Romance: My Stepbrother's Plaything

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Romance: My Stepbrother's Plaything Page 66

by Valentine, Annie

  Leah, I really enjoyed last night. I had fun. Hope you are feeling okay.

  I smiled in delight and with lazy fingers and a pounding head, I replied back, major hangover and thank you I had fun too. I was drunk, but not too drunk to not remember what had happened last night. Justin and I had sex and it felt incredible. I blushed, as I remembered every second of our love making.

  My phone buzzed again:

  Take an aspirin if you have it that normally helps me. The way that you were drinking out of the bottle, I’m not surprised.

  I blushed again when I remembered that I drunk out of the whiskey bottle. I felt like my back was against the wall and that I would die from embarrassment. If I didn’t drink anymore I’m pretty sure that I would’ve chickened out of the whole thing and I would have asked him to bring me home. Wanting to hear his voice, I decided to call him.

  “Hello beautiful,” he answered on the first ring. I smiled, because he made my heart pound against my chest.

  “I hope I’m not disturbing you,” I said and sat up out of my bed. I was feeling a little better just by hearing his voice.

  “No,” he said calmly. “I’m glad you called me. I feel bad about getting you drunk, but you were so sexy.” I laughed growing more and more comfortable with him. “Did you take some medicine?” he asked his voice growing more concerned.

  “No, just talking to you is making me feel a lot better.” I wondered how he felt about me saying these things. Was I being too forward? It’s only been one day and I’ve already slept with him and he’s just consumed my mind. I didn’t know what to think of myself, but if he was okay with me then I will be as well.

  “Well I’m glad I can be of assistance.” He chuckled and paused. “Look, I don’t want to come off as desperate or creepy,” Justin began but he stopped midway through his sentence.

  “You’re not creepy or desperate at all, Justin.” I said reassuringly and I could imagine the smile that must’ve lit up his face at that moment.

  “Well if you’re really feeling alright, I’d like to see you again today.” I jumped out of my bed quickly with a grin on my face. My curly hair danced through the air at my sudden movement. I was so happy that Justin felt the same way as I did. “Leah?” he asked. “Are you still there?”

  “Of course I’d love to see you again.” My heart was racing again and I felt almost immediately refreshed.

  “Well it doesn’t have to be tonight. I want to take you to lunch or something.” I was glad that he wanted to see me sooner because I don’t think that I could have waited all the way till tonight.

  “That’s cool, I’ll get ready now.” Justin told me to give him an hour and he should be there and we got off of the phone. I raced out of my room and headed straight to the bathroom. I took a shower and washed and dried my hair and before long, I had emerged from the bathroom in a towel.

  “Mom,” I shouted and walked into the kitchen. I was surprised to find that my mother wasn’t home, but then I remembered that it was Sunday and that she was more than likely at church. “Good she won’t be able to ask me too many questions.” My hangover was completely gone as I got dressed in some shorts and one of my signature tank-tops. I put on a light blue one to go with my denim shorts. My hair was in perfect curls and my amber skin was glowing. I wasn’t a fan of make-up because I thought I looked decent enough without it so I did not bother with it. I grabbed my purse and my phone and I was ready to go.

  Before I left, I decided to write a little note for my mother because if I called her and left her a voicemail. She would just keep calling me to go over safety procedures and I didn’t feel like listening to all of that. I simply told her that a few friends wanted me to help them study and that I’d be back later. Once I was done with the note I walked out of the door. The street was bare of all people, with most of my neighbors’ cars being gone. This was good for me because I didn’t want to run into any of them. I walked quickly over to the next block and I was surprised to see Justin there already.

  “Sorry,” I said and ran towards his motorcycle. “Did I keep you waiting long?” he shook his head and got off of his bike so that he could help me put my helmet on. As usual, I blushed when his cool fingers touched my face.

  “I wasn’t waiting long,” he said once he snapped my helmet into place. He got back onto the bike and helped me on. “Do you mind if we eat at a sort of low-key park? I want to get to know you better without people being in our business.” So it’ll sort of be like a picnic? I don’t know why, but I found his suggestion to be romantic and I told him that I would love to.

  We drove thirty minutes out of our town to a burger place called “Misty’s” and then drove another twenty minutes to a lonely park facing a pond.

  “It’s beautiful,” I said once Justin helped me off of his bike and we made our way to a picnic table.

  “It is and people don’t normally come here. So we’ll have the place to ourselves.” He sat down on the other side of the table and reached into the bag of food for some plates. I had to hold it down for a few seconds while he fixed the plates for us. The longer that I watched him, the deeper and deeper I fell in love with him.

  “Thank you,” I smiled once he pushed my plate over to me and he smiled back, but his face fell quickly. “What’s wrong?” I asked. Did I do something wrong to make his mood change that fast?

  “Look, this is fast but I really do like you. Faster than I have ever liked a woman actually.” This confession made me feel butterflies inside of me. “But I want to tell you something first before we can move further in whatever we have going on here.”

  “Okay,” I said not knowing where he was getting at. I was sure that he wasn’t married because he had no ring or no indication that he took one off. He was the perfect gentleman to me, so what was on his mind?

