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Chaos Page 11

by MacShayne

  Eventually he was able to make it to a road that led outside the city. He kept walking away from the city where two of the best died. He never knew Frederic, but, he was good to Sandra. Which meant he was a good person with a solid heart. They died because of him. No matter what Mia told him. But, she was right in one thing. He should get the man that ordered the hit. Someone was going to answer for this, going to bleed for this. The rage, it filled him again like a fiery thunderbolt. Rage was what kept him alive, rage will be what is going to keep him going. Rage, for Mitch it was comparable to love. Now he finally began to understand the meaning of the word love again.

  Mitch stumbled his way away from Santa Domingo when he saw the headlights of a car nearing by. It eventually pulled over in front of him. Mitch’s thoughts were blank. He felt like he could kill anyone that was coming out of that car.

  An unstoppable force awoke in him. Shelley, Sandra, Groyetski. Nobody should have the power to kill that much good people. Not to mention people like Gustanso or the fact that Mia was almost killed too. And his brother, god dammed. He would find them, and everyone standing in his way was going down for the count. Then someone stepped out of the car. It was a familiar face. It was Dembé. He opened another door. Raymond Reddington himself stepped out of the vehicle.

  ‘Had a rough night Mr. Crowne?’, He began, ‘You should get in the car. I have a proposal for you.’

  ‘Not interested.’

  ‘I have a way out for you. If you like it or not.’

  ‘I have my own way out Reddington. Now if you’d like to life, get the hell out of my view.’

  ‘You are not going to last very much longer. You know that.’

  ‘Nothing can stop me. Not even death himself.’

  ‘You should really listen...’, he was interrupted by Mitch.

  ‘Not.. interested...’, Mitch said furiously.

  Then a third person left the car.

  ‘Get in the car’, she said, ‘Remember the promise I made mom. You have to get in. He told me you would die else why. Please, do it for me.’

  Raymond was wise enough not to add any word in this conversation. knowing very well the man Mitch Crowne was. ‘Please daddy’, she said.

  Myrtle Beach, Robert’s hideout in a Motel, 31 January 2010

  Eveline ran towards a car to seek cover. They discussed what to do. Robert and she. Robert wanted to do the running, but, Eveline eventually won the discussion since she was way more experienced. Eveline thought for a moment that this was not going to end very well. Until she touched the car. Where was the sixth man?

  It lasted maybe twenty seconds before Robert also made it to the car. They were sitting ducks under a streetlight. Then Robert saw that Eveline was hurt.

  ‘You should visit a Hospital dear’, he said.

  ‘Where is the sixth person. there were six, right?’, She asked.

  ‘I am hundred percent sure. Six.’

  ‘Well were sitting ducks here. Let’s see if we can start this car.’

  ‘How? We don’t have the keys’, Robert said.

  ‘My hands are my keys’, Eveline winked.

  ‘Shouldn’t we at least try to get one of their weapon?’Robert pointed at the death bodies, ‘Doesn’t look like they still need them anyway’, he joked.

  ‘I like your sense of humour’, Eveline said and kissed him for one second, ‘Now let’s get the hell out of here.’

  Chapter 12:

  Eye Of The Storm

  Myrtle Beach, Robert’s hideout in a Motel, 31 January 2010

  Eveline opened the door and was able to switch of the alarm before it even went off. She first disabled the alarm wire beneath the car and used the pin in Robert’s belt to pick the lock of the old car. Then she hotwired the old Volkswagen One and opened the co-driver’s door so that Robert could get inside the car.

  ‘You really need to teach me how you do that.’

  ‘I can’t Robert, it’s illegal.’

  ‘Last time I checked, we were both wanted. So, that ship has sailed a long time ago. You know, I used to own such a car. It was the first car I bought’, Robert said.

  ‘It’s a shitty car Robert.’

  Then they both saw a man approaching the car. He was of African descent and kept his hands above his head. This could be the sixth person that Robert had seen earlier. Both Eveline and Robert left the car. Since they had no guns, they had nothing to threat the man with.

