Rebound (Soulmates Book 3)

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Rebound (Soulmates Book 3) Page 8

by Dykes, Nicole

  Pete walked over to spot me when I laid down to start lifting, “One date. It’s not going to kill you.”

  I groaned and sat up, “Fuck. You are not going to let this go are you?”



  “Saturday at six. We are meeting them at that nice Italian restaurant, Venditori’s.

  “You aren’t picking her up?”

  “No, she doesn’t want me to know where she lives yet because she doesn’t know me.”

  “Makes sense.”

  “Yeah, she’s been a tough one to crack.”

  I let out a frustrated breath, “Fine. One date though. If she won’t be alone with you after that it’s on you.”

  He was really excited, “Thanks buddy.”

  We went back to lifting after that and then went home and crashed before the next day’s grueling practice.

  Chapter 10

  We won the game against our rivals on Friday and then the next day I went with Pete to the really nice Italian restaurant for his date.

  We were both dressed nicely in slacks, nice button down shirts, and ties when we walked into the classy restaurant a little before six. When we walked in I saw Pete scanning the room and then smiled as he stopped. My eyes followed to where he was looking.

  There I saw a tall, attractive blond talking to a girl with shoulder length dark hair. It couldn’t be. The girl waved us over and the other girl turned toward us. Fuck my life. There she was. The girl couldn’t fucking stand me. Lindsay.

  I stopped Pete when he started to walk over to them. “Which one is your date?” Not that it mattered. Either scenario was bad.

  He started walking again, “The blond. The other one is hot too though, so you’re welcome.”

  I followed him over. Where he greet the blond, “Hi Julie. This is my roommate and teammate, Ryan.”

  She smiled and with a thick southern accent look a little apprehensive when she introduced Lindsay, “Well this is my roommate, Lindsay.” She turned to Lindsay, “This is Pete.” And then she looked back at Pete, “I think these two have already met though.”

  Pete looked over at me, “You know her?”

  “Yep. From study group.” I said it through clenched teeth, hoping he would pick up on it.

  It looked like he did from his facial expression, “Oh. Well that’s great.”

  The hostess came over to seat us and Lindsay was staring daggers at me the entire way to the table. I pulled the chair out for her and sat next to her after she was seated.

  Julie looked over at me trying to start a conversation, “So, you play football with Pete?”

  “Yep. I sure do and apparently that’s all I’m good for.”

  Lindsay who really looked stunning in a dark red dress and her hair and makeup done looked up from her menu, “You are so irritating.”

  Pete quickly tried to change the subject, “So Julie, you and Lindsay live together huh? Do you live on campus?”

  Julie politely nodded. “Yes we share a dorm room. We are thinking about possibly moving off campus next year. And you two are roommates also. Do you live on campus?”

  He nodded, “Yeah we live in the dorms also.”

  I ignored their small talk and tried to figure out what I was going to order. The sooner we got our food the sooner this night could be over.

  Lindsay must have had the same plan because when the waiter came over to see if we were ready to order we both said, “yes.” Unfortunately, Julie and Pete were not ready and the waiter left after telling us to take our time.

  Fifteen minutes later, we finally ordered and handed our menus over to the waiter. Julie and Pete were discussing majors and then Julie looked over at me, “So, Ryan have you picked a major yet.”

  “Uh yeah. I chose phycology.”

  She smile and looked over at Lindsay, “Oh that’s interesting. Lindsay is studying to be an addiction counselor. You guys have something in common.”

  Lindsay focused her attention on me, “You know how hard it is to become a psychologist?”

  “Well don’t worry, it won’t be too tough for me. I’ll glide right through it.”

  “And you working with addicts all day. That’ll be fun.”

  She looked really angry when I said that, “They are people too. Most of them have just had really hard lives. Not everyone can have it simple.”

  “I just said it would be fun.”

  “No you were being sarcastic. Like because they aren’t perfect they don’t deserve the time of day.”

  Julie interjected, “Lindsay I don’t think that’s what he was saying.”

  The waiter brought our food out and I looked back over at Lindsay. I should have let it go, but she really pushed my buttons, “Why are you so sensitive. You a past addict or something?”

  She didn’t say a word and took a bite of her pasta. I looked across the table at Pete who looked pissed at Lindsay and my bickering. We all ate in silence for a while after that. Maybe she was a past addict. If she was I was a total asshole and I knew it.

  When we were all finished Pete suggested a movie and I couldn’t believe he would want this date to continue. “I can’t. I have to study and you’ll never make it back by curfew if you go to a movie.”

  Lindsay spoke as she put her purse on over her shoulder and looked at Julie, “Yeah, I have some stuff I have to do too.”

  Julie looked disappointed, “Come on Lindsay. What about ice cream? There is a cute little ice cream parlor on the way back to campus.”

  Pete was noticeably excited and looked to me, “That sounds good. Another hour tops.”

  We both gave in and we drove separately to the ice cream parlor Julie was talking about.

  When Pete and I got into his car he started in on me about how I was ruining his date, “What the hell was that? What did you do to that girl?”

  “I told you I don’t know. She hates me because I play football and have everything handed to me or some bullshit. She’s insane.”