  “When I was younger, around your age” He paused, took a bite from his burger, and looked back at me. “I killed a man.” The horror that plastered on my face I was sure would be marked in his mind forever.

  Chapter Seven

  “Wait what?” Maybe I didn’t hear him correctly. Did he honestly just say that he killed someone? Justin’s dark eyes never looked away from mines. He was judging my reactions and I couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

  “You heard me. I said I killed someone.” My mouth opened and closed. What could I say to that? “Are you afraid of me now Leah?” he asked me and without hesitation I shook my head.

  “I’m pretty sure there’s a good reason for that.” I said. It had to be a good reason because I felt too deeply for him. I needed it to be a good reason for it. He chuckled.

  “Only you try to find the good in everyone. Don’t worry, I like that about you.” Justin cleared his voice and popped and French fry into his mouth. “When I was younger, I was pretty bad. Drugs, alcohol, I stole from people.” I sat still as he told me his shocking tale. I knew that he was a bit mysterious, but I never knew that he had skeletons this big in his closet. “I stole from the wrong person, a thug. He didn’t care that I was young and stupid, he just cared about killing me to show me that the ground was where I belonged.” I shivered in horror.

  “What you did was wrong,” I said to Justin. “But if you killed him before he could kill you, then it was self-defense.” Justin smiled.

  “Yeah, he broke into my house when my ma was sleeping. I was still up so I ran into my mom’s room and grabbed the shotgun that my father had when he was still alive and POW! He was dead.” He made a gun with his hands and showed me exactly how he did it.

  “Did the police get involved?” I asked Justin.

  “Of course, but I didn’t get charged with anything because it was self-defense. After that I changed my life around. I’m not the best person alive, but I’m better than what I was.” We all did things stupid when we were kids, so I couldn’t really judge him for stealing and doing drugs. If he wouldn’t have shot that man, the man probably would have killed Justin and his mother. I could accept this pa
rt of his life because he had to do what he had to do. I couldn’t see him as a murderer.

  “Okay,” I said after I got my thoughts together. “Thank you for telling me and… and this doesn’t change the way I feel. I’d love to get to know you even better.” I felt I knew him already, well I knew his body and he knew mines, but I wanted to know more about him. I wanted to learn every inch of him so that he could be mine. Justin looked at me deeply with unknown emotions washing over his beautiful face. He looked sad, relieved, hurt and healed. I couldn’t wrap my head around the emotions going through his eyes. He stood up from the table and walked around to me and before I could say something to him, his warm lips covered mine.

  * * * * *

  “Wait! Don’t you want to just head back to your house?” I asked when Justin pulled me behind some large bushes and began taking my clothes off. It was early in the day and someone could come over here any minute now.

  “I can’t wait that long. I’m dying over here.” Justin said as he grabbed his length out of his pants. I noticed that he didn’t have a condom again.

  “You know I’m not on the pill right? I don’t have sex often.” He stroked himself with one hand and massaged my pearl with his thumb with his other hand. “Oh,” I moaned in pleasure wetting his fingers.

  “I’ll pull out, it’ll be fine.” Without waiting for my response, he pushed the head of his penis slowly inside of me.

  “Hah,” I groaned in pain once he forced his hardness into my tight entrance. “Ah!” tears formed in my eyes, but I didn’t let them fall down my face.

  “I’m sorry baby. It’ll get better soon, I promise.” and after a few minutes, he was good on his promise as my body began quaking in pleasure. My moans were loud and I knew that people would quickly be alerted to what we were doing, so I placed my hand over my mouth. “Don’t do that,” Justin said and pulled my hand away. “Your sexy little moans are encouraging.” I was shocked that I wasn’t feeling embarrassed or awkward. My body moved against his in perfect rhythm with his thrusts. It’s almost like his confession made me want him more.

  “Justin” I called out his name once he lifted my hips up and began pounding harder. He grinned at me when he saw my face contorting in pleasure.

  “That’s it call out my name and look at me when you come.” His words embarrassed me, but I began moving my hips erratically so that I could reach my orgasm quicker. “It feels so good inside of you.” He said burying his face in the crook of my neck. He was breathing hard as his wet skin slapped hard against my wet skin. “I’m glad that I met you. You’re an amazing woman.” I was shocked that he said that. I was so used to him dirty talking, so to hear him speaking about something as simple as that brought a small blush to my cheeks.

  When I orgasmed, my body tensed up and I arched my back so far back that I brought him with me. He pulled out of my quickly and came with a low groan escaping from his lips. He fell down on me and I caressed his back lovingly.

  “Sorry that I couldn’t wait,” he said leaning his body off of me. I nodded my head and gave him a gentle smile.

  “It’s okay.” He gave me a confident grin and kissed me on the lips.

  Chapter Eight

  The next few weeks, Justin and I were inseparable. He’d pick me up from school and I’d tell my mother that I was going studying with my friends. My grades never dropped so I didn’t have a hard time of getting her to believe me. Justin and I went everywhere together. He took me to the movies, out to dinner, skating, anywhere that he thought would bring a small to my face and I loved him for that. The days were long when I was at school and he was at work, but we made up for times lost when we saw each other again.

