Elf's Affection: The Witching Hour Series Book 3

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Elf's Affection: The Witching Hour Series Book 3 Page 9

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  It was close to twelve when I managed to close my eyes. For a moment I listened to Kelsie’s snoring before drifting into a deep sleep.

  Then I realised that I’d jumped straight into a very intensive dream. I was back at the office and someone was speaking to me, although I couldn't see his face. The voice told me to leave and take a large knife with me.

  When I stepped outside the office the sun was high in the sky, so I put my sunglasses on. The voice in my head told me to get into the taxi, and I obeyed. I gave the driver my parents address, and he drove.

  Soon I realised that I was in my parents living room splashing petrol all over the place, soaking the carpet. My mother was sitting in a chair in front of me, she was shouting at me, telling me to stop, crying her eyes out, but it felt like the voice in my head was blocking her panicked voice. I couldn't do anything to stop myself—I had no control over my body or my mind.

  It took me a while to make sure the petrol covered the house; my mind seemed clouded but that strained voice never left me. It was as if I was placed deep in the ground and covered with mud. No one could help me—no one could take away the pressure and give me back my own free will. Then the voice told me to take the lighter and switch it on. I was the one who started the fire, and, in that moment, I woke up.

  My eyes snapped open and I tried to catch my breath. My nighty was drenched with sweat and my heart was pounding away. In the darkness, I searched for my mobile, but when I jumped out of bed I felt dizzy.

  I found a towel on the floor and wiped the sweat away; my legs were numb. I locked my eyes tight as the memories of that nightmare were slowly fading away. I clenched my fists and hurried to the kitchen. I listened to Kelsie’s snores for several seconds before I reached for a glass of water. I felt trapped within my own body and petrified of what I was capable of. I wanted to kill my own mother, unable to fight whoever that voice belonged to.

  Several minutes passed by and when I glanced at the clock it was three o’clock in the morning. I walked across the kitchen, then back to the living room. My pulse was slowing down but I wanted to cry.

  I approached the window and looked out at the street, then my heart stopped because I was looking straight at Nathaniel’s limousine.

  Chapter 11


  My heart leapt in my throat as I stood on the tip of my toes rubbing my eyes. I was a hundred percent sure that it was Nathaniel’s limousine and he was probably inside. My nightmare was still fresh and real, colliding through me, digging into my flesh. My breath came in short gasps and my chest heaved nearing the point of panic.

  Various questions were rolling through my mind but the main one was: how long had he been standing outside my apartment?

  I turned around and bit my lip wondering what to do. I couldn't wake up Kelsie. Nathaniel was my problem and he was here for me. I needed to get outside and find out what he wanted.

  My hands were shaking when I put warm clothes on; I felt like my heart was going to gallop out of my chest. It didn't matter what I looked like, what mattered was straightening my life out once and for all.

  Taking long deep breaths I opened the door as silently as I could and made my way downstairs. A bead of sweat rolled down my back as I inhaled the cold March air. The sky was clear scattered with stars. Roberto was sitting inside the limo and I was ready to walk up to him and ask just what the fuck he was doing outside my apartment when someone touched my shoulder. I jumped up, ready to call out my magic when I saw it was Nathaniel who’d materialised in front of me out of nowhere.

  "Julia, I didn't want to wake you," he mumbled looking unbalanced and obviously tipsy. I’d never seen him drunk but now I was completely startled and confused. My jaw hung opened as I stared at his messed-up hair and wrinkled suit. My pulse was skyrocketing, and my body began producing its usual excess magic whenever we were close letting me know that I really wanted to touch him.

  "What the hell are you doing here in the middle of the night?" I demanded placing my hands on my hips, ignoring the warmth of my own power and flaming desire. Nathaniel smiled widely leaning over the building, before he looked up at the stars.

  “It’s beautiful night."

  I opened my mouth to question him further, but no sound came out. My magic was making me nauseous and the world around me had begun to spin.

