Elf's Affection: The Witching Hour Series Book 3

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Elf's Affection: The Witching Hour Series Book 3 Page 14

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  "Right, Michael, ask if he knows anything? Shifters tend to keep together in London."

  Kelsie smiled patting me on the back.

  “I’ll ask and then report back to you, don’t beat yourself up over this. We’ll figure it out sooner or later," Kelsie assured me before she dropped me and Kate home.

  I flopped on the sofa thinking about my blackouts again. I needed to figure this out but after tonight I was more confused than anything. I started taking the layers of clothes off when my phone rang. It was my dad and I wasn't sure if I was ready to talk to him, but I knew he would keep calling if I didn’t answer, especially at that time of night.

  "Hey, Dad, what’s up?"

  "Julia, you need to come down to the station now. Jasper turned himself in and we need your statement."

  It took a moment for this information to sink in and in the end, I agreed. Jasper was in my life at one time, but since that terrible night from over eight months ago I wasn’t sure I could cope with seeing him again. Right now, I had to give a statement, reveal where Jasper was that night. I never told my mother that he was the one who killed Ludwig to get to me. I kept my mouth shut because Jasper saved me from being raped by McGregor.

  Why did he turn himself in? Why now?

  I took the tube and within fifteen minutes I was at the police station biting my nails. Thoughts about the events of that night were rolling over and over in my head. The station was busy when I entered. A couple of filthy old hags were trying to wiggle their way out of the waiting room, but two police officers charmed them to stay calm.

  "Hi, I'm Julia Taylor, my dad called for me," I said to the elf who was filling out paperwork by the reception desk. He lifted his head and measured me for a couple of seconds.

  “I'll let him know you’re here," he muttered getting back to his papers. I could have called my father myself, but I wasn't ready for this conversation. I needed some time to think about whether or not I was ready to turn Jasper in for that murder.

  I sat on the benches beating myself up over what was right and what was necessary. I had a lot of decisions that I needed make. Jasper, my magic, my grandmother and my incredible amazing sex with Nathaniel. Quentin deserved to know.

  My deep thoughts were interrupted by the heavy entrance of two officers with a short shifter who was screaming his head off. One of the officers was Stewart, Dad’s right-hand man.

  "I want my solicitor, you fuckers! Get me one, now… oh, and a phone call!" the shifter screamed, looking like he’d been in a fight.

  "Shut the hell up and stay here for now before I smash your face," another officer roared, pushing his suspect down to the bench a distance away from me. I had some time to think about what I was going to do, but instead I kept looking at that shifter who kept talking to himself as if he didn’t understand that he’d just have been busted.

  I was sitting close enough to hear his ranting, seeing his bloody hands.

  "He’s going to kill us, he saw my face… It was simple. I had to surprise him with Dimitry, but he shifted and attacked. Craig Murphy was planning to take over our territory—"

  "Julia, there you are, come on," Dannika said, she was an elf who worked with my father. I glanced back at the shifter who was still talking to himself.

  Dannika was talking to me but I couldn’t concentrate on what she was saying. It was as if I was overloaded with too much information. We went through a number of doors until we reached my father’s office. He was alone, and I didn't know what was expected from me.

  "Hey, hon, sorry I brought you here so late," Dad said looking exhausted. Normally he wanted to keep me away from any trouble, but now I was here, and I kept getting this feeling that something wasn’t right.

  "Jasper walked into the station? Why? What did he say?" I bombarded him with questions.

  "We haven't charged him with anything yet, but he said that he wants to talk to you."

  "Okay, I’ll speak to him. Where is he?"

  Dad narrowed his eyes and placed his hands on my shoulders.

  "No, I don’t think it’s a good idea. He attacked you and then took off. There have been other things—"

  "Dad, I need to speak to him. He wasn't himself then, so stop being an overprotective parent," I said tackling my hair behind my ear.

  "Nothing is going to change, Julia, and I need your statement. Jasper doesn't seem stable. There have been other incidences. Just let me deal with this."

