The Sheikh’s Island Fling: Sheikh's Meddling Sisters: Book Two

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The Sheikh’s Island Fling: Sheikh's Meddling Sisters: Book Two Page 5

by North, Leslie

  Ani shut the camera off then set it down on the table. “Just between us. Tell me who the real Rehaj is. I promise your secret is safe with me.”

  The crazy thing was, he believed her. And how long had it been since that happened? He chuckled and sat forward at last, narrowing his gaze. “You won’t believe me if I tell you.”

  “Try me.” She leaned forward a bit more, her tone teasing.

  He took a deep breath. “My full name and title is Sheikh Rehaj bin Haik al Nazari and I am the second son of the ruling family of the country of Djeva.”

  For a moment, Ani just blinked at him. “Seriously?”


  Her lovely blue eyes widened slightly as did her smile. “Oh. My. Gosh. I’m eating dinner with real-life royalty. How cool is that? Can I start calling you sheikh from now on?”

  “No. You may not. With you, I wish to only be Rehaj.” He sat back to allow the staff to clear their plates. The breeze off the ocean had picked up a bit since they’d first arrived and the air smelled of rain. A storm was coming soon, he’d bet. It reminded him of the same conditions back home when the weather shifted. Behind where they were sitting, nestled with the sheltering palm trees was a natural waterfall, gurgling softly as it bubbled over the surrounding rocks. The whole place was mystical, magical. The burden of responsibility lifted off his shoulders even more. “I am here for rest and relaxation. No one is to know my real identity.”

  “But what about the staff?” Ani asked as the server placed a frothy-looking dessert in front of her, complete with sugar cookie twizzles and gold glitter. “Don’t they need to know your real name for security purposes?”

  “Nope. To them I’m just regular old Rehaj Nazari. Businessman and failed lover. My sisters took great pleasure in that. At first, I was skeptical and angry with them. But now, I’m beginning to see the possibilities.” He stared down at his own dessert, sniffing the whipped cream atop it and scenting pineapple. “What exactly is this?”

  “This,” Ani said, licking a glob of foam and glitter from her lips, “is called a Tropical Surprise. Try it. Bet you can’t resist.”

  Her tiny movement gave him all sorts of naughty ideas.

  “Hmm.” He gave the concoction another dubious look. He didn’t have any food allergies that he knew of and considered himself a forward-thinking man, but all that yellow and poofiness gave him pause. “Are you sure?”

  “Trust me.” She winked and his resistance went right out the window. “It’s super good.”

  Rehaj picked up his spoon and took a bite. Sweet and slightly fizzy, the bubbles tickling his nose came from champagne. It was his own fault. He’d not mentioned his aversion to booze to her. He could hardly be mad now and he wasn’t. Just curious. “There is alcohol in this.”

  “Yes.” Ani giggled. “Lots. Is that a problem?”

  “I normally do not drink alcohol at all in my daily life. In fact, this is the first time I’ve ever had any that I know of.” Yet here he was, shoveling in this delicious dessert like there was no tomorrow. Distantly, in the back of his mind, warning bells sounded. He should be careful. He should eat sparingly. He should remain in control of his senses at all times. The sparkling, frothy, slightly sharp taste of the champagne lit up his senses like fireworks.

  The more the alcohol entered his system, the more his inhibitions lifted and he felt free. Free for the first time in such a long time. Free to live and love and enjoy the beauty of the island and Ani without reservations.

  Finishing his last bite of dessert in record time, Rehaj wiped his mouth then stood. “I’m going for a walk on the beach. I want to feel the sand in my toes and the water lap at my ankles.”

  Ani laughed and trailed behind him, the video camera left behind on the table. “This I need to see.”

  Rehaj sat on the beach and rolled up his pant legs to mid-calf then waded into the shallow waves lapping at the shore. The water was brisker than he’d expected and he shuffled backward to curl his chilled toes in the rough, wet sand. “That’s… refreshing,” he said. “And cold as hell.”

  Dress and hair whipping in the wind, Ani moved in beside him to take his hand. “I’m glad I’m here, with you.”

  “As am I.” Rehaj raised her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “You are so very beautiful, mahbubi.”