  “Well this is just great. Will you please try to be nice for just a little bit.”

  I got defensive, “I didn’t do anything.”

  “Just try.”


  We walked inside alongside Lindsay and Julie. After we all ordered and Julie and Pete headed to a table I blocked Lindsay from following. “He really likes your roommate. So let’s try to get through this without attacking each other and hopefully we won’t have to see each other again, unless they get married or something.”

  “Oh please. I know what he wants from her and it’s not marriage.”

  “Oh I forgot. You know everyone just by looking at them.”

  “Pete Donahue has quite the reputation around campus.” That was true. Chances were that Lindsay knew at least one girl Pete had slept with and never called again.

  “Well he likes your friend to take her out on an actual date so I think he really cares for her.”

  She looked over at Pete and Julie, “She just didn’t fall for his bullshit right away. She’s a conquest. But whatever. I’ll be good if you will.”

  She moved past me and walked over to the table. Julie and Pete were talking about school again when I sat down. Julie said, “So Pete it must be really hard to keep up with college and play football.”

  “Well we just have to keep a 2.0 average. Which is a little difficult, but I get by. Now Ryan here…” He patted my shoulder, “He’s our team genius.”

  I scowled at him. I managed a 3.2 last semester and for some reason the guys on the team used it as something to tease me about. Calling me “genius” and “nerd”. Julie looked over at me, “Oh yeah, so you really care about school then?”

  Lindsay looked like she was actually listening when I answered Julie, “Yeah. Football is just a means to a great education without having to burden my mom. I want to be a psychologist and help people. If I never see a football in person after college, I’d be okay with that.”

  That statement may have
been a little more for Lindsay than for Julie. Pete shook his head, “I’ll never understand you. I’m trying to find a way to drag college out.”

  We all laughed at that and we all finished our ice cream, Pete and Julie making small talk. Afterward we all walked out and stood on the sidewalk. Pete took Julie’s hand and led her a little ways away from Lindsay and me.

  We stood in uncomfortable silence as Julie and Pete talked for a minute before he leaned in to kiss Julie. Julie skillfully turned her head to the side so Pete’s kiss landed on her cheek. They said goodbye and Lindsay walked over to Julie’s car.

  Pete and I got back into his. “She really is old fashioned huh?”

  He started to drive back to campus. “Yeah. Extremely. She’s a nice girl and all, but I don’t know if she’s worth the trouble.”

  “Really? One date and you’re giving up? Pathetic.”

  We followed Julie’s car all the way to campus and parked in the same lot. Then we watched as Julie and Lindsay walked into our building. They lived in the same dorm that we did. We didn’t say a word as we slowly got out of the car and walked inside.

  I couldn’t believe this who time Lindsay had lived in the same dorm. I just couldn’t escape this girl.

  Chapter 11

  Two weeks after our disastrous double date on a Monday, Lindsay walked over to me after economics. She looked kinda nervous, which was strange, "Look, if you want to join our study group again you can."

  Surprised, I asked, "Why the sudden change of heart?"

  She tried to act casual, "If you actually care about school like you say you do, you should be in the good study group. The other ones are just lame."

  I still didn't understand, but with finals coming up I couldn't afford to analyze it too deeply. "Well maybe I will. My new group does kinda suck."

  "Well okay." She didn't say anything else and just walked out of the exit of the large lecture hall.

  Economics was my last class of the day so I went to practice. Pete was stretching in the locker room when I got there. "Hey."

  "Hey. So have you seen Julie again since your date?"

  He walked over to me, "No. Why?"

  I thought maybe he had something to do with Lindsay being semi nice. Like Julie asking her to be. "No reason. Just curious."

  He laughed. "No I told ya. Way too much work. Only slutty dumb girls for me."

  I shook my head and changed clothes. "Whatever works for ya."

  We went to practice and then dinner and then to workout. Just like always. The strict structure of the football season could really wear us down. I was really looking forward to the season to be over by that point.

  The next day after dinner I went to Lindsay's study group, who didn't seem so irritated that I was there that time.

  She didn't roll her eyes or make any snide comments the entire time. It was really strange and after the group was over my curiosity got the best of me. I walked over to her. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

  She put her coat on, "Sure."

  "What's going on?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "I mean why the sudden thaw?"

  She wrapped her red scarf around her neck, it wasn't too cold outside for the winters I was used to, but the people that were from the south were acting like they were freezing. "I told you. If you are actually serious about school, you should be in the good study group. I'm not going to scare you away."

  "Well that's nice of you."

  She smiled. She was really pretty when she smiled. It reminded me of the first night we met, when she was drunk and happy. "I may have judged you a little too quickly. I have a tendency to do that. I just have never had a good experience with jocks."

  I nodded and put my jacket on, "Well I'm not a typical jock."

  "Maybe you're not."

  I walked her outside. "You know about me asking if you were a past addict..."

  She thankfully stopped me because I was stuttering like an idiot, "I'm not."

  "Oh well good. I'm still sorry. I was out of line."

  She smiled at me, "Don't worry about it. I'll see ya around."