  "I'm talking to him,” I said, cutting him off, “and I don’t want anyone else listening in."

  The problem was, that my dad hated defying me anything and he used to like Jasper. He rubbed his forehead and twisted his lips a couple of times before he led me through another corridor. It was late and the last thing I wanted was to talk to my crazy ex, who killed my enemy and saved me from being raped. He was also the same guy who murdered Ludwig, one of Nathaniel’s bodyguards, because he was keeping me away from him.

  "You only have ten minutes before I take your statement," my dad warned me before walking away.

  I took a deep breath and opened the door. Jasper lifted his head above his hands. His eyes were bloodshot, and he smelled of burnt flesh.

  "Julia, thanks for coming. Please, sit down," he said in an unusual voice, losing his normal authoritarian tone.

  I hadn't seen Jasper since that day he vanished after murdering McGregor. Clearly his obsession with me brought him back, and although I didn't have to be here I felt that I at least owed him this conversation.

  His brown hair was long, and it looked like he hadn’t shaved for quite some time.

  "Jasper, what are you doing here? My father has nothing on you. We made a deal," I insisted quietly. Dad promised me that we were alone, and no one was listening.

  “I've been thinking about you a lot in the past few months," he began. I was a little lost here. Surely Jasper must have gone through some kind of trauma, because he was the most ambitious wizard that I’d ever met, and he wouldn’t just hand himself over to the police without a reason. Something was wrong, even my energy felt his odd calm mood. "I wanted to explain myself, so you could understand my reasoning."

  I rubbed my face wondering where he was going with this. At one time, I mistakenly thought I was in love with him, but so many things happened and then Nathaniel came into my life.

  "Jasper, you don’t have to do this. I get it, we’re even.”

  "Wait, no, I know that you moved on, but I want to show you that I’ve changed. Okay, my desire for dark magic blinded me but it’s over now. When I went to that networking event I wasn’t planning to pursue you, but then I saw you sneaking away with La Caz and I got pissed. That bodyguard was in my way and I lost control. I never meant to kill him.”

  "It doesn't matter now, so what, it was an accident? Dad closed the investigation, so you don’t have to worry or explain yourself to me."

  For the next ten minutes Jasper was trying to convince me that he had changed and wanted me in his life. At first, I wasn’t quite sure if it was such a good idea. Obviously, he was still in love with me. I didn't get it. The Jasper I used to know craved power. Now all of a sudden, he wanted me back in his life?

  We talked a bit more and, in the end, I convinced him that maybe it was better if he kept the details of Ludwig’s murder to himself. My reasoning was more for Ella’s sake than his. I didn’t want to expose her to any more than was necessary. With her being the only witness, it was best just to drop it altogether.

  I left the station confused and tired. Dad wanted to keep Jasper for a few more days, but he didn't have any concrete evidence to hold him.

  When I walked into my apartment, I exhaled. Jasper was out of my life. He took the news about Quentin well enough. It was easy to promise him that I’d think about being friends with him again. The clock showed midnight when I took my phone out and dialled his number. Everything in me was against this decision but I felt horrible for being one of those women who cheated on their boyfriends, and after seeing
Jasper I knew I had to make things right.

  "We need to talk," I said when he answered. He told me that he was in a meeting but would see me in an hour. I agreed.

  My mind normally warned me to leave such an intense conversation until the next day, but this time my body was silent. Magic lifted every tiny hair on my body while I went to the bathroom and started preparing a bath for myself. I shouldn’t have been so calm, but instead of stressing, I stepped into the tub when the water was ready, enjoying the warmth and relaxation, knowing I was about to straighten my life out.

  The water felt amazing and I began to relax stretching my arms and legs. I was ready to face him. I closed my eyes for a moment and before I knew it, I drifted off.

  Someone was stroking my arm and I liked it. I slowly opened my eyes, feeling numb, but blissfully calm. It took me a moment to realise that I must have fallen asleep, because I was still in the bathtub, but for some strange reason the water was still hot. Electric shock ran over my arm when I turned to see Nathaniel’s face. All the bubbles vanished, and I was lying there naked in front of him. This wasn’t what I’d imagined when I invited him over to my place. The whole idea was for us to talk, but right now talking was the last thing on my mind when he was staring at me with those hazel eyes.