  ‘I am not here to harm you.’

  ‘Then explain why the hell you shot at us’, Eveline responded aggressive.

  ‘I was deeply undercover. I shot with blanks. You need to listen to what I have to say. Your very lives are depending on it.’

  ‘How can we trust you?’

  ‘A man, named George Dreyfuss send me to collect you.’

  ‘We are not collectable my friend’, Robert said.

  ‘What I mean, is that you need to come with me.’

  ‘What do you think Eveline?’, Robert asked her while looking at her face.

  ‘You said George Dreyfuss. Why does he want to meet with us?’

  ‘He will not. You both are fugitives. But, he trusts you. And we need people that are trustable.’

  ‘For what?’

  ‘The thing you already were doing. Only difference, this time you work for no one. No strings attached. Just expose the organization that is behind this all.’

  ‘With only the two of us?’

  ‘Everything will be sorted out later. Mr. Reddington will address you soon as possible.’

  ‘What is his interest in exposing a well hidden group of individuals?’, Robert asked.

  ‘He is being hunted by the same people that now hunt you. He thinks that one can help the other. You really need to decide now, time is running out. The reinforcements are almost here.’

  ‘What do we do Eveline?’

  ‘Will we work with the two of us?’

  ‘No, you will join Reddington personally in this war against humanity. Nobody should practise the power as they do.’

  ‘Let’s go’, Eveline said while Robert nodded.

  Cap de la Chevre, France, 6 February 2010

  The ceremony of Frederic and Sandra was being held in Brest. Reddington personally arranged that the remainders of their bodies could be present while they were buried. It was Frederic and Sandra’s wish to be buried together. However, their bodies were in such a bad condition after the explosion and fire that they were cremated. Their ashes were buried in the coffins. Mia wished to say goodbye to them in another way. So some of their ash was put in an urn.

  Mia wished to scatter some of their remainders over the Atlantic Ocean, so that her mother and Frederic would never stay at one place forever. It also gave her the idea that wherever she was, there was a possibility that they were there to.

  Mitch drove the two of them towards a place he heard Sandra mention once. It was also in the neighbour of Brest, the place where Frederic grew up and were the funeral was. The place Sandra mentioned was Cap de la Chevre. In the end of the afternoon, they arrived at the furthest point of Cap de la Chevre. Both Mia and Mitch could hear every breaking wave of the ocean. It looked aggressive, the manner the waves broke against land. But, the sound made it sound peaceful. And somehow, it fit the reason why they were here.

  Mia carried both urns and Mitch followed her. To him it didn’t matter where she wanted to go, he would follow her anyway. Somehow, it was this angel that made him in a way feel alive. They stopped while the sun was descending from its zenith. Mitch kneeled next to Mia and didn’t say anything. In a way, she seemed to share his preference for silence. Sometimes. Mia was young and intelligent, she was pure but, also a broken person. Even if she didn’t knew it herself just yet. She opened both urns and put the ashes together in one.

  ‘This is how they should go’, she said, ‘Together, always. They loved each other.’

  Mitch put his left hand on Mia’s left shoulder while she was done putting the ashes together. Th
ey then stood up together. Mitch put his hands on Mia’s sides so that she wouldn’t fall over the edge, Mia scattered the ashes that eventually found its way to the ocean.

  ‘I think your mother would be pleased by what you just did Mia.’

  Then Mia finally broke. Tears began to run from her eyes. Mitch put his arms around her and hugged her.

  ‘Why couldn’t.. I safe them...’, Mia said, ‘If I am that smart, why couldn’t I come up with something. I could safe them if I tried harder’, she said. ‘Now they are gone. And you are going to leave me also.’

