Romance: My Stepbrother's Plaything

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Romance: My Stepbrother's Plaything Page 41

by Valentine, Annie

  Hoss had turned his chair around. Stephanie gazed into his eyes and without shifting them; she pushed down the strap of her dress, exposing a bare shoulder. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Hoss’s Adam’s apple move as he swallowed hard.

  Stephanie swayed her body lightly, and shook off each item with flair. She stopped when she was only left in her chemise and camisole.

  “Will this do?” she asked Hoss in a husky voice.

  He shook his head in rapid movements.

  “Then you’ll have to help,” Stephanie said.

  She watched him wrestle with himself, his features looking strained. Then he stood up and walked uneasily towards her. She looked at his hands. His long fingers were trembling.

  Chapter Four

  Carter had gone to see a cattle breeding system at a farm in Wyoming. He wanted to adapt similar system in circle ranch. Eager to fill in his brothers, he went looking for them before entering the house. He found Hoss in the shooting range.

  “Hey, you’re back,” Hoss said in a dry tone.

  “Carter, good to have you back safe and sound,” James said warmly and pumped Carter’s hand vigorously.

  “Yes, it’s good to be back,” Carter said, his back muscles aching.

  “How did it go?” James asked.

  “Very well. I must say that I was impressed by the breeding system. A few of us from Montana, including the Governor, all went down together. We want to push for a similar system that will benefit all ranchers and farmers in Montana.”

  “Why did the Governor go?” James asked.

  Hoss was idly kicking a stone.

  “It’s too expensive and it requires a lot of expertise which the Governor can provide, if he agrees that is,” Carter explained.

  He then went on to tell them about the cattle ranches in Wyoming and the great breeding rates they were getting with “artificial insemination”. James whistled.

  Carter was about to ask Hoss his thoughts then decided against it. Already he felt irritated at his brother’s attitude.

  “Can we go back to our shooting?” Hoss asked James.

  James looked from one brother to another and then nodded. Carter stood behind his brothers and watched. The target was one hundred and eighty paces away, a charred piece of board with an ‘X’ marked in the center. Hoss took the first shoot and completely missed the target, his bullet bouncing off the huge oak tree that supported the target. If he spent as much time practicing shooting as he did on his paintings, he would be a decent marksman, Carter thought.

  James was next and his shot came close to the ‘X’.

  “If you don’t mind,” Carter said, already drawing out his rifle. Hoss smirked but Carter ignored him. He drew his rifle to the level of his shoulder and after a few seconds made his shot. It went straight to the heart of the ‘X’.

  “Show off!” Hoss said.

  “You’re a sore loser Hoss,” Carter taunted.

  It was odd that he and his youngest brother were always at odds. Carter blamed it on Hoss. If he took up his responsibilities at the ranch, they would never be at logger heads.

  “When is the meeting?” Hoss asked to Carter’s surprise.

  He hadn’t thought he had been listening.

  “A week from now, in Butte. I’ll probably be gone for a couple of days,” Carter said, cheered by Hoss’s interest.

  He noticed then a kind of tension between his two brothers, before James looked away.

  “Excuse me, I want to check on the calves,” James said and left.

  Carter yawned. “I suppose I need a bit of a rest too, and then I might go into town later in the afternoon.”

  “Want some company, I have a few things I want to get,” Hoss said.

  “Not particularly,” Carter said and then grinned and winked at Hoss. “I might look in on Stephanie. You know what they say about three being a crowd.”

  “Ah but Stephanie might not want to see you,” Hoss said quietly.

  “And why is that?” Carter drawled.

  “She was here on Thursday. Apparently you hadn’t deemed her important enough to let her in on your plans.”

  “I never have, so why should I start now,” Carter retorted. “Stephanie knows that what she and I have is hardly the stuff marriages are made of.”

  “Does she?” Hoss asked, a hard edge in his voice.

  Carter shook his head as if freeing his mind of cobwebs.