  My heart started racing and even though the water was warm I wished that I hadn't called him over. He was still in his suit looking sexier than ever before, his fingers were caressing my arm and the air around us crackled with electricity.

  "Did… I… I fall asleep here?"

  My question was lame, but it was supposed to distract him, instead his eyes were on my body and his breathing was shallow.

  "I let myself in when you didn't answer your door," he whispered as his eyes lingered over mine for a brief second before they drifted away.

  I searched for something to say but nothing would come out of my mouth—everything failed when he stood up and started taking his clothes off with fire in his eyes.

  My breath caught in my chest and my heart pounded when his boxers fell to the floor and stood naked before me.

  "Nathaniel, I…"

  "Yeah, can't wait until I make love to you. I thoughts so, now stand up," he requested taking my hand. I couldn't think anymore because my magic hit me so hard that I lost my breath for a couple of seconds. He helped me get out of the tub. My bathroom wasn't exactly romantic, but this moment was intimate, and I was falling right back into the same place I was nearly eight months ago—or the other night at that hotel room in Brighton.

  We stood naked facing each other, but only for a moment because when he reached for me I couldn't hold on anymore. Nathaniel cupped my face with his hands and kissed me. Wind swept my toiletries off the shelves as we connected, our naked bodies embraced.

  Nathaniel ran his tongue over my teeth pressing himself hard against me, my magic was running through me as I found his length. He growled in my mouth when I began to stroke him up and down, completely lost in the heat and shower of my own energy.

  "Julia, what are you doing to me?" he gasped pulling me away, then we were moving from the bathroom, kissing and touching each other, knocking everything over until we reached my bedroom. The seconds, minutes and hours didn't matter because when he was touching me I was in heaven.

  He slammed into me fast and hard without warning, but I was ready. My lightbulbs exploded when I moaned. His chest was flush against mine, but my energy was rolling, caressing my skin. Nathaniel moved inside me, staring into my eyes the entire time; we held this incredible connection until we climaxed.

  I fell asleep in his arms for a minute or two before he rolled me over on top of him, whispering how much he loved me. When his hands started moulding my breasts I was lost in desire again.

  The world started vibrating and waves of energy were embracing my soul. We needed this closeness. He didn't drink from me that night. I couldn’t remember how many times we made love, but the same emotions were back, smouldering over me fast and steady. The heat of his body made me do things I didn't know that I was capable of. His lips brought back memories that I’d pushed away for so long.

  When I opened my eyes the next morning he wasn’t lying next to me. I was all alone, and he was gone, but he left his scent all over me, so I knew that it wasn’t a dream. I was the cheating girlfriend and I needed to do something about it straight away.

  Chapter 18

  The other parties.

  "What do you mean, you don’t know how long we’re going to be there?" I asked Quentin when he picked me up on Sunday afternoon to attend a party with him. His closest friend was hosting a party for some well-known painter and Quentin promised to show up. A week had passed since my failed meeting and extraordinary performance of magic. I been trying to avoid Quentin—like the coward I’d become—but he kept calling and showing up at my apartment. The guilt came back full force. It increased tenfold when Quentin mentioned us moving in together again.

  "A couple of hours, max. It’s a great opportunity for you to network. I'm sure Rufus would love to hear about all these contacts you managed to gain on a Sunday afternoon," Quentin said, frowning.

  "Okay, you might be right. I'm being ungrateful," I muttered. He gave me a warm smile caressing my cheek. I tried to talk to him yesterday and today, starting with this whole “I've cheated on you" kind of speech in my mind, but every time I opened my mouth I started talking about something else. In the end I agreed to this dinner because I truly was a coward. I didn’t want to hurt him. Unfortunately, the deed was done and sooner or later I’d have to come clean.

  My head wasn’t in the right place and the echo of Nicky’s words haunted me. She trusted me to do a right thing, so I had to tell him before other people ended up getting hurt.