  “Ugh, I feel so crumby.” I said for the sixth time that day. I had been feeling a little sick for the past week now and I didn’t understand why. I thought maybe I had gotten food poisoning from some shrimp I ate with Justin the other night, but this sick feeling has been going on for far too long. I made an appointment to see my doctor for today so hopefully she’d give me something to help me get rid of this bug.

  “See you later mom,” I shouted and took her car keys off of the table. It was very rare that my mother allowed me to drive her car, but she didn’t feel like taking me to the doctor. I drove in silence and my mind constantly went to Justin. I wondered what he was doing at that very moment. Was he thinking about me like crazy too? When I pulled up at the office and entered the building, I was surprised to see my doctor, Dr. Rochelle Lucas, speaking to the receptionist. “Hi Dr. Lucas,” I said cheerfully. She smiled at me happily.

  “Leah, it’s good to see you.” Dr. Lucas has been my doctor since I was seven years old and I saw her as another mother to me. “Sign in and come on back” I was grateful that I didn’t have to wait long. I signed my name on the sign in sheet and rushed over to her side. “So how have you been? How’s your mother?” Dr. Lucas and my mother went to school with each other and my mom saw Dr. Lucas as one of her closest friends.

  “We’re both fine,” I said and Dr. Lucas ushered me into a room.

  “So you’ve been experiencing stomach pains?” Dr. Lucas said going straight to business.

  “Yes, I think I got food poisoning from some shrimp I ate a few days ago.” Dr. Lucas began writing things down on her notepad.

  “When was the last time you had your period?” I thought about that for a minute. I really couldn’t remember.

  “I’m not sure, maybe the beginning of last month.”

  “Are you sexually active?” I blushed at the question as I remembered the numerous of times Justin and I had sex.

  “Yes,” I said embarrassed.

  “Are you using protection?”

  “Of course,” After the first two times, Justin and I have used protection each and every time.

  “Okay, well I want you to give me a urine sample. I want to try to eliminate all possibilities so we can find out what’s wrong with you.” I nodded my head and took the cup out of her hand. I went into the bathroom, handled my business, and went back into the room and placed the sample on a tray. “I’ll be right back.” I waited in the cold room for Dr. Lucas to come back and prescribe me some medicine, but when she came back, she shut the door and looked at me with a concern expression.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked concerned.

  “Leah,” she said in a way that almost sounded disappointed. “You’re pregnant.” All of the color washed out of my face.

  “What did you say?” I said not wanting to believe what I just heard.

  “I said that you are pregnant. Have you always used protection?” She asked me seriously.

  “There was two times that I didn’t, but my boyfriend pulled out!” I couldn’t be pregnant. This was not happening. I started hyperventilating and Dr. Lucas gave me a bottle of water that she kept in the room.

  “Sweetheart, that doesn’t always work.”

  “You can’t tell my mom,” I said disregarding what she had just said. Dr. Lucas looked at me intensely.

  “Your mother is a good friend of mine, but I respect my patient’s privacy and you are technically an adult.” I couldn’t be in that office in second longer. I got up and ran out of the office, not turning back when I heard Dr. Lucas calling my name. I got into the car and drove almost an hour out of the city to the park that Justin took me to. I parked my car and called him.

  * * * * *

  “Pregnant,” Justin repeated once he had gotten to the park and I told him the news. I thought he’d be mad, but his face was calm and apologetic. “I’m sorry,” he said looking me in the eyes. “I shouldn’t have made love to you raw.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his chest as I sobbed. I thought he was going to leave me, but he held me tightly. “I’m okay with any decision that you make. If you want to keep the baby, I’ll take care of you and it. If not, I’ll pay for the abortion.” I didn’t agree with having an abortion, I felt that it wasn’t the baby’s fought that its parents’ slipped up.

  “I can’t kill it,” I said wiping my tear streaked face. “But how am I supposed to tell my mom this? She’ll kill me.” Justin sighed and looked at me seriously.

  “It’s time to tell your mom about us, Leah. I’m really serious about you and now that we have a baby coming,” I shivered at the word “baby”. “She needs to know about me. Everyone makes mistakes and this is ours. Let’s put a stop to the lies.” The way that Justin spoke to me showed me how much more mature he was compared to guys my age. Boys my age would have abandoned me, but Justin was willing to go the full nine yards with me.

  “I love you,” I said with fresh new tears falling down my cheeks.

  “I love you too,” Justin said and brought his lips to mine. I knew that this man was so much more different than the criminals my mother pegged people like him to be. He had a troubled past, but he was working on improving himself a little bit with each day that passed. I didn’t know what the future had to give me, but I knew if this man was by my side I’d be able to overcome any obstacle thrown at me. I knew that he’d be able to take me away from all of my pain by driving us far away on his motorcycle.

  17. Protector, Immortal Rebels MC

  By: Emily Lovell

  Protector, Immortal Rebels MC

  © Emily Lovell – All rights reserved

  Published by Steamy Reads4U

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.


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