  Ani rested her head on his shoulder. “I try my best. What does that mean?”

  He kissed the top of her head, savoring once more the smell of her shampoo, then repeated the word using the correct Arabic tones. “Mahbubi. It means my sweet. And you don’t have to try. You never, ever have to try with me. Or anyone else. You are spectacular, just as you are.”

  “Aw.” She snuggled closer to him and he put his arm around her “I think I’m a little tipsy from that foam. I don’t drink very often myself and champagne always goes straight to my head.”

  “I think I am tipsy too.” Rehaj laughed loud and long, taking in all the wonder around him as if for the first time ever. “And I think I like it.”

  “You do?” Ani titled her face to look up at him, her expression so soft and gorgeous it took his breath away. “I like you, Rehaj. Way more than I ever thought I could in such a short time. I feel like you see me. Not the person I pretend to be on the outside, but the real me.” She raised their joined hands and pressed them to the spot over her heart. “In here.”

  The heat of her through that thin yellow dress and the press of her breasts against his skin made his knees go weak. Or maybe that was the champagne. Either way, Rehaj knew he needed to get back to his villa soon or risk embarrassing himself on the beach. He brushed a brief kiss on Ani’s lips then stepped back. “Come, let’s return home.”

  “To Texas?” She laughed again, the sound lilting through the air like a symphony of chimes around him. “That’s a long ways away.”

  “No. To the villas.” They made their way across the beach while the staff behind them cleared away any evidence of their dinner. Rehaj frowned as they approached the flight of steps up to his balcony, his concentration split between navigating the stairs and the sweetness of Ani by his side. He wasn’t sure which was giving him more trouble. “There is no one I wish to be under the influence of more than you, mahbubi.”

  Wait? What?

  His sluggish mind took a moment to catch up with his words. That hadn’t come out right. He’d meant to say under the influence with. In truth, he had no hold on Ani, nor she on him. Nor did he have the right or the desire to make future claims on her, did he?

  No, you don’t.

  Yet the thought of another man touching her, holding her, making her cry out in ecstasy filled Rehaj with an anger so fierce it set his blood boiling. He’d never been possessive before, but Ani seemed to bring out that alpha streak in him without even trying. Just the very thought of that idiot she’d mentioned, Marcus who’d hurt her and left her heart battered and scarred, made him want to throttle the man with his bare hands. How dare that worthless piece of camel dung ever think to use and discard a woman so precious, so beautiful, so sweet and kind and generous and…

  They’d made it up to his balcony now and stumbled inside his living room to collapse on the sofa. Ani’s warm curves cuddled into Rehaj’s side and he couldn’t remember a time he’d felt more content. It had been so long since he’d allowed himself to feel anything more than brief physical satisfaction with a woman. Thirteen years to be exact. Thirteen years he’d spent in his self-imposed prison, paying for his crimes.

  But tonight. Tonight he wanted to live again, if only until the dawn.

  If only in this alcohol-drenched, fevered dream.

  Speaking of dreams, Ani was his every dream come to life and she was here, warm and safe and so very comfortable in his arms. She giggled again and he felt that happy noise go straight to his groin. Rehaj shifted slightly to relieve pressure off his now-aching cock.

  They sat there in companionable silence for a while, Ani’s head nestled under his chin, just the soun
d of the sea and their breathing and his own heartbeat in his ears. Long enough, in fact, that he’d begun to wonder if Ani had fallen asleep.

  As if in answer, she wriggled slightly, sliding one leg across his lap then pushing herself upward until she was straddling him. His hardening cock went to full staff, and Rehaj stared up into Ani’s gorgeous face, so close to his now.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, though his body already had a pretty good idea.

  “What’s it feel like I’m doing,” she said, rocking her heated core against him. She moaned low and he buried his face in her neck, licking and kissing and tasting her once more.

  “Ah, Ani, mahbubi.” He groaned pulling her closer against him, surrendering the battle before it started. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

  Her sweet smile grew sultry as she reached one hand between them to stroke his hard length through his trousers. With the other, she reached behind her neck to undo the clasp of her halter-topped dress. The yellow fabric slid down to reveal the most beautiful breasts Rehaj had ever seen in his life. He swallowed hard, his throat dry as the deserts of Djeva. “I’ve got a pretty good idea, my sheikh. Care to prove your point?”