  ‘Why in God’s name are we discussing Stephanie? She is my business, not yours,” Carter said, starting to heat up.

  What was the matter with Hoss? He had had an attitude ever since Carter returned home.

  “I’m off,” Carter said coldly and turned back towards the house.

  He felt stirrings of guilt. Despite what he had told Hoss, it had been wrong of him not to cancel their rendezvous with Stephanie. He imagined how impatient she had been waiting for the carriage. That must have been one hell of a frustrating day for her, he thought with a grin.

  Stephanie was a passionate woman and once she set her mind on certain activities for a day, he cringed to imagine how upset she must have been at having her plans disrupted. He would make it up to her when he saw her. Suddenly, Carter felt weariness come over him. They had travelled on horseback most of the night and now the thought of going into town dismayed him.

  Perhaps he could leave it till the following day. His route took him near the workers’ quarters and on a whim, he decided to check on Aaron. He had broken his leg a couple of weeks ago after falling from a horse. Carter rounded the corner and the first person he saw was Aaron’s wife, Beatrice.

  “Good day to you Beatrice, how’s our patient fairing,” Carter asked her.

  “Oh not good Mr. Taft. The man insists on coming in to work. We had words a few minutes ago. I can’t tell you how glad I am to see you, perhaps you can put some sense into him.”

  The man in question came hobbling out just then. He wore a sour face before he saw Carter. Carter grinned at him.

  “I hear you’re a stubborn patient.”

  Aaron gave him a sheepish grin. “You know how it is boss. I’m not cut out for lazing around. I’d rather be working.”

  “You’re not lazing around, you’re healing. We need you when you’re completely healed. What does the doctor say?”

  “He said three more weeks of rest,” Beatrice piped up from the doorway of their house.

  “Well, three weeks it is then,” Carter said and then softened his voice. “It’s for your own good Aaron. Your job will be waiting when you get better.”

  Aaron mumbled something and kept his face lowered.

  “What’s that?” Carter pressed.

  “I said I don’t like to get paid for nothing.”

  Carter grinned. “Well, you’ll just have to bear with it.”

  He thumped Aaron on the shoulder. “If you need anything, all you have to do is ask.”

  “I know boss and uhm...Thank you, we sure do appreciate everything, my wife and I.”

  “No worries, you’re an asset to the ranch. Now get some rest.”

  Despite his exhaustion, Carter took a tour of the ranch, spoke with his workers and spent some time with the ranch head.

  Chapter Five

  Carter never got to see Stephanie. His body ached for relief as he stood listening to the thirty or so men gathered in the town meeting hall of Chester Town, the second largest town in Montana after Butte. He tuned his ears back to the discussion. It grew heated as man after man stood up to give his views on the best way of approaching the Government officials.

  “They owe it to us,” a dark wiry man said, jumping to his feet. “His face was flushed with anger. “That’s their work; to improve the state to enable us ranchers.”

  Feet stumped hard on the ground in approval.

  “Why I hear the State of Utah has done the same without needing to be begged and pushed,” a voice from the back added.

  “Even the Eastern states are getting their share of re
venue from the Government, why not us? Take Ohio, for example, the city has been developed beyond belief. Columbus will soon over take the leading cities in the country.”

  Columbus rang a bell in Carter. He searched his brain until he found the connection. The newspaper where he had sent the mail order bride advert had their offices in Columbus. Carter grinned. He had completely forgotten that he had placed an advert. His face creased into a frown.

  He had not received any reply. Carter hated failure and he would hate to fail at finding a bride. He had been so engrossed with the ranch that he completely forgot about it. If he hadn’t heard anything in three weeks, he would research other publications which carried mail order bride adverts to widen his search.

  “They’ve been sleeping on the job!” a loud voice boomed in the hall.

  Carter suddenly felt fed up with the meeting. It was packed with people who thought with their hearts rather than their heads. He pushed his chair back, its legs scraping against the cement floor noisily. The hall gradually hushed up.