  We continued to get along the next week and even started sitting together in class, along with the rest of the group. One day before we left, Lindsay stayed in her seat next to me, as everyone else filed out of the room. "So with finals coming up, I was wondering if you would want to study with me tonight?"

  "Uh, yeah. Sure. I can use all of the studying I can get."

  "Great. How about seven? I live on the second floor in the same dorm as you. We have great study rooms. I reserved room 3."

  I smiled, and I think she was surprised that I didn't act shocked that we lived in the same residence hall so I explained, "Pete and I saw you guys go in after the date."

  "Ah. Okay so does seven work for you?"

  "Yeah. I'll be there."

  She got up and left and I followed after I gathered my stuff.

  I hurried through dinner and then went back to my dorm. I didn't shower after practice that day because Pete was in a hurry to go eat.

  I went into my room to grab my book fifteen minutes before seven and decided to take a quick shower. I stripped and hopped into the shower to scrub away the sweat and grime leftover from practice.

  Afterward I dressed in jeans and a t shirt and combed my hair. I dabbed on a little cologne and left.

  I was ten minutes late when I walked into the small study room. Lindsay was sitting at the desk wearing a bright blue sweater and jeans with her hair down. "I'm sorry I'm late. Practice ran a little over and then I had to eat. And I needed a shower. I figured you would rather I was a little late and smelling decent than on time and smelly."

  She laughed, "Good call."

  I sat down and got my notes and my economy book out. "My notes are a little messy."

  She looked them over, "We can use mine."

  I actually had a decent time studying with her. She was really smart and kind of funny. Two hours later I looked at the clock, "I should probably get going. I have to get some weight lifting in and Spanish homework before bed."

  She closed her notes, "Wow, you really are super busy. Do you ever have any time to yourself?"

  “A little. I just try to look at football as a full time job."

  She looked thoughtful, "Do you really not get anything handed to you?"

  I wondered why she had such a bad view of athletes. "Did you date a jock or something?"


  I wasn't sure if I believed her, "I've worked hard to get where I am. And some jocks are assholes, but I know plenty of assholes who never played a sport in their lives."

  "Yeah I know. It's just the whole "kings of campus" thing that is irritating. Like at that party, girls were just falling all over the football players. You were all acting like Gods."

  "Well I've only been to a few parties in college and they had to drag me along every time."

  I wanted to find out more about her, but I really did have to go. "Maybe we can do this again this weekend? I'll tell ya more about my struggles?"

  She smiled, "Okay." But then looked a little guarded, "But it's not a date or anything."

  I stood up, "I didn't think it was. I'm not interested in dating anyone."

  She looked a little surprised, "Okay. Good. We are on the same page then."

  "Yep. How about Sunday? Saturday is game day, but Sunday afternoon is free."

  "That works. Three?"

  "Same place?"

  "Yep. I'll reserve it."

  "Okay. I'll see ya then." I grabbed my stuff and headed back upstairs to my room.

  When I got to my room, Pete was waiting to go to the gym. "Just one second."

  I went into my room and changed into my workout clothes and then we went to the gym. Pete unlocked his car and we both hopped in, "So how was your date?"

  "It wasn't a date. We were studying."

  "Lindsay is cute. I think you should go for it."

  "I'm not going into this aga
in. I'm not dating."

  He turned onto the road the gym was on, "Alright, so you would have no problem whatsoever, if I went out with her then?"

  I knew he was trying to get a reaction out of me and I knew there was no way in hell Lindsay would go out with him. "Go for it man."

  He didn't say anything else and parked the car. We went inside and lifted for an hour before going back home.

  Sunday rolled around and I woke up feeling pretty good. We won the game the day before, but I was excited to study with Lindsay. It was strange, considering it wasn't long ago that she hated me.

  I went to the mandatory team meeting and practice and then ate lunch with the team. They actually catered in barbecue to celebrate the last game of the regular season and being invited to play a bowl game.

  At three I met Lindsay in the study room on the second floor. I was right on time, but she was already there when I arrived. She was getting her notes out, "Hey."

  I sat down at the table, "Hey."

  "Good game yesterday. Glad the season's over?"

  "Yeah kind of. I'll have a little more free time. You watched the game?"

  "Bits and pieces. Julie had it on when I was studying in the living room. That girl loves football."

  "Hmm. Well too bad things didn't work out with her and Pete then."

  Her expression got a little more serious, "Yeah, why is that? Julie said he never called again after their first date. I thought you said he liked her?"

  I couldn’t tell her that Pete didn’t want to work that hard and that she was right about him just wanting to get laid. “He did. I don't know what happened."

  "Uh huh."

  We opened our books and studied for hours after that. Occasionally talking about things other than economics, but mostly focusing on studying for our final, which was scheduled for the next day.

  At seven she looked at her phone. "Well I think four hours of studying should be plenty."

  I closed my book. "Yeah I think so."

  "You hungry?"

  I nodded, "Yeah I could eat. Where do you want to go?"

  "Anywhere I can get a burger and fries. That sounds really good."

  "Okay." We packed our stuff up and I drove us to a popular restaurant about five minutes off campus. I had never been there, but had seen their commercial claiming they had the best hamburgers in town.


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