  ‘You can’t protect what you love all the time. Like I failed her, your mother. But, listen to me Mia, you can love what you protect all the time.. Do you understand that?.. Well, me, leaving your life, is just like that. Your safe with mister Dreyfuss and his wife and far away from the danger and hurt that awaited your mother from the beginning. You simply need to have a better shot at a better life. You owe that to your mother, to Frederic, this world owes it to you. And never forget, they are always with you. You feel them right?’, she nodded and put her hands on Mitch’s, ‘Now it’s the pain that you feel, but, from my point of view Mia, love will replace pain eventually. Just let it in, accept it. And it will guide you forwards.’

  ‘Will I see you again? I don’t want to lose you.’

  ‘I have to take care of things, that Mia, is what I owe to your mother and Frederic. They put them in a grave, so now I’m going to do the same to them. And like you, I will not disappoint her.’

  ‘Then also don’t disappoint me! Come home.’

  There they were standing, Mia, a ten year old orphan and Mitch, a highly trained former assassin hugged each other like father and daughter. Long time ago his father told him before he was killed that we get the world we deserve. What kind of stupidity was that? Mia deserved far more better than this. And Mitch, maybe he had to change his play, the first time since the beginning of his training, he felt commitment. To a ten year old. His reckless way of doing things were over. He had to stay alive for Mia. If only for her well being. That, was what he really owed to Sandra.

  ‘I will not disappoint you Mia, never.’

  ‘People say that I’m an orphan. I’m not. I still have you. I really consider you to be the dad I never have.’

  Texel, near Cocksdorp, 4 February 2010

  George Dreyfuss wouldn’t let him being surprised for a third time. His wife was also home. They were both informed by Reddington about what happened to a certain little girl. George and his wife agreed to take care of her since they were the only pair Mitch trusted to parent Mia through puberty. George event liked the idea of having Mia around, even if he knew that it would be a hard thing to do.

  Mitch and Mia spend a few more days together in Belgium, in the Ardennes to come to their selves. Enjoy life as much as they could in the circumstances they were in. Then they drove towards the Netherlands and watched a soccer game. It was PSV against FC Utrecht. Toivonen scored a goal which resulted in Mitch buying a jersey for Mia with his name on it. Mitch was even surprised that Mia suggested watching a soccer game with him. In the car on their way to Texel, she explained why.

  Sandra had told Mia stories about Mitch. About his youth. Stories, which Mitch had told her while they lived together briefly. Mitch had watched a few games with his father in Eindhoven, and all the matches were won by PSV. The club both Harvey and Mitch supported.

  Mitch and George drank a bottle of Bavaria together while George’s wife Emily took Mia towards the sea. Emily was a 54 year old widower that still was operative as lawyer. She told Mia to come with her and see the sea. Mitch told Mia already that the sea at Texel was beautiful. She agreed but, made Mitch promise not to leave without saying goodbye.

  ‘What is your game plan Mitch?’

  ‘I don’t know the names and the places George. But, I won’t stop till I find the man responsible.’

  ‘I heard you are going to work together with Reddington.’

  ‘I am not.’

  ‘He will assist you.’

  ‘You could put it in that way. I have a name and a place and a time. I will show up and I hope that one thing leads to another.’

  ‘Who is the name?’


  ‘The Russians already dislike you, they will want to see you burn if you take him out.’

  ‘They never know I did it. They never see it coming.’

  ‘I’m sure they won’t. But, I have to get this out of my head. I arranged a team for you. For after you finished with Cherikov. Eveline Turner and Robert McEachran will assist you. It was my idea, not Reddington’s.’


  ‘You need people around you that can protect you. Your rusty Mitch. Russia did nothing good for yah.’

  ‘You’re a good man George. Take care of Mia’, Mitch said as he stood up.

  ‘You better survive Mitch, because after this, you will take care of her yourself.’

  ‘I am not really the father type.’

  ‘No, but, Mia isn’t the normal daughter type either.’

  Mitch finished his beer. ‘I never gave it some thought what I would do afterwards. I don’t plan. It makes you vulnerable in my opinion.’

  ‘Mia needs you Mitch.’

  ‘Maybe I’ll take her on a trip, I still have a sister to find...’, Mitch said as he walked away, towards the beach of course.

  Mitch was again on his knees so that Mia and he could look straight in each other’s eyes.