  His own stature and the family name helped. Circle one was one of the three largest ranches in Montana and when Carter had something to say, people listened.

  “The way I see it, we have nothing to lose by adopting a discreet approach and everything to gain.”

  Carter was silent for a moment as he waited for his words to sink in.

  “If we approach them from a point of anger, waving our rights at them, we’ll only anger them and I can assure you we’ll not have achieved our goal.”

  “You suggest we beg them?” A man from the back asked.

  “No, that’s not what I mean at all. My suggestion is this; we pick someone to explain the benefits of the system to the state government. Everyone wants to know how they’ll benefit. That’s my idea,” Carter said and sat down abruptly.

  The applause started from the front and like a wave, spread to the back so that Carter remained the only man with his hands folded neatly on his lap.

  “I propose Carter Taft to speak on our behalf,” someone shouted.

  Carter shook his head.

  “Speak on our behalf Taft,” Harold, a neighbor rancher said to him.

  “I second that,” a voice said and the sentiments were echoed throughout the hall.

  After further persuasion, Carter agreed to be the spokesman for the local ranchers. After the meeting, Carter lingered to chat with the other ranchers and to exchange ideas. Flushed with his success, he left Chester and decided to surprise Stephanie.

  He reached Crab’s Creek later in the afternoon and went straight to the diner.

  “She had the morning shift today, Mr. Taft,” a pretty young waitress told him batting her eyelids.

  “Thank you,” Carter said, without encouraging her.

  He was done with young women. He grinned as he left the diner and walked down the street to the boarding house where she rented a room. The woman manning the reception informed him that Ms. Stephanie had not been seen since the morning and furthermore, men were not welcome inside the rooms.

  Carter was thoroughly disappointed. He had been looking to an afternoon of fun and games and no one knew them better than Stephanie. With no business in Crab’s Creek, he headed for home. For some reason, he felt lonely on the way back, the road empty of any travelers. Going home was not exciting either; there was nothing to look forward to.

  His thoughts inevitably strayed to Catherine and their unborn baby. Had he lived, he would be talking now and Carter would go with him to the pastures to look at the cattle. He did not look forward to going home to an empty house.

  Near the ranch, he met with one of the wagons and to his surprise, Hoss was driving it. He slowed down his stallion and waved at Hoss. His brother gave him a distracted look and wave but did not stop or slow down. Carter shrugged and proceeded to the ranch.

  Chapter Six

  His blue eyes never left hers, as he held her tight against him. He brought his mouth to hers and nibbled on her lower lip. Stephanie moaned and thrust out her chest. Hoss gently touched her breast cupping each in his hands. She only had a camisole on and her nipples were hard and aching to be touched.

  Hoss had a sixth sense to her needs and he brushed his fingers lightly against them.

  “Harder Hoss,” Stephanie said between gritted teeth.

  Hoss chuckled. “Patience my love.”

  She looked up sharply. He looked right back at her. No man had ever referred to her as ‘my love’. Stephanie did not have time to ponder on it. His hands were now kneading her breasts and the feeling was creating waves of desire she hadn’t felt in a long time.

  Then his tempo changed and Stephanie moaned in satisfaction. He grabbed the back of her head and held her for a deep, hungry kiss that left her breathless. His mouth was hot and his tongue probed inside hers, demanding more. Hoss would be a revelation between the sheets, Stephanie thought from somewhere at the back of her mind.

  “Suck on my nipples Hoss,” Stephanie instructed, her whole body aching for more.

  Hoss did not reply, instead he grabbed her camisole and in one fluid movement, lifted it over her dress. He lowered his head, squeezed both breasts together and proceeded to suck on a nipple before switching to another. Stephanie thought she would die of ecstasy.

  “I want to feel you against me,” Hoss murmured.

  He hooked his fingers to each side of her cotton drawers and pulled them down.

  “You’re so beautiful Stephanie,” Hoss said, his voice filled with awe.