  "For heaven’s sake, what’s wrong with you? You shouldn’t be here. We aren’t together anymore, and you’re engaged!" I shouted, finally able to pour out all my frustration.

  Then without any warning, with his usual vampire speed, he turned around and leaned towards me. His incredible scent that I would recognise anywhere brought back all of the loving and sexual memories that we’d shared in the past.

  "This engagement was a mistake. I didn't think, and I don’t know if I want to go through with it."

  For a split second I considered turning around and slapping him as hard as I could, but my heart betrayed me. Closing my eyes, I tried to fight off the lust pumping through me. Nathaniel always made me feel so alive and sexy when he was around. My magic was going crazy and I was doing everything within my power to stay in control, deluding myself with idea that I didn't love him.

  Slowly I turned around, Nathaniel didn't move. Instead, he kept staring at me; his eyes were filled with passion and warmth.

  "You need to get back to your car and leave; this has nothing to do with me!" I hissed glancing around, but the only person who was aware of our conversation was Roberto.

  Nathaniel didn't move or change his position. His hazel eyes were staring right through me. It was easy for him to guess that I wasn’t over him yet. My emotions were out in the open. I was never good at hiding how I felt.

  "Why did you run away before? You saw me."

  "Because we have nothing to talk about, Nathaniel. Don’t you get it?"

  He didn't answer, instead he looked down and started walking away. I swiftly turned around expecting him to stop and explain himself, but he continued to walk as if our intense conversation had never taken place.

  For a moment I considered running after him, demanding an explanation but then I knew once I touched him I would be lost forever. With the last bit of self-control that I had, I decided to go back inside and forget about him.

  He didn't came running back and when I returned to my apartment, Nathaniel’s limousine was gone. I took long deep breaths, analysing everything that he’d said. His words were still jackhammering in my brain.

  We were both in a relationship with different people. Nathaniel always had problems with commitment, so why did he choose to spend the rest of his life with a woman he clearly didn't love? I couldn't be involved with this. We were done with each other.

  That night I didn't get any more sleep. I continued going over his words in my head trying to make sense of it all. He was clearly under the influence of alcohol and I knew that when people drank they tended to become more forthcoming. His honesty was my curse and I was ready to burst into tears because he’d made me feel so hopeless.

  I stayed wide awake until the late hours of the morning. Sometime around six o’clock I finally fell asleep for a few hours.

  Kelsie was up earlier than I expected making a lot of noise in the kitchen, so I had no choice but to get up. My day was already screwed, and I had to be at work in two hours.

  "Morning," I said to Kelsie siting at the table in my small kitchen. She took one look at me and knew that my night was equally as rough as hers.

  "You look like shit. Care to tell me why you went out in the middle of the night?" she asked, placing a mug of coffee in front of me. At first, I wanted to lie, then I thought there was no point, because Kelsie probably recognised Nathaniel’s car.

  "Nathaniel showed up tipsy and told me that he made a mistake and he doesn't want to get married."

  Kelsie dropped her mug on the floor; it smashed into a million pieces spilling coffee everywhere. I covered my face in my hands at first but then called out my magic and
with one swift movement, I cleaned the mess. For one blissful moment no one was saying anything, and I stared at my sparkling hands with disbelief.

  "Are you shitting me? He came over to tell you he isn’t going to go through with the wedding?"

  Kelsie looked as equally shocked as I was. The mug incident was long forgotten but I thought my best would at least be impressed with my new magical skills.

  "It doesn't matter what he said or done, I'm with Quentin and I don’t have time to think about what’s going on in his fucked up life."

  "Yeah, but—"

  "There are no buts, Kel. I'm not getting involved with him a third time. He had his chance and blew it," I said more firmly, pulling a face. It was clear that this conversation wasn’t over, but I decided to change the subject and talk about Craig and that whole incident during the meeting. Kelsie was clearly still in shock because whenever I mentioned Craig’s name her eyes started to glow, and I was scared that she was going to shift.

