresa Carreño
“¡No! Soy Teresita the First!”: Milinowski, Teresa Carreño
Gabriela Mistral
“This award belongs to my homeland”: Gabriela Mistral’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech
Juana de Ibarbourou
“Let’s go to the campo.”: Juana de Ibarbourou, “Vida Aldeana,” from Las Lenguas de Diamante
Julia de Burgos
“I’m curling the campo’s hair!”: Olivares, “Entrevista a María Consuelo Sáez Burgos”
Chavela Vargas
“I leave with Mexico in my heart.”: El Mundo, “Fallece a los 93 años”
Victoria Santa Cruz
“If that negra is going to play”: Documental Victoria Santa Cruz-Retratos Parte 1
“Porque, in the end”: Documental Victoria Santa Cruz-Retratos Parte 1
Claribel Alegría
“This isn’t right!”: Peralta and Fraser, Birmingham Poetry Review
“You have the gift of words.”: Alegría, “In Remembrance”
“Every time I name them”: “Every Time” by Claribel Alegría, translated by Carolyn Forché
Dolores Huerta
“¡Sí se puede!”: phrase trademarked by the UFW, https://doloreshuerta.org/faqs/
Maria Auxiliadora da Silva
“I am an artist”: Olivia and Pedrosa, Maria Auxiliadora
Julia Alvarez
“A bullfighter!”: Alvarez, Something to Declare
Justa Canaviri
“Mamitas y papitos”: Justa Canaviri, opening to her television show
Selena Quintanilla
“Ay, ay, ay como me duele”: Selena, “Como la Flor”
Berta Cáceres
“Wake up! There isn’t any more time!”: Cáceres, Goldman Prize acceptance speech
“We are the guardians”: This quote is paraphrased from Berta Cáceres’s Goldman Prize acceptance speech
Serena Auñon
“You know, NASA always needs engineers!”: GW SEAS, “How Do I Become an Astronaut?”
Wanda Díaz-Merced
“Science is for everyone”: TED, “How a Blind Astronomer”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
“You know, this all belongs to us”: Lears, Knock Down the House
“your zip code no longer determines”: Alter, Time
Lauren Zoe Hernandez
“I got this!”: Hernandez, said at the 2016 summer Olympics and the title of her book
Any dialogue or quote not attributed above is based on the materials found in my sources, but is not historical fact.
About the Author
Juliet Menéndez is a Guatemalan American author and illustrator living between Guatemala City, Paris, and New York. While working as a bilingual teacher in New York City’s public schools, Juliet noted the need for more books that depicted children like the ones in her classrooms. She studied design and illustration in Paris and now spends her days with her watercolors and notebook. Latinitas is her first children’s book.
Visit her online at julietmenendez.com, or sign up for email updates here.
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Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Notice
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Juana Azurduy de Padilla
Policarpa Salavarrieta
Rosa Peña de González
Teresa Carreño
Zelia Nuttall
Antonia Navarro
Matilde Hidalgo
Gabriela Mistral
Juana de Ibarbourou
Pura Belpré
Gumercinda Páez
Frida Kahlo
Julia de Burgos
Chavela Vargas
Alicia Alonso
Victoria Santa Cruz
Claribel Alegría
Celia Cruz
Dolores Huerta
Rita Rosita Moreno
Maria Auxiliadora da Silva
Mercedes Sosa
Isabel Allende
Susana Torre
Julia Alvarez
Sandra Cisneros
Sonia Sotomayor
Rigoberta Menchú Tum
Mercedes Doretti
Sonia Solange Pierre
Justa Canaviri
Evelyn Miralles
Selena Quintanilla
Berta Cáceres
Serena Auñón
Wanda Díaz-Merced
Marta Vieira da Silva
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Lauren Zoe Hernandez
More Latinitas
Leona Vicario
Petronila Angélica Gómez
Hermelinda Urvina
Eva Perón
Mirabal sisters
Sylvia Mendez
Sara Gómez
Verónica Michelle Bachelet
Gloria Estefan
Ellen Ochoa
Selected Sources
About the Author
Copyright © 2021 by Juliet Menéndez
Henry Holt and Company, Publishers since 1866
Henry Holt® is a registered trademark of Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group, LLC
120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271
All rights reserved.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.
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First hardcover edition 2021
eBook edition 2021
eISBN 9781250234636
Latinitas Page 8