  She threw her hair back and stood back to let him admire her. Without shifting his gaze from her body, Hoss rapidly removed his shirt, trousers and his underclothes. He gazed at her for a second and then took her roughly into his hands. Stephanie was aware of every bit of his skin and his maleness against her belly.

  Stephanie swayed her body and his hardness slid between her legs. Hoss grabbed her thighs so that his hardness arranged itself between her thighs.

  “Oh Hoss,” Stephanie moaned.

  He dug his hands into her rear and kneaded. Stephanie’s hand snaked to his hardness.

  “Feel me Stephanie. That’s what you do to me,” Hoss whispered.

  She loved the power of it in her hand and she ran her fingers up and down the length of it.

  “You like that Hoss?” Stephanie asked.

  Hoss moaned in reply and then without warning, he lifted her and carried her to his bed. Hoss nudged her knees apart, not that Stephanie needed any urging. Her body was hot for Hoss. He settled himself slightly above her and communicated with his eyes. Stephanie nodded. If she wasn’t ready, she would never be.

  She pulled his hard naked body against hers and lifted her mouth to his. His kiss was anything but gentle and his hands were everywhere. Her ecstasy bordered on pain. Stephanie’s desire was growing by the minute; her body hungered to be filled.

  “Hoss, please,” Stephanie murmured, her body arching forward.

  Hoss angled himself and lifted her hips Stephanie’s heart pounded in anticipation. When he finally thrust, he did not disappoint. His hardness filled her completely, her body stretching itself to accommodate him. Hoss stayed still and waited and then with singular concentration, proceeded to thrust against her, deep strokes that took over every part of her.

  Her body responded and she matched him thrust for thrust. Stephanie clawed at his back which seemed to ignite Hoss more. His thrusts became almost savage, and Stephanie kept pace. Soon Stephanie’s legs began to tremble as a wave of intense pleasure spread up her spine and across her body. She screamed in ecstasy. The sound of Stephanie’s release was too much for Hoss and he could not help but explode inside her, filling her with his love.

  They laid in each other’s arms afterwards, listening to the beat of their hearts. This was a new experience for Stephanie. She had never slept with a man who wanted to cradle her in his arms after the deed. Hoss was special, there was no denying that. But so was Carter.

  “You’re very special Stephani
e,” Hoss murmured and stroked her hair.

  “So are you?”

  “Then why are we not together? I’d like to marry you, make you my wife.”

  Stephanie closed her eyes. She had longed to hear those very words for so long, from each man she had ever slept with. Still she wasn’t ready to let go of Carter. A part of her heart clung to the belief that Carter loved her. Besides, she liked the idea of making love with both brothers. Each made love to her in his own different way, carrying her to dizzying heights.

  Hours later, Hoss brought the carriage around and after checking the vicinity of the house, she slipped in. Stephanie giggled. She found this part exciting, hiding away their love affair.

  “I don’t like this,” Hoss murmured from the front. “We’re not children. We should let everybody know that we’re together now.”

  By everybody, Stephanie knew he meant Carter. She gave an involuntary shudder. She certainly was not ready to confront Carter with the news that she was sleeping with his brother. Hoss might not know that side of Carter but she did. He had a fury that resembled a storm, rising and then crashing anybody it met on its way down. She did not want to be that person.

  “Let’s just enjoy ourselves Hoss,” Stephanie soothed. “This is just the beginning.”

  “Duck!” Hoss suddenly shouted.

  Stephanie ducked. “What is it?”

  “Carter is riding by.”

  His trembling voice told her that he too, feared for Carter’s reaction.

  Chapter Seven

  Her parents stood on either side of her, supporting her. Melanie’s eyes were swollen and red from crying. She had known it inevitable that the horses would have to go but now seeing them packed in the wagon was a heartbreaking sight. She had cried almost every day since her parents had told her of their plans to sell the ranch.

  No amount of begging could have changed their minds. Their eyes had glittered with the plans before them; plans to travel the world.


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