  We talked for another half an hour before we both had to get ready for work. Kelsie was afraid of going back to her own flat and when I offered to get my father involved she didn't want to hear it. I let her borrow some of my clothes and just before nine we left my apartment. Kelsie didn't have to be at La Caz Pharmaceutical until midday, so we decided it would be best if she wasted a bit of her time at the agency. She had to collect some paperwork for Lucinda, so it was just easier for her to catch her train from Croydon station.

  In the tube I couldn't stop thinking about last night. I wanted to call Kate, but she wasn’t going to be back until tomorrow and I didn't want to ruin her trip. I was reluctant to tell Kelsie about Tron and my magical blackouts, everything seemed so tense and unresolved, and now she had to deal with her own mounting troubles.

  Nathaniel was still an arsehole who obviously still had no idea what he wanted but right now it wasn’t my problem.

  We made it to the office just after ten o’clock. Sara and Alexandra were working with me today.

  Kelsie was quiet throughout the whole journey to the office which was unusual for her. Straight away as we walked in, I felt that something wasn’t right and when I turned towards the waiting room, there on one of our best Ikea sofas was Michael Langridge. For a long moment I felt incredible relief spread over me when I glanced at him. I was glad he was still alive, but when he got up and approached me my heart nearly leapt out of my chest.

  "Miss Taylor, I’ve been waiting for you for a little while now," Michael greeted me with a smile on his face. Kelsie flinched next to me, eyeing our hero closely. I was startled, trying to see if he’d sustained any major injures from yesterday’s attack.

  "Mr. Langridge, I'm so glad to see you alive. I owe you my and my friend’s life," I said finally finding my voice. Michael was a handsome shifter and we’d met a few times before: once when he was threatening me with a chainsaw and another when he threatened a group of hairy bikers who were ready to rip my and Nathaniel’s throat out. "But how did you know that I was in danger?"

  Michael didn't respond straight away, for a long moment he was fixated on Kelsie. It was clear that those two were having some kind of moment. Even wearing my clothes Kelsie looked immaculate and despite the trauma that she went through last night, she was smiling.

  "Oh, yes, Miss. Taylor, I was late and used a short cut. Fortunately for you and "your friend" I was in the right place at the right time. I reacted instantly and although I didn’t kill that shifter, I think I broke his jaw," Michael announced shoving his hands in his pockets. Kel made a triumphant noise and approached Langridge.

  "Broken jaw? Oh, my God, I'm in your debt, Mr.—" she paused waiting for me to introduce him.

  "Michael Langridge, it’s a pleasure to meet Miss. Taylor’s friend," Michael said smiling. I was gobsmacked, staring as those two were eye fucking each other. I knew that look because I’d done this myself during my first meeting with La Caz.

  "This is Kelsie, she asked me to attend the pack meeting. I can’t quite believe we were so lucky. If it wasn't for you, Mr. Langridge, I don’t know what would have happened."

  I could have talked for another half an hour or so, but Michael wasn't paying the slightest bit of attention to me anymore.

  "So, you’re a shifter, Kelsie, I mean—"

  "Please, call me, Kel—"

  I placed my hands on my hips wondering if Kelsie was planning to treat Michael like her usual dates or if she was truly lost in that perfect moment of love at first sight. Clearly, she liked what she was looking at, but I had a lot more questions.

  "Morning, Julia, I made you some coffee. Who is that shifter smouldering over Kelsie?" Sara asked, placing a mug of coffee on my desk. I rolled my eyes, annoyed because I didn't want Michael to become one of those guys that Kelsie used and then dumped once she was tired of him. After all, Michael was a nice guy.

  "Thanks, Sara," I replied. "This is Mr. Langridge and he’s a friend of mine."

  "He’s so good looking." Sara sighed going back to her filling.

  After at least fifteen minutes, Mr. Langridge finally remembered why he’d stopped by Paranormal Personnel. He asked me again if I was all right and if Kelsie and I wanted him to take care of Craig. I thanked him again just before he left. I overheard him by the door exchanging numbers with Kelsie.