  This time, it was Rehaj who laughed, tumbling her beneath him on the sofa and capturing her lips in a searing kiss that left them both breathless before he pulled away. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  * * *

  “Wait,” Ani said, placing her hand on Rehaj’s chest. His words to her, about being enough just the way she was, meant more to her than she could ever say. If this was going to happen between them tonight—and man oh man, did she want this to happen—she wanted nothing between them but the truth. Difficult as it was to stop Rehaj from touching her and stroking her, and… oh my. He’d cupped her breast, his thumb gently circling her straining nipple. She groaned low and arched so hard beneath him she nearly bucked them both off the sofa. Finally, she managed to wriggle out from beneath him and stand on her wobbly legs.

  Rehaj stared up at her, looking like a lost, confused, hurt puppy and it took all her willpower not to crawl back into his arms, but she held out. What she was about to do would change everything for her.

  “I’ll be right back. Stay here.” She hurried off to the bathroom and shut the door behind her, leaning back against it to take several deep breaths before moving to stand in front of the mirror. Slowly, she stripped naked then began to remove her makeup. First went the false eyelashes. Next, she scrubbed off all the eyeliner and blush and foundation until her face was clean. Finally, she reached back and removed the clipped in hair extension at the back of her head.

  There. He’d said he liked her just as she was. Time to see if he’d truly meant that.

  Ani squeezed her eyes shut and opened the door, stepped out and collided with a solid wall of muscle. Rehaj was there, standing outside the bathroom, waiting.

  He frowned down at her, his hands on her shoulders to steady her. “What’s wrong? If you want to go, I understand. I have been very forward tonight with my affections and I’m afraid I’m not myself. If you wish to leave, I will walk you back to your place next door to make sure you arrive safely.”

  He’d kept his eyes averted from her nakedness the whole time, bless him, and the idea touched her more than she could say. Ani smiled and reached out to take his hand, drawing it back to her breast once more. “I don’t want to leave, not without you. I wanted you to see me, the real me. No makeup, no barriers. If you don’t want me anymore, just tell me and I’ll go.”

  They stood in the shadows, watching each other closely.

  Time seemed to slow as Rehaj carefully traced his fingers from her breasts, up her neck, to cup her cheek. “You are lovely beyond my imaginings, Anastasia. To walk away from you now would surely kill me.”

  Her small smile widened into a full-blown grin. She took his hand again and led him back toward the balcony. “C’mon.”

  “Where are we going?” Rehaj asked, following beside her.

  “This is a night of firsts, yes? Have you ever made love in the ocean?”

  He shook his head.

  “Me neither. But I’m game if you are.” She stopped at the top of the steps leading down to the beach and peeked over to make sure the staff and the table were gone. “Looks like were alone now.”

  The waxing moon’s light had bathed the area in a soft glow and Ani couldn’t remember ever seeing such a gorgeous location in her life. And yes, they’d both gotten their share of alcohol with dessert. That didn’t mean she wanted this man any less or that the night would be any less special because of it.

  “What about the beach?” Rehaj asked. “I could grab us some towels.”

  “Towels are good,” Ani agreed. “But for afterward. We don’t want to get sand in places it doesn’t belong, right?”

  “Right.” Rehaj held up a finger for her to wait, then rushed back into his villa. She could hear the sound of doors and drawers opening and closing then he reappeared, naked as she was and fully prepared for their activities ahead. Ani gasped then bit her lip, unable to look away from all his male glory, from all his muscles and sinews and his cock, proud and erect, with a bead of moisture glistening at the tip to tell her just how badly he wanted this, wanted her. “I am ready.”

  “Yes, you are.” She stood on tiptoe to kiss him again, pressing herself against him and wrapping her arms around his neck. “You know, I think maybe the bed is a better choice for our first time together.”

  “Why is that, mahbubi?” he asked between kisses. Rehaj wrapped an arm around her waist and picked her up, forcing her to wrap her legs around him and hold on. “I thought you craved adventure.”