  "Since our weekend away was disrupted, I thought we might go away abroad, so this time no one can disturb us," Quentin suggested once he stopped the car in front of large semidetached home. We were outside London, somewhere in Canterbury, where all the artists and wealthy people lived. I was weighing my options thinking that Quentin was too good for me, plus he surrounded himself with all these upper-class paranormals. I was the girl he wanted to create a future with, a girl who was sleeping with her ex and was most likely a killer.

  "Quentin, before we go in, I have to tell you something."

  "I know what you’re going to say," he said tightening his hands on the wheel. I felt like a bucket of ice cubes was dropped into my stomach.

  "You do?" I gasped feeling sick.

  "Yeah, you think the next trip is going to be all about business," he said. “Don't worry, I’ve already planned everything, but we can't talk about this now, because people are waiting for us, right?"

  "Of course, yes, let’s go."

  The house looked just like I imagined: wooden floors, white furniture, expensive paintings and a lot of wealthy people mingling around. A few of them greeted Quentin when we walked in. I plastered a smile on my face, as usual, wondering if I could find a chance to escape, but someone shoved a drink into my hand, so I had no choice but to follow Quentin around like a fly.

  "Queni, there you are, I thought you weren’t going to make it," an obese troll said wearing a white suit. He didn't have a neck and as he approached, I kept asking myself how he managed to kill off the disgusting smell that was specific for trolls.

  "I promised to show up, so here I am ready to bargain over that painting from nineteen sixty."

  "And this must be your girlfriend, the famous Julia Taylor," the troll beamed. "I'm an old friend of Queni’s, Joshua Preston."

  "Nice to meet you," I said with my fake smile, hoping that no one recognised me here. I dated Nathaniel La Caz, a pharmaceutical tycoon, who I was certain half of these people probably knew. I shouldn’t have come to this party; I knew it was a bad idea. The three of us talked a little while, then I snuck off to the buffet table that was topped with fancy pastries and canapés. My stomach was growling as I stuffed my face and watched as all these beautif
ul paranormals were all watching Quentin and Joshua.

  I knew that I should have brought Kate with me. She would have known what to do. We were here for an auction that was delayed by half an hour. My magic was buzzing again, and I was sure this time it was because I was in the company of so many paranormals. Witches, wizards, fairies, elves and other creatures were at this party.

  Quentin came back to me two hours later looking excited with his new purchase. He kissed me way too passionately pulling me closely to his body.

  "I got what I wanted, now I think it's time to leave and take care of my girlfriend," he whispered as a wave of magical current pinched my skin. It was strange, my power was always calm when Quentin was around, so this felt a little out of place.

  “It's a great idea to disappear. I was thinking—"

  "Excuse me, I was wondering if you would consider selling this little treasure," a voice behind me said, one that I knew very intimately. Within a moment my lungs felt like they’d stopped working. Warmth and the smell of lemons and cedar notes flooded around my body. Nathaniel was at the party, and now he’d begun a conversation with my boyfriend.

  I couldn't turn around, my breath quickened, and my pores opened sending long streams of magical power down to my core. Quentin frowned at first, then smiled a little.

  “I've been hunting this beauty for ten years, so I'm sorry, Mr.—"

  "La Caz. Nathaniel La Caz and this is my fiancé, Meredith Valesco," Nathaniel introduced himself. I turned around. I had no choice and although I felt like I was ready to faint I had to get on with his game. The mermaid, Meredith looked stunning. Her skin was shimmering, and she was wearing a long pink dress accentuating her low-cut cleavage. Her perfect blond hair was smoothed in the back tied in a loose bun.

  "La Caz, your name sounds familiar. Hon, doesn’t Paranormal Personnel have a client—"

  " Mr. La Caz is our primary client, so yes, we’ve met," I said clearing my throat. My voice was high, and I was sure that my face was flushed. I needed to get the hell out of this party. Nathaniel’s eyes moved over mine for a moment. That fire that I saw in him the other night was still there, burning, igniting my desire.


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