  ‘You will visit once in a while, will you?’

  ‘I cannot make a promise which I may be unable to fulfil Mia. Right now, everything is about avenging your mother and Frederic.’

  ‘I know I will see you again dad. Because you already promised me.’

  Mitch grinned and kissed her on her cheek. ‘Be well Mia, behave. That’s what you have to promise me.’

  ‘Promise’, Mia said as she hugged him. Then Mitch left and disappeared in the horizon while Mia and Emily returned home also.

  Burdines waterfront, Florida keys, 4 February 2010

  Robert and Eveline were transferred to the keys by plane. Reddington would meet them in the marina today to inform them about the secret organization that was known as the Cabal. Reddington arrived late in the morning, exactly one minute too late. Both Robert and Eveline had spend the last couple of days hidden away from the outside world. They lived in a remote house in the middle of the woods a few miles further. They also bonded and grew to each other. The sun was shining bright when they were sitting in the boat they were informed to meet Reddington.

  ‘Let’s enjoy the weather, shall we?’, Reddington said as Dembé started the boat.

  ‘It’s all about the connections’, Reddington started. ‘You know as well that the organization we are trying to lure out has a great deal of influence in multiple countries. They overshadow almost everything and sometimes make decisions for their own good. To fill their own pockets.’

  ‘Where do we come in? Cut to the chase’, Eveline said.

  ‘A few days ago I picked up Mitch Crowne in Santa Domingo. He is going to try to make a first connection. You both are going to work with him on this. Either you like it or not, he’s the best hand we have. And it will be only the three of you. No need to address me. I will only provide you with everything you need.’

  ‘Why do you want them out of the picture so much? So that you can take over?’, Robert asked sharp.

  ‘Let me say, we have a common enemy. We both win when this thing comes out. Everybody should know the truth, only a few get it to know. Are you in or not?’

  Both agreed.

  ‘Fine, Robert. You need to stay in the shadows. This will be your operation space. The house is filled with everything you need to assist Eveline and Mitch.’

  ‘You want me to partner up with Mitch?’

  ‘You guys proofed to be a good team in Malta. To be more precisely. You must pick him up right in about three days.’

is he?’

  ‘He will be in Washington.’

  Hilton Washington, Room 306, 7 February 2010

  Cherikov was in the United States for business. He had a schedule filled with meetings and political stuff that made it almost impossible to hide his own agenda. He had spoken with Mr. Home about his role in the most secret organization in the world. He was preparing himself for a meet and greet with the person that was Mr. Home’s direct superior. Cherikov was brushing his teeth in the bathroom and thinking about the situation with Groyetski. He was his best agent. Was. In Groyetski’s final years, there was certainly a lack of quality in Groyetski’s performances. he should have stayed out the picture and retired earlier. Then he wouldn’t be death now.

  Cherikov looked at himself in the mirror. He was a self made man. His father was an influential politician in the cold war, but, Cherikov paved his own way to success. Now it was the perfect time to get to the next level. Once he was included in the organization as full grown member, his life goals would be fulfilled. Then he finally could say to himself that he was better than his old man. He laughed and felt perfect. That was, until he left the bath room...

  He felt like something wasn’t right. Was it the silence, too clean or just his paranoia? Paranoia wasn’t that bad of course. It kept you sharp as long as it didn’t influence every movement in your life. But, then his moment of joy floated out of his body when he looked at the desk. There was a man sitting in it. Worse, he had a gun. The look of the gun revealed that it was a silenced gun.

  ‘Who are you?’, Cherikov asked calmly.

  ‘Sit down’, the other person said with a deep American voice. Then he swayed with his gun. Cherikov did what he said and took place opposite the intruder.

  ‘Do you want to join your men Cherikov?’, Mitch asked.

  ‘This an outrage!’, he almost tried to scream. But, Mitch made a warning sign with his gun that prevented him from doing so.

  ‘You are going to tell me something’, Mitch said and sighed, ‘It is Home isn’t it?’


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