  "Kel, what do you think you’re doing? Michael’s a nice guy and respected shifter, so please don’t mess around with him," I hissed when Kelsie was looking out the door watching Langridge walk away.

  She looked at me like I was a leech.

  "What are you talking about, Julia? He broke Craig’s jaw and saved our skin. Besides, I like him and the chemistry between us is smoking hot!"

  "You only talked to him for about fifteen minutes. How can you even tell that you two had chemistry?"

  I had chemistry with Mr. Bastard straight away, but that’s beside the point.

  “Don't worry, I can always tell but this time I felt like I was in your shoes when you were looking at the bastard."

  I closed my eyes and walked away to take care of the paperwork for her. Kelsie was right. What Nathaniel and I had, well, it was incredible and explosive, but now I had Quentin and there was no time to think about my ex. She’d nailed me down and I could no longer argue my point. She was right. Who was I to say anything?

  My best friend left the office shortly after that and I attempted to stay busy for the rest of the day. My cousin Claudia called me. Apparently, our grandmother was organising a family dinner and expecting me to attend. When I asked Claudia if she was all right, she said that she was now fully recovered but swamped with coursework.

  Throughout the day I focused on work and reprimanding Sara who, as usual, was clumsy, driving me nuts. Although we had clients all day I couldn't escape the thoughts about my nightmare and my ex. Quentin arrived at five to pick me up; we were going out for a nice dinner.

  The rest of my weekend and following week passed quickly and thankfully, without any more drama. I stayed at Quentin’s apartment for several nights; we made love and talked, enjoying each other’s company. Dad agreed to keep an eye on Kelsie, but as usual, I had to tell him about our confrontation with Craig. He lectured me for about five minutes but in the end, he promised to send an undercover unit by her house, just to make sure she would stay safe. Craig hadn’t shown up again, but I was sure he was only biding his time.

  On Monday evening after a long and very stressful day I felt like I needed a break. Twelve trolls came in the office to complain about the conditions in one of the factories and I couldn't get rid of them until later that evening. The odour of sour milk and cat urine was all around me and if they would’ve stayed in the office any longer, I just knew I would’ve vomited in front of them.

  It was time to visit Ella. I thought I’d given her enough space, besides after the training session with her father and Tron, I just had to see her.

  Quentin dropped me off in front of her house after six in the evening. My stomach was in
knots when I stood outside her home. For about five minutes, I just stood there, probably looking like a total moron, but I was trying to think of what to say to Ella without scaring the life out of her.

  When I knocked it wasn’t long before I heard footsteps and Ella stood in front of me. From what I could tell, she didn't look too happy to see me.

  Chapter 12

  Another blackout.

  "Julia, hi," Ella muttered, looking like herself again. It had been over two months since I’d seen her last, and because she was my oldest and dearest friend, I decided to give her some time to adjust to the fact that I was half elf. "Uhm, what are you doing here?"

  "Visiting you, of course. Why, isn't this a good time?" I asked, hating the fact that we were talking to each other so formally, not like best friends who’d known each other since kindergarten.

  "No, it’s fine. I wasn't expecting you, that’s all," she replied shyly opening the door. For a second, I thought she wasn’t going to let me in.

  "Is your mum and brother in?" I asked, walking toward the kitchen as usual.

  "No, Mum’s at the hospital and Matt’s out, probably chasing after girls," Ella said, giving me a faint smile. I was trying to guess if Ella was all right and sense her mood. From her appearance I could tell that she looked okay but deep down, I couldn’t be certain.

  "So, how have you been, you know, with everything?" I began, avoiding the use of words magic or paranormal. "I missed you, Ella. I thought that after our conversation in the hospital we were fine?"

  Ella sucked on the bottom of her lip looking down at her slippers and I waited.

  "I'm all right. I haven't called because I didn't know what to say," she said looking down at her hands.

  I took a deep breath trying to find a way to tell her I missed her like crazy and how sorry I was.


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