  “What I crave right now,” she wiggled against him, allowing her heated core to rub against his straining length. “Is you. Let’s get to bed, eh?”

  “Your wish is my command.” He walked them into the bedroom then tumbled with her down onto his king-sized bed. The white bedding and comforter billowed beneath them as they hit the surface in a mass of tangled limbs and desire. All the windows were still open from earlier and the gauzy curtains billowed, creating an enchanted atmosphere of fantasy and fairy tales.

  Ani couldn’t get enough of touching and tasting Rehaj, the salt from his skin, the sweetness of champagne on his lips, and when she dared go lower—the tang of his essence on her tongue. He dug his fingers into her hair as she took his cock between her lips again, his low moan causing a fresh wave of moisture between her legs and a surge of need in her blood. She wanted him so badly she ached with longing.

  “Please, mahbubi,” Rehaj said, urging her away from him. “If you keep up that exquisite torture, I won’t last. And I want this to last forever.” He kissed her again then laid her back on the silk sheets, lavishing attention on her breasts before kissing his way down her stomach.

  “So, so beautiful. So, so perfect,” he murmured over and over until he reached the apex of her thighs. Gently, he spread her legs, then laid down between them, meeting her gaze up the length of her body. “Let me pleasure you, Ani, as you have pleasured me.”

  The first soft touch of his tongue against her slick folds almost pushed her over the edge. In all the years she and Marcus had been together, her pleasure had never been his priority. Now, here she was with a man, a royal prince, who had to be used to people catering to his every whim, and he was asking her permission to please her. The thought both humbled and empowered her.

  Ani hissed. “Yes. Please, Rehaj. Please.”

  He smiled against her, the movement sending shivers of ecstasy through her. “That’s it, mahbubi. That’s it. Let go for me. Tell me what you want. Tell me what you like.”

  She tangled her fingers in his dark hair, guiding him. “There. Yes. Right there. Oh, God. That feels so amazing. Yes. Just like that. Yes!”

  Ecstasy spiraled tighter and tighter inside her coiling to the point of no return as Rehaj inserted first one, then two, fingers inside her, preparing her for him.

; “Yes, my beauty. Yes,” he coaxed, his talented fingers and tongue keeping her balanced on a knife’s edge. “I want to taste you, all of you. I want to make you explode with desire. I want you to think of this night for years to come as you touch yourself and think of me, think of this, of what I’m doing to you now. I want you to come for me, mahbubi. Come for me now.”

  He increased his attention on her sensitive clitoris and Ani froze, poised at the edge of a cliff before hurtling over the precipice. Her world shattered into a million iridescent shards of amazing, unbelievable bliss as the tension inside her released at last and her body pulsed around him. She’d thought she’d had orgasms with Marcus, but never, ever anything like this. As she rode out the waves of pleasure, Ani could barely remember her name, let alone any other man besides Rehaj.

  Slowly, he kissed his way back up her body to her lips, allowing her to taste her own spicy arousal on his tongue. His hard cock was pressed against her thigh, so ready, so hot. Rehaj reached past her and into the drawer of his nightstand to pull out a condom.

  “Let me,” she said, taking it from him and tearing open the little foil packet with her teeth. She couldn’t resist kissing his tip once more before smoothing the condom into place, savoring the flavor of him on her lips. At last, she settled back amongst the soft white pillows and opened her legs and her heart to him.

  Rehaj settled between her thighs, his tip poised at her wet entrance. “Are you sure, mahbubi?”

  “More than anything in the world.” She twined her hands around his neck, stroking the back of his neck and loving the way he shivered against her. “Please, I want you.”

  “Then you shall have me, my precious Ani.” He pushed inside her to the hilt in one long thrust then held still, allowing her to adjust to the size and length of him. She kissed him deeply, loving their connection, loving everything about this moment.

  “Yes!” She was moved against him, craving more. “Please, Rehaj.”

  He set up a rhythm then, angling himself to hit a spot inside her that had her writhing and begging for more. His kisses and caresses were punctuated with nibbles and licks and